Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 72
Sunt Gângărici!
Gânganii și gustăriciÎncearcă tu numai să-i prinzi
Dă cuiva să-i mănânce
Și vom fi ce consumăm
Stau ascunși în nisip alb
Degustând niște ketchup
Insula așteaptă să-i descoperi
pe Gângărici
Cineva mi-a spus că departe în ocean
Există o insulă unde ei își duc traiul
Un explorator mi-a spus că-s delicioși, totuși
Ei sunt doar un mister
Știu că sună de parcă-i rupt din basm
Până vezi un morcov viu
Gânganii și gustărici
Încearcă tu numai să-i prinzi
Dă cuiva să-i mănânce
Și vom fi ce consumăm
Stau ascunși în nisip alb
Degustând niște ketchup
Insula așteaptă să-i descoperi
pe Gângărici
Sunt Gângărici
Vorbim de Gângărici
Sunt Gângărici
Și dacă zvonul poate fi crezut
Asta este un moment istoric
Hai, ia-ți jurnalul și găsește niște amici noi
Misterul să-l dezlegați
O expediție, treișpe la bord
De Molfăiți ce s-au pornit
În căutare de trai mai bun
Pe Insula Dulce ei au găsit
Misiune cu gust care-i ajută
Să acopere golul din inima lor
Căută departe după adevăr
Și poate vei afla și tu ceva
Știu că sună de parcă-i rupt din basm
Până vezi o tartină cățărându-se
Gânganii și gustărici
Încearcă tu numai să-i prinzi
Dă cuiva să-i mănânce
Și vom fi ce consumăm
Stau ascunși în nisip alb
Degustând niște ketchup
Insula așteaptă să-i descoperi
pe Gângărici
Sunt Gângărici
Vorbim de Gângărici
Sunt Gângărici
Toți vorbesc despre Gângărici
Sunt Gângărici
Poate c-o fiacest aer de septembrie,
sau doar faptul că
totul se schimbă mereu.
Vara se duce
și apoi fiecare zi moare
și dispare,
luându-mi bucuria cu ea.
Poate c-o fi
acest aer de septembrie,
sau doar faptul că
ai vrea să visezi veșnic.
Dar atunci de ce
dintr-o dată totul nu este ușor?
Mă întreb dacă
ceva rămâne sau totul dispare...
Precum golurile pe care le marcam
contra unei porți de lemn,
cu genunchi zdreliți:
cu exteriorul...gol...
Ca și cum mor de sete
după o cursă estivală,
dar nu mai am bicla mea
de cross!
Așadar încălzește, iubire,
acest copil care tremură,
care vrea toată dragostea
de pe lume.
Poate c-o fi
acest aer de septembrie,
sau doar faptul că
m-am făcut mare.
Ia te uită,
îmi vine să râd: două lacrimi!
Dar atunci de ce
dintr-o dată totul nu este ușor?
Precum golurile pe care le marcam
contra unei porți de lemn,
cu brațele ridicate,
marcând gol...
Și mama mea, care mă cheamă,
căci e deja gata cina,
dar eu mai vreau să mă joc
un pic!
Așadar salvează, iubire,
acest copil care tremură,
care vrea toată dragostea
de pe lume...
Ca și cum mor de sete
după o cursă estivală...
Ca și cum aștept Crăciunul
și apoi bulgării de zăpadă...
Ca și cum aștept Crăciunul...
Devil and cross
Theres no other girlI can think of.
That can do with you what I can do.
But to get to this point with you, to have
no pride or shame.
Dont make me have
no pride or shame.
I dont want to be your devil and cross after that in revenge,
dont let me be your devil and cross!
I would even give you my blood
even if I knew I would die.
I would betray myself and everyone,
but you - I wouldnt.
Dont hurt me my dear,
know that my love is made of glass.
And it you break it
it will cut both of us.
If I have to I will fight.
I can do it for you.
I will live with no wealth,
as long as you are with me.
But to get to this point with you, to have
no pride or shame.
Dont make me have
no pride or shame.
I dont want to be your devil and cross after that in revenge,
dont let me be your devil and cross!
I would even give you my blood
even if I knew I would die.
I would betray myself and everyone,
but you - I wouldnt.
Dont hurt me my dear,
know that my love is made of glass.
And it you break it
it will cut both of us.
Virus and Sex
Should I give it to him, how could I thoughwhen the General is watching from there?
1. Didnt you hear the General clearly at the briefing today?
Im not giving you sex no more cause corona is everywhere.
I love you more from a distance,
I will love you, I will love you!
I love you most from a distance,
I will call you my everything.
Virus and sex - keep away today!
Stay home and dont bother me!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
I wont give it to you dear a long, long time to come!
Virus and sex - youll have me today.
Stay home and get ready!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
Okay, dear, I think I'll give it to you today at last.
2. Starting today the kisses have to be virtual only.
Let the discos be online and last forever.
We shouldnt go out in the park,
its a crisis baby, a crisis baby!
We will play inside on Viber
or on Skype. Come on, to Skype!
Virus and sex - keep away today!
Stay home and dont bother me!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
I wont give it to you dear a long, long time to come!
Virus and sex - youll have me today.
Stay home and get ready!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
Okay, dear, I think I'll give it to you today at last.
Chorus (final):
Virus and sex - keep away today!
Stay home and dont bother me!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
I wont give it to you dear a long, long time to come!
Virus and sex - youll have me today.
Stay home and get ready!
I know youve been wanting my love for long.
Okay, dear, enough - Im saying goodbye to you today!
Versions: #1Melancholy has waves like the sea,
It lets you go and then return, it rocks you gently.
You can dance melancholy like a waltz
You can hold it in silence and feel everything inside.
It's feeling close and yet far apart,
It's travelling by standing still
It's living other lives.
It's feeling you're flying inside the planes
On the lit-up ships
On the trains that you see passing.
It has the warm, red light of a sunset
Of a wounded day that won't ever die
It almost feels like happiness, it almost seems like the soul moving,
The dream that mixes with reality,
You can mistake it for sadness, but it's just the soul knowing
That pain will serve it too
And it stops a moment to console the weeping
Of the wounded world that won't ever die
And getting lost among the desert's dunes
Or between the waves on the open sea,
Even in this city
And feeling that everything can be forgiven,
That everything is still the same,
That is to say that everything could change.
And staying silent to listen
And feeling that it might even be sweet
to die one day
in the warm, red light of a sunset
of a wounded day that won't ever die.
It almost feels like happiness, it almost seems like the soul moving,
The dream that mixes with reality,
You can mistake it for sadness, but it's just the soul knowing
That pain too will pass away
And it stops a moment to console the weeping
Of a wounded love that won't ever die.
Versions: #2Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
Beautiful morning,
Beautiful place,
Beautiful bed,
How the sea looks so good,
Beautiful is the day
And the beautiful life is just starting.
Breath, breath, breath.
The phone rings, my buddy complains,
Things go bad, life is weighing him down,
To live like this doesn't interest him anymore,
To live like this this isn't worth the pain.
Love was lost, the party was over,
And the earth's engine stopped.
Life is a joke with a sad ending,
The future doesn't exist, but I say to him
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
Beautiful peace, beautiful life,
Beautiful to be reborn each day,
Beautiful is truth, when it doesn't sound like a lie,
Beautiful friendship, beautiful laugh,
Beautiful are quality people,
Beautiful are people when they don't regret,
Who win, that lose, that speak and don't lie,
Beautiful are people, and because of that I say,
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
How beautiful things can be, when you let them be beautiful.
How beautiful things are for you.
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
La sea, the morning, the house, the samba,
The earth, the peace, and the life that's happening,
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
Your bed, your salsa, the spot on your back,
Your face, your desires, the weekend.
Beautiful are people who come and go,
Beautiful are people who let themselves go,
Beautiful are people who have no age,
Who listen, who understand, who have and who give.
Beautiful Portel, beautiful Peret,
Beautiful rumba, beautiful José,
Beautiful breeze that's in no hurry,
Beautiful this day, breath, breath
Beautiful are people when they are truthful,
Beautiful are people who are different,
Who shake, who feel,
Who live in the present
Beautiful are people that once were and now aren't,
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
How beautiful things can be, when you let them be beautiful.
How beautiful things are for you.
How beautiful it is, when it is beautiful.
How beautiful it is
Beautiful, everything seems beautiful to me.
What a Pretty Woman I Have
Versions: #1Oooh! What a pretty woman I have.
Just by looking at her I'm afraid.
Oh! What a pretty woman I have.
My love is oh so great.
When I go to give her a kiss,
I get jealous of her lips.
The sweet honey of the night, a back alley at three A.M.With brandy still in my system, I’ll choose who to go off with
That girl’d be nice, but so would this one and that one
She’d follow me drunkenly, walking in zig-zag steps
I could easily relieve some stress by hooking up with her
—so says the one with the small paycheck
I buy my spring without hesitation
and simply laugh at the ordinary people I send flying into a rage
Please, envelop me completely
Bonita*, let’s play around as we go
Bonita, let’s stay quiet
Bonita, I love everything about you
Hey, Bonita, tonight too, you smile at,
Bonita, these tactless customers,
hospitable even if you’re boiling with rage
So watch your step and keep an eye out for madmen
“Saying ‘because it’s impossible to try and live as a normal person,’
what would your parents say if they saw you now?”
Don’t talk bullshit like that
What’s with that? So what?
It’s not going to pay me anything
In any case, using men’s nature to want young girls’ flowers—
I’m making a fortune, a fortune
Bonita, men in vain suits
Bonita, or thick-headed nerds
Bonita, once you peel their masks off, they’re all the same
Hey, Bonita, the Moby Dick of**
Bonita, these customers
looks up from their underlying motives
Stop it with the pointless dirty jokes
Bonita, you play your deranged believers
Bonita, like a koto string ringing out***
Bonita, even if they were to touch you, it’d be the same in the end
Hey, Bonita, putting up a bluff as I grab your wrist
Bonita, you’re full of energy tonight too
Playing this childish game for adults
Lighting fire to a cigarette and a pregnancy
If I manage to get you to open up even once, it’d taste of honey
The pretty bull
Everyone asks about himabout that pretty bull
because the son of that
famous limping bull
Will be as brave as him
and he too will be applauded
bringing glory to his name
with bravery you shall die
Take it, pretty thing, take it
I shall give you bones
and the bullfighter that shall put you down
will surely be fanfared
Take it, pretty bull
armillita was tempted
and he also healed alone
perversion baptized him
to fight well
You will get 5th place
which is the honorable place
You will touch Garza to cover yourself with honor
Take it, pretty [thing], take it
I shall give you bones
and the bullfighter that shall put you down
will surely be fanfared
Take it, pretty bull, take it
A Young, Beautiful and Affectionate Woman
In a struggle between Greeks and TrojansFor Helen, Menelaus' wife
History tells of a wooden horse
That put end to a ten-year-war
Menelaus, the greatest Spartan
Defeated Paris, the great seducer
Humiliating Hector's family
In defense of a wayward honor
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
Women have two diamonds in their face
Faithful leaders of her destiny
Those who don't love a female's smile
Ignore Cervante's poetry
The bravery of the great discoverers
Fighting the roaring seas and storms
If women weren't a sweet flower
History would be false
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
Virgulino Ferreira, Lampião1
Highwayman of the northeastern woods
Without fear of danger and ruin
Was the king of banditry in the backlands
But one day he felt in his heart
The attractive spell of love
That black girl from the condor's land
Tamed a dangerous beast
A young, beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from pain
A young beautiful and affectionate woman
Makes a man moan but not from
Moan but not from
Moan but not from
Moan but not from pain
At 15 Years Old
At 15, I said 'Ba.'At 16, I said 'Be.'
And at 18, with the help of an aunt,
after a long illness,
I said: 'Ba Be Bi.'
At 21, I said 'Bo'
but struggling somewhat.
And, at 31, without anyone's help,
I do not remember how it was said:
'Ba Be Bi, Bi Bo Bu Bu Bu Bi Bo Bu.'
How good, how good,
yes, yes, it's really good.
Do it once again,
I will give you a chocolate.
To say water, I say 'Ba.'
To say wine, I say 'Be.'
To say glass, I say 'Bi.'
And to have a glass
of water and wine, I must say:
'Ba Be Bi, Ba Be Bi Bi Bi, Ba Be Bi.'
How good, how good,
yes, yes, it's really good.
Do it once again,
I will give you two chocolates.
To say woman, I say 'Bo.'
To say kiss, I say 'Bu.'
If I want a kiss from a woman,
I come closer, I bow to her,
I get a punch in the nose.
'Ba Be Bi ...
Ba Be Bi Bi Bi Bi Be Bi. '
I Love Paris
I love the air of ParisI love everything about Paris
I love it when it the day sparkles
When it's a winter's night
And when it turns to spring
I love this Paris of mine
When it rains and when the sun shines
I love it so much for
my love is from Paris
For this I love Paris
I love it when the day sparkles
When it's a winter's night
And when it turns to spring
I love this Paris of mine
When it rains and when the sun shines
I love it so much for
my love is from Paris
For this I love Paris
Though it was hard, I tried to hold it inWhenever I missed you so much
Whenever my feet
Started going toward your house
Oh no
I entered in your phone number then deleted it
I already memorized it
No matter how much I delete it
I can’t forget
Oh no
Time passed like that
And suddenly, without knowing
I escaped from you
And now I’m standing here alone
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you
I tried to be busy on purpose
Because even when I pretend I’m fine
When I was alone
I thought of you too much
Oh no
I tried laughing on purpose
To act like I’m fine
In case I really get better if I laugh
In case I can truly laugh that way
Oh no
Time passed like that
And suddenly, without knowing
I escaped from you
And now I’m standing here alone
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you
In the end
The scars might heal
Everything will be alright
I don’t need you
I was getting over you
Little by little
In pain
That seemed
Would never end
I was slowly
Emptying you out
If just go on with life
I’ll completely
Erase you
It can't
1.You were summer, i was summer
and you whispering 'Did you come with us?' to me.
You hug me like sea
and you stand me crazy, without to know where.
Outside stumbling moon piece.
The night screaming and the sky goes mad.
You send 300 rainy days
whoever I can't forget who are you.
Did you make magic?
You tell!
Chorus: (2x)
My heart can't hate.
Love keeps me from any pain
and I love you, I love you to death
and i call with your name and with my happiness!
2.And casually, casual day
you are kissing secretly every secret corner into me supposedly.
It was, the sadness stopped
and I'm not sleepy yet and it doesn't reach the night.
Did you make magic?
You tell!
Chorus: (2x)
My heart can't hate.
Love keeps me from any pain
and I love you, I love you to death
and i call with your name and with my happiness!
Did you make magic?
You tell!
Chorus: (2x)
My heart can't hate.
Love keeps me from any pain
and I love you, I love you to death
and i call with your name and with my happiness!
Again, again!
You will ring and you will want again
the evening will come quickly
and you will expect close date,
about to be your at the moment.
Again, again, right?
Again, again, now?
Chorus: (2x) Again, you are dreaming to have me like that again!
Again, you are wishing we love like that again!
I will break everything in you to the end
and it will not finish the night!
And if you are still thinking
that i will be with you like that.
You were wrong for me, you don't suspect,
that i can decide other.
Again, again, right?
Again, again, now?
Chorus: (2x)
... Again...Again... Now...
Again, again, right?
Again, again, now?
Again, again!
Pretty Girl
[Intro]You can't live without me, pretty girl
You can't live without me, pretty girl
Pretty girl, you can't live without me
[Verse 1]
I give you what I have in my heart, have faith in me, I don't know what I'm talking about
I watch your back, I'm here, but you don't doubt yourself at all
Why are you changing your part? Does my existence bother you?
I'm caught in a trap, I saw you disappear like in a dream
Something isn't right, I see it in your eyes, I can't do anything about it
I only see you in the corner of my eyes
What made you afraid now?
Look at me, pretty girl
Look at me, look at me, pretty girl
Look at me like the other time
When we thought we'd never see each other again
Look at me, pretty girl
Look at me, look at me, pretty girl
Look at me like the other time
When we thought we'd never see each other again
You can't live without me, pretty girl
You can't live without me, pretty girl
Pretty girl, you can't live without me
[Verse 2]
You stay in my arms, you've left a mark on my heart
You disappeared before I could even count to five
Why are you changing your part? Does my existence bother you?
From love to hate, these two things go hand in hand
I give you my sincerest feelings
But I see you in the corner of my eyes
What made you afraid now?
Look at me, pretty girl
Look at me, look at me, pretty girl
Look at me like the other time
When we thought we'd never see each other again
Look at me, pretty girl
Look at me, look at me, pretty girl
Look at me like the other time
When we thought we'd never see each other again
You can't live without me, pretty girl
You can't live without me, pretty girl
Pretty girl, you can't live without me
[Verse 3]
I know you're avoiding me
I don't see the passion that once burned anymore
Look at me
Because I put my heart in your hands
I know you're avoiding me
I don't see the passion that once burned anymore
Look at me
Because I put my heart in your hands
Look at me, pretty girl (Look at me, pretty girl, pretty girl, eeh eeh)
Look at me, look at me, pretty girl (Look at me pretty girl, eeh eeh)
Look at me like the other time
When we thought we'd never see each other again
Look at me, pretty girl (Look at me, pretty girl, pretty girl, eeh eeh)
Look at me, look at me, pretty girl (Look at me pretty girl, eeh eeh)
Look at me like the other time
When we thought we'd never see each other again
Pretty girl, pretty girl
Look at me, pretty girl, eeh
Look at me, eeh
You can't live without me, pretty girl
You can't live without me, pretty girl
Pretty girl, you can't live without me
-Βασιλική Οικονομοπούλου
Fire and ice
You.1.Did you forget, that you are crying in sea of tears?/2x
I forgave you many times, many times, many times./2x
Chorus: (2x)
Fire and ice is our love.
Their lies you kill all.
You injure my heart.
I stayed like wingless bird.
2.Didn't you realise, the love can't come back?/2x
To believe in you, i can't, i can't, i can't./2x
Fire and ice is our love.
Their lies you kill all.
You injure my heart.
I stayed like wingless bird.
With slightly hand and play all.
How to decide with you to continue?
Our road is divided by two.
Come one go, no one to stop you!
Chorus: (2x)
Fire and ice is our love.
Their lies you kill all.
You injure my heart.
I stayed like wingless bird.
Give, show
1.Smoothly with me.Don't hurry!
Don't deny me, don't pull me!
You will burn!
Give, show me your secret things,
and then kiss quietly in the night!
Give, show me your tricks,
and then you will burn with me again!
Give, show me your secret things,
and then try a passion with me!
Give, show me your tricks!
Did you ask about mine?
2.You have been skillful in the games,
and you ask is it a charm or intrigue for me, come try yourself!
Didn't air reach you, to tremble me?
Beware with me, to cry you! I can still today!
Give, show me your secret things,
and then kiss quietly in the night!
Give, show me your tricks,
and then you will burn with me again!
Give, show me your secret things,
and then try a passion with me!
Give, show me your tricks!
Did you ask about mine?
3.You are cute and you don't forgive, but you don't become for me.
Let your hands, call in mind! I will hear you!
Want my body, snuggle it slowly!
Beware with me, to cry you! I can still today!
Chorus: (1x) x (1x)
Give, show me your secret things,
and then kiss quietly in the night!
Give, show me your tricks,
and then you will burn with me again!
Give, show me your secret things,
and then try a passion with me!
Give, show me your tricks!
Did you ask about mine?
1.You were everything for me.I was everything for you.
Everything is this live.
I was crying for you.
You were crying for me too.
We are suffering all live.
You were for me.
I was for you.
Everything for you is this live.
Chorus: (2x)
Stop! Stop, don't go!
Know, the time will forgive us,
mistakes of both of us!
2.I'm waiting you dear.
I'm crying 5 years.
I'm waiting day and night.
I beg for you dear,
to come back with me.
I'm suffering all live.
You were for me.
I was for you.
Everything for you is this live.
Chorus: (4x)
Stop! Stop, don't go!
Know, the time will forgive us,
mistakes of both of us!
That crazy
(Close the door outside!I won't, i won't be the good, i won't!
Today i will call instead of you
on this in the mirror front me!)
1.That crazy again
i saw in my mirror
how makes up the pain
and not let in their world.
You love her like this to be your under hand,
to bear and to forgive you.
You love her ike this, but i don't know when,
i will call you louldly!
Close the door outside!
I won't be the good, i won't!
Today i will call instead of you
on this in the mirror front me!
What does she thinks for this?
For a saint one that she doesn't hates you?
And because she loves this
that most doesn't loves her?
2.If she passed the storm,
i will be quiet like before
and the crazy into me
will beg you 'Be mine!'.
You love her like this to be your under hand,
to bear and to forgive you.
You love her ike this, but i don't know when,
i will call you louldly!
Close the door outside!
I won't be the good, i won't!
Today i will call instead of you
on this in the mirror front me!
What does she thinks for this?
For a saint one that she doesn't hates you?
And because she loves this
that most doesn't loves her?
(What does she thinks for this?
For a saint one that she doesn't hates you?
And because she loves this
that most doesn't loves her?
Why, why, why?)
Close the door outside!
I won't be the good, i won't!
Today i will call instead of you
on this in the mirror front me!
What does she thinks for this?
For a saint one that she doesn't hates you?
And because she loves this
that most doesn't loves her?
Come back
1.My eyes is crying again, my dreams are gone again.You aren't home again.
I miss you so much.
The moonless nights with unpertured lips.
I beg you sad and lonely again,
to come back!
Chorus: (2x)
Outside rises day, but it stays dark into me.
For me only you, you are the sun in my days.
Outside rises day, but my soul is crying into me.
Come back, come back! Know me endless, i miss you!
2.My eyes is crying again, my dreams are gone again.
Hopeless i'm waiting home front the phone.
The moonless nights with unpertured lips.
I say sad and lonely,
to love you!
Chorus: (2x)
Outside rises day, but it stays dark into me.
For me only you, you are the sun in my days.
Outside rises day, but my soul is crying into me.
Come back, come back! Know me endless, i miss you!
Are you mine?
1.Are you mine?That I will be with you forever.
Mine, be mine,
i don't have dream without you.
I will lie down to you,
even if it's a lie.
You are inside into my blood,
how i love you
scary, gentle and dangerous
You are inside into my blood,
how i love you,
you keep silent but you're my clear.
You're making cold again,
but i know that you want me.
You are inside into my blood,
how i love you,
disgustingly wonderfull.
2.I know that you're bad,
but you will hurt me to death.
You every night
i'm waiting you
and your dream to the end,
at least give me for a moment.
Chorus: (1x) x (1x)
You are inside into my blood,
how i love you
scary, gentle and dangerous
You are inside into my blood,
how i love you,
you keep silent but you're my clear.
You're making cold again,
but i know that you want me.
You are inside into my blood,
how i love you,
disgustingly wonderfull.
Ma iubesti cu adevarat
Ma iubesti cu adevarat dar nu ca in reclamele care zic numai minciuniEsti frumoasa cu adevarat nu ca modelele care retuseaza fotografiile
Esti curata cu adevarat nu ca benzina verde care insa e venin
Esti sexy cu adevarat nu ca nu este nimic apoi cand ii dai jos sutienul
Crezi cu adevarat nu ca afisele cand sunt campaniile electorale
Esti sincera cu adevarat nu ca gecile si cravatele de la multinationale
Ma iubesti cu adevarat nu ca preturile de la medicina bio alternativa
Esti buna cu adevarat nu ca fructele cu coaja stralucitoare si radioactiva
Am nevoie de iubire si de un pic de adevar
Si de o zi mai bua de griul ce este aici
Si scriu o scrisoare pentru tine asa in totdeauna o vei citi
Si scriu o scrisoare pentru tine asa din cand in cand vei rade
Pentru ca dragostea te face sa razi stii
Dar tu iubesti cu adevar nu ca banii in economia asta virtuala
Ma impresionezi cu adevarat nu ca titurile senzationale pe care le gasesti pe ziare
Esti puternica cu adevarat nu ca recordurile ale atletilor bombati si iperdopati
Imi dai cu adevart nu ca ofertele speciale in supermarketuri
Esti pura cu adevar nu ca aerul, aerul acesta pe care in fiecare zi il respiram
Esti importanta cu adevarat nu ca personajele pe care pana la urma le votam
Am nevoie de iubire si de un pic de adevar
Si de o zi mai bua de griul ce este aici
Si scrie o scrisoare pentru mine asa o voi citi in totdeauna
Si scrie o scrisoare pentru mine asa din cand in cand voi plange
Pentru ca dragostea te face sa plangi stiu
Dragostea te face sa plangi stiu
Chacarera Of The Handsome
An old man gave me a word of advice:to deserve
go around the square
before nightfall.
Rounds and rounds went by
several days and even a month,
eight pairs of espadrilles
but not one woman.
They already tell me gold crins
velay, what impudence
they get scared of seeing me alone
if that is already stubbornness.
To those who say are called 'ugly'
do not let youselves be convinced
Christian´s ideas
different ways of seeing
That's why I live alone
alone and without a love,
the glasses are my friends
and the night club is my wife.
Lies that I'm so ugly
envy they shall have of me,
it is enough that one stands out
for them to want to sweep you.
Lies that I'm so ugly
that I can´t get a woman,
the causes I know them
these are times of scarcity
Boniface,the living light saw you
in the likeness of a sage,
you who returned to God
the pure rivulets flowing from God
when you bedewed
the greenness of the flowers.
Thus you are a friend of the living God
and a lucent crystal in the graciousness
of the paths of right,
on which, sage-like, you ran.
Proud And Beautiful
I have spent three days drinking and cryingyour pride and neglect,
and today I come to beg you to forget everything
that has happened.
If you well know
that I am dying,
why are you like that?
Forget the tears, yours
and mine, and be mine.
You, proud and beautiful
I, so jealous and rebellious
You, waiting for the engagement
I, who's dying to see you.
I always boasted
about being presumptuous
and knowing how to endure,
instead with you
I am just a coward who knows how to cry.
You, proud and beautiful
I, so jealous and rebellious
You, waiting for the engagement
I, who's dying to see you.
I always boasted
about being presumptuous
and knowing how to endure,
instead with you
I am just a coward who knows how to cry.
Ce dragoste frumoasă
Ce dragoste frumoasăCe cer frumos
Ce lună frumoasă
Ce frumos soare
Ce dragoste frumoasă
O iubesc foarte mult
Pentru că simte tot
Ce simt eu
Vino lângă mine
Vreau ca mâinile tale
Să-mi facă o mie de afecțiuni
Vreau să fiu în tine
Dă-mi mai multă dragoste
(Dă-mi mai multă dragoste)
Dar tot mai mult!
(Dar tot mai mult)
Vreau să mă săruți
Cum mă săruți tu
Și apoi pleci
Eu înțeleg că
Sufletul meu în viață
N-are dreptul să
Te iubească atât de mult
Dar simt că sufletul tău îmi strigă
Îmi cere afecțiune
Și nu pot rezista
Ce dragoste frumoasă
Ce cer frumos
Ce lună frumoasă
Ce frumos soare
Dacă ceva în mine s-a schimbat
(dacă ceva în mine s-a schimbat
Eu ți-o datorez ție
(eu ți-o datorez ție)
Pentru că acea afecțiune
Care au vrut-o mulți
Mi-ai dat-o mie
Ce dragoste frumoasă
You're a very pretty girl
You're a very pretty girlI knew it when I touched a boob
It was soft, round and clear
Anyway a very pretty boob
I might date with that girl
I knew it by caressing your buttock
And I said damn. It's a beautiful buttock
I'd like to spread seaweed cream on it
You're doubtlessly a goddess
Because when I saw you laying naked
I thought of asking help to Christ, Allah and Buddha
For our intercourse to be awesome
I deduced that you were someone unusual
By carrying out the sexual act
Becuase it was weird and normal, bizarre and natural
It was healthy, pure, wicked and brutal
But then I changed my mind
Because you passed a bad gonorrhea on me
And I called you dirty, ugly bitch
I blamed you for synthesise the gonorrhea
And now here comes the fun part
Not only my dick itches, I have AIDS
Goddamned pervert, you fucked up my life
My life is going downwards and not upwards
And after all it's all over
What began as a screw, ended in a screw
But though a good screw has killed me
I'll be dust, but dust in love.
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My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
How pretty are the commercials (Spanish version)
How pretty are the commercialsthat they broadcast on TV
And it's their happy music
their power of persuasion
Are so good the commercials
that you always exclaim
Too bad that they cut them
to put shows
How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
With their happy music,
pararán chimpón chimpón
What do the modern kids eat?
Cracker jacks, beans and sugar
Choco-plast, choco-plast!
The snack for today's children
For them to make sport and a healthy life
And purge all week long
With a choco-plast, with a choco-plast
With a choco-plast is enought
(With cards of the Challenger explosion)
They are mad about you
because you smell like a man
which is their loved scent, roar
And at one mile of distance
they note your fragance
and the congested ambient, roar
Your perfume leaves print,
they remember you passionately
And they need the help of God
to vent the room
Roar, roar (to smell like a tiger)
Freedom, freedom
Freedom all a victory
Freedom for you woman!
Freedom, freedom
Freedom and more freedom
This is a maxi pad commercial
as you have noticed
Freedom, freedom, freedom!
Nya nya nya nya, nya nya nya nya
I have an authomatic seed-peeler and you not
I bought it because it's absolutely indispensable
And it's portatile, programmable and even remote-controlled
Nya nya nya nya, nya nya nya nya
I have an authomatic seed-peeler and you not
You'll see, you'll buy it too!
(Peelmax, it peels them well peeled)
How pretty are the commercials
that they broadcast on TV
With their happy music,
pararán chimpón chimpón
![Creative Commons License](https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-sa/4.0/88x31.png)
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
What a nice love
What a nice loveWhat a nice sky
What a nice moon
What a nice sun
What a nice love,
I like it so much
because it feels all
that I feel too.
Come next to me,
I want your hands
caress me a thousand times,
I want to be within you.
Give me more love
(Give me more love)
But more and more!
(But more and more)
I want you to kiss me
the way you kiss me
and then, you leave.
I understand that
my soul, in this life,
doesn't have the right
to love you so much,
but I feel that my soul shouts at me,
ask me for affection,
and I can't stand it anymore.
What a nice love
What a nice sky
What a nice moon
What a nice sun
If anything changed in me
(If anything changed in me)
it was due to you.
(it was due to you)
because that affection
that so many wanted,
you gave it to me.
You are beautiful and naturalYour love is gonna make me fly
We are like sand and sea
You have always been there
So perfect to me
Today, I want to tell you
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want you, today and always
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want to tell you, today and always
You are pretty, hey, hey
You are pretty, hey, hey
You are pretty, hey, hey
Thank you, pretty girl.
Now kiss me, make time stand still
When you arrived you were my universe
You are so unique, so beautiful and special
Why would I, otherwise, use the sea to kiss you?
There is not much I can wait for, because I already found you
What makes me fly, baby, I can't wait
You are my princess and I do not deny
Come, let me take care of you, don't think much about it and come
I will love you
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want to tell you, today and always
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want to tell you, today and always
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want to tell you, today and always
You are pretty, hey, hey
You are pretty, hey, hey
You are pretty, hey, hey
Thank you, pretty girl.
Come, let me take care of you, don't think much about it and come
I will love you
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want to tell you, today and always
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want to tell you, today and always
I want you, today and always
To you, pretty girl, I thank you for everything you have given me
Don't ever leave me, baby, don't leave my side
I want to tell you, today and always
You are pretty.