Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2



Versions: #1
The shining light you gave me
Is the reason I'm shining now
And so I dedicate this never-ending love to you
We've taken this path the whole way
If we think back to the day that I
Never had to rely on your affections
But just your eyes I'm gazing at tomorrow
I wonder if there's even just a little light of hope in those unknown, wandering days
It's not futile, no matter how many mistakes we make
The irreplacable miracle will keep me walking this path
It's not a dream
I'm in that place of beautiful, shining light
Even in times when it seems I'm broken
You'll be by my side, right?
'It's okay' With just that one word
I can keep walking on
The shining light you gave me
Is the reason I'm shining now
That voice and those eyes surely
warm my heart As though I'd never let that light go out Always
Forever close to me That's why I give myself to you
Like the rising moon Still waiting for the darkness to fall
No matter how much we have to face it, it's all right We won't forget those times
Because we're still climbing toward that day
No matter how far away I am, I'll always think about you
Because I'll always love you
The shining light you gave me Is the reason I'm shining now
With that voice and those eyes
The irreplacable miracle will keep us walking on
Looking at our dream In that place of shining light
We're still on a journey Your dream, my dream Toward to future we're making
Speaking of our everlasting love turns night into day
Our story is continuing Toward that never-ending stage
La la la La la la To that place of shining light