Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 6
My Tired Years
Versions: #1
You both killed me and the you in me.
I wouldn't want it to be like this.
I'm defeated but you also lost.
I lost life, you lost me.
Damned me, why did I love
you this much.
You weren't worth my purest emotions.
It was a little too late but I learned that.
I'm an open wound, I bleed day and night.
My years burned right under my nose.
The rose buds that blossomed in my heart broke before it could turn into a rose.
These tired years are your work.
Damned me, why did I love
you this much.
You weren't worth my purest emotions.
It was a little too late but I learned that.
I'm an open wound, I bleed day and night.
My years burned right under my nose.
The rose buds that blossomed in my heart broke before it could turn into a rose.
These tired years are your work.
Chiar din prima seară în absența ta
În clipa aceea, în seara când spuneai adio în tăcere,
Am simțit zilele trecute în lacrimile mele,
Dorul de tine a crescut brusc, precum un munte,
Chiar din prima seară în absența ta,
Chiar din prima seară în absența ta...
M-am întors cu fiecare pas,
Crede-mă, am devenit nebun din cauza tristeții,
Ți-am văzut umbra la fiecare colț de stradă,
Chiar din prima seară în absența ta,
Chiar din prima seară în absența ta...
În mâinile tale am fost sazul care cânta,
Crede-mă, ai fost un cântec pe buzele mele,
Ți-am scris numele pe geamurile fumurii,
Chiar din prima seară în absența ta,
Chiar din prima seară în absența ta...
Just in the first evening of your absence
While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absense
While you were saying goodby silently that night
I felt the past days in my tears
Your longing grew like a mountain suddenly
Just in the first evening of your absense
I turned back with my each step
Believe me I become insane because of my sorrow
I saw your shadow on every street corner
Just in the first evening of your absense
Just in the first evening of your absence
I was a reed played by you
Believe me you were a song in my lips
I wrote your name on the the smokey glasses of window
Just in the first evening of your absence
Just in the first evening of your absence...
Tired Years of Mine
You killed both me and that you inside of me
I wouldn't want this
I'm the loser but you've lost too
I've lost the life, you've lost me
Damn me, why did I
Love you that much
You're not worthy of my pure feelings
I've learnt, even if it's late
I'm a wound, which cannot get well, I bleed day and night
My years burned out for nothing
The rosebud gloomed in my heart faded before it becomes a rose
These tired years of mine are your creation
Damn me, why did I
Love you that much
You're not worthy of my pure feelings
I've learnt, even if it's late
I'm a wound, which cannot get well, I bleed day and night
My years burned out for nothing
The rosebud gloomed in my heart faded before it becomes a rose
These tired years of mine are your creation
I'm In Love, In Love
May everyone hears, may the whole world hears
I'm in love my friends, I'm in love, in love (x2)
I found the love which I look for finally
I love her my friends, I'm in love, in love (x2)
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, in love
I'm so happy, I love her
I'm in love, in love (x2)
My every day is more beautiful from each one, now
There isn't left any sorrow in my heart anymore (x2)
I hope you all will fall in such a love
I love her my friends, I'm in love, in love (x2)
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love, in love
I'm so happy, I love her
I'm in love, in love (x2)
Poza ta pe perete
Imi consolez inima cu poza ta pe perete
Ai fost cu mine ieri, dar acum unde esti?
Cât de repede m-ai uitat, unde ți-s promisiunile
E clar că ești departe, fără nicio cale de întoarcere.
Cât de frumoasă este imaginea ta pe perete
De parcă mă cheamă de foarte departe
Întreb toate păsările despre tine
E clar că ești departe, fără nicio cale de întoarcere.
M-ai făcut cel mai fericit în lumea asta
M-ai făcut să aștept, spunând că fericirea va fi a noastră
M-ai lăsat în ziua când plâng
E clar că ești departe, fără nicio cale de întoarcere.
Cât de frumoasă este imaginea ta pe perete
De parcă mă cheamă de foarte departe
Întreb toate păsările despre tine
E clar că ești departe, fără nicio cale de întoarcere...