Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 6


Bitch Girlfriend

Bitch! Slut!
You're a Dirty Penalty!
Yes, your Mother!
I introduced you to my girlfriend.
I myself am not happy because she is a
Bitch-girlfriend, Bitch-girlfriend.
And you're running on her, I'm screaming SOS.
I will send you an SMS. Make me feel this stress.
I will smother her with one right.
I will scratch her face and I will be right.
And you have already got me out for a long time
You have cellulite, you thought I did not know.
Trusts his booty bitch-girlfriend
Trusts his booty bitch-girlfriend
Trusts ​his booty bitch-girlfriend.
I do not sleep at night and do not even eat potatoes
Belarusians are in shock, 'Are you in a crunch?'
'Everything is good?' 'Everything is okay!' 'All in the advice? 'Ah!
But I have a bad romance like Lady Gaga.
I thought we were like Angelina and Brad Pitt.
No one will divorce us, we will not be tempted, they will not win.
Do not be surprised, no parasite, it will not infect.
You're a parasite, no, you're cool.
And in general, I'm tired of lying to you, Sho, you're big.
Trusts his booty bitch-girlfriend
Trusts his booty bitch-girlfriend
Trusts ​​his booty bitch-girlfriend.
The real girl is the one that doesn't t start every night
With a new Sergey, and he starts each evening the same.
I am a deranged wench.
You don't have to be with me.
By the teeth of a sister,
No lights, please, I'll bite this kid.
Roll up your lip.
And do not look at me, or I will not understand.
I will not understand, I will not understand you.
Our friendship turned out to be full of shit.
Trusts his booty bitch-girlfriend
Trusts his booty bitch-girlfriend
Trusts ​​his booty bitch-girlfriend.

Thoughts in the Notes

I didn't know, I didn't expect
What is so west on you
You're so alone, go try and find
A stranger such as me.
When your hands touch me
I want to sing
Breathtaking feeling
I'm ready to burn
I don't want to think, options.
You better think of something.
You're all for me, I'm for you
And if I fall asleep, don't breathe.
But why are you like this,
So bad, the best on earth
You're all for me, I'm for you
You're all about me, I'm talking about you.
It's sudden, it's nice
It's in an unreal dream
I don't ask you, I know that.
Do you dream of me?
When you're around
All my thoughts are in the notes
And you're in them
You sketch time, you make the pauses
Only for the two of us
I don't want to think, options.
You better think of something.
You're all for me, I'm for you
And if I fall asleep, don't breathe.
But why are you like this,
So bad, the best on earth
You're all for me, I'm for you
You're all about me, I'm talking about you.
When you're around I fly, I'm different,
Rainbow in me, look,
And the whole planet is illuminated by colorful rays.
I don't want to think, options.
You better think of something.
You're all for me, I'm for you
And if I fall asleep, don't breathe.
But why are you like this,
So bad, the best on earth
You're all for me, I'm for you
You're all about me, I'm talking about you.

Let Me Go

How can I forget you, the look of
your eyes
The most delicate eyes here on Earth,
the whole Earth.
How can I let you go if I
don't want to?
If I am dieing when there is
and there isn't.
Do not hold me saying, that
you want to go.
Do not look into
my green eyes.
Let me go, tell me I'm no longer
I do not want to be
Do not hold me saying that
you want to go.
Release me back
into the sky,
Upon which my sun lives
- you no longer are necessary
for me
I must now have to flee, do not run
with me.
I'm afraid of you - like the fire
fears water.
My heart is poor, I so don't
want pain.
But with you or without you,
When your here, as always.
Do not hold me saying that
you want to go.
Do not look into
my green eyes.
Let me go, tell me I'm no longer
I do not want to be
Do not hold me saying that
you want to go
Release me back
into the sky,
Upon which my sun lives
- you no longer are necessary
for me
How am I, how am I, well, how am I without
How are you, how are you, well, how are you without me?
How am I how am I, how am I without you?
Do not hold me saying that
you want to go.
Release me back
into the sky,
Upon which my sun lives
- you no longer are necessary
for me.
Do not hold me saying that
you want to go.
Release me back
into the sky,
Upon which my sun lives
- you no longer are necessary
for me.
No need

Bitch, please!

Don't call me, no more, don't call
I'm really tired of your love
Make dat, make dat moneys
You'll run enough water for me.
Rattle the water, enough.
Come to me, don't write anymore
The head hurts from these sour cabbage soups
You already told the whole area that we
Like a couple, like two halves.
Something hurts on the left side
This my heart cries for love
I really wanted to tell you
I really love you and your mother.
There are rumors in our area
That I'm your girlfriend, it's completely bullshits
Well, I fell in love, well, so very little
Don't even think that I miss you.
And I'm your joy, oh no, bitch, please!
And I'm sexier than everyone, oh, bitch, please
And I'm your reward for all your obstacles
Bitch, please, I don't need this.
I told you 'yes', then I said 'no'
You didn't say 'bye', but said 'hello'
I called you day, but you didn't answer the call
You've dialed me for tomorrow, but I has too much a job.
Maybe you lied to me or maybe you didn't lie
Maybe you answer and maybe you didn't answer
I think too much, put unnecessary thoughts in my head
You're my minors, there're my majors.
I'll curtain the curtains to not see
'Love you' on the fence
I really wanted to tell you
I really love you and your mother.
Tibor from QS-FB

Dar ce naiba?

Versions: #2
Dar ce naiba? (de 2 ori)
Ay-ay-ay ce vor zice oamenii?
Vor zice că noi niciodată nu vom fi împreună
Și oricum, noi nu am fi un cuplu reușit
Eu sunt așa drăguță și tu nu ești genul meu
Pleacă, ba nu, stai
Mi-e dor de tine, aș vrea să te îmbrățișez
Te aștept și beau acestă cană de cacao
Te cam plac
Cât de tare te plac
Nu-mi pasă de nimic, în general
Dar pe tine te-am plăcut
Îmi amintesc totul
Fiecare detaliu
Cum să uiți
Când iubești așa?
Mâinile tale, ochii tăi cei mai albaștri
Mama, salvează-mă
Orgoliu, iartă-mă
Ești foarte oh-oh
Că aș vrea să plâng
Dar nu-ți răspund la telefon
Mă prefac că nu mă interesează
Sunt de neatins
Și tu ești foarte macho
Ne jucăm, ne jucăm
Dar ce naiba?
Ay-ay-ay cred că lucrurile sunt serioase
Mă culc târziu
Mă uit la poza cu tine pentru a suta oară
Ești așa de atrăgător, fără să încerci
Să te sun? Nu, nu voi suna prima
O să beau ceai și o să spăl vasele
Oh, dar vai, când când o să pierzi la jocul ăsta?
Cu cuvinte de dragoste
Să-ți aduci aminte de mine
Nu-mi pasă de nimic, în general
Dar pe tine te-am plăcut
Nu-mi pasă de nimic, în general
Dar pe tine te-am plăcut
Refren (de 2 ori)