Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 137


Чёрный всадник

Чёрный всадник, чёрный всадник, как жизнь тяжела,
На ногах всю ночь стоял, не покидая я поста.
Путь начертан прямо и каждый к цели шажок
Утыкаешься снова ты в преткновения блок,
И дорога схожа, по которой ты уже шёл,
Но одной минутой позже...и кончается всё.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, ты видел сполна
И великий мир, и видел мир, который мал,
Ты упал в огонь, и ты пламя глотал в себе,
Но сомкни уста ты, если хочешь быть в игре.
Будь разумным, мистер, будь честным, будь справедливым,
Пусть твои земные все мысли станут молитвой.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, чёрен как всегда,
Ухожу, ты хочешь, чтобы я смотрел назад?
Сердце мирно, пусть оно будет дальше таким,
Не хочу я драться, не сегодня, уходи
Ты домой к жене и хватит навещать мою,
Я забуду на днях, что добрый и отомщу.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, ну когда и как?
Если время наступило, пусть, давай сейчас!
Мне войти позволь в открытую тобою дверь
Я расстроен, разум мой готов драться теперь,
Не касайся, ты не обольщайся, и не нужен шарм,
Отхвачу тебе мечом руку, ты так и знай.
Черный всадник, черный всадник, на месте постой,
Габариты жезла никуда не приведут, покой
Нужен по ночам, хочу страдать я в тишине
И имею полное моральное право теперь
Спеть в один волшебный вечер я песню тебе:
Черный всадник, черный всадник, ты мне надоел.


Strălucirea lunii pline mă cheamă,
Împărăția mea este înăuntru
Sufletul mistic și inima de leu
Adus de talisman.
Extazul bătăliei mă duce unde zboară șoimii.
Tinerețea nemuritoare mi-a fost acordată
Nu voi muri niciodata.
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut pentru a-i învăța pe toți să se vindece
Vânt negru, foc și oțel
Lovit de ciocanele giganților acestei lumi,
Văd în întuneric
Sunt liderul suprem
Aștept o luptă solo,
Numai umbra mea îi înspăimântă,
Vârfurile care împodobesc căruța mea
Îi va zdrobi când se vor apropia
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut pentru a-i învăța pe toți să se vindece
Vânt negru, foc și oțel
Sunt un proscris
Pe calea fără întoarcere.
Pedepsitor și spadasin
M-am născut să ard.
Vântul Negru mă urmează întotdeauna
Unde aleargă calul meu negru.
Focul e în sufletul meu
Oțelul este de partea mea.
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut pentru a-i învăța pe toți să se vindece
Vânt negru, foc și oțel
Sunt un proscris
Pe calea fără întoarcere.
Pedepsitor și spadasin
M-am născut să ard.
Vântul Negru mă urmează întotdeauna
Unde aleargă calul meu negru.
Focul e în sufletul meu
Oțelul este de partea mea.
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut din vânt negru, foc și oțel
Născut pentru a-i învăța pe toți să se vindece
Vânt negru, foc și oțel


Iubito, iubito, de ce nu poți sta liniștită?
Cine a ucis acea pasăre pe pervazul ferestrei tale?
Ești motivul pentru care s-a zbătut?
Spune-mi, te-am văzut, iubito, râzi de asta?
Dacă vin la tine ca un vis
Îmi dai voie să îți arăt ce vreau să spun?
Mă vei primi?
O, o îl vei lăsa să se strecoare?
Pot avea un leac?
(Tot ce vreau este un leac)
Un leac pentru mine, vă rog
(Oh, toate celelalte lucruri, lasă-le)
Pentru că dacă aș avea un leac
(Oh, voi lua destul ...)
Aș lua suficient ca să mă mulțumesc
(... să mă satisfacă)
Iubito, iubito, de ce ți-ai vopsit părul?
De ce păstrezi mereu îndrăzneala mamei tale?
Deci, iubito,de ce?, cine e?, cine te cunoaște și pe tine?
Te-au certat ceilalți copii?
Dacă vin la tine ca un vis
Îmi dai voie să îți arăt ce vreau să spun?
Mă vei primi?
O, o îl vei lăsa să se strecoare?

You and I

They say love never dies
When you love someone, you can never stop
Promise me we wouldn't play no games
We were floating in the clouds no pain
But it ain't the same
When you look at me honey
When you say my name
When you kiss my lips buddy
When you hold my hand
Look into my eyes
I don't see the spark, anymore
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
I must be crazy, crazy in your love
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
Baby, baby oh
You said you loved me
You said you will never stop
I gave you all my time
This love we got just ain't the same
You like the feeling
Now I'm seeing flames
But it ain't the same
When you look at me honey
When you say my name
When you kiss my lips buddy
When you hold my hand
Look into my eyes
I don't see the spark, anymore
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
I must be crazy, crazy in your love
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
Baby, baby oh
You don’t respond when I call your name
Why must I feel this way?
Love is not supposed to be painful in this way
Why are you making me feel this way?
You don’t respond when I call your name, oh why?
Why must I feel this way?
Love is not supposed to be painful in this way
Why are you making me feel this way?
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
I must be crazy, crazy in your love
You and I, we were in love, but not in the same way
Baby, baby oh


A ship is built in a harbour.
A ship in a harbour looks very beautiful for me and you,
But that is not what ships are made for.
The storms and winds will blow.
Hoist your sails up high, because sooner or later the tide must turn.
Let the compass of your soul determine your heart again.
Get your masts ready, pull out the anchor,
In the direction of the southern cross.
We are made to go out
On the waves of the deepest ocean.
We find our direction in the stars and the bright moon.
We are made in the name of hope.
We are made to go out.
Life will toss you and jerk you around.
Sometimes it feels like you are sinking, but you must just find your feet like Peter.
And perhaps just believe like a child again.
Just keep your bearing, because sometimes doubt sets in.
It is more about how you get up and less about how you stumble.
Do not fear when the water gets rough.
Lift up your shoulders.
Feel your heart beat again.
Now steer your ship through the gates.
Our hope is more than empty words.
You are in control of your destination.
How you get there is your own decision.

Black siemens

SKR (x4) in deadly Nike sneakers
SKR (x4) in a white tank top
SKR (x4) black stalker
SKR (x4) with a skunk's zip
SKR (x4) in deadly Nike sneakers
SKR (x4) in a white tank top
SKR (x4) black stalker
SKR (x4) with a skunk's zip
My Uzi lies in snow, it'll spit their prayers,
Bitch, I mean, I'm in a camo (???) (riding).
I'm counting tags, I have a black Thrasher,
Tommy Hilfiger, Volga, smoking session.
Dome on the sun, instantly twisted,
Ten stylish bitches, though I'm bored with them.
All of my friends are cunts, we are always in frame,
I left the (???), I won't go back.
Three green arrows around her neck (Dead Dynasty).
She wants the dead like really, bitch?
In a cold tomb in a white dress of a nymph,
Slept in a tomb while hugging a pistol.
I'm always upset, but my blunt is fierce,
My crew's amazing like the prime minister.
Scars on the wrisr (emo), loading the Magnum,
Mystery's shining while blowing up palms.
SKR (x4) in deadly Nike sneakers
SKR (x4) in a white tank top
SKR (x4) black stalker
SKR (x4) with a skunk's zip
SKR (x4) in deadly Nike sneakers
SKR (x4) in a white tank top
SKR (x4) black stalker
SKR (x4) with a skunk's zip

Negru şi Alb

Acea prima noapte stăteam la uşa ta
cotrobăind după cheile tale, apoi te-am sărutat pe tine
M-ai întrebat dacă vreau să intru
pentru că nu voiam ca noaptea să se termine
Apoi mi-ai luat mâna şi eu te-am urmat
Da, ne văd în negru şi alb
clar ca cristalul într-o noapte înstelată,
în toate culorile tale superbe
Promit că te voi iubi pentru tot restul vieţii mele,
Te vad stând în rochia ta.
Jurând în faţa tuturor prietenilor noştrii
niciodată nu va fi alta
Promit că te voi iubi pentru tot restul vieţii mele
Acum stăm în sufrageria ta
spunem poveşti în timp ce împarţim un pahar sau două
Şi e o viziune pe care am păstrat-o în minte:
avem şaizeci şi cinci şi tu întrebi,
'Când am ştiut pentru prima dată'- Am ştiut mereu
Da, ne văd în negru şi alb
clar ca cristalul într-o noapte înstelată,
în toate culorile tale superbe
Promit că te voi iubi pentru tot restul vieţii mele,
Te vad stând în rochia ta.
Jurând în faţa tuturor prietenilor noştrii
niciodată nu va fi alta
Promit că te voi iubi pentru tot restul vieţii mele
Vreau lumea martoră când în final spun 'Da'
Este felul în care iubeşti, trebuie să ţi-l înapoiez
Nu-ţi pot promite garduri albe sau după amiezi însorite
dar noaptea când închid ochii
Ne văd în negru şi alb
clar ca cristalul într-o noapte înstelată,
în toate culorile tale superbe
Promit că te voi iubi
Ne văd în negru şi alb
clar ca cristalul într-o noapte înstelată,
în toate culorile tale superbe
Promit că te voi iubi pentru tot restul vieţii mele,
Te vad stând în rochia ta.
Jurând în faţa tuturor prietenilor noştrii
niciodată nu va fi alta
Promit că te voi iubi pentru tot restul vieţii mele
Nu va fi niciodată alta
Promit că te voi iubi pentru tot restul vieţii mele

Trăiesc doar ca să te iubesc

Trăiesc doar ca să te iubesc,
Să te iubesc pentru vecie.
Zi după zi, an după an,
Mereu vom călători împreună.
Trăiesc doar ca să te iubesc,
Merg cu visele mele lângă tine.
Zâmbet după zâmbet, lacrimă după lacrimă,
În umbră sau în soare
Iubirea mea te va călăuzi.
Când sunt nori deasupra,
Dacă te am pe tine să te iubesc,
Ce-mi mai pasă, când tu ești acolo?
Căci atunci când îmi apari în cale,
Nu mai există trecut,
Doar viitorul cu tine.
Iată mâna mea să te conducă,
Iată brațele mele care au nevoie de tine.
Trăiesc numai, numai pentru dragostea ta,
Căci iubirea mea va fi și a ta,
Acum și de-a pururi.

Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri

Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
Faţa lui aşa moale şi minunată,
Cei mai curaţi ochi,
Şi cele mai puternice mâini,
Iubesc pământul unde stă el,
Iubesc pământul unde stă el.
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
A părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
A părului adevăratei mele iubiri.
Oh, îmi iubesc iubitul,
Şi el ştie bine,
Da, iubesc pământul unde stă el,
Şi mai sper
Că va veni timpul
Când el cu mine vom fi ca unul,
Când el cu mine vom fi ca unul.
Aşa negru este părul adevăratei mele iubiri
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri,
Negru este culoarea părului adevăratei mele iubiri.

De două ori mai greu

Curată ca lacrima
Miroase ca un trandafir
Nu are degetele mici murdare
Furia din ochi a dispărut
Spune-mi că greșesc
De două ori mai greu
Decât a fost prima dată
Să spun la revedere
Și nimeni nu vrea să știe vreodată
Dragostea nu este amuzantă
O crimă cât ai clipi din ochi
Sora ta cântă mereu
Ea se joacă cu copilul vitreg
O mică amintire ruptă
Inima ei nu a fost niciodată amabilă
Spune-mi că sunt orb
De două ori mai greu
Decât a fost prima dată
Să spun la revedere
Și nimeni nu vrea să știe vreodată
Dragostea nu este amuzantă
O crimă cât ai clipi din ochi
Da, furia din ochi a dispărut
Spune-mi că greșesc
De două ori mai greu
Decât a fost prima dată
Să spun la revedere

Black Swan (Japanese ver.)

Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
What’s my thang
What’s my thang tell me now
Tell me now
Yeah yeah yeah yeah...
The heart beat no longer races
When hearing the music play
Tryna pull up
I feel like time has stopped
Oh that would be my first death
I been always afraid of
If this can no longer resonate
No longer make my heart vibrate
Then like this may be how I die my first death
But what if that moment’s right now
Right now
Heartbeat pulsing slow in my ears bump bump bump
Try to flee but back into the maw jump jump jump
No song affects me anymore
Crying out a silent cry
Ocean with all light silenced shut yeah yeah yeah
My wandering feet held in a rut yeah yeah yeah
Every noise and sound’s been cut yeah yeah yeah
Killin’ me now
Killin’ me now
Do you hear me yeah...
Sinking slowly like in a trance nah nah nah
Struggle but it’s all ocean floor nah nah
Every moment becomes eternity yeah yeah yeah
Film it now
Film it now
Do you hear me yeah...
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
What’s my thang
What’s my thang tell me now
Tell me now
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Yeah I think I’m goin’ deeper...
I keep losing focus
No, just let go of me
Let my own feet carry me
I’ll go in myself
In the deepest depths
I saw myself
Slowly, I open my eyes...
I’m in my workroom, it’s my studio
The waves go
Darkly by in a throe
But I’ll never get dragged away again
I saw myself, myself...
Heartbeat racing in my ears bump bump bump
Eyes wide open into my forest jump jump jump
Nothing can devour me
I shout out with ferocity
Ocean with all light silenced shut yeah yeah yeah
My wandering feet held in a rut yeah yeah yeah
Every noise and sound’s been cut yeah yeah yeah
Killin’ me now
Killin’ me now
Do you hear me yeah
Sinking slowly like in a trance nah nah nah
Struggle but it’s all ocean floor nah nah
Every moment becomes eternity yeah yeah yeah
Film it now
Film it now
Do you hear me yeah
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
What’s my thang
What’s my thang tell me now
Tell me now
Yeah yeah yeah yeah


Versions: #1
Jungkook - Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
What's my thang
What's my thang tell me now
Tell me now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Suga - Ayy,The heart no longer races
When hearing the music play
Tryna' pull up
Seems like time has stopped
Oh that would be my first death
I been always afraid of
RM - If this can no longer resonate
No longer make my heart vibrate
Then like this may be how
I die my first death
But what if that moment's right now
Right now
V & Jimin - Heartbeat pulsing slow in my ears
Bump, bump, bump
Try to flee but back into the maw
Jump, jump, jump
No song affects me anymore
Crying out a silent cry
Jungkook&Jimin&V&Jin - Ocean with all light silenced shut yeah, yeah, yeah
My wandering feet held in a rut yeah, yeah, yeah
Every noise and sound's been cut yeah, yeah, yeah
Killin' me now, killin' me now
Do you hear me yeah
Sinking slowly like in a trance nah, nah, nah
Struggle but it's all ocean floor nah, nah
Every moment becomes eternity yeah, yeah, yeah
Film it now, film it now
Do you hear me yeah
Jimin&V - Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
What's my thang
What's my thang tell me now
Tell me now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
J-Hope - Deeper
Yeah I think I'm goin' deeper
I keep losing focus
No, just let go of me
Let my own feet carry me
I'll go in myself
In the deepest depths
I saw myself
Suga - Slowly, I open my eyes
I'm in my workroom, it's my studio
The waves go darkly by in a throe
But I'll never get dragged away again
I saw myself, myself
Jungkook&Jin -Heartbeat racing in my ears
Bump, bump, bump
Eyes wide open into my forest
Jump, jump, jump
Nothing can devour me
I shout out with ferocity
Jimin&VJin&Jungkook - Ocean with all light silenced shut yeah, yeah, yeah
My wandering feet held in a rut yeah, yeah, yeah
Every noise and sound's been cut yeah, yeah, yeah
Killin' me now, killin' me now
Do you hear me yeah
Sinking slowly like in a trance nah, nah, nah
Struggle but it's all ocean floor nah, nah
Every moment becomes eternity yeah, yeah, yeah
Film it now, film it now
Do you hear me yeah
Jin&Jimin - Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
Do your thang
Do your thang with me now
What's my thang
What's my thang tell me now
Tell me now
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

We're the natives of Trizonesia

My dear friend, my dear friend
The old times are over
Whether you laugh or cry about it
The world keeps moving one, two, three
A small group of diplomats is making the big political decisions today
They are creating zones, modifying states
But what about us right now?
We're the natives of Trizonesia1
Hi-dee chim-cheree chim-cheree chim-cheree boom
Our women are wild and passionate
Hi-dee chim-cheree chim-cheree chim-cheree boom
We may not be cannibals2
But we sure know how to kiss
We're the natives of Trizonesia
Hi-dee chim-cheree chim-cheree chim-cheree boom
Columbus discovered America
A whole new continent
All the things Marco Polo saw
Were touched by culture afterwards
Sven Hedin traveled to the Himalaya
And walked through hot desert sands
Amundsen reached the North Pole
But nobody had known us before
But know this, foreigner
A Trizonesian has a good sense of humour
He's cultivated and intelligent
He's second to none in that regard
Even Goethe is from Trizonesia
It's well known that Beethoven's cradle stood here
No, you won't find these things over in Chinesia
That's why we're proud of our country
  • 1. Refers to the fact that at the time the song was written, West Germany was split into three zones by the Western Allies -
    American, British and French.
  • 2. In other words, 'we're not the monsters you think we were during the Nazi regime'.

Mister Yaya

[Verse 1]
Gbéssia Airport, parked yellow car (eh)
Here, the sun beats down, and there's no air conditioning (eh)
The price goes up when everyone wants to barter (eh)
Get in the left door, the right one is jammed
If you're going to Kindia, drive me to Kindia
If you're going to Labé, drive me to Labé
If you're going to Lélouma, drive me to Lélouma
If you're going to Tougué, drive me to Tougué
There's no time for sleep (sleep)
We're going to keep driving, driving until the night
No need for an itinerary (itinerary)
In the town, we're all hustlers
Time is CFA Francs
We're going to keep driving, driving until the night
No need for an itinerary (itinerary)
In the town, we're all smart cookies
I only drive with Mister Yaya, Yaya, Yaya
I only drive with Mister Yaya, Yaya, Yaya
[Verse 2]
The petrol is expensive but it's ok
A little mouthful of mum's bissap drink
And there's a ton of people in Madina, I need to make money
I hear my name everywhere, here, everyone knows me
In Conakry it's sweet
There's no doubt even if the road to Kissidougou is bad
I have to think about redoing my yard
Here, the women can take your breath away, the most beautiful women are here
If you're going to Kindia, I'll go to Kindia
If you're going to Labé, I'll go to Labé
If you're going to Lélouma, I'll go to Lélouma
If you're going to Tougué, I'll go to Tougué
There's no time for sleep (sleep)
We're going to keep driving, driving until the night
No need for an itinerary (itinerary)
In the town, we're all hustlers
Time is CFA Francs
We're going to keep driving, driving until the night
No need for an itinerary (itinerary)
In the town, we're all hustlers
I only drive with Mister Yaya, Yaya, Yaya
I only drive with Mister Yaya, Yaya, Yaya
If you're going to Dalaba, I'll go to Dalaba
If you're going to Kamsar, I'll go to Kamsar
If you're going to Kankan, I'll go to Kankan
If you're going to Yimbéring, I'll go to Yimbéring
I'll go to Abidjan
I'll go to Dakar
I'll go to Bamako
I only drive with Mister Yaya, Yaya, Yaya
I only drive with Mister Yaya, Yaya, Yaya

Feel the beat

[Pre-Chorus: J. Rey Soul & Maluma]
Can you feel the beat within my heart?
Can't you see my love shine through the dark?
Maluma, baby
[Chorus: & J. Rey Soul, Both]
I can feel it
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel it
Can you feel the beat?
Baby, I can feel it
I feel the beat
Baby, I can feel it, ah-ah
[Post-Chorus: & J. Rey Soul]
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel the beat
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel the beat
[Verse 1: Maluma]
When I live in the environment
Don't think so much
Pass it with brandy
And so she can see how good it feels and
[Refrain: Maluma]
She has a big, but natural ass
She says she inherited it from her mom
And I believe her because from what I see
She break the club with that wiggle
And I believe her, I hope she gives me a chance
Although I know she doesn't believe in romance, baby
Because from what I see
She break the club with that wiggle
And I believe her, I hope she gives me a chance
Although I know she doesn't believe in romance, baby
[Pre-Chorus: J. Rey Soul]
Can you feel the beat within my heart?
Can't you see my love shine through the dark?
[Chorus: & J. Rey Soul, Both]
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel it
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel it
Can you feel the beat?
Baby, I can feel it
I feel the beat
Baby, I can feel it, ah-ah
[Post-Chorus: & J. Rey Soul]
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel the beat
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel the beat
[Verse 2: & Maluma]
Baby girl, you my superstar
You the light that I see
On my lap like a computer
Yea honey, shake your booty like that
Honey, look at how cute you are, yeah
Baby, gimme your body
Let me do you like I wanna do you, yeah
Look (it says)
[Refrain:, & Maluma]
Honey, you have big, but natural boobs
They not from a doctor 'cause she got 'em from her mom
Baby got a halo
And I can never say no
'Cause she got a booty like J.Lo
Girl, you got a halo
And I'm checkin' out your angles
You a sexy devil and my angel, baby
[Pre-Chorus: J. Rey Soul]
Can you feel the beat within my heart?
Can't you see my love shine through the dark?
[Chorus: & J. Rey Soul]
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel it
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel it
Can you feel the beat?
Baby, I can feel it
I feel the beat
Baby, I can feel it, ah-ah
[Post-Chorus: & J. Rey Soul]
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel the beat
Can you feel the beat?
I can feel the beat
[Verse 3: Maluma]
She's not Latin girl, but she says 'daddy' (daddy)
She doesn't want a boyfriend, but she is for me (for me)
Everyone flirt with her, she never responds
There's nothing to do, she is like that (like that)
She is the queen of the night (night)
She does with me all the poses (poses)
Let's go at after party
I wanna feel your sexy body on me
[Verse 4: Taboo]
Girl your booty like cake, cake
I'ma kill the booty cartel, boom-boom
Girl you always be my angel
Rock the halo, yup, you my bad gal, ayy
You got the best ass in the world
Honey, give me sweet, give me caramel
You my brunette, honey lookin' good
Wanna put you in the Louis in the Chanel, ayy
[Verse 5:]
Baby, got my love on big, big
Baby, won't you give it to me? Give me, give me
Honey give me pum-pum Monday, every day
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, wait
Honey, won't you come and tell me how you really want it?
If you really, really want it, baby, I'ma give it to you
I'll be all up in it, baby, I'll be all up on it
When I make you feel it betcha you'll be screamin' 'Hallelujah'
[Outro: J. Rey Soul]
Can you feel the beat within my heart?
Can't you see my love shine through the dark?


Against the dark we’re [fighting]
Don’t be afraid, now we’re [smiling]
On the path we believed in we’re [running]
Don’t hesitate, go on
Even if it’s wrong, it’s [all right]
Even if it’s not right it’s [ok]
Break the absurdities
I’m here now and I’m alive
[BLACK] I’m full of anxieties
[SHOUT] As the ABC of the world
[BLACK] Together with annoyance
Is stealing my freedom
[BLACK] A monochromatic rain
[SHOUT] Hid the world
[BLACK] And the sky sunk with a laugh
Obstacles like [jealousy]
Shake it off that [impulse]
Because I want [instinct]
To take back my true colors…!
Even if tomorrow will be [missing]
Even if it’s a dead end where we’re [going]
Use your hands for [breaking]
And clearing the passage
Use your frozen body and [get up]
Embrace it strongly [stacking]
Step forward with resolution
Go and get the dream you want to fulfill right now!
[BLACK] I hate what’s ordinary
[SHOUT] Don’t you do the same things
[BLACK] Every single day?
That’s not true!
[BLACK] Make your voice louder
[SHOUT] Answer with what you think
[BLACK] That’s more important than sighing
I won’t be deceived [again and again]
By temptations [illusions]
Touched, my heart [frigid]
Started to beat passionately
Freed from [hinder]
Bonds, I now [relight]
I don’t want to [don’t go]
Become a liar
Stop relying on others and [begin]
Make it your power [wake up]
Your shining figure
Grabs the future with the palm, determined
Your trembling gaze [imprint]
As if protecting it [even more]
I fastened it firmly [tightly]
And I’ll tie it with courage
Even if tomorrow will be [missing]
Even if it’s the end where we’re [going]
Use your hands for [breaking]
And clearing the passage
Use your frozen body and [get up]
Embrace it strongly [stacking]
Step forward with resolution
Go and get the dream you want to fulfill right now!

Love Is All

The line has already dwindled
I thought it was a line waiting for me
But they've gone and left the two of us alone again
With drunken eyes upon me
You told me that you loved me
You were exaggerating but, well, I didn't hate it
It's not news, but it's new to me every time
It doesn't matter because you say that you love me
We seal our secrets with a kiss
We drink to the point of throwing up and
Even the reddest of roses isn't enough for us
Things that don't need to be changed
Things that aren't perfect, but make us happy
The things I lack in, you make up for
It's not news, but it's new to me every time
It doesn't matter because you say that you love me
Love is all, all is love, love is all
Love is all, all is love, love is all
Love is all, all is love, love is all
Love is all
Love is all, all is love, love is all
Love is all, all is love, love is all
Love is all, all is love, love is all
Love is all
Love is all

Dress Code

[Intro : Black M]
I want to be escorted, ahah
[Verse 1: Black M]
I’m dazzling, there's only on-lookers around
Akatsuki on the side, you’re just shocked, you’re still the déco**
Everything’s in progress, the capital has its eyes on me
Hey yo, miss, put your hands up
[Pre-refrain: Black M]
They say that white people don’t know how to dance
That blacks are noisemakers*
As for you, you’re going to go back home on foot
But don’t worry, things will get better
Three, two, one, zero
[Refrain: Black M]
Dresscode, boucan
I want to be escorted, all the time
Bring it on, we’re waiting, you’re tired, get lost
Dresscode, boucan
I want to be escorted, all the time
Bring it on, we’re waiting, you’re tired, get lost
Three, two, one, zero
[Verse 2: Black M]
Baby, don’t call me, I’m going out, cheeky
I’ve parked the car, so the car is parked
Misguided, they are, fuck the know-it-alls
I’ve got blood, cold blood at that, at this time there’s not much you can do
It’s about to start, our eyes are on you, it’s a pity, we liked you
Without respect, we move on and that’s how it us
[Pre-refrain: Black M]
They say that white people don’t know how to dance
That blacks are noisemakers
And you’re going to go back home on foot
But don’t worry, things will get better
Three, two, one, zero
[Refrain: Black M]
Dresscode, boucan
I want to be escorted, all the time
Bring it on, we’re waiting, you’re tired, get lost
Dresscode, boucan
I want to be escorted, all the time
Bring it on, we’re waiting, you’re tired, get lost
Three, two, one, zero
[Verse 3: Kalash Criminel]
I enter the club, everyone’s
eyes on me
I saw a brave coloured girl
She told me let’s dance
But you know me I’m too gangsta
Too thug to dance the Macarena
I prefer ndombolo, coupé-décalé
There are even cougars like Madonna
Even when hooded, I don’t back off
If you think, that you’re tough, we’ll take you down like the Berlin wall
I strongly refrain from giving my grandmother a treat at Guerlain
Who told you that the whites don’t know how to dance? Even if that’s the case it’s still irrelevant
With my skin colour, not knowing me, I must surely have sung at Verdun, R.A.S
[Pre-refrain: Black M]
They say that white people don’t know how to dance
That blacks are noisemakers
And you’re going to go back home on foot
But don’t worry, things will get better
Three, two, one, zero
[Refrain: Black M]
Dresscode, boucan
I want to be escorted, all the time
Bring it on, we’re waiting, you’re tired, get lost
Dresscode, boucan
I want to be escorted, all the time
Bring it on, we’re waiting, you’re tired, get lost
Three, two, one, zero
[Outro: Kalash Criminel]
Savagery, gang
224, savage Guinean
Savage Zairese, 234

Black cat (القط الأسود)

I begin with the light and with the light I end
I felt it undoubtedly deep in my heart
like lightning, like the ray
those are my horizons that are as wide as life
whenever I see them with my foresight
I feel steady
to you, my steps and my way,
I've come now
my faith is real and it defines me
that's why I live
I search for my freedom
like a featherless bird I fly
if my limits got reduced
that's why I live
I search for my freedom
like a featherless bird I fly
if my limits got reduced

Pitch Black Night

When a pitch black night like this soaks me down
I breathe you in in a long sigh
When a pitch black night like this fills me up
I spit you out in a long sigh
Now after i’ve erased myself and cast myself out
And swallowed all your memories
I’ll break them one at a time for you
With a knife that’s been thinly sliced
I’ll dig inside your head
And erase only the memories of me for you
When a pitch black night like this soaks me down
I breathe you in in a long sigh
When a pitch black night like this fills me up
I spit you out in a long sigh
At the end of that other night
I’m still at its edge
Hanging on and waiting
And lingering on a road that was passed by
I’ll still have to go, having lost
My place in the backseat
I’ll have to be satisfied by even that
Now after i’ve sneered at you and cried out at you
And trampled over everything until it’s all mixed up
I’ll throw up all of it, one at a time
With a will and matters that smell of blood
I’ll dig up your hatreds
And swallow only my laughters for you
If i become you, who’s coming back brighter
If i become a bruise that’s collapsing away
Whether it’s night or day now
If you become a light that scatters away
Like stealing, like abandoning
Like drooping the way flowers wilt
A different day, if it’s day
That day, if it’s that day, if it’s that day

Black Bird

Since I was little,
I had a small wish,
and for whom
did it get so big?
Everyone never knows
In the lies
that continued to pile up with me,
No one finds me
I lose track of myself.
Black Bird
It seems like I'm going to fall shortly.
It's as if I'm alone in a stage.
At this darkness,
my voice shrills up and I cry.
Things like how to fly through the sky,
were surely not taught to me by a single person.
Head over heels
to the bottom of the sea I fall.
I just wanted to be
like someone who could be loved.
If viewed with your eyes,
this distorted world's
would look like it's all beautiful.
Hoping it'd come true someday, and
searching for so long
in the morning,
No one finds me.
while I lose my bearings.
Black Bird.
When least expected, I'm going to disappear.
All of a sudden,
the scenery started to light up.
Will the red, red sun
melt my wings?
I fly?
Things like the such cries of my voice,
could not be noticed by a single person.
In a burnt, black black color,
my body gets burnt.
I just wanted to be like you,
who's someone that embraces love.
Seeming like I'm going to fall shortly,
and at least expected that I'm going to disappear,
At this darkness,
my voice shrills up and I cry.
Things like how to fly through the sky,
were surely not taught to me by a single person.
Head over heels
to the depths of my dreams I fall.
I just wanted to be
like someone who could be loved.

Άλλη μια γέφυρα να διαβώ

Χέρια στο τιμόνι
Όλα όσα είναι μπροστά
Τα άφησα πίσω
Δεύτερη σκέψη όλα όσα κάποτε είπα
Κάποτε είπα, ωχ,
Κάποτε είπα, ωχ...
Το πνεύμα μου τσακίστηκε και υπάρχει αίμα στα χέρια μου
Όσο περισσότερο καταβάλλομαι, τόσο λιγότερα καταλαβαίνω
Κάποτε τόσο φανερός, τώρα τόσο χαμένος
Δε ρωτάω τίποτα,
Έχω άλλη μια γέφυρα να διαβώ.
Πάντα μαύρο και άσπρο
Θα το άλλαζα αν μπορούσα
Θα πάρω ό,τι μου δίδεται
Είτε καταραμένο είτε καλό
Είτε καλό, ωχ
Είτε καλό, ωχ...
Το πνεύμα μου τσακίστηκε και υπάρχει αίμα στα χέρια μου
Όσο περισσότερο καταβάλλομαι, τόσο λιγότερα καταλαβαίνω
Κάποτε τόσο φανερός, τώρα τόσο χαμένος
Δε ρωτάω τίποτα,
Έχω άλλη μια γέφυρα να διαβώ.
Το πνεύμα μου τσακίστηκε και υπάρχει αίμα στα χέρια μου
Όσο περισσότερο καταβάλλομαι, τόσο λιγότερα καταλαβαίνω
Κάποτε τόσο φανερός, τώρα τόσο χαμένος
Δε ρωτάω τίποτα,
Έχω άλλη μια γέφυρα να διαβώ.
Δε ρωτάω τίποτα,
Έχω άλλη μια γέφυρα να διαβώ.
Δε ρωτάω τίποτα,
Έχω άλλη μια γέφυρα να διαβώ.


Toată frumusețea de pe chipul tău
Când toată furia ne desparte
Zâmbește când nu ți-e teamă de moarte
Dar mie mi-e teamă la fiecare adio
Am pierdut soarele deasupra capului meu
M-am pierdut în lucrurile
pe care le-am spus
Și război e tot ceea ce-ai văzut
Războiul tău din spatele ecranului
Și tot ce înseamnă pentru mine
Când ești indiferentă
Sunt iertat
Sunt iertat
Când ai fost plecată
Pierdut în lipsă din nou
Pierdut în lipsă din nou

Am pierdut totul

Am condus lumea cu aceste maini,am zguduit cerurile la pamant
Am condus zeii catre odihna
Am tinut cheia catre regat,leii pazind zidurile castelului
Bucurati-va de regele mortii
Apoi am pierdut totul,mort si destramat
Spatele meu lipit de perete
Incerc doar sa respir
Doar sa-mi dau seama
Pentru ca am construit zidurile acestea
Ca sa le vad cum se prabusesc
Am spus
Atunci am pierdut totul
Cine ma mai poate salva acum?
Am stat deasupra altui razboi,alta bijuterie pe coroana
Am fost frica omului
Dar am fost orb,nu am putut sa vad lumea chiar din fata mea
Dar acum pot
Pentru ca am pierdut totul,mort si destramat
Spatele lipit de perete
Incerc doar sa respir
Doar sa-mi dau seama
Pentru ca am construit aceste ziduri
Ca sa le vad doar daramandu-se
Am spus
Atunci am pierdut totul
Cine ma mai poate salva?
Cred ca toti mai cadem jos cateodatra
Nu vezi ca toti mai cadem jos cateodata?
Cred ca toti mai cadem jos cateodata
Nu vezi ca toti mai cadem jos cateodata?
Cred ca toti mai cadem jos cateodata

Cologne, our town on the Rhine

Cologne, our town on the Rhine
Home right from the start
Here we were born and we have sworn to be
Faithful to you forever
Because you, you will exist forever,
You will never perish

Long Saturday in the city's center

Long Saturday in the city's center
Dad and mom go with the kiddy
Walking trough the town
Because they have received money
Long Saturday in the city's center
Kiddy is crying loud
He/She wants another curry sausage
And he/she also has a big thirst
There's a rave-up in the city
All the parking decks are full
Everywhere only masses of people
And today they shop like crazy
A little child is crying
Ms. Smith is seeking her little Mary
Conjestion at the chippy
Because fries are always yummy
Long Saturday in the city's center...
Kiddy wants to have a little doll
'Ask dad' says mom
But he doesn't even listen
Kiddy starts crying
At four o'clock they go have some coffee
Kiddy is smelling a bit
Mom is also tired
Dad is counting his last dough
Long Saturday in the city's center
Dad and mom go with the kiddy
Walking trough the town
Because they have received money
Long Saturday in the city's center
Kiddy is almost sleeping
But still in his dream he/she says very silently:
'Kiddy wants a vanilla ice cream'

Take Care

Take Care I Want To Sleep
Take Care I Want To Sleep
The asleep ones can fly freely
Take Care I Want To Sleep
Take Care I Want To Sleep
The asleep ones won't shed tears easily
Wake me up at two a.m.
And tell me all about your dreams
There is no human message left in the colorful heaven
(There is)no human trace
Take Care I Want To Sleep
Take Care I Want To Sleep
The asleep ones won't shed tears easily
Think of me when it's two a.m.
And talk with me about loneliness
You have cried and hated
You have laughed and forgotten

Please Stop Pestering Me

I don't want to talk to you anymore
Now that I'm angry
You're buried by your hypocrisy
And become a detestable color
You should do the required work
And do them better than anyone else
You should make your attitude into acceptable
You and I are equal
Stop pestering me
Stop upsetting me (I don't want to feel sorry for you)
(Leave me alone, I don't want to feel sorry anymore)
This is the new China
And I'm done talking now
Do you have to be this rude
Where does this rule come from
Maybe you should really take some lessons on politeness
And don't let anyone blame you

black widow

Sick Luke, Sick Luke
I can't sleep
if you can't stay the night
You let us die
and then ask me what to do
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
I can't sleep
if you can't stay the night
You let us die
and then ask me what to do
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
She knocks, knock knock
she only wants my cock
I want to go forward
she wants to get under
no, I don't want that
I'll carry on until I can, until I fly
If you throw rocks, I duck
because I can, I'm your opposite
I'll go straight forward even if the light is red
And if I suffer, I'm not giving up
I'll stand on my feet until I rot
And I don't really know, but maybe
I'll get away from here, but how?
Yeah but, but where?
I don't know, I don't know but
No one cares until you go insane
Nobody believes you here if you don't play pretend
Nobody notices you until you break down
Then everyone gets close if you make a scene
Then everyone is nice to you if you smile, hahaha
Then a lot of friends are snakes, yo
I don't owe anything to anyone here, bro (no)
No, I didn't buy this freedom
I can't sleep
if you can't stay the night
You let us die
and then ask me what to do
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
I can't sleep
if you can't stay the night
You let us die
and then ask me what to do
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na

On my way

Versions: #4
Refrain 2x
On my way, yes
There was some bustle, yes
Adventures like those in the movies
A life of roots *1
On my way, yes
I no longer count my worries
What’s to go mad about, yes *2
A life of roots
Bridge 4x
On my way
Verse 1
On my way, I had moments of doubt
I walked without knowing where I was headed, I was stubborn, didn’t care about anything
On my way, I had no hold luggage
And not a penny in my pocket, just between family
On my way,yes, there was a lot of traffic
Truth is, I often stumbled
Do you know that when you hit rock bottom
There are few people in whose homes you can take refuge?
You can count on your dear parents
Because friends, they disappear one by one
Yes, it occurs to me to bow down
Because God is great and, we are alone, we die alone
Refrain 2x
Bridge 4x
Verse 2
On my way, they went behind my back
I thought my heart was in pain as a result, but I’m under anesthesia
On my way, I came across a number of elderly people
They told me of the days ahead and that everything happened so fast
Don’t talk to me about nostalgia
Because, I admit, my heart is too weak
I’m like a shipwrecked pirate
Yes, my crew is more than damaged
I wipe my tears, I lay down my arms
I no longer even want to know why they test me, the others
It there’s nothing more to be taken, I know that there’s one thing left for me
And my way, it’s too long, no time to take a break
Refrain 2x
Bridge 6x
Refrain 2x
Bridge 4x

A Mea Din Nou

există un loc unde obișnuiam să merg
există o lume pe care o știam
exista o lumină și erai tu
fiecare cuvânt spus este adevărat
voi aștepta în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
voi muri în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
nu există cuvinte să-ți explic - niciun început și niciun sfârșit
voi visa, mă voi ruga - vei fi din nou a mea
Te pot vedea îmbrăcată în roșu
toate lucrurile secrete ce le-ai spus
zăcând goale în iarbă
acum inima mea se află la tine în palmă
mâinile tale -
voi aștepta în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
voi muri în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
nu există cuvinte să-ți explic - niciun început și niciun sfârșit
voi visa, mă voi ruga - vei fi din nou a mea
doar timpul trece printre noi
există doar ocean sub noi
există fotografia care nu va dispărea
voi aștepta în fiecare zi - până ești a mea din nou
mă aduce mai aproape de ziua - vei fi din nou a mea
nu există cuvinte să-ți explic - niciun început și niciun sfârșit
voi visa, mă voi ruga - vei fi din nou a mea

Yes, You Are Different

In this trivial world, only tedium 
I have in my hands an adorned existing form 
Man is not worth as much as a single rose
But you are different 
You alone have been able to impress upon my heart 
The joy of the unexpected
We, together, realize our dream of creating 
A new world
I beg you, open your heart to me alone and reveal to me your soul
Yes, you are different 
You alone have been able to understand 
My deepest inner nature