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Waiting for you
I should get used to this lonelinessBut it seems unlikely
I should forget the past
But I still remember it clearly
I should walk away from this emptiness
But I could be here only
Waiting for someone
Who can never be my reality
For so long, I’ve waited for you to appear
For so long, you never seem to come near
For how long should I keep searching?
Still waiting for the one and only, where could I find you?
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
To give me love and get me right
Stay by my side and hold me tight
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
Waiting for you
For so long, I’ve waited for you to appear
For so long, you never seem to come near
For how long should I keep searching?
Still waiting for the one and only, where could I find you?
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
To give me love and get me right
Stay by my side and hold me tight
I’m waiting for you
Waiting for you
Waiting for you
Waiting for you
Sweet Day
Let me welcome you to my heartOnly you will get this promotion
This love is better than a tart
This sweetness is reserved
for you, my only one
My love is sweeter than creme brûlée
It tastes smoother than canelé
It’s softer than choux à la crème
We’ll go together like tea and madeleine
Take this love and you’ll get more
On top of being loved, you’ll be adored
My sweetness for you is unlimited
If you just let me love you just a little bit
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, yeah, yeah
My love is sweeter than creme brûlée
It tastes smoother than canelé
It’s softer than choux à la crème
We’ll go together like tea and madeleine
Take this love and you’ll get more
On top of being loved, you’ll be adored
My sweetness for you is unlimited
If you just let me love you just a little bit
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet day sweet day
I’ll give you only sweet day sweet day
Let me be your sweet day sweet day
You and I will have sweet day sweet day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, Sweet Day, Sweet Day
Sweet Day, yeah, yeah
Who am I
I have everything that they desireI am surrounded by those who admire
This is the life that only inspires
This is me, this is me
Who can ever see what lies inside
The other person I try to hide
Someone vulnerable with heart that trembles
This is me, this is me
So alone it hurts no escape
So much I suppress, who can relate?
If you could see inside my heart
Look past a beautiful facade
Who am I, who am I?
I am not that guy
Underneath a dream-like mirage
You'll find a heart full of scars
Hold me tight, hold me right
Look deep inside
Who am I?
Who am I?
How many nights I spend alone
How long until the light of dawn
How far until this ache is gone
I just feel so lonely
Someone who feels just right
Someone to be by my side
Someone who can shine a light
I just feel so empty
Someone who holds my hand
Someone who stays til the end
Someone who really understands
Someone who won't leave me stranded
Before my heart will weaken
Before my breath will soften
Take me out of the deep end
Before I succumb to the desperation
So alone it hurts no escape
So much I suppress, who can relate?
If you could see inside my heart
Look past a beautiful facade
Who am I, who am I?
I am not that guy
Underneath a dream-like mirage
You'll find a heart full of scars
Hold me tight, hold me right
Look deep inside
Who am I?
If you could see inside my heart
Look past a beautiful facade
Who am I, who am I?
I am not that guy
Underneath a dream-like mirage
You'll find a heart full of scars
Hold me tight, hold me right
Look deep inside
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Making a lover
Shout out to the world I love you, I love youTo be my girl
Dazzling Always You are my star
I will protect you
I can always do waiting for you
The only person who made me smile at the end of a tiring day
The person who greeted me at the end of my difficult life
Starting a day again, I think of your pretty smile
I'm happier than anyone else if only you are by my side
To the sky, I promise you
I'll give you my everything
Shout out to the world I love you, I love you
To be my girl
Dazzling Always You are my star
I will protect you
I can always do waiting for you
Why did you only come now? I feel like I have the whole world
Thank you, my own angel, I love you like the first time
To the sky, I promise you
I want your everything
Shout out to the world I love you, I love you
To be my girl
Dazzling Always You are my star
I will protect you
I can always do waiting for you
Promise only one of us, I swear by the sky
I love you until the day the sun burns away Oh my love
I pray that you accept me and allow me as your man
I promise, my heart won't change until the day I die
I can always do waiting for you
Baby I'll be forever with you
I'll only love you forever
Close your eyes
My dream is getting close enough to touchUnder the light that is you, which has pulled me in each moment
My heart flutters at the fact that this isn’t a dream but reality
I can feel it, I can’t hide this shivering
I was swaying and I used to feel endlessly small
I couldn’t reach or touch the door that was you
I was hanging on to the edge of the cliff of life
But I couldn’t give up my only dream that is you
I might lose my mind right now
The world has stopped
The moment I saw you
My whole body desperately wants it
It endlessly, desperately wants you even more
Burn it up, burn! My frozen heart
Turn it up, shine the bright light in the darkness
Close your eyes, the moment we get closer
The answer’s written in my eyes
Look at me just the way I am
Close your eyes, the moment I saw you
I was burning up, I couldn’t stop
Please take my breathe
Your light is so dazzling
I hope the shadow that lingers around me is you
Every night, I’m losing my mind
You call out to me, knock knock
I’m following the light I see in between the darkness
I’m holding out my hand for you
So my feelings for you can spread out wide
I might lose my mind right now
The world has stopped
The moment I saw you
My whole body desperately wants it
It endlessly, desperately wants you even more
Burn it up, burn! My frozen heart
Turn it up, shine the bright light in the darkness
Is this all a dream? Will this disappear?
I’m still nervous
I’m being pulled by you, my heart was waiting
It’s burning up now, I can’t stop it
The moment I saw you
My whole body desperately wants it
It endlessly, desperately wants you even more
Burn it up, burn! My frozen heart
Turn it up, shine the bright light in the darkness
Close your eyes, the moment we got close
The answer’s written in my eyes
Look at me just the way I am
Close your eyes, the moment I saw you
I was burning up, I couldn’t stop
When a Man Loves a Woman
When you love a woman,you can only think of her,
you tell the world what you have.
If people bad,
you don't think why
she does nothing wrong.
When you love a woman,
spend your money on her,
keeping only what you need.
You would leave everything
and you would sleep in the rain,
if she said you have to do so.
I love a woman
I give her all of me, oh so be it,
and if I look into her eyes,
I love her more and more.
When you love a woman,
you can never hurt her,
you cannot hope for another love.
If she makes fun of you,
you don't even notice it,
the eyes that love, they never see.
When you love a woman,
a star shines in the sky,
it is the sign of happiness.
If you walk alone on the street,
if she's waiting for you at home,
you are no longer far from her.
Focus On Me
Focus on meTune your ears to me
The world might give you cold and aching pain
It might be hard to get through a single day
Then remember my words
You’re not alone
Focus on me
Tune your ears to me
Even if the world doesn’t know you, you will still shine brightly in the end
Go on your way, don’t ever feel pitiful
I’ll always be by your side
Don’t forget me
Focus on me
Oh Hear my voice
Lean on my shoulder
You can lean on me
Don’t forget, I’m the one person to cheer you on
Focus on me
Oh Here I am
I will always be your side
If you can hear my small voice
Take an even bigger step forward
Focus on me
Oh Hear my voice
Lean on my shoulder
You can lean on me
Don’t forget, I’m the one person to cheer you on
Focus on me
Oh Here I am
I will always be your side
If you can hear my small voice
Take an even bigger step forward
Oh oh oh
If you can hear my small voice
Take an even bigger step forward
Ins spatele scenei
Ești în imaginația meaEu văd lumina ta strălucitoare
Se pare că ești aici
Dar întind mâna
Și dispari într-o clipă.
Toate amintirile care se salvează în inima mea
Le adun acolo unde ești doar tu
Mă uit la ele în camera mea
Și simt o explozie de durere în piept.
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
Sunt rănit, nu văd nici lumină, nici apă
Sigilează-mi inima rănită cu un jurământ fără rădăcini
Două pahare stau unul lângă altul.
Sunt goale din momentul în care le-ai atins.
Oh, așa și este.
Rolul lor nu a fost încă îndeplinit.
Toate amintirile care se salvează în inima mea
Le adun acolo unde ești doar tu
Mă uit la ele în camera mea
Și simt o explozie de durere în piept.
Nu trebuie să ai dreptate
Esti prea bună,
Voiam doar să te aud râzând
Pentru ca tu să nu măsori numărul de lacrimi,
În sfârșit, te-am găsit și am atins acest obiectiv.
Toate amintirile care se salvează în inima mea
Le adun acolo unde ești doar tu
Mă uit la ele în camera mea
Și adorm ușor cu ele în mâini.
Am auzit cuvintele pe care le-ai șoptit
M-am rătăcit și am hoinărit prin cameră
Simțeam mirosul tău și mi se făcea mai cald
Doar asta a rămas, doar asta a rămas.
Ești în imaginația mea
Văd lumina ta strălucitoare
Se simte, de parcă ești aici
Dar întind mâna
Și dispari într-o clipă.
OPORTUNITĂȚI(Să facem o mulțime de bani)
Eu am creierTu arăți bine
Hai să câștigăm o mulțime de bani
Tu ai forță
Eu am creier
Hai să câștigăm o mulțime...
M-am săturat să mă înșel
Și să stau cu idiotii
Mașina mea este parcată afară,
Mă tem că nu o să meargă
Caut un partener
Cineva care știe să repare lucrurile
Pune-ți această întrebare
Vrei să fii bogat?
Eu am creier
Tu arăți bine
Hai să câștigăm o mulțime de bani
Tu ai forță
Eu am creier
Hai să câștigăm o mulțime de bani
Îți dai seama că sunt educat
Am studiat la Sorbona
Doctorat în matematică
Aș fi putut fi un don
Pot programa un computer,
Alegerea momentului perfect
Dacă ai înclinația
Eu am infracțiunea
Oh, există o mulțime de oportunități
Dacă știți când să le luați
(Tu stii)
Există o mulțime de oportunități
Dacă nu există, le puteți face
(Faceți-le sau spargeți-le)
Eu am creier
Tu arăți bine
Hai să câștigăm o mulțime de bani
Tu ai forță
Eu am creier
Hai să câștigăm o mulțime de
Bani !
Poți vedea că sunt singur
Știu ce aș putea fi
Ce părere ai despre asta
Vino să faci o plimbare cu mine
Caut un partener
Indiferent de cheltuială
Gândește-te serios la asta
Știi că are sens
Hai (am creierul)
Hai să facem (ai frumusețe)
Hai să câștigăm mulți bani (Oh, bani)
Haide (ai mușchii)
Hai să facem (am creierul)
Hai să câștigăm mulți bani (Oh, bani)
Am creierul (am creierul)
Ai frumusețea (Ai frumusețea)
Hai să câștigăm mulți bani (Oh, bani)
Banii !