Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 4


Iubire, nu mă ignora

Totul a început să meargă prost,
de când ai confundat
drepturile tale cu dragostea,
și m-ai văzut ca pe un dușman.
Ideile ți le-am respectat
și mereu te-a ajutat

Wherever You Are and Whoever You’re With

No matter how much you try to flee
and when you talk about me
and say that things between us ended,
you'll never be rid of me
even if it pains you to admit it.
No matter how much you try to silence it,
you won't be able to stop your heart
from speaking on your behalf and there you'll find me,
wherever you are and whoever you're with.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me
with whoever you're with, should we ever encounter one another,
you'll avoid my gaze and seek his instead.
I'll never tire of waking in the morning
thinking of you and waiting to hear these words:
'my love, I've decided to return'.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me
with whoever you're with, should we ever encounter one another,
you'll avoid my gaze and seek his instead.
Wherever you are, between tears and laughter,
you'll quickly try to forget me and you won't be able to
with whoever you're with, even if you pretend otherwise with him,
and love him every day, you'll remember me.
Wherever you are, if someone should ask about your past,
you'll deny having ever given a piece of you to me...

Piele de înger

Azi, ca și mâine și ca totdeauna
din ianuarie până-n decembrie,
un pat alb ca zăpada
va fi refugiul nostru de la șase a nouă,
de la șase la nouă.
Timp pentru iubire, iubire pe-ntuneric,
încât doar o țigaretă
luminează din când în când
această dragoste care trăiește în penumbră,
care trăiește în penumbră.
Pe ascuns sunt nevoit să te iubesc,
pe ascuns, ca un laș.
Pe ascuns, în fiecare după-amiază,
sufletul meu vibrează, corpul meu arde.
Pe ascuns, în fiecare după-amiază,
Te simt, piele de înger.
Suntem subiectul de bârfă predilect
pentru cei care se cred perfecți.
Facem parte din acele iubiri
interzise minorilor,
pentru că suntem cum suntem.

What is it to you

Remember that although you may be leaving, you are not free,
our past and some paper tie us together,
you won't forget me that easily,
before you leave, think well about it.
You are oppressing my heart,
I don't know if it is my fault or I am right,
what I know is that I love you, that I love you!
What else can I offer you to withhold you?
What is it to you?
Give me your love once more.
What is it to you?
Give me one night that I will never forget
What is it to you?
Give me a kiss on waking up.
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
In love there is always right and there is wrong,
In the couple there is always one who complains,
and instead of solving problems, we insist on
hurting each other y behave as if we were strangers,
I am going crazy thinking
that I made a mistake, how and when,
and every three words I pronounce your name,
and it's that I love you so ...
you can't imagine how much!
What is it to you?
Give me your love once more.
What is it to you?
Give me one night that I will never forget
What is it to you?
Give me a kiss on waking up.
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
Give me your love once more.
What is it to you?
Give me one night that I will never forget
What is it to you?
Give me a kiss on waking up.
What is it to you?
What is it to you?
What is it to you?