Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 1

Număr de rezultate: 38


Noi Viața Alegem

Visele ca din senin au plecat,
Sub ceruri nu e loc pentru noi doi
Puteri nu mai avem pentru drum
Totuși, eu și tu...
Ne luăm zborul, pe la noapte
Înspre cosmos,
Loc fără minciuni, prejudicii și confuzii
Vrut-am noi să fim până la 80 de ani
Oare vom mai putea, aaaaaa
Răspunsul noi nu-l știm
Ispita vieții te-a orbit complet
Te-a scos din minți
Și acuma ai HIV
Moartea ne cuprinde (2x)
Cât de mult s-a schimbat calea
Cât de repede se risipește spaima
Tot tărăgănă gândul ca să plec
Însă, eu și tu...
Ne luăm zborul, pe la noapte
Înspre cosmos
Loc fără minciuni, prejudicii și confuzii
Vrut-am noi să fim până la 80 de ani
Oare vom mai putea, aaaaaa
Răspunsul noi nu-l știm
Ispita vieții te-a orbit complet
Te-a scos din minți
Și acuma ai HIV
Moartea ne cuprinde (2x)
Mamă, mi-a ajuns să tot cred
Că durerea vine precum o mireasă
Mamă, iartă amintirile cu noi toți,
Amintirile celor,
Amintirile celor
Bolnavi fară dureri
Vrut-am noi să fim până la 80 de ani
Oare vom mai putea, aaaaaa
Răspunsul noi nu-l știm
Ispita vieții te-a orbit complet
Te-a scos din minți
Și acuma ai HIV
Moartea ne cuprinde
Vrut-am noi să fim până la 80 de ani
Oare vom mai putea, aaaaaa
Răspunsul noi nu-l știm
Ispita vieții te-a orbit complet
Te-a scos din minți
Dar răul nu a învins
Noi viața alegem.

Simple and easy

Versions: #1
On the street where you live
We know all the lanterns.
We were meeting the moon
We were parting from the sun.
It was that simple and easy
We don't care (almost)
From how we were seen by their eyes
We haven't looked back.
Their word was never enough
To shed tears.
It was that simple and easy
We haven't looked back.
It's dark again on the stairs
And we don't want to go home.
Our dreams are in your pocket
The secrets are on the table
And if dreams don't come true
And the secrets are there
Men don't cry sometimes
Men cry once.
It was that simple and easy
We don't care (almost)
From how we were seen by their eyes
We haven't looked back
Their word was never enough
To shed tears
It was that simple and easy
We haven't looked back
Who is right and who is not?
Yesterday you, today me, but tomorrow time
Like pieces of lego from different boxes
We're trying to see the whole thing
Yesterday was so easy, so simple
Forget their opinion, prefer your time
Your time is not theirs, they are not an example
It's simple: be yourself.

The Earth turns

Tell me about yourself, about your destiny.
Where've you been? Everywhere? It's a pity that's not me.
It's foolish to make confessions


She's a bitch, bro, bitch, bitch, bitch
She doesn't wait for you, she doesn't read
Letters if you end up in jail
Don't do it for her, she isn't a wife, bro
We will make tomorrow disappear
You will break away but we will hold onto you
You promised mother that you will go far
But not with her, she's a bitch, bitch, bro
You know many secrets, don't tell them to her, bro
You are a solid rock, caught by a snake
She isn't a traitor, but she talks far too much
Even between by four walls, there are ears which will listen
And then you don't know how you will believe that fate exists
When our boys find out what the boys do at night
She's a bitch, bro, bitch, bitch, bitch
She doesn't wait for you, she doesn't read
Letters if you go to jail
Don't do it for her, she isn't a wife, bro
We will make tomorrow disappear
You will break away but we will hold onto you
You promised mother that you will go far
But not with her, she's a bitch, bitch, bro
We won't tell you what we will do tomorrow
It's cold outside and the night is long
Stay at home, okay?
Leave the present to drain away
Tomorrow, the future comes in which we will sustain you
You will always be drunk, but afterwards you will wake up and see the light
You will probably ask, if we know where your love from yesterday is
It's not anywhere anymore, forget, forget
She's a bitch, bro, bitch, bitch, bitch
She doesn't wait for you, she doesn't read
Letters if you go to jail
Don't do it for her, she isn't a wife, bro
We will make tomorrow disappear
You will break away but we will hold onto you
You promised mother that you will go far
But not with her, she's a bitch, bitch, bro
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


When there is no light anymore
There's still space for a 'good day'
Unpresumptuously, I take you by the hand
I won't let you go, no.
You won't leave, no.
I won't ask whose fault it is,
There aren't spectators, the curtain has closed.
You call them by name, don't stay quiet anymore
Tell the truth.
We are on the blacklist, for one another, without chances for tomorrow.
I leave a space in my soul, a space for 'good day.'
We are on the blacklist, for one another, without chances for tomorrow.
I leave a space in my soul, a space for 'good day.'
Vodka in blood,
Karma in hand,
The lungs hurt
Of marijuana.
Don't worry, I'll be fine.
I'm really thirsty, but not for you,
We break up like in the movies
Now I allow you to leave. You'll leave.
We won't share our destiny in two,
Because jealousy cuts off the movie.
Forgive me even if you won't forget, even if
You will know the truth.
We are on the blacklist, for one another, without chances for tomorrow.
I leave a space in my soul, a space for 'good day.'
We are on the blacklist, for one another, without chances for tomorrow.
I leave a space in my soul, a space for 'good day.'
Vodka in blood,
Karma in hand,
The lungs hurt
Of marijuana.
You haven't put them out, I don't know wy
You left them to burn low,
Tell the truth.
Vodka in blood,
Karma in hand,
The lungs hurt
Of marijuana.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!


Arzând ultimile clipe ale tinereţii,
Am frică doar de conştiinţă şi răzbunare.
Iartă-mă, dar tu nu mai eşti cea de cândva.
Simt durerea în piept, dar eu trebuie să-mi continui drumul.
Nu, nu către visul meu,
Vreau doar să nu mai stau locului, să nu ard în zadar.
Privesc peste fereastră, acolo e frumos.
Sunt ultimile zori de zi pe care le întâlnim împreună.
Părea atât de uşor să-ţi iai zborul,
Pentru a rămâne acolo pe mult timp.
Dar timpul trage timpul în jos,
Tu trebuie să faci o alegere,
Dar e atât de dureros să cazi.
Cerul a mai văzut indivizi ca mine, de mii de ori.
Toţi plecau în linişte, fără patos.
Eu îsă nu am putut să fac la fel.
Iartă-mă că a trebuit să ne despărţim.
Aş fi vrut să strig, dar trebuie să mă abţin.
Nu cred în destin, peste tot i-am căutat semnele.
Dragostea e o nenorocire (bitch ),
Eu atât de mult m-am ataşat de tine.
Ceva în interiorul meu se sparge,
S-a mai spart şi anterior, dar nu cu o asemenea intensitate.
Te rog, nu mai plânge.
Tu îmi răspundeai cu tăcere la întrebările mele.
Eu sincer credeam că vom putea depăşi orice obstacol,
Dar deja e stupid să mai cred în asta.
Noi ne vedem pentru ultima dată.
Tu, pentru prima dată după atâta timp,
îmi promiţi că mă vei ierta dacă mă voi întoarce până la prima ninsoare.
Eu te rog, nu mai face promisiuni deşarte.
Ele sunt irealizabile după o asemenea despărţire.
Să ştii, tu vei rămâne cea mai de preţ amintire.
Adio . . .
Cearta vecinilor, lătratul câinilor din stradă, sunetul respiraţiei tale, cana plină cu ceai.
Tot ce vom reuşi să ţinem minte din această zi, e acest rece şi dur 'Adio'
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

La intersecţii

Pe aripile vântului zburăm acolo, unde se ascund dorinţele noastre,
Oboseala în mâini, din nou mă salvează lovitura (puterea) frumuseţei tale.
Aruncând în urmă secretele noastre, neavând frică de înălţime,
Mergem impreună pe marginea prăpastiei.
Tu mi-ai spus că mereu,
La intersecţii, ai fost în singurătate,
Acolo unde mor speranţele şi se nasc dorinţele.
La intersecţii, la intersecţii…
(Ref) Exploziile pe soare crează lumina cerului,
Cerul deasupra noastră, în timp ce noi iubim.
La intersecţii, se schimbă oamenii,
Iar în urmă lor lasă răni pe inimă.
Din nou se aud zgomotele trenului neînsufleţit,
Inspirând fumul de ţigară.
Trecând prin timp şi spaţiu, prin temerile viselor prosteşti,
Noi ne-am întâlnit unul pe altul, şi ei ştiu ce vei spune.
Că mereu,
La intersecţii, ai fost în singurătate, ,
Acolo unde mor speranţele şi se nasc dorinţele.
La intersecţii, la intersecţii…
(Ref) Exploziile pe soare crează lumina cerului,
Cerul deasupra noastră, în timp ce noi iubim.
La intersecţii, se schimbă oamenii,
Iar în urmă lor lasă răni pe inimă.
Dragostea va trece, totul trece, anii vor trece
Iar în urmă lor lasă răni pe inimă pentru totdeauna.
(Ref) Exploziile pe soare crează lumina cerului,
Cerul deasupra noastră, în timp ce noi iubim.
La intersecţii, se schimbă oamenii,
Iar în urmă lor lasă răni pe inimă.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

We rejoice , In Spite Of Them !!

Versions: #2
For one and all is hard, 'But when ever , it was easy !?'
No one's remembering, f**k them mom's
They want us m not to dance the oro1
Let them tighten their belt!2
We aren't conductible
We inherited the granpa pattern on the wall
The stories he shared to us, from within 'underneath his
mustache', by the oven
We're unknowns, but free alike bird
And, so just like that, We rejoice , despite (of) them
In solitude, we are born, and we die
The duration of life is short, and many think that 'we
don't rush':
To love, without a reason, stupidly to fade
To drink, but we know...
Not how is told, 'we have faith, we feel! ,
Us to be well foreva', but when we're at hard we stop.
Our probelms surounds us...
Them want to crush us, but We rejoice , despite them
The lil' lamp is lit, the door has it's lock
We don't rush at lovin', we love deep
The water of live for us is the stream one
We're simple country side peeps, the toughest
Mioritical Mountain side ya'll say? We don't recall
We keep the dowry of ours within rural villages, and a place
destinate for our ethernal rest
And again at this day, 'the rooster gets off the axe '
Even if hard days are coming, We rejoice , in spite of them
We rejoice , despite them !!!
We're happy despite them!!!
  • 1. Hora is a a specific Romanian popular dance Info here Also here it can be seen as a metaphoric meaning this dance representing people uniting in a circle , the singer makes a reference towards them politic peeps that don't want to see us unite,and want to see us desbinated
  • 2. sa-si puna pofta-n cui a popular Romanian saying , that is hard to translate in eng , in other words the line is related with the other , the meaning being 'They can wait long and hard , not gonna happen, us to noyt unite /'dance the oro' toghether

Like Gasoline

You know this night will be long, verry long
Without grey jackets, without throusers with suspenders
After midnight, it's anohter level
The night whipes out limits and humans change
I have four scars by at heart, seven at my skin
And I know so much that I'll receive anohter one within
From you
I fly through the urban night, slowly
She didn't hit me yet, but it hurts already in my chest
Like gasoline
She ignites
Surrounds me
Leaves marks on the retina
But on my retina
Carpats of mine
I can't without you
My insomny
Without caffeine
The night creates and resolves plenty problems
The day is naiv, the night is Machiavelli
The night erases the fire, so one can see the insane
Because for the night prepared are few
It's the best of the best
Knows many adresses and knows many names
She ignited me, she's the muse at its most pure
She inspires me, deeper than you smoking does
Like gasoline
She ignites
Surrounds me
Leaves marks on the retina
But on my retina
Carpats of mine
I can't without you
My insomny
Without caffeine
The nights steal me, thieves again
Evidents will remain
No intime scars, I have four Large and seven small ones too
From you I want one here
Besides my heart
V-am cuprins ,)


Explicați-i prostului de mine cum funționează dragostea, unde pleacă
Și de ce?
Cum să omor durerea, unde să găsesc antidotul
Pentru venenul său dulce?
Nu trebuie să tot spuneți că dragostea este oarbă,
Pentru că eu am văzut-o în visele mele.
Explicați-mi de ce în vise totul pare atât de real,
Pentru ce să mă înșel
Și s-o omor în mine nopțile lungi?
Doamne, cât de triste sunt toate acestea.
Explicați-mi, vă rog, pentru ce să-mi păstrez în memorie
Privirile și cuvintele sale?
Și n-am unde să mă ascund,
Odată ce îmi închid ochii, iar apare ea, se uită în jos, plecând,
Dar în spatele său este un perete,
În spatele dragostei este un perete,
În spatele dragostei este un perete,
În spatele dragostei este un perete,
În spatele dragostei este un perete,
În spatele dragostei este un perete.
© Vladímir Sosnín


E miercuri
Sunt complet automatic
Merg la o plimbare
Și tot ce vreau
E să găsesc
Iubirea liberă
Observ numere în timp
Emoțiile vieții
Mă simt singur în interior
Nu sunt singurul
La toate locuri unde n-am mai fost
Și am nevoie doar de
Niște pastile ca să încep
Observ numere în timp
Emoțiile vieții
Mă simt singur în interior
Nu sunt singurul
Sunt obosit
De toată falsitatea și toți aspiranții
Dar cel mai mult
Sunt săturat de minciuinile
Snobii care joacă un rol
Ipocrizia și mine
Observ numere în timp
Emoțiile vieții
Mă simt singur în interior
Nu sunt singurul
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Tears and Fists in the Walls

Her heart in your hand, she says
She lies to you so that you take care of her
But your angel is a demon with a harp, in fact
And he wants, wants
To touch the chords in your bed and on your music
She says, says, says that she doesn't want you to hit
The walls with your fists
You know that she lies and she would like tears, too
Tears and fists in the walls, tears and fists in the walls, fists in the walls
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
With eyes of glass, with black clothes in the suitcase
It's the supreme test, it's a last message, last message
It's a violent dance, you learn different steps
She throws her arguments at you
You shut up and climb, floor to floor
She says, says, says that she doesn't want you to hit
The walls with your fists
You know that she lies and she would like tears, too
Tears and fists in the walls, tears and fists in the walls, fists in the walls
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
Lie to her, because it won't hurt anymore
And tell her that she's beautiful
And often in her dreams
You ask her hand in marriage
But today your soul
Will break into four, you tell her,
Just one more time, 'love,' just one more time by name
You tell her
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
The saddest phrase is 'all will be well'
Tears and fists in the walls
Tears and fists in the walls
From the so many boys drunk for girls like you.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

The needles

Versions: #3
Burning, you burned by him, the tall boy
Who with, and through you, became a man
And now he's free, at his ease
You break the mirrors to have no reflections in front of anyone
And you don't even want to have because if you'd want
It would have been created a river and you'd reverse it
On a shore are you, on the other his world
Which exist only in your mind forgotten in his mind
And I still have memories
They try to burn in me everything you've already burned
And it won't be able to burn again
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two
The guilt, it's hard to split it in two
You keep it inside, I line it on papers
We, both, strangers
Hard with each other, with the strangers..
Naked, on the day light, without any secrets
We know each other too well, you know
Don't be afraid, hold on to me
I promise to not leave you, either good or bad
And I still have memories
They try to burn in me everything you've already burned
And it won't be able to burn again
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two
And I wish for you, actually.. not
I don't wish for you to be in my place
To know what I feel now, when I look at you
And be ashamed finding out how much I love you
Without interest.. but with fantasy
You don't know them, you asked me in many mornings
The two of us and a single bed, hidden from world
Seriously, though you poke me
I want you certain....
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two
Your needles make tatoo under my skin
The're changing the blood in my veins
And I'd want to get old in two


Versions: #4
Dreams shatter when you touch them, forget them,
They get lost in the past even when you don't touch them.
All there's left to do is stop and listen
To echoes we cried out when we were young.
Are you what you dreamed of becoming? But I'm not,
And I can't sing to you about it, forgive me.
You're honest and almost perfect, but I'm not.
And I won't be talking about you, forgive me.
You have an amazing life and always obtain what you want, but I don't
So I won't be singing about that, forgive me.
You're the exemplar parent, and you were the perfect child, but not me
And I cannot be - forgive me.
I'm just a human that passes through time, mistake after mistake, learning.
I'm not a role-model, but maybe I'll be a historical anti-example soon.
I'm just a human that passes through time, mistake after mistake, learning.
I'm not a role-model, but maybe I'll be a historical anti-example soon.
I've never dug a well, never built a temple,
Sometimes, I wasn't friendly - perhaps I'm an anti-example.
I often haven't visited my parents, haven't embraced my children,
Haven't publicly clenched my teeth, so perhaps I'm an anti-example.
Sometimes I drink too much, with no reason, and sometimes I dress too macabre,
But as the years pass, I receive more and more advice, so I'm an anti-example.
I'm not socially active, I don't have a member's insignia,
I've only got limited time and soon you will say: 'He was nothing but an anti-example.'
I'm just a human that passes through time, mistake after mistake, learning.
I'm not a role-model, but maybe I'll be a historical anti-example soon.
I'm just a human that passes through time, mistake after mistake, learning.
I'm not a role-model, but maybe I'll be a historical anti-example soon.
I'm just a human that passes through time, mistake after mistake, learning.
I'm not a role-model, but maybe I'll be a historical anti-example soon.


Butterflies in the stomach...
You say that it's not about us, that I'm a wanderer and a bastard,
So I can not be as you like.
I have a clumsy construction, I drink wine and I smoke tobacco.
You're my crossbow, but I'm gonna break the back,
Even if you hide in the oldest bric-a-brac,
I would find you and make you feel
Butterflies in the stomach...
You go on, I stay.
Leave me here, let me drink,
Let me see how I can not
Get what I want and then lose everything.
Yes. Extremist probably, stupid than the rest,
Made of colors, often white and black,
The man with the sweet coffee that gets mad like a fool
When you change his music in the car.
The man who is not for anyone.
Little stupid, look around, there are many much better,
Choose whatever you want to keep up with,
But if you choose with your heart, you have be strong.
If you choose with your mind, love comes.
Listen, you, devouring of sighs and hearts,
I know it is not today and I know it is not tomorrow,
But I know I kept it for you, now you keep it!
Butterflies in the stomach...
Your sadism is funny, because your life is sad.
You seem to be hard and harsh because you're a masochist,
You are like a wrong track where some are slipping,
But you want to look right at least for one.
And he's already in your head, in the plan.
So it will not be ad-hoc and it will not be a hurricane,
And because you know - you hide your glance,
You're not afraid of disappointments, you're afraid of butterflies.
And yes, I have a problem with your friends...
They are all perfect, no lamb - just lions.
Carnivores in the wrong sense, and they give advice too,
About me and my friends,
Those who were close in hard times, not only for good times.
You don”t bet? Let it be, keep it in your mind!
Within maximum a year you will forget about yourself,
You will have another name, but you will not feel anymore
Butterflies in the stomach...

Poetic and dirty

Poetic and dirty.
Without complicated tactics, without PR school.
I turn over cigarette butts until the last smoke.
I touch the earth with my palm, it will take me anyhow.
You can't leave the crossroads, you have to pick a path,
But again and again, life spins you around like a lunatic.
You aren't even smoke and ash.
You are a totally unknown name on an album.
Poetic and dirty.
We don't compliment, we just observe qualities that are certain
Skeptical like a peasant's whipping of miracles,
Not because atheists, but because miracles.
Only the closed book keeps its grace,
The open book often only offers the gift of access
To cold knowledge. You hear me?
We didn't die of hunger--we celebrated in the basement!
Poetic and dirty.
How the tapes disappeared and you will disappear
When the vinyl disappeared, you weren't even intended to appear,
So if it's about a scandal--jump!
But don't jump out of foolishness, or of jealousy,
Or out of whatever it would be.
You jump for strong principles.
The children don't understand you?
Leave them, because they will understand you when they grow up.
Poetic and dirty.
They are your children and clearly they seem so bizarre to you
And you don't understand what they say.
They'd educate you, if you knew right now.
Poetic and dirty.
It's the process of life which gives you death as a gift, gift
You can be sure -- you are born and die alone.
Yes? Yes.
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes
You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The clean poets stay alive and write in vain
Poems which are meant only for the press.
Compare them now in your mind, you hear me? Compare them now in your mind.
The weight of a book with that of a newspaper.
Dirtiness is wealth, you have to be dirty
To get past yourself, your self is dressed in white.
It is dressed in white not because it's clean
But because it's not colored. Yet.
Dirtiness is color.
It's the price of a bridge.
It's the path to the horizon.
It is the kernel of the seed which gives birth to the grass which rises
Under the sun, under which everything is born and everything dies.
In this way, even the dirty poets disappear . . .
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes
You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
World, world . . . You aren't my sister!
I know too many fathers, so many fathers who gave you sons.
You married everyone, stealing them from the living.
So, you are the stupidest daughter-in-law!
You are in love with the minor plays
Not because you understand them, but because you are minor.
So many thousands of years and the same scores.
You don't care about winners, you need to keep the dirt.
But I thank you anyhow because you give pemission
And you dirty only those who really need it.
The irony is that among them, there were too many in love with you.
Yes? Yes.
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
The gifted prophets disappear. Yes? Yes
You, brother, pour another glass. Yes? Yes
The dirty poets disappear. Yes? Yes.
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Forgive me mother

You, mother, forgive me for coming home drunk
I was so in love,
I thought that if I told you, I wouldn't be a man.
Forgive me for the names I called you,
I won't say their names,
You alone know them.
And for the slammed doors, left with no glass on them
And for not listening to the good or the bad
Because I rarely told you I love you
And because I didn't understand the words 'I'm getting old'
Because I found it easy
To beg for emotions from you, mother
Many nights, so many nights
restless, i made them agitated
Many days, so many days
from a light path, to an unknown road.
Many nights, so many nights
restless, i made them agitated
Many days, so many days
from a light path, to an unknown road.
(it repeats from the start)

Tempus Fugit

Too many beginnings before the finish,
Too many doubts and a longing for places without signal
Maybe they're more responsible, maybe they're less optimistic
Two years older, and respectively a little more sad.
Periodically becoming depressed,
Tired of logic, eager about the intuitive.
Without wishes or ideas, but with alcohol,
We woke up jumping too much from role to role.
And you, the same people that we saw smiling,
Somebody smiling with their eyes, someone crying out.
We asked ourselves: why don't we write an essay
For you, about all that has happened?
About all that we felt, about how we loved,
About the lack of ideas and about the crisis of time
About how we tried to maintain something true
About what we achieved and what we lost
About back pain and eye pain, sometimes
About internal fights and discussions until the break of dawn
About your influence, about how you created us
About all that we are, we say in the essay
We won't name names, we won't give gifts
We won't cry and we won't explain
We will only say a quick 'thanks'
For those who were with us and who still are
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.
Four cigarettes in a row, with only one thought,
How to kill pain and write the last line
Of the song which explains all that I feel
After four months in which I wrote not one line.
Official, or worries of the Earth
Probably worries, because everyone knows how numerous they are
It's windy outside, even though it's summer and all,
It's four o'clock and from evening, it's morning again.
A guitar, cursed how many times
Because it doesn't sound the way it sounded once in the scale
If not today, then it's never
Too stressed and thirsty for art
But maybe I'm looking for causes instead of goals, too far
Instead of looking in myself, here, close.
Half a year of believed dreams, false
For those who can or for that who can.
One for all or all for one,
Idea or message, from behind,
Or four calls in a song for thousands of stressed minds
Sergiu, Andrei, and Anton, and another three variants.
Or maybe we are three, maybe
But what if it can't be? Maybe it's Galea . . . maybe . . .
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.
Thanks for time, for love
Because you were with us, because you are.
Because you all are those who believed in us.

On your weak shoulders!

It's said that the woman is weak
She's weak when no one can see..
That she's sometimes powerless, no , no
How can she be weak, when a mother she can be
But different days are coming
And then we're becoming monosilabics
And mountains so heavy they're grasping up , grasping
up easily
On your weakened shoulders...
On your weaken shoulders
It raise up our love
Beats up my heart
On your weaken shoulders
Older betrayals, new friends, there's also sun and also rains
And i , in love, i'm feeling so at home at times
On your weaken shoulders
You've shared your love how you could
You've comitted yourself, you've comitted yourself so much
And never you didn't ask nothing in exchange of your suave
calm, of the love that now i'm feeling !!
But different days are coming
And then we're becoming monosilabics
And mountains so heavy, they're grasping up , grasping
up easily
On your weakened shoulders....
On your weaken shoulders
It raise up our love
Beats up my heart
On your weaken shoulders
Older betrayals, new frinds, there's also sun and also rains
And i , in love, i'm feeling so at home at times
On your weaken shoulders
On your weaken shoulders
Up, down(S)
Stairs', stress
You're again falling slowly
You pretend
That you're not feeling
Waves' that destroys
'Holes that blinds
At times, but you feel how ...
On your weaken shoulders
It rais up our love
Beats up my heart
On your weaken shoulders
Older betrayals, new frinds, there's also sun and also rains
And i , in love, i'm feeling so at home at times
On your weaken shoulders
The sky is upon your weak shoulders


Explain to the fool how love works, where to leave for,
How to kill the pain, where to find me the antidote from her sweet
And stop repeating, that love is blind
I even saw her in my night dreams2
Explain, why in fantasies everything is so real
Why one deceives oneself
And kills oneself with her long nights
God, how sad
Explain, I beg [you], why preserve her looks
and words in memory
And there's nowhere to hide
You close [your] eyes, and there she is again, looking down, leaving
And her back is against the wall
Behind the wall of love there's a wall, bitch
Behind the wall of love there's a wall, bitch
Behind the wall of love there's a wall, bitch
Behind the wall of love there's a wall, bitch
Behind the wall of love there's a wall, a wall.
  • 1. In Russian, because nouns have genders, 'её' (sometimes spelled 'ее', like in the song lyrics) can mean 'her' or 'its'. Throughout the song, 'её' could be referring to love or a female lover. This double-entendre was likely intentional, but a native Russian speaker will have to correct me if I'm wrong in this assumption.
  • 2. 'Ведь' really has no direct translation to English. It's supposed to intensify a statement, carrying a meaning of 'indeed', 'isn't it?', 'after all', or 'you know'.

Под моей кожей. #героиня

Versions: #1
Ты обманула меня словами
Ты узнала мои секреты
И, как вор, вошла под мою кожу
Знаешь, на некоторое время, девочки,
Девочки, красивые (стильные)
Они не могут, но ты, да, под моей кожей
И ты знаешь
Я тебя прошу, не делай глупостей
Я не глупый.
Но я как-то боюсь
Тебя, себя, нас
Потому что ты
Под моей кожей
Оп, #героиня (героин)
Оп, оп, героиня
Оп, героиня моя (х2)
Ты обманула меня словами
Ты изменила черты границ
Какова польза оружия
Когда на 'повторе' (рипит) стоит только кадр твоих глаз
Юбка только ниже колен
И длинные рукава, ты прячешь
Что за любовь ты б хотела
Но яблоко было откушено, и между нами только это
Ты сломала, ты сломала, ты сломала, ты
Под моей кожей
Оп, #героиня (героин)
Оп, оп, героиня
Оп, героиня моя (х4)
Ты не даёшь мне любви
Твоя любовь не продлится
Не важно,что сердца
Были разбиты
Так плохо
И, оп, #героиня (героин)
Оп, оп, героиня
Оп, героиня моя (х4)

Вибір за Гобсоном

З сотень понять і сотень приміщень,
З тисяч відкритих шляхів із списку моїх мрій,
Вирішую залишитися самотнім,але залишитися незалежним,
В точці,що розділяє відрізок білого і чоного,
В точці,де я вважаю так,як ти,
Дозволяю тобі залишатися яким є і ти мене прийми,
З фанатичними вперненнями,агностичним,або невіруючим,
Чоловіком,дитиною,жінкою..слухняним,чи нервовим,
З синім паспортим ,або просто без громадянства,
З кольровою маскою ,або без обраної сторони,
У гостях або..вдома,з міста ,чи села.
Високий блондин з синіми очима,чи невисокий,темний,
Бідний,заможний,безробітний ,або працюючий,
Самотній творець ,або підробний і самозванець,
Начитаний,чи безкнижний,сміливий,чи більш боязкий,
Істеричний,чи той,хто витрамиє ніж до кістки,
З золотими руками чи короткорукий,
Мовчазний,чи балакун,негарний,чи красунчик,
70-ти річний,або молодий,
З крапкою 'md',чи 'com',
Усміхаємося і плачемо вільно,
Під назвою 'ЛЮДИ'!


Надто часто запитуєш себе,який шлях
І чи правильний вибір,
Коли впадеш і дуже важко встати,
І зчіплюєш зуби,
Ти думаєш надто про минуле і це не краще,ніж себе обманювати,
І знаєш,що є план,план твого життя.
З якого відриваєш шматочки,не знаючи років.
Ти хочеш бути там,де
Хтось завжди тебе чекає,
Короткі дощі змивають осінь за осінню-пилюку вдалинах
Де очі ,що не бачиш,та не забуваєш,.Де світ зранку вітає,
І бачиш посмішки не тільки на світлинах.
Роки залишаються непоміченими,наче хочуть забути і залишитися малими,
Ти змінив надто квартирантів і серед них залишилася ностальгія і безсоння.
Ти є-замок без ключа,у нас такі ж надиктовані думки сторін з яких прийшли,
Звідти,де зеленіє,чи все зелене,серця б'ються в унісон.
Ти хочеш бути там,де
Хтось завжди тебе чекає,
Короткі дощі змивають осінь за осінню-пилюку вдалинах
Де очі ,що не бачиш,та не забуваєш,.Де світ зранку вітає,
І бачиш посмішки не тільки на світлинах.
І кожний шлях починається з одного кроку,
Коли по-справжньому мрієш,ти забуваєш про час,
Йди до того,чого хочеш,
Навіть,якщо світ великий,такий великий,такий великий,а ти малий,
Ти знаєш, ти-людина,що йде, шлях єдиний,
Тебе не зупинити там,де
Хтось завжди тебе чекає,
Короткі дощі змивають осінь за осінню-пилюку вдалинах
Де очі ,що не бачиш,та не забуваєш,.Де світ зранку вітає,
І бачиш посмішки не тільки на світлинах.

Прошу тебе

Versions: #2
Можливо вельми далеко зайшло,
Відсутність тебе несе біллю на дно,
Емоції по кабелю,
Там нема тебе і мене нема,
Не був святим,
Але й ти не була,ставимо крапки без змісту,
Це перший раз,коли можеш впасти,
Коли можеш впасти знизу вверх.
Залишила журнал,але стерла фінал,
Пляшка кинута на камінь,як мрії розбивають,
І вони стають споминами.
Прошу,більш не кажи,що ти йдеш,
В блакить подальшу ,
І що вікно твоє більше,ніж шлях до небес
Прошу,більше не кажи,що вмерла любов наша,
І в цей день ти почуваєшся в краплях дощу.
Ти не віриш мені,та знаю,що ховають твої очі,
Відчува тебе биттям серця,
Декілька сантиметрів між нами,та недосяжні
І я пам'ятаю,ти говорила безліч разів,
Що немає різниці піднятися,чи спуститися,
Шляхи пусті, іноді,чекають нас на висоті.
Прошу,більш не кажи,що ти йдеш,
В двері з алебастру ,
І що вікно твоє більше,ніж шлях до небес
Прошу,більше не кажи,що вмерла любов наша,
І в цей день ти почуваєшся в краплях дощу.
Скажи мені,правда,прошу,скажи,
Що я не є не в собі
І що ми будемо з тобою,
Що бурею вітровою,
Не зможе загасити
Два погляди
Прошу,більш не кажи,що ти йдеш,
В двері з алебастру ,
І що вікно твоє більше,ніж шлях до небес
Прошу,більше не кажи,що вмерла любов наша,
І в цей день ти почуваєшся в краплях дощу.

A la Sange

Versions: #2
Estabas leyendo mis líneas en mi mano
Me mentiste y pensé que lo mantendríamos,
Me dijiste que éramos jóvenes
Era casi imposible decir la palabra 'separación'
También fue el dolor,
Tal vez una inmoral
Hermana de placer, hermana con libertad pura
El mío y el tuyo
Dos jugadores en el acantilado, pero con todo hasta el final
Sin revertir el juego es ciego
Sordo su golpe en el orgullo
Mi mañana será cruzada
Hasta que lo dejes todo, o te acercarás
Bésame dulcemente dulce a la sangre,
O me rechazan severamente, tan duramente, con gritos
Bésame dulcemente a la sangre,
O me rechazan severamente, tan duramente, con gritos
Me perdonas
Para perdonarte, mírame
Me perdonas
Para perdonarte, mírame
Pero no apuesto a la memoria
Encabezado claro, los mensajes son borrosos
Acepto en secreto la venganza por mi tanto
Con silencio y suspiros, tan pesado, tan teatral,
Tan dulce a menudo, pero no tan amargo
Principal beligerante
Están inexorablemente de moda
Eres elegantemente anticuado
Nunca has mentido mal
Y no has dicho erróneamente que lo real solo puede ser piel y así
Sin revertir el juego es ciego
Sordo su golpe en el orgullo
Mi mañana será cruzada
Hasta que lo dejes todo, o te acercarás
Bésame dulcemente dulce a la sangre,
O me rechazan severamente, tan duramente, con gritos
Bésame dulcemente a la sangre,
O me rechazan severamente, tan duramente, con gritos
Schubert no pudo describirlo
No en mayor o menor
¿Qué me has hecho?
Y, en conclusión
El robo de emociones, no es un robo
Bésame dulcemente dulce a la sangre,
O me rechazan severamente, tan duramente, con gritos
Bésame dulcemente a la sangre,
O me rechazan severamente, tan duramente, con gritos
Me perdonas
Para perdonarte, mírame
Me perdonas
Para perdonarte, mírame
Pero no apuesto a la memoria

Беретта(название пистолета)

Под запретным знаком?
На красном свете?
В одиночку.
С закрытыми глазами?
Я оставляю контроль,
ты его возьми.
В глубоких водах?
Нет, не совсем.
Удар от скал?
Похоже, да ...
И ты можешь плакать, это ничего не изменит,
Я хочу утонуть - именно так, именно здесь.
Медленно, медленно ...
Пока дыхание не потеряет смысл
И свет небесный погаснет,
Я останусь до конца,
до конца.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Капли на щеках?
Идет дождь.
Усталые глаза?
Трещины на асфальте,
я считаю
Рискуешь быть любимым!
Но весь мир не означает человек.
Иногда стих?
На каждом стихе!
Интрига удалена!
И я удален ...
Где твой цвет?
Я отдал ей.
Кто она?
Ты кто такой чтобы спрашивать?
Медленно, медленно ...
Пока дыхание не потеряет смысл
И свет небесный погаснет,
Я останусь до конца,
до конца.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.
И я знаю, что ты хочешь остаться, останься
После полуночи.
Я люблю тебя, как ты оттаяла меня .
И я знаю, что ты хочешь остаться, останься
Ты ведь знаешь, что я чувствую.
Возможно, в последний раз, останься, останься.
Может быть, последняя ночь.
Прости меня, как ты боролась.
Возможно, в последний раз, останься, останься.
И это последний предел, ты говори, что хочешь,
Но ты знаешь, что я
Амнезик, амнезик, амнезик без причины,
Она финишная линия - я совсем не спортивный.
Я не знаю, кто сейчас стучит в мою дверь,
Я с ней, я с ней.
Говорят любовь слепа и глупа.