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This Is Love
Open my eyes – and I'm in your arms.
You dispelled all my worries.
I really feel your concern and love.
Want to argue with you every day.
I can't help my grumpy nature.
I was spoiled by you and became a bad child.
We agreed to go hand in hand for the rest of our lives.
So let's enjoy our present and future.
This is love that fills the heart with sweetness.
I look forward to this all the time.
I want to hear your voice in my head every day.
This is love. If only time could slow down.
I just want to be with you forever
Without any obstacles.
Open my eyes – and I'm in your arms.
You dispelled all my worries.
I really feel your concern and love.
Want to argue with you every day.
I can't help my grumpy nature.
I was spoiled by you and became a bad child.
We agreed to go hand in hand for the rest of our lives.
So let's enjoy our present and future.
This is love that fills the heart with sweetness.
I look forward to this all the time.
I want to hear your voice in my head every day.
This is love. If only time could slow down.
I just want to be with you forever
Without any obstacles.
This is love that fills the heart with sweetness.
I look forward to this all the time.
I want to hear your voice in my head every day.
This is love. If only time could slow down.
I just want to be with you forever
Without any obstacles.
Invitation to Heaven
I can feel the shadows of the past
And a black spider on my brain
How they bite my dreams
The truth is a lie
And it's as if
And it's as if
We're cursed
I want to kill time
Only shadows remain
Head wandering through emptiness
Turns and falls a long fall
And it's as if
And it's as if
We're cursed
But (still,) we await an
invitation to Heaven
Finished an intelligent book
Today I remember it
Purple Panorama, Highway of the Galaxy, When I look up,
A SHOOTING STAR penetrates my heart.
In the sleepless city, heartbeat accelerates.
It's time to pray for an unforeseen tomorrow.
I can hear that melody.
That mysterious voice won't let me go.
Where will this pent up feeling in my heart take me?
Blue swaying SEVENTH MOON Toward the echoing rhythm,
I will look for the answer in the crazy dance.
The silver dome is reflecting SUNNY SKY
It's time to take it in and check my dried up heart.
I can hear that melody.
An unshakable power will return to me.
What kind of rainbow can we hang by this mysterious power?
In the darkness dissolving SEVENTH MOON Time goes by
Let's continue the dream that we lost, in someday.
The parade continues on toward a new morning sun.
Where will this pent up feeling in my heart take me?
Blue swaying SEVENTH MOON Toward the echoing rhythm,
I will look for the answer in the crazy dance.
What kind of rainbow can we hang by this mysterious power?
In the darkness dissolving SEVENTH MOON Time goes by
Let's continue the dream that we lost.
Where will this pent up feeling in my heart take me?
Blue swaying SEVENTH MOON Toward the echoing rhythm,
I will look for the answer in the crazy dance.
How Could I Not Love You
How could I not love you when our everything is intertwined
I try, but it hurts, it is imprisoned deeply
How could I not love you, where ever I am, you are here too
We became vain, we glorify ourselves in a song too
I know, I know it well, there are others who love
They are puzzled by our love
They're not even close to us, they're trying in vain
There was lightning whole night, sky was at odds with the town
It hesitated for long, it held up the parade
Till you got back so we can listen together to the rain
Smashing the windows, howling and then going completely quiet
I know, I know it well, there are others who love
They are puzzled by our love
They're not even close to us, they're trying in vain
I know, I know it well, first loves are mighty
So clumsy and new
None of them is so soft as this one
Rani in Ceruri
Dac-as fi stiut ieri ca te vad ultima data
N-as mai fi plecat de-acolo niciodat’
Mai mult cu tine as fi stat, mana ta n-as fi lasat
Cat as da ca doar o zi sa te mai am
Inima mea plange acum… Si imi lipsesti
Unii zic ca timpu-aduce alin
Dar eu stiu c-acolo sus rani, dureri si lacrimi nu-s
Eu stiu ca n-ai murit... sunt fericit
Caci ranile din Ceruri nu-s ranile ce le-avem noi
Acolo nu mai sunt amaruri, in ceruri toate vor fi noi
Eu zambesc cuprins de doruri, de lacrimi ochii mei sunt plini
Vad ranile din Ceruri, vad semnul cuielor din maini
Stiu drumul tau n-a fost nici simplu, nici usor
Au fost multe suferinti ce ai purtat
Azi alergarea ti-ai sfarsit, te-ai luptat si ai biruit
Durerea ta pe veci s-a terminat
Aleluia, Aleleia, Aleluia
Vad semnul cuielor din maini
Nu trece-o zi fara ca sa te vad din nou
In inima mea tu vesnic vei trai
Stiu, alergarea si eu voi sfarsi
Ma voi lupta si voi castiga
Pana cand cu Isus si eu voi fi
Caci ranile din Ceruri…
Turn the Stars, in the middle of the world
When your ears burn, somewhere in the forest a butterfly will dance.
The lock on the door you're guarding is nonsense.
Lions are strong
even when they lick the embarrassing stories.
I want to survive.
I want to survive.
I want to still be alive.
Guided by the constellations, now, we looked at each other.
I want to survive.
I will be at a loss, and
I will be twinkling wither away.
Until I show you my naked body seriously,
I will never go to sleep.
The wind will eventually head to the east.
High pressure hits the planet's glaciers.
I drank some priming water, and my chest is painful.
The surrounding stories,
We will gnaw them deep into the bone.
I want to survive.
I want to survive.
I want to still be alive.
Guided by the constellations, now, we looked at each other.
I want to survive.
I will be at a loss, and
I will be twinkling wither away.
Until I show you my naked body seriously,
I will never go to sleep.
What are you born for?
What are you here for?
I want to survive.
irreparable wound,
I was afraid of the light.
Lives that want to be forgiven are now, fascinating each other.
I want to stop wandering around
and calm down next to you.
Until I show you my naked body seriously,
I will never go to sleep.
I want to survive.
I don't mind if it's on the edge of a cliff.
I love you so much.
Lives that want to wake up are now, attracted to each other.
Instead of madness,
I will give a prayer.
I love you so much.
Constellations are guiding us.
I want to survive.
I want to stay alive.
I love you so much.
Until I show you my naked soul seriously,
I will never go to sleep.
You can live in freedom
Life can hit you hard right through your thick and lonely wall
There will come a time when grief is making your skin crawl
Let those moments be, you know that life is not a race
Better days are coming as the tears dry on your face
Life can hit you hard right through your thick and lonely wall
Jokes will make place for a sea of tears to fall
Love will find you when you don’t believe in it no more
‘Cause in your darkest days the moon shines brighter than before
You can live in freedom as you go to make it fit
Let your past be your past and then just truly go for it
Death can break our hearts but it can fix them even more
As different as we are we’ll walk together through one door
Life can hit you hard right through your thick and lonely wall
All leaves will turn to grey and eventually they’ll fall
The wind will keep on blowing, dig your roots deep in the sand
Though you don’t dare to dream yet springtime takes you by the hand
You can live in freedom as you go to make it fit
Let your past be your past and then just truly go for it
Death can break our hearts but it can fix them even more
As different as we are we’ll walk together through one door
I do love you, you love me too
Life is loving you and it loves me do
Let love set you free, I let my love set free
The sun is what we see
Life can hit you hard right through your thick and lonely wall
All leaves will turn to grey, and eventually they’ll fall
The wind will keep on blowing, dig your roots deep in the sand
Though you don’t dare to dream yet springtime takes you by the hand
Radical Dreamers - Unstolen Jewel
I've followed that trembling light wrapped in your infant hands,
I came all the way here as I wandered the edge of time.
I have been looking for you though I don't even know your name.
I just wanted to hand over my sole wish to you.
History embraces love and pain deeply
and erases them, but I won't forget.
It had been echoing deep in my heart for some time.
It was a whisper fainter than a drop of dew.
I wish my prayers woven in the darkness of the frozen stars
will reach the distant sky of yours.
To make the Parmesan
To make Parmesan you need wood,
for ham you need hormones.
Then you drink the wine with bentazzoni
which tastes good only to bums.
Tomatoes are replicants
but with just one euro you buy many,
however their effects are horrifying.
If the label reassures you
because it doesn't mention sawdust,
they just put a little of it in the meatloaf
but they put in a lot of seal shit.
The Americans send it to us,
we wouldn't even give it to dogs,
but with the TTIP you will see that you will eat it.
You disagree, you are disappointed.
A lawyer comes from Boston
and sues you if you conduct checks
to search cyanide inside the chickens.
Then they condemn you for your commitment
and in jail you will pay a pledge:
you will eat Parmesan with wood inside.
I won't chase you anymore.
I won't chase after your running shadow.
Everyone will keep running.
No one can see the goal yet.
What is there after today?
What is there beyond tomorrow?
Towards the light far away,
I'm still running towards the light far away.
I won't lose my way anymore.
I will just walk my own way.
Everyone will keep running.
The goal is so far away, though.
The days are passing through today.
But, it will be all right if tomorrow comes.
Towards the light far away,
I'm still running towards the light far away.
I won't take a rest anymore.
Someday, we might encounter.
Everyone will keep running.
No one can see the goal at all.
The day of hope called tomorrow.
It's the bright light called the future.
Towards the light far away,
I'm still running towards the light far away.
Birth Of A New Age
Skin as rich as the starlit night
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Deep currents running in the rivers of your eyes
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They spat on your crown and they poisoned your ground
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They burned your heroes at the stake
But your voice will echo all their names
This ain't the end no
It's the birth of a new age
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break me , break me
Soul blazin' like a hurricane
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
Spirit roaring wild like untamed flames
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They buried your guts, they imprisoned your thoughts
Your rhythm is rebellion, your rhythm is rebellion
They tried to train you off your faith
But you are the race that melts the chains
This ain't the end no
It's the birth of a new age
We are the fruit born in the legacy
Of every forgotten revolutionary
Born in resilience, proud like a lion
We are the birth of a new age
You can't break me
You can't break me
You can't break me , break me
I am half a cent
Hurry Over There, My Song
HUrry over there, my song
To where my angel's home is
Land on the lap of the maiden
Who dreams a sweet dream
Tell her I love her
From the bottom of my heart
Oh, you, my soul's soul
May dear God watch over you
When long nights come
Be with here, my song
Like a messenger in solitude
And the jingle of the love's yearning
Tell her that I only keep
Her image in my heart
Oh, you, my soul's soul
May dear God watch over you
The sound of wind comes
In spring, there is a lifestyle of spring.
In summer, a summer wind blows.
In autumn, there is a harvest of autumn.
In winter, there is a hardness of winter.
When I was born, the birthplace may be different.
But I fell crying in this world.
The sky is sunny and it had a nice day, but
If this land was not wetted by rain,
It will not grow trees.
Like standing still in fragile.
In spring country, there is a warm.
In summer country, there is a flexibility.
In autumn country, there is a wealth.
In winter country, there is a wisdom.
We are far away from each other, but now
We have connecting ways in this world.
The sky is sunny and I feel a a light.
There is people whose rain suffer.
Even this vague small heart,
It will know
The sound of wind comes
Tell Me
Tell me where you are
Tell me where did you go to
Did you really have to for no good reason?
And the fact you're telling some fairytales,
You know it's not true...
Everything that is left here is
Just empty silence
Tell me, tell me
Tell me there from the shadow
Tell me, tell me
Why aren't you next to me?
Tell me, tell me
Where you hang out tonight
Tell me, tell me
In whose eye are you hiding?
I am still waiting for my Godot
In the middle of a crossroad
I'm still in pain
Cause you left without a goodbye
Come on, don't be silent, but tell me
Tell me what's going on
Why everything I try
Always goes to hell somewhere
Tell me, tell me
Tell me there from the shadow
Tell me, tell me
Why aren't you next to me?
Tell me, tell me
Where you hang out tonight
Tell me, tell me
In whose eye are you hiding?
Everything's Dope
(Everything's dope when you're here)
(When you're here, when you're here)
(Everything's dope when you're here)
(When you're here, when you're here)
[Part 1]
Every time you pass my mind in your hotpants,
I get a little crazy, act like I'm drunk
God damn, baby, you're God's plan
I write every song for you and they all reach a top ten position in the charts
And every time that you're gone, I just sit around watching Netflix
And I'm bored 'til you're back again
And I got every song on my tracklist
You hide, please save me, save me (So high)
And, baby, I know you're not a bad bitch (So high)
Yet I love it when you sext me, when you sext me, eh (So high)
And every time that I lay in my bed all alone (So high)
I get nervous 'til you're back
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here, when you're here
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here (So high), when you're here (Yeah)
Everything's dope (I'm so high) when you're here
When you're here (So high), when you're here
Everything's dope (I'm so high) when you're here
When you're here, when you're here (I'm so high)
(Everything's dope when you're here)
(When you're here, when you're here)
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here, when you're here
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here, when you're here
(Everything's dope when you're here)
(When you're here) Yeah, yeah, yeah, ey
[Part 2]
I count every hour that you're gone, yeah, yeah
And I wonder if you want it right now, too? Yeah, yeah
Every day, I wait for your message, yeah, yeah, yeah
I don't want you, baby, no, I need you
'Cuz you're so different, baby, you don't compare to anyone
Just one look from you and I'm high (So high)
When you smile (So high)
When you smile (So high)
When you smile (So high)
When you smile
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here, when you're here
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here (So high), when you're here (Yeah)
Everything's dope (I'm so high) when you're here
When you're here (So high), when you're here
Everything's dope (I'm so high) when you're here (I'm so high)
When you're here, when you're here (I'm so high)
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here, when you're here
Everything's dope when you're here
When you're here, when you're here
(Everything's dope when you're here)
(When you're here, when you're here)
(Everything's dope when you're here)
(When you're here, when you're here)
[Verse 1]
Okay, what actually happened then?
Some virus came
Everyone started a holiday, that's fine (What's the problem)
We're not allowed to leave the house (crazy thing)
Very cool, didn't even have any plans (Skrrr)
I'm charging batteries, but earlier I fucking charged (That's right)
Head in the clouds, I'm laying low (That's right)
Since the time when alcohol was still 10 euros (That was a long time ago)
Let's be honest, I've had all the symptoms for a long time (Talk more)
I have a splitting headache when you look me in the eye (This is crazy)
Lungs collapse when you take off your clothes (There's no air)
Feel sick when you put your clothes on
Chills when you step out of the room (Come on)
The only thing that I sometimes don't like, hmm (Bad mood)
Toilet paper memes (That's right)
Lockdown and you in my head
Like a chemist has tables and diagrams
Croissants in quarantine
I kept my distance from you
But I heard on the radio this evening
An emergency situation in the country
And this is too tough
To behave like a fool
If this is how things are
Then see you some other time
There's still leftover croissants in quarantine
I kept my distance from you
But I heard on the radio this evening
An emergency situation in the country
I don't know when you're going to understand
Your closeness is contagious
Y'know, when someone coughs, yeah
Y'know, when someone coughs
[Verse 2]
Forgive me, I've short circuited
On what all we're allowed to do (I don't know man)
And there's no cure for it (allegedly)
So y'know, when someone coughs (y'know, when someone coughs)
You move in the same way again
They're saying that you're everywhere
I can't get to the grocery store
I had to go to the gas station
Triangle sandwich, oh-no
I miss your food
And your stimulating abilities
(And I know that this is will end
I'd only like to know when
Because frozen croissants
Have become a villain)
Croissants in quarantine
I kept my distance from you
But I heard on the radio this evening
An emergency situation in the country
And this is too tough
To behave like a fool
If this is how things are
Then I'll see you some other time
There's still leftover croissants in quarantine
I kept my distance from you
But I heard on the radio this evening
An emergency situation in the country
I don't know when you'll understand
That your closeness is contagious
Y'know, when someone coughs
Y'know, when someone coughs
All the varied colors that I see since you, yeah
You're so special and you don't think you're so important, yeah
Never want drinks with other people, right now everything's annoying
You say: 'No one is forever, we're just beautiful photoflashes'
You and I alone in this space
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
Mh, ja, everything's easy to overlook* from here
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
Hm, but, I see something you don't see**
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
Yeah, I see something you don't see
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
I see you, you, I see you
No matter where I am, I see you, you, I see you
Close my eyes for you
Hm, I recognize you right away when you're with me
Too many endorphins, hold me tight, then I lose myself
I only look at you and know that you can hear me
If they only knew how deep our love is, they'd have vertigo
You and I alone in this space
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
Ey, everything's easy to overlook from here
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
Hm, but, I see something you don't see
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
Yeah, I see something you don't see
(Ba-ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba)
I see you, you, I see you
No matter where I am, I see you, you, I see you
Close my eyes, see you, I see you, I see you
No matter where I am, I see you, you, I see you
I close my eyes, see you
Unfurling Singing star
Will you hear it?
Time is at a standstill
Standing on this road
Can’t believe it yet
I took it all for granted
I saw just like you
I wandered just like you
Why does my heart fall apart?
Even the wind
Pauses waiting for you still
Even the fluttering starlight
Lingering on
No, everything is still filled with you
I still can’t go anywhere
Even if you pass me by
I will find you
Then I’ll reach out again to you
Unfurling Singing star
Will it reach you?
Sparkling Shining star
Will you see it too?
Maybe this song
Will take me to you once again
I know so, wait, calm down
I don’t know anything
Lost in longing
I’m standing still
Going back and forth
Lingering on
No, everything is still filled with you
I still can’t go anywhere
Even if you pass me by
I will find you
Then I’ll reach out again to you
How far have you drifted?
Guide to the sky
Whichever road I take, they all turn into you
Someday you will know it too
I’ll run toward the starlight
I’ll remember you
Then I’ll reach out again to you
Unfurling Singing star
Will it reach you?
Sparkling Shining star
Will you see it too?
E doar natural
Gheaţa se va topi, apa va fierbe
tu şi eu putem zbate în spirala asta mortală
e mai mare ca noi
nu trebuie să te temi.
Gata sau nu, vine picătura
Te simţi norocoasă când ştii unde eşti
Ştii, se va adeveri
Aici în braţele tale, îmi amintesc
E doar natural
să trebuiască să fiu aici cu tine
E doar natural
să trebuiască să simţi şi tu la fel
E simplu când nu încerci să crezi în prima impresie
Un om într-o cuşcă şi-a făcut confesiunea
Acum m-ai văzut la rău
şi nu va fi ultima dată când sunt la pământ.
Vreau să ştii că mă simt aşa uşor
citeşte-mă ca pe o carte
care a căzut printre genunchii tăi
Te rog, lasă-mă să mă simt ca mine cu tine.
E doar natural
să trebuiască să fiu aici cu tine
E doar natural
să trebuiască să simţi şi tu la fel
E circumstanţial
Nimic nu-i scris pe cer
şi nici nu trebuie să încercăm
Dar ne vom zbate ca noroiul
Clădiri de sticlă
se scufundă în mal
Vor fi sub pietre din nou
nu trebuie să zici
Cum e al tău suflet, armână,
Cum e a ta inimă bună,
Cum sunt ale tale frumuseți, fată,
Nu-ntâlnii în viața-ntreagă.
Fată, îmi ești adierea, ești vântul ce străbate,
Cald și rece vara, și trimite ploaia toamna,
Cade, frunza cade, zăpada albă se arată,
Trece și iarna rece, a ta adiere mă răsfață.
Cum apare în răsărit,
În dimineți, de căldură,
Așa cum emană soarele și cade,
Tot așa și iubirea mea spre tine bate.
E amurg, se apropie seara,
Se pregătește luna să coboare...
Așa cum se adună stele pe lângă ea,
Tot așa se înfățișează și frumusețea ta.
You left me wandering another night
Only because of a few words out of their place
And I have a feeling I’m going round circles
Only with the lies that I tell myself
You know, I feel like I’m in a dream
With me running, out of breath
And I push away another risk of suddenly falling asleep
Keep in mind these words
She tastes like beer and wasted occasions
Like the last days of summer spent smoking
Without anyone to wait
I search for words and find the wrong ones
Like in crossword
I lost you in a breath of autumn wind
And I still grope around for you in the dark
What is it
Hey, yeah
That’s not for me?
Hey, yeah
And thinking back to it, in the end it seems to me like it’s nothing
But at this point you don’t get out of it like out of a dead end
Who knows why we’re giving each other the worst
Maybe we’re out of time, out of time
And I always remember the things I should forget
And I always forget the things I should remember
And I talk too much and I don’t know how to listen to you
I’ll leave, but without being noticed
And I know well the direction to losing myself
To shake my thoughts off
The lights are about to go on
The shadows rush to hide
She tastes like beer and wasted occasions
Like the last days of summer spent smoking
Without anyone to wait
I search for words and find the wrong ones
Like in crossword
I lost you in a breath of autumn wind
And I still grope around for you in the dark
What is it
Hey, yeah
That’s not for me?
Hey, yeah
Out of Thin Air
You are everything my heart needs right now
When you give me your hand, together we feel the new moon
Now give me a smile and the light of the stars will shine through the day
You’re really here, you’re not a fantasy and a dream
Forget everything, because the heart can deceive you
And look at me, I’m not the one you need by your side
You know your dad, he’s always with you
I’m still wandering on my own
and you can’t know if I’m not a fantasy and a dream
I’m still searching for who I am
You have to find out
Figure out where I come from
But return to me, my love
Let everything wait
For the wedding,
because we can wait
Just another day
Your dad, doesn’t he, doesn’t want to miss that wedding
When we wait a long time for it
And we’re happy
Because the day will come, everything will work out
Your dad is going to be joyful
Brighten his son’s day
Then you’ll stop being just a fantasy and a dream
Răscruce de drumuri
Trupul meu,
acum că noi nu vom mai călători
împreună prea mult,
încep să simt
o nouă gingășie față de tine,
foarte crudă și necunoscută,
ca ceea pe care mi-o amintesc
de dragoste când eram tânără –
dragoste ce a fost adesea
prostească în rosturile sale
dar niciodată în alegerile, intensitățile sale.
Prea mult cerut dinainte,
prea multe ce nu puteau fi promise -
Sufletul mi-a fost așa de fricos, de aprig
Let's get it on. Are you feeling down? Well, there are times like that
Let's get it on. The key to happiness is the love that's right before your eyes.
The sun shines as the curtains open, yesterday's the last day you'll feel depressed
Tension rising ↑ like a ☆champagne night☆
Hey Doppo, you'd better hurry up!
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Oh! Just a dream!' Are we all going fishing today?
Last train, employee's fate, paid leave for the first time in a million years
From the black company to a blue sea, I like the crew with whom I can play
Matenrou- How to play and how to lose, enthusiasm brilliantly lurking ahead
The sea is calm but the two of us are noisy / Gigolo, Doppo - The start of our holdiay
Saying 'If you go fishing, aim for the big game,' while sounding the horn
Good morning!!! You're both on time, so let's go
If you keep going, your throats will get dry! Warp away from that tense day-to-day loop
Oh? Did you get enough sleep, Doppo-kun? A high tension exchange, huh, Hifumi-kun
I'm specially wondering, is it okay if I drink? Driving these two back...
Let's get it on. Are you feeling down? Well, there are times like that
Let's get it on. The key to happiness is the love that's right before your eyes.
Passing through the tunnel where there's usually nothing
In other words, Paradise / Roughly dressed / uh, why are you wearing your suit?
To avoid the hordes of my kittens / Dive through the middle / Mobile swipe
Swimming trunks and a blazer, a bold set. Not sane, but interesting.
The sea is full / I can't catch it / We're both in the same boat / entrust your fate to your friends
Hifumi's fishing is really something... I'm more for fish over flowers or dango
I gotta eat grilled salmon with hot sake, and jellyfish... I'll just have noodles until I catch them
This is our Shinjuku Divison. Enjoying the 'vision' we drew.
Today is the first day of the rest of our lives / Regretting the last scene
Can't leave it behind / brakes don't work / there's still things to do
I wish I could do this every day. For that purpose, I spit rhymes and rhymes
Significance of living / for all those who live / we have to keep fighting
Iubito, iubito, de ce nu poți sta liniștită?
Cine a ucis acea pasăre pe pervazul ferestrei tale?
Ești motivul pentru care s-a zbătut?
Spune-mi, te-am văzut, iubito, râzi de asta?
Dacă vin la tine ca un vis
Îmi dai voie să îți arăt ce vreau să spun?
Mă vei primi?
O, o îl vei lăsa să se strecoare?
Pot avea un leac?
(Tot ce vreau este un leac)
Un leac pentru mine, vă rog
(Oh, toate celelalte lucruri, lasă-le)
Pentru că dacă aș avea un leac
(Oh, voi lua destul ...)
Aș lua suficient ca să mă mulțumesc
(... să mă satisfacă)
Iubito, iubito, de ce ți-ai vopsit părul?
De ce păstrezi mereu îndrăzneala mamei tale?
Deci, iubito,de ce?, cine e?, cine te cunoaște și pe tine?
Te-au certat ceilalți copii?
Dacă vin la tine ca un vis
Îmi dai voie să îți arăt ce vreau să spun?
Mă vei primi?
O, o îl vei lăsa să se strecoare?
Sfârșit de iubire
Amintirile mele te caută în adâncul zilelor,
Și uneori uit numele zilelor.
Eu nu mai trăiesc de când trăiești fără mine,
Tot orașul s-a înstrăinat de mine.
Poate sunt singura care regretă
Iubirea noastră sfâșiată.
Curând, lumea se va roti fără noi,
Indiferența va trece peste noi.
Unde să mergem cu lacrimile în ochi?
Cum să ne iubim, când suntem mai puțin de doi?
Cine ne va spune de ce rănitele noastre inimi
N-au știut să se ferească?
E prea târziu să oprim timpul,
Nu mai putem redeveni amanți,
Nu mai putem reîncepe iubirea, iubirea mea,
Iubirea mea!
Alerg după ceea ce nu mai există,
Până și numele străzilor l-au schimbat.
Și toți acei oameni ce ne întâmpinau cu brațele deschise,
Aceiași oameni nu mă mai cunosc.
Și mai e Parisul, ce-și trăiește viața fără noi,
Parisul, căruia nu-i pasă.
Amintirile mele te caută în adâncul zilelor,
Și uneori uit numele zilelor.
Dar nu mai găsesc de-a lungul zilelor
Decât un biet soare bătrân, de șfârșit de iubire,
Un bătrân soare de la tine
Și care moare în fața mea,
Iubirea mea!
Trebuie să crezi în ziua de mâine
Mă revăd în oraș,
Mergând singur, fără speranță.
Și apoi, deodată, în oraș,
Totul s-a luminat, când întâmplător
Ți-am întâlnit privirea.
Trebuie să crezi în ziua de mâine,
În fiecare zi ce vine.
Trebuie să crezi în ziua de mâine
Zi după zi.
Trebuie să mergi în fiecare dimineață,
Cu inima bătând, către destin.
Trebuie să știi, zi după zi,
Să crezi în ziua de mâine.
La la la la...
Am mers prin oraș,
Făcând primii pași împreună.
Și acum, în oraș,
Mergem amândoi spre viitor,
Mergem către viață.
Trebuie să crezi în ziua de mâine,
În fiecare zi ce vine.
Trebuie să crezi în ziua de mâine
Zi după zi.
Trebuie să mergi în fiecare dimineață,
Cu inima bătând, către destin.
Trebuie să știi, zi după zi,
Să crezi în ziua de mâine.
La la la la...
Născutul-dragon, Născutul-dragon,
pe onoarea sa-i jurat
să țină răul mereu departe!
Și cei mai puternici dușmani fug
când aud strigătul triumfului
Născutule-dragon, pentru binecuvântarea ta ne rugăm!
Ascultați acum, fii ai zăpezii, la o epocă demult trecută,
Și povestea, cu îndrazneală spusă, a Întâiului!
Care era neam cu dragonii
și cu rasele omenirii
cu putere pe măsură cu cea a soarelui!
Și manuscrisele au prezis,
De aripi negre în frig
Care-atunci când frații se luptă se vor desface!
Alduin, Spaima Regilor,
umbră veche dezlănțuită,
cu o foamete să înghită lumea!
Dar o zi, va veni,
când minciunile negrului dragon,
vor fi reduse la tăcere atunci pentru totdeauna!
Dreptul Skyrim va fi liber din reaua falcă a lui Alduin!
Născutul-dragon, Născutul-dragon,
pe onoarea sa-i jurat
să țină răul mereu departe!
Și cei mai puternici dușmani fug
când aud strigătul triumfului
Născutule-dragon, pentru binecuvântarea ta ne rugăm!
The Wasted (Chronicle of a Party Pt.1)
Why do you like to pray at dawn
and later regret
that you stayed awake
But you wanted to party hard
and got stupid
knowing the price
What a waste of happiness
We kissed each others foreheads
I, knowing how it would be
the next day
I could lose everything I love
for not wanting to take a dose of happiness
Its cause' I don't know when to go home
when to say enough
until I explode in Basque
but I like to destroy myself slowly
It makes me happy
I intensely enjoy the time
What a waste of happiness
We kissed each others foreheads
I knowing how it would be
the next day
What a waste of happiness
We kissed each others foreheads
I knowing how it would be
the next day
Crochiu parizian
Luna spoia coperișe cu zinc,
Parcă-n unghiuri obtuze,
Și vedeai cum din hornuri încet se preling,
Toate-n formă de cinci, niște fumuri confuze.
Cer cenușiu. Vânt turbat fluiera
Precum un fagot.
Friguros și discret, un motan mieuna,
Era straniu de tot.
Eu umblam cugetând la divinul Platon
Și la Fidias
Și la Salamina și la Marathon.
Albastru clipea felinarul cu gaz.