Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 51
The tiny red-nosed reindeer
At the time snow covers green Finland
And the reindeer cross the moor
The night wind
Still speaks to the herd of him
He was called Red-Nosed
Ah how tiny he was
The little reindeer with a red nose
Red as a [lighted] wick
His little nose would make everyone laugh
Everyone would tease him
Even saying
That he liked to drink too much.
A fairy who heard him
Crying in the dark
To comfort him said
'Come to paradise tonight'
Like an angel Red-Nosed
You will drive in the sky
With your little red nose
Santa's sleigh
When his brothers saw how nimbly
And with dignity he flew the celestial routes
In the sight of his frolicking
More than one reindeer stood dumbfounded
He was called Red-Nosed
Ah how tiny he was
The little reindeer with a red nose
Red as a lighted wick
Now that he practises
Riding his chariot in the sky
He is the king of reindeer
And his nose makes others jealous.
Your little girls and boys
For the great night
If you'll know your lessons
At the sounding of midnight
This tiny dot that moves
Just like a star across the sky
That's the nose of Red-Nosed
Announcing Santa
Announcing Santa
Announcing Santa
In Paris
In Paris
When love flowers
It's like, for weeks,
Two hearts smiling at each other
Just because they love each other
In Paris
In spring
On the rooves, the weathercocks
Spin and flirt
With the first wind
That's passing by, indifferent
For the wind
When coming to Paris
Has nothing but one concern left
It is to go and dawdle around
In the uptown
Of Paris
The sun
Which is his old friend
Also takes part in the feast
And, like two schoolboys,
They go on a spree
In Paris.
La la la
In Paris
When love flowers,
Two hearts smiling at each other
In Paris
In spring
Spin and flirt
That's passing by, indifferent
The sun
Which is his old friend
Also takes part in the feast
And, like two schoolboys,
They go on a spree
In Paris.
Since in Paris
The Bastille has been stormed,
In every suburb
And on every crossroads
There are guys
And there are girls
Who, on cobblestones,
on and on, night and day,
Are whirling and whirling
In Paris
Apă De Pe Lună
M-am uitat oriunde am putut
Doar pentru a găsi un indiciu
Oh, să ajung la tine
Să te fac să mă vrei
Am alergat în jurul soarelui
Am alergat după tine
Oh, dar fără nici un folos
Nu vezi că îmi ies din minţi
Încercând de a găsi o cale să ajung la tine
Oh, nu ştii cât de greu încerc
Şi încerc şi încerc
Ce trebuie să fac?
Îmi trebuie apă de pe lună?
Asta trebuie să fac
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Trebuie să transform nisipul în mare?
Asta e ceea ce vrei de la mine?
Am făcut tot ce am putut
Să obţin apă de pe lună
Am ajuns sus pe cer
Încercam să fur stelele
Oh, să-ţi câştig inima
Dar, chiar nu este suficient
Şi am căutat în fiecare carte pe care o cunosc
Doar pentru a găsi cuvintele
Oh, să pot atinge lumea ta şi să obţin puţină dragoste de la tine
Am dat deja tot ceea ce pot da
Şi nu ştiu ce a mai rămas să încerc
Şi încerc şi încerc
Ce trebuie să fac?
Îmi trebuie apă de pe lună?
Asta trebuie să fac
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Trebuie să transform nisipul în mare?
Asta e ceea ce vrei de la mine?
Am făcut tot ce am putut
Iubeşte-mă, cum te fac să mă iubeşti
Cum să te fac să vezi...
...că îmi ies din minţi
Încerc şi încerc şi încerc
Îmi trebuie apă de pe lună?
Baby, asta trebuie să fac
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Să te fac să mă iubeşti
Trebuie să transform nisipul în mare?
Asta e ceea ce vrei de la mine?
Am făcut tot ce am putut
Să obţin apă de pe lună
...apă de pe lună
Baby, iubeşte-mă, iubeşte-mă, da
Ești singurul meu miracol
Tot ceea ce am facut de bine
Iar îmi strîngi inima cu tîndrețe,
și mărturisesc că este adevărat
N-am cunoscut o iubire ca asta pîna tu...
Ești rațiunea pe care m-am născut
Acum în sfîrșit știu sigur
Iar sînt copleșită de fericire
Atît de binecuvîntată să te țin aproape
Cel pe care îl iubesc cel mai mult
Cu totul ce are viitorul pentru tine
Cine ai mai putea să te iubesc mai mult?
Lucrul cel mai apropiat la Cerul,
Ești îngerul meu din sus
Numai Domnul crează o iubire atît de perfectă
Cînd îmi zîmbești, plîng
Iar ca să-ți salvez viața voi muri
Cu o poveste de dragoste ce e inimă cinstită,
Ești bucățicul meu cel mai drăguț
Indiferent de ce ar trebuie,
Trăiesc pentru dorințele tale
Uit de ale mele, nevoile vor fi prioritate
Cine ai mai putea să te iubesc mai mult?
Atunci nimic n-ai mai putea să faci,
Ca să desist, să te iubesc
Iar de fiecare dată cînd respir,
e pentru binele tău
Dormi în visele mele, și să fii sigur
Cine ai mai putea să te iubesc mai mult?
Din cauza
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza vieții
Din cauza viselor cele mari ce ne-au bătut
În jurul lui Adam și Eva și Paradisului lor
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza unei clipei
Din cauza unei ambienței, [și] a unui loc și a unui moment
Și a bucăților copilăriei, lipite de cei douăzeci de ani a noștri
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar azi, atîtea lucruri s-au schimbat
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși
Trebuie să ne iubim totuşi, în pofida timpului pierdut
În pofida viselor cele mari la care ne-am întors
Ca Adam și ca Eva [în] Parasidul pierdut
Trebuie să ne iubim totuși, în pofida celor mai rele
În pofida strategiilor corpului nostru, fără dorințe
În pofida tuturor problemelor noastre, în pofida amintirilor noastre
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar in prezent, atîtea lucruri s-au schimbat
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși
Trebuie să ne iubim totuși, în pofida multor lucruri
Iar acum, vezi tu, nu trebuie să ignorăm
Că iubirea se transformă precum și culminarea ei
E cînd ne iubim din cauza, din cauza ale „pofida“-ele
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși
Iar azi, atîtea lucruri s-au schimbat
Ne-am iubit din cauza, din cauza
Iar acum, trebuie să ne iubim totuși
Te Chem
Un drum în deșert din Las Vegas pîna la nicăieri
un loc mai bun decît unde [deja] ai fost
Un aparat de cafe ce are nevoie de reparație
Într-o mică cafenea tocmai dupa colț
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem
Un vînt fierbinte suflă drept prin mine
Bebelușul plînge iar nu pot să dorm
Iar noi amîndoi știm că o schimbare va veni
veni mai aproape, dulce eliberarea
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem
Un drum în deșert din Las Vegas pîna la nicăieri
un loc mai bun decît unde [deja] ai fost
Un aparat de cafe ce are nevoie de reparație
Într-o mică cafenea tocmai dupa colț
Un vînt fierbinte suflă drept prin mine
Bebelușul plînge iar nu pot să dorm
Iar noi amîndoi știm că o schimbare va veni
veni mai aproape, dulce eliberarea
Te chem
Oare nu mă auzi?
Te chem
My fault
Versions: #2
That our roars of laughter burst
to hunt the boredom and the evil
Far from the punishments of the morality
As long as your heart and mine are carried away
Your gestures your sighs
I shall know how to read them
to find finally the words, the words
Which can curse
Forever to banish
The fancies which stick us on the skin
You will be my battle
My armor, my fault
And I shall make it mountains,
For you avoid k.o. [chaos]
Of a world confusedly
Oh oh oh oh
My armor, my fault
And I shall make it mountains to avoid you k.o.
Of a world confusedly
If sometimes our souls rebel
Get lost as people of sirens
The game(set,play) is worth the candle oh
Because the life has never been so beautiful
Too bad if the luck(chance) turns its back to us
We shall smile for forgery, forgery
To curse finally
For ever banish
These fancies which stick us on the skin
You will be my battle
My armor, my weakness(fault)
And I shall make it mountains
To avoid you K.o.
Of a world confusedly
Oh oh oh oh
My armor, my weakness(fault)
And I shall make it mountains
To avoid you K.o.
Of a world confusedly
My weakness(fault)...
You will be my battle
My armor, my weakness(fault)
And I shall make it mountains
To avoid you K.o.
Of a world confusedly
Oh oh oh oh
My armor, my weakness(fault)
Vers 1
Ce ii ramas de spus !?
Aste rugi , incetat-au a functiona
Fiece cuvant ....daramat , in flacari
Ce-i de facut cu aste ramasite' de jos?
Vocea-mi pierd ,...strugandu-te
Caci eu m-am cutremurat...
M-am dat peste cap, pana ce fost-am daramata
Privind toate aste vise , naruindu-se
Lasa Frumosul a prinde viata din cenuse'!!
Lasa frumosul a se ridica din cenuse' !!!
Iar cand la Domnu' eu ma rog ....tot ceea ce eu cer e ..
Poate frumusetea' a se ridica din cenuse''??
Verse 2
Poti tu a folosi aste lacrimi pentru a-mi stinge focul din inima mea?
Caci de tine am nevoie !!
Caci eu m-am cutremurat...
M-am dat peste cap, pana ce fost-am daramata
Privind toate aste vise , naruindu-se
Lasa Frumosul a prinde viata din cenuse'!!
Lasa frumosul a se ridica din cenuse' !!!
Iar cand la Domnu' eu ma rog ....tot ceea ce cer !! ..
Poate frumusetea' a se ridica din cenuse''??
Poate frumusetea' a se ridica din cenuse''??
Holy night
Versions: #2
O Night of peace, holy night
In the sky the star shines.
In the fields everything rests in peace
But suddenly in the fresh air
The brilliant choir of angels
to the shepherds appears.
O Night of Hope, Holy Night,
Hope has revived
the Savior of the earth is born
It is to us that God has given it
Let's celebrate his praises,
Glory to the Incarnate Word!
O Night of peace, Holy Night
In the sky the star shines.
In the fields everything rests in peace
But suddenly in the fresh air
The brilliant choir of angels
to the shepherds appears.
Love or friendship ?
Versions: #2
He is thinking of me, I see it, I feel it, I know it
And his smile is not lying to me when he picks me up
He likes to tell me about the things he has seen
About the life he has been living and about all his projects
But I believe that he is alone and that he sees other girls
I don't know what they want nor the phrases he says
I don't know where I am anywhere in his life
If I matter more than any other girl to him today
He is so close to me but I don't know how to love him
He is the only one to decide if we talk about love or about friendship
I love him and I can offer him my life
Even if he does not want my life
Yes, I dream of his arms but I don't know how to love him
He seems to hesitate between a story of love of friendship
And I am like an island in the open sea
One could say that my heart is too big
Nothing to tell him, he knows well that I have everything to give.
I can only smile, waiting for him and wanting to win him
But the nights are so sad, the time seems so long to me
And I have not learned how to live without him
He is so close to me, however I don't know how to love him
He is the only one to decide if we talk about love or about friendship
I love him and I can offer him my life
Even if he does not want my life
Yes, I dream of his arms but I don't know how to love him
He seems to hesitate between a story of love or friendship
And I am like an island in the wide ocean
One could say that my heart is too big
All the gold of men
Versions: #2
I submitted my weapons
at the entrance of your heart without any fight
and I followed the charms
smoothly, slowly somewhere over there
in the midst of your dreams
in the palm of your sleep in your nights
a new day is rising
like no other but since that time, you know ....
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
This is a new journey
fate or random ? whatever
what showed me the way
that led up to you but since that time, you know ....
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
All the Gold of Men
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything.
(All the gold of men)
doesn't worth anything ...
if you're away from me
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change!
So, above all, don't change anything.
(All the gold of men) All the Gold of Men
All the love of everyone doesn't do anything to me
So, above all, don't change anything....
All the gold of men) All the Gold of Men
(All the love of everyone) All the love of everyone
So, above all, don't change anything.
I will tell him
Versions: #2
I will tell him that he comes from this country
Where his father was a treefeller
And that the East also runs in his veins
And that such mixes make beautiful children
That he is strong and very much alive
I will tell him that he was born from love
That we were waiting for him with excitement
That every night makes way for a new day
That he will grow up one day but that he still has got time
Yes my lord, he still has got time
And that life may call him, and that the world waits for him
that earth is so beautiful and the sky so large
That he is nice and that I love him, that he's my life, my joy
That he is one amongst millions of people
But for me he's the one-of-a-kind
I will tell him, that here on earth everything must be
learned: good, evil and even happiness,
That he must never loose his child's eyes.
In front of too much tragedy and ugliness
he has to look with his heart.
I will tell him to behave well and to be careful
To brush against ice and fire
To taste everything but never to be dependent on anything
That too much can be worse than too little
Oh much worse than too little
And that life may call him, and that the world waits for him
that earth is so beautiful and the sky so large
That he is nice and that I love him, that he's my life, my joy
That he is one amongst millions of people
But for me he's the one-of-a-kind
I will tell him the songs and the poems
That there's no love without trouble
That happiness is a seed that you sow
That you can't buy love and health
And that those things are the only wealths you have
I will tell him that one day another woman
Will come and love him and that he will love her
That I will die out with happiness and tears
But that we will be there, step by step
That this is life and its rules
And that life may call him, and that the world waits for him
that earth is so beautiful and the sky so large
That he is nice and that I love him, that he's my life, my joy
That he is one amongst millions of people
But for me he's the one-of-a-kind
That he is nice and that I love him,
That behond mystery
He is my best reason to live
my answer to eternity
I don't know
Versions: #2
Deviating rivers, carrying weights
Crossing seas, I'd know how to do that.
Challenging machines, taunting laws,
God’s angers, I’m not afraid of them.
I know how to take a hit, and how to deliver one, too.
I have learned how to punch nails.
I’m not a victim, I’m not a dove
And to break me, they have to make me fall down.
I know the winters, I know the cold
But I don’t know the life without you.
I’ve known the silence for a long time
I know its violence, its taste of blood.
Red angers, dark pains,
I know these wars, I don’t fear them.
I know how to defend myself, I’ve learned well (how to do it).
We're not nice ones around here.
I know the Winters, I know the cold
But I don't know life without you.
Fight after fight, worst after worst,
Every minute, I believed I could hold on.
I 'd want to learn day by day
But who commands our loves?
I know the Winters, I know the cold
But I don't know life without you.
I don’t know
I don’t know
My boyfriend has left me
Versions: #2
My boyfriend has left me
I'm telling you
It was bound to happen to me too
I saw him dreaming of another girl
For a long time
My boyfriend has gone
I don't know where
Gone to another heart
far away from here
To gather other flowers
And find other dates
I watch the waves of the ocean
crushing against the rocks
I wish calmness
Would come and fill my loneliness
He's left me
I'm telling you
Yes, it has happened to me too
Because he was dreaming of another girl
For a long time
My boyfriend has left me
It's that simple
Summer is over
A fragile sun
The boats have been stored
Until April comes
So, I watch the waves
In my heart, something has charged
He was both tender and wild
Now he's free to live his own life
He left me
At the end of summer
He's left me
My boyfriend has left me
I'm telling you
Yes, it has happened to me too
I don't dream anymore
At least not today
On the highest brunch
Versions: #3
In the clear fountain
Having a picnic
Hung on the highest brunch
Among the chestnuts
It seems you were balancing
I watched you and loose my feet
Although nothing matters anymore
Have you at least found the key
That gives us back our childhood
And our crazy Laughter at schoolchildren
This night,
It's the wind of the autumn
That will rock you
Let it
At the shelter of men
Rock it near me
There will be, of course, unease
Like a brief hesitation
At the moment of placing the chairs
For the new year's eve meal
You'll live in all our silence
In the hasard of conversations
I'll get used to your absence
But I won't say your name anymore
This night,
It's the wind of the autumn
That will rock you
Let it
,At the shelter of men,
Rock you near me
Hung on the highest brunch
One day, I'll forgive you
Tell God that it's sunday
And he can come to take you
Okay, What is Love
Careful with my heart
Often you talk too much
Often you play with words
But me, when you speak, I'm not playing
I believe you
When you say I love you
Me, I hear for life
But for you, it's a night
And without knowing what love is
You spend your time
Speaking about love
First of all, what is love
You don't know love
A word that's forgotten
That's what you think
Love is
The most important thing is
Not what is said
But what's seen
A gesture, a nothing, a simple look
I shout at you often
[I] Pretend to believe it
First of all, what is love
You don't know love
A word that's forgotten
That's what you think love is
What I feel for you
It's like a torrent of joy
A burning fire
Within me
That's what love it
Love is in the heart
And when I see you
I know that's what it is
Yes that's love
Love is in the heart
Open your arms for me
I know that's what it is
That's what love is
In the newspapers
all the countries of the world
seem to be at war.
On the radio,
they talk about it every hour
by saying that there’s nothing to be done about it.
For me, in this life,
where I should make my place in the sun
in the evening, I have a hard time
alone, trying to find sleep
and a lot of the time, I’m really afraid.
I need a lot of love
to understand what’s going on all around me.
tell me at least that one day
people will make peace between themselves and for forever.
No more distance
between the countries of the world,
no more borders, no more distrust,
no more suffering,
a single goal in the heart
between friends, between brothers.
I need a lot of love
to understand what’s going on all around me.
tell me that at least one day
People will make peace between themselves and for forever.
Jeg overgiver mig
Der er så meget liv jeg har tilbage at leve
Og denne ild brænder stadig
Når jeg ser dig kigge på mig
Tror jeg jeg kunne finde viljen
Til at stå op for hver eneste drøm
Og forlade denne solide grund
Og opgive denne angst indeni
Om hvad der ville ske hvis de nogensinde fik at vide
Jeg er forelsket i dig
For jeg overgiver det hele
For at føle chancen for at leve igen
Jeg rækker ud efter dig
Jeg ved du også kan mærke det
Vi klarer os igennem
Tusinde drømme, jeg tror stadig på
Jeg kan få dig til at realisere dem alle for mig
Jeg vil holde dig i mine arme og aldrig give slip
Jeg overgiver mig
Jeg ved jeg ikke kan overleve
Endnu en nat væk fra dig
Du er min grund til at fortsætte
Og nu må jeg leve sandheden ud
Lige nu, der er intet bedre øjeblik
Fra denne angst vil jeg bryde fri
Og jeg vil leve igen med kærlighed
Og nej, det kan de ikke tage fra mig
Jeg overgiver det hele
For at føle chancen for at leve igen
Jeg rækker ud efter dig
Jeg ved du også kan mærke det
Vi klarer os igennem
Tusinde drømme, jeg tror stadig på
Jeg kan få dig til at realisere dem alle for mig
Jeg vil holde dig i mine arme og aldrig give slip
Jeg overgiver mig
Hver eneste nat bliver længere
Og denne brand bliver stærkere, skat
Jeg vil sluge min stolthed og jeg vil være i live
Kan du høre mig kalde
Jeg overgiver det hele
Jeg overgiver det hele
For at føle chancen for at leve igen
Jeg rækker ud efter dig
Jeg ved du også kan mærke det
Vi klarer os igennem
Tusinde drømme, jeg tror stadig på
Jeg kan få dig til at realisere dem alle for mig
Jeg vil holde dig i mine arme og aldrig give slip
Jeg overgiver mig
Lige her, lige nu
Ville jeg give mit liv for at leve igen
Jeg bryder fri, tag mig
Du er mit alt, jeg overgiver det hele til dig
Lige her, lige nu
Ville jeg give mit liv for at leve igen
Jeg bryder fri, tag mig
Du er mit alt, jeg overgiver det hele til dig
Un Nou Dia Ha....Arribat
He esperat fa molt
Per que el miracle arribés
Tots em deien es fort
Resisteix i no vessaments una llagrima
A Través de la foscor i els bons temps
Sàvia que ho aconseguiria
I el món pensava que ho tenia tot
Però jo esperava per tu
Observo llums en el cel
Oh, gairebé em enlluernen
No puc creure-ho
He estat tocada per un àngel amb amor
Deixaré que la pluja caigui i es porti les meves llàgrimes
Deixi omplir la meva ànima i ofegar les meves pors
Deixa enderrocar les parets per a un nou, nou sol
Un nou dia ha... arribat
On va ser obscur ara hi ha llum
On Va haver-hi dolor ara hi ha alegria
On hi havia debilitat, vaig trobar la meva força
Tot en els ulls d'un noi
Observo llums en el cel
Oh, gairebé em enlluernen
No puc creure-ho
He estat tocada per un àngel amb amor
Deixaré que la pluja caigui i es porti les meves llàgrimes
Deixi omplir la meva ànima i ofegar les meves pors
Deixa enderrocar les parets per a un nou, nou sol
Un nou dia ha... arribat