Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 8
Two Words
You are one of my two wordsCan you think of me without you
If you could see my love for you
You would not believe and say “crazy”
Is there anybody in this world
More precious than you
Nobody wakes me up
If you are in this dream
Is there anybody in this world
More precious than you
Nobody wakes me up
If you are in this dream
Take my heart, it is yours
Nothing takes your place
Even you are in hell
I would come and don’t come back
Don’t hurt me
Look I am crazy
Worth to the worlds
Even your single hair
You are one of my two words
Can you think of me without you
If you could see my love for you
You would not believe and say “crazy”
You are one of my two words
Can you think of me without you
If you could see my love for you
You would not believe and say “crazy”
Is there anybody in this world
More precious than you
Nobody wakes me up
If you are in this dream
Is there anybody in this world
More precious than you
Nobody wakes me up
If you are in this dream
Take my heart, it is yours
Nothing takes your place
Even you are in hell
I would come and don’t come back
Don’t hurt me
Look I am crazy
Worth to the worlds
Even your single hair
You are one of my two words
Can you think of me without you
If you could see my love for you
You would not believe and say “crazy”
You are one of my two words
Can you think of me without you
If you could see my love for you
You would not believe and say “crazy”
You are one of my two words
Can you think of me without you
If you could see my love for you
You would not believe and say “crazy”
You are one of my two words
Can you think of me without you
If you could see my love for you
You would not believe and say “crazy”
You would not believe and say “crazy”
You would not believe and say “crazy”
Out of the Blue
You're all that remains, any of my springs have passed my dearOf course I will search for your beautiful face, I'm complete with you
Hold me tight don't let go
Stay, distance will be closer
My carelessness was to put the blame on you
Tuck me in
Come out of the blue
Explain me what this is
Spread out the dreams like summer to my winter
I would burn with you knowing the end
It's Not Too Late
There's a tomorrow after todayunder the light my young days got lost, went away from my hand
Are they gonna get away with it
for now let them win, it's not too late for anything
come and burn me
If you put my fire out, throw me up very high
shoot a rocket at me
shoot a missile at me
I will only say to that ' Love'
it won't hold me back
come and idolize me again
My eyes, even if I don't have any, are hungry to see you
My soul never gets fed up with you
If you're in trouble lean on my
If you want to break me just go far away from me
If we were together there won't be rules
understand that
but look
People are insatiable
they believe without having hope
still things come to be (dreams can come true)
don't ever ask
you've burnt your past and went away
you handed over your burning cinders
the fires became one with me
you drilled into my soul and carve it out
the moon is shining still tonight
but no hope left for me
yet it's peaceful for me
hopeful for me
explain this endlessness
tell me what should I do
tell me what more should I do
I'm burning in flames
my mind isn't in my head
There's a tomorrow after today
under the lights my young days got lost, went away from my hand
Are they gonna get away with it
for now let them win, it's not too late for anything
Be quiet my heart don't mind it, look the fires won't stop
I couldn't find a cure
look my life is behind me, I'm inside a dream please don't wake me up from it
There's a tomorrow after today
under the light my young days got lost, went away from my hand
Are they gonna get away with it
for now let them win, it's not too late for anything
you are inside me
Versions: #2bring back to me again all that old times
there is no compensation for all this damage
I lost and that thing inside of me will hurt you
and it will run away from my heart like a convict
your fake smell is just like your fake smile
let everything be for you and let the pain stay with me
I will be patient but don't let your hand touch her hand
we were such a good match, what a pity
how did you look in my eyes ?
how did you touch my hands ?
how I was fooled by you ?
how did you fill in my place?
my last word to you
don't think that I will believe you
from inside of me
I loved you, understand that
Chiar dacă pleci, voi veni după tine. Mai bine mor decât să numesc relația noastră eșec.Sunt mereu o silabă în numele tău, sunt zi și noapte pentru tine.
Nicicând n-am crezut că se va termina, că mă vei împinge de pe stâncă,
N-ar fi trebuit să-mi scrii că vei pleca, oh, ve pleca prea curând,
Mi-e frig când ești departe, de-a fi măcar iubita mea,
De-ai putea veni șă-ți pui capul pe umărul meu, din nou,
Am necazuri, pe oricine aș întreba despre tine,
Lacrimile mele nu-s lacrimi dacă nu-s pline de tine,
Mereu te-am avut în gând până astăzi și vei fi în ziua mea de mâine, de asmenea.
Astăzi mi-ai făcut probleme iar, dar e in regulă, pot fi motivul tău de enervare,
Nu-i de ajuns? Nu merită? Nu ești rușinată?
Nu va înceta să existe încăpățânarea din tine?
Rănile din mine sunt toate amintirile tale, ai ruinat un întreg vis.
Share music and kindness! :)
I'm exhausted, my right, my left, my inside, my exterior is lieI drank, I am a bit drunk, i feel dizzy oh
I took my head and went to so far lands
I pushed myself to deef cliff
I haven't explanation with you, can't you be mine?
Where, your dreams were a panacea
Your fire is a rock, look at the my destiny
It swings right left, run my quick
Look at all games are against me
Stay or leave, burn me
Am o dorință
Pe care alta o am în afară de tine?Am doar un suflet / o viață, ar putea fi a ta,
Locul tău nu poate fi ocupat,
Nu pot spune „vino”, uite, sunt timid.
Ești singura care mă înțelege,
Ești singura care plânge după ce pier,
Dacă ai putea vedea halul / starea în care sunt, n-ai pleca,
Am innebunit, totul e de neînțeles,
Orice spun nu crezi,
Orice spun, ești un înger care miroase un trandafir, cel mai frumos lucru care mi s-a întâmplat.
Refren x 2
Am o dorință să-ti sărut ochii!
Rămân fără respirație de dorul tău,
Crede, nu e minciună!
Tânjesc după tine mereu,
Am o dorință să te văd, mi-e dor de tine,
Am o dorință să mă sfârșesc în ochii tăi,
Întreaga lume e prea mică pentru dorul de tine.
Am doar un suflet / o viață, ar putea fi a ta,
Locul tău nu poate fi ocupat,
Nu pot spune „vino”, uite, sunt timid.
Ești singura care mă înțelege,
Ești singura care plânge după ce pier,
Dacă ai putea vedea halul / starea în care sunt, n-ai pleca,
Am innebunit, totul e de neînțeles,
Orice spun nu crezi,
Orice spun, ești un înger care miroase un trandafir, cel mai frumos lucru care mi s-a întâmplat.
Refren x 2
Am o dorință să-ti sărut ochii!
Rămân fără respirație de dorul tău,
Crede, nu e minciună!
Tânjesc după tine mereu,
Am o dorință să te văd, mi-e dor de tine,
Am o dorință să mă sfârșesc în ochii tăi,
Întreaga lume e prea mică pentru dorul de tine.