Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 16
Don't ask me
Maybe the pain never goes away...People get used to it with time...
Maybe the wound never heals...
People don't see it when time pass...
Don't ask me how can one get used to it
Don't ask me how can you bear this...
People survive...
The life goes on, the time goes on...
Don't ask me I can't tell...
Maybe the heart never forgets...
Hides the pain in the dark...
Maybe people Never Forgive
Stay friends with life...
How does it Start how it ends
How it Light up how it Goes Down
How a sharp song
Goes through your heart
How do people forget
How do people get used to it
Don't ask me
I cant tell
Don't ask me how can one get used to it
Don't ask me how can you bear this...
People survive...
The life goes on, the time goes on...
Don't ask me I can't tell...
I Gave Up In Your Absence
Lose this anger,That you're hiding in.
Leave the trouble,
That you didn't get from me.
Be patient, the end isn't the same!
I'm saying.
Listen, everyday your dreams,
Won't be the same!
Now, you'll turn back when you give up,
Don't go! You'll love more when you lose
I know, that doesn't make sense:
In your absence, in your absence, in your absence...
What time is it? What left to you? What's left to your existence?
Your absence is too hard and believe me it was too heavy.
My love smells like hell in your absence
If it is meaningless to run away, my tears will be afraid of heaven
A crying window behind your silence
While wiping tears, can't say a word
Every night, it will rain for you to come back
If you don't come back, lightning will hit your neighborhood.
Be patient, the end isn't the same!
I'm saying.
Listen, everyday your dreams,
Won't be the same!
Now, you'll turn back when you give up,
Don't go! You'll love more when you lose
I know, that doesn't make sense:
In your absence, in your absence, in your absence...
When you come back, if you find me gave up
Don't leave me, feelings are forbidden without you
If that smell of the past ends when it loses
Kişiliğim onaylamıyor, bu aşk yasası sona eriyor
Don't go, my dreams be the same every night
Don't be silent, I got full of muteness when you went
When you go, I stay alone in this house
Come back, I'll comb your hair too
In your absence, in your absence, in your absence...
You are my songs
Maybe you are every pitch of a songMaybe a tavern on the beach
Or maybe the smoke of every cigarette I have
Even when a star falls from the sky
Even when walking down a wet street
Even when thinking of something completely different I still have you on my mind
You are not in my past, more like today
I still feel like you are here
You are always with me
You are on my mind day and night
You can't be played, you can't be described with yourds
You are my songs
As if you have never left,as if you've always been here
Just like a secret hidden from everyone
Just like a quietly woven net, you are always with me
As if you saved me from something
Like the scent of a flawless flower
Like never touched restrictions you are on my mind
You are not in my past, more like today
I still feel like you are here
You are always with me
You are on my mind day and night
You can't be played, you can't be described with yourds
You are my songs
Tu esti melodiile mele
poate o melodie in fiecare vocepoate o coasta din taverne
poate ca am baut fumul tigari
o stea pleaca pierduta de pe cer
merg singur pe un drum umed
nu ma gandesc la altceva, esti in mintea mea
nu este trecut ca azi
inca traiesc pentru tine
tu esti mereu langa mine
esti ziua si noaptea mea
nu ti-am spus ca mai furat
Tu esti melodiile mele
parca nu ai plecat deloc ca intodeauna
ca si cum toti ascund un secret
te-ai inserat tacut plangand langa mine
parca e ceva in mintea mea
fara a le rupe miros florile
nimic interzis nu ma corupt esti in mintea mea
nu este trecut ca azi
inca traiesc pentru tine
tu esti mereu langa mine
esti ziua si noaptea mea
nu ti-am spus ca mai furat
Tu esti melodiile mele
Ege Kökenli
Totul este frumos cu tine
Totul este frumos cu tine,chiar sa mergi pe drum...Chiar si atunci cand iti urmaresti visurile care nu se vor adeveri...
Totul este frumos cu tine, chiar acest pamant aceste pietre...
in mine este aceasta teama, chiar varsta din chi mei...
nu m-am asteptat nici-o clipa, sa ne despartim...
imi este de ajuns o singura zi sa o impart cu tine...
Totul este frumos cu tine, chiar cand am auzit aceasta voce...
nu am baut singur apa, chiar am luat respiratia...
Totul este frumos cu tine,acesta ploaie chiar si aceasta zapada
urme de lacrimi pe chipul meu, chiar si ei...
Ege Kökenli
My tinseled crane
My tinseled crane take my greetings to my darling's landMy tinseled crane take my greetings to my darling's land
Don't let her get upset or cry, maybe I can come to her tomorrow, to my beloved
Don't let her get upset or cry, maybe I can come to her tomorrow, to my beloved
Don't leave the longing to anybody, Don't let the lovers break up
I have burned out, don't anybody else do, at the love's heat, to their beloved
Longing has written in the heart, a grave has been digged to the love
Longing has written in the heart, a grave has been digged to the love
Two drops of tears has been dripped off from my eyes, from my eyes
Two drops of tears has been dripped off from my eyes, from my eyes
Don't leave the longing to anybody, Don't let the lovers break up
I have burned out, don't anybody else do, at the love's heat, to their beloved
I Am Falling Off The Hands Of Life
I know, every new day, life renews itself.I know, the broken branches will reach the sky one day.
I know, the stars are the hope of every night.
Once embraced by a heart, the darkness is scattered.
But there is a pain in me, a wound that never heals...
Before the windows are dead birds who never sing...
A song is on my tongue, never-ending
Such rain that doesn't stop falling for years.
Forget me, forget me, forget me, I am falling off the hands of life
Forget me, forget me, forget me, separation shoots right through my heart
I know, from every death hope gives birth to itself
I know, broken hands hold onto someone again
I know, it is the remedy of blackness and darkness
To believe in victory in spite of nothing.
It's Over Now
[Cem Adrian]Every tale ends one day,
Every fire burns out one day,
Every traveler goes one day,
Every pain stops one day.
It's over now, it's over now,
It no longer hurts, it's over now.
It's over now, it's over now,
What happened in my heart was just a dream.
[Sagopa Kajmer & Cem Adrian]
Everything ends one day,
Everyone goes one day,
That splits your heart into two!
Every star burns out,
Every leaf falls,
Loneliness hits your heart again!
You're at the end of the line,
You're deep in the soil,
In middle of the deepest silence you are!
Don't leave your hand,
Your own hands,
One to hold you the most is you again!
But the rain stops one day,
Tears end,
The Lord lays hope
On you every night!
Your face turns to the skies,
Your hands're closed,
Your heart is more injured
Than it ever was!
But everything ends one day,
Spring returns,
Running onto the pains,
Right onto you!
Everyone loves again,
Love is always forgiven,
If you put on some hope,
All wounds will be healed!
[Cem Adrian]
It's over now, it's over now,
It no longer hurts, it's over now.
It's over now, it's over now,
What happened in my heart was just a dream.
It's over now, it's over now,
It no longer hurts, it's over now.
It's over now, it's over now,
What happened in my heart was just a dream.
Versions: #3Because of thoughts, I cant sleep at nights
I can't get this thought out of my mind
What can i do? I can't get angry with you
Separation, separation, oh separation
Worse than any other pains, separation
Dark nights are longer than our distance
I dont know where I am at nights
My heart have been wounded by nights
Separation, separation, oh separation
Worse than any other pains, separation