Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 93
Ieri când eram tânăr
Ieri când eram tânărGustul vieţii era dulce ca ploaia pe limba mea,
Am tachinat viaţa ca şi cum era un joc prostesc,
Felul în care briza serii poate tachina flacăra unei lumânări,
Miile de vise pe care le-am visat, lucrurile splendide pe care le-am planificat,
Mereu am construit…vai! Pe nisip slab şi mişcător.
Am trăit noaptea şi am evitat lumina goală a zilei,
Şi doar acum văd cum au fugit anii.
Ieri când eram tânăr
Atât de multe cântece de petrecere aşteptau să fie cântate,
Atât de multe plăceri nestăpânite care-mi erau rezervate,
Şi atât de multă durere ochii mei orbiţi au refuzat să vadă,
Am fugit atât de repede că timpul şi tinereţea în cele din urmă au trecut.
Nu m-am oprit niciodată să gândesc la tot ce era viaţa,
Şi fiecare conversaţie pe care mi-o amintesc acum
Se îngrijora de mine, şi nimic altceva.
Ieri luna era albastră
Şi fiecare zi nebună a adus ceva nou de făcut,
Mi-am folosit vârsta mea magică ca şi cum era o baghetă
Şi niciodată nu am văzut risipa şi golul de dincolo,
Jocul iubirii l-am jucat cu aroganţă şi mândrie,
Şi fiecare flacără am aprins-o prea repede, repede a murit.
Prietenii pe care i-am făcut toţi păreau, cumva, să se îndepărteze,
Şi doar eu am rămas pe scenă la sfârşitul piesei.
Sunt atât de multe cântece în mine care nu vor fi cantate,
Simt gustul amar al lacrimilor pe limba mea,
A venit timpul pentru mine să plătesc pentru ieri
Când eram tânăr.
Spend the night with you, Miss
Spend the night with you, MissSpend the night with you
It is a wonderful plan
I'm especially asking
For a discrete place, Miss
At the nightfall, Miss
Staying apart from melodrama
From some 'God ! My husband!'
Spend the night with you, Miss
Spend the night with you
When Mister is failing
When he's trying to make some money
To undress you, Miss
To crease your undergarments, Miss
To make your soul vibrate
Your body and everything
Spend the night with you, Miss
Spend the night with you
My God, I claim it,
It is my sweeter wish
And your skin, Miss
I jealously want to take care of it, Miss
By using all the variety
Of kisses, kisses
Spend the night with you, Miss
Spend the night with you
Own this woman's body
At the point of madness
Ignoring what's happening
Apart from us
Putting all of your sensations, Miss
In a messy way
And amaze you
Like a turmoil, Miss
That is what I demand
And only this, period.
You must be able
You must be able to smile again,When good times go away
And only the sadness is left
And unhappy days.
You must know that in all that anxiety
You have to keep your dignity
Despite the hurt you feel
You must leave and never come back.
You pray the Lord, who discourages you
'Have mercy, don't let me die!'
You must be able to hide your tears
But the world was created to suffer.
You must be able to leave the table,
When you're nomore useful to love
Stand up with nonchalance,
While you suffer silently
You must be able to hide your hurts
And disguise your pain.
Cover up the hate in you
And carry the hell in your heart
You must be able to be cold as ice
Even if your heart burns of rage.
You must be able to give up with your life
But I still love her too much
And I'm not able to say goodbye to her!
You must be able, but I'm not...
And Therefore
I know very well, that some day I'll wake up,And to me, the sun won't shine,
The love I gave you, won't be your love anymore,
For my own good, for my own good.
And without pain or weeping, I'll move away,
Straight I'm going with no desire to come back,
Without looking back I would like to delete,
Your gazing, your kissing and yout voice, my love.
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore...
I'll leave you without tears and without shouting,
But the bottom of my skin will shiver,
I'll see myself finally free and repose I'll find,1
For my own good, for my own good.
I will go to another sky and country,
To forget your cruel coldness,
And my hands that today are full of you,
Will try to dream and will have, another love.
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore...
It will be better, if I can have a reason,
That drowns in me, my cravings of loving,
And to find freedom for my heart,
For my own good, for my own good.
To dream I'll look for another arms,
And only then, your name I'll forget,
But you never will be able to come back to my side,
And my malaise2, my fear and the pain will remain.
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you,
And therefore, therefore I will stop loving you,
And therefore, I won't stop loving you.
Good anniversary
This afternoon I saw you, nervous for waiting,That's why I dressed, barely speaking,
Today, a year ago, that cheerful and without a doubt,
1In white I took you, before the judge of the place.
I've looked at the clock, soon it will be eight2,
Your suit didn't arrived, you're waiting for it since yesterday,
And the bow that today woman you're expecting to wear,
With so much going and coming, ended falling.
You run, come and go, through the hall
You turn on more and more, just like a cyclone,
And you don't know what to do, if to laugh or to cry,
I do my duty, I must to shut up.
You won't want to expect, the show to await,
And we won't be able to watch not even one act of Manon,
Taking without delay, on the fly a plane,
We could arrive, when the courtain descends.
Good anniversary, good anniversary
The boats have gone
The boats have gone, tonight the sea is beautiful.The wave is coming towards me like a shining snake.
Big birds are gliding around me and are calling me.
In the rising wind, I'm hearing your voice,
I'm hearing your voice.
The wave is coming and is rolling to my feet on the sand.
The trace of my footsteps is fading away little by little.
Today, my sadness today is unimaginable
With this ocean moving between the two of us,
moving between the two of us.
The boats have left, tonight the sea is calm.
The wind that is coming from the islands is gently exhaling
A harp complaint while playing in the palm trees.
I look at the sea and I'm hearing your voice,
And I'm hearing your voice.
I'm waiting for the sun to come out later
And for its first ray to come and touch my skin.
It'll be the hour of enchantment, the hour of distress.
And I'm waiting for you, who will come out of the waters,
who will come out of the waters.
You, I'm waiting for, who will come out of the waters.
Eu beau
Eu beau ca să uit de atât de multele nefericiride viața asta banală, fără nicio voință
eu beau ca să-mi creez iluzia că exiști
când atâția egoiști te poatră de-aici
Paharul îl ridic pentru eșecul nostru
pentru două inimi învinse de prostie
ciocnesc paharul pentru infernul ce se găsește în ficat
pentru buchetul cirozei alimentat de mine
Eu beau la orice oră, pentru greșelile mele și ale tale
pentru neliniștile pe care încă tu mi le dai, eu ți le dau
eu beau pentru iubirea noastră, pentru împreunarea diabolică
e tragicomic că adesea nu putem zbura
Pentru uniunea noastră sfântă, meschină și nefericită
pentru corpul tău nesătul de prospătură nouă
pentru jurământul solemn în fața lui Dumnezeu și a lumii
pentru pântecul tău sterp ce nu va rodi niciodată
Eu beau ca să fug de lucrurile pe care le invidiez
beau până la sinucidere, din dezgust și milă
eu beau ca să zbor, ca să vomit judecățile
expulzând aceste adevăruri interioare ale mele
Pentru fericirea dată de complexele mele
pentru foamea de sex, pentru amanții pe care-i ai
pentru pielea mea umflată, din cine știe ce motive
și pentru menopauza care te va lua prin surprindere
Ridic paharul pentru rezultatul acestei vieți duble
pentru relația din cuplul conceput astfel
pentru nodul conjugal unde nu se vede nimic
pentru problemele cu prostata ce le voi avea, mai devreme sau mai târziu
Pentru viața care se scurge, pentru răni și dureri
pentru celulita ta care-ți trădează vârsta
beau, de ce nu? Pentru iubirile glaciale
pentru gloria exemplară, pentru frigiditate
Beau până crăp, o s-o mierlesc de la excese
o s-o mierlesc picătură cu picătură cu visele ce le am
eu beau până n-am să mai pot, cu ficatul-burete
pentru că ce-mi repugnă e mai puternic decât mine
Mă îmbăt așa și înec pedeapsa
acestei fețe de hienă care mă taie în jumate
pentru că am o gaură aici înăuntru, ca dovadă stă
diavolul lacom pe care l-ai creat pentru mine.
Eu beau, Doamne, dacă beau, un pic din obișnuință
și mai mult de singurătate, ca să nu mă gândesc la mine
și să nu te pierd!
Dar, da! Beau!
Turn Off The Light
Turn off the light,come close to my heart
so my arms hug you
and soak up your warmth,
so the whole night
fills us with joy.
Turn off the light,
crawl against me.
Turn off the light,
draw the curtains,
flow on the weak soil
of my skin,
become the river,
the spring of love
to quench my thirst
till dawn breaks.
At the time when everything
sinks and turns to whisper,
At the time when shadows
hug the walls,
in the dark room,
let's bite into the fruit
of these countless joys
which live at night.
Turn off the light,
curl up upon me
so that love lights up
our tender lovemaking
and we can count
free of time's flow
the sweet blessings
of our feelings.
Turn off the light.
In the dark,
my grasping hands
will reshape
your brow, your eyelids,
your lips and your neck.
Turn off the light,
the night is ours.
Turn off the light,
cover our madness
with some mystery,
with some magic.
Let your illusions
slowly sink
in the pleasant war
lovers wage.
At the time when things
seem abandoned,
At the time when dew
awaits dew,
happiness offers
its dreams for two
and love becomes
obvious to lovers.
Turn off the light
so you become
in the immensity
of our happiness
nothing but matter,
nothing but thought.
Turn off the light.
Come, let's love each other.
Turn off the light.
Come, let's love each other.
Turn off the light.
Come on, let's love each other.
Oh, turn off the light.
Come, let's love each other.
I Drink
I drink to forget so many, many misfortunesthis ordinary life, without any more will
I drink because this gives me the illusion that you exist
when too many selfish people put you there
I'll raise my glass for our failure
for two hearts defeated by stupidity
I drink to the Inferno placed in the liver
to the bouquet of cirrhosis watered by me
I drink any time, for the mistakes of mine and yours
for the torments you'll continue to give to me, I shall also give
I drink to our love, to our diabolic embrace (1)
it's tragicomic that often we cannot fly
To our sacred union, mean and miserable
To your body, insatiable of fresh and new
To the solemn commitment in front of God and the world
To your barren womb which will never bear fruit
I drink to get away from the things I envy
I drink until suicide, out of disgust and pity
I drink to fly, to throw up judgements
Expelling from inside these truths of mine
To the happiness given by my complexes
to the sex hunger, to the lovers you have
to my swollen skin, out of whatever reason
and for the menopause which will take you by surprise
And I raise my glass for the result of this double life
for the relationship of the couple conceived this way
for the marital knot, where nothing can be seen
for the prostate issues which sooner or later I'll have
For the life which goes on, for the injuries and pains
for your cellulitis which tells your age
I drink, and why not? To the glacial loves
to famous glory, to frigidity
I drink to die, I'll die of excess
I'll die drop by drop with the dreams I have
I drink till I can with my sponge liver
because what I reject is more powerful than me
I get drunk like this and I drawn in the punishment
this hyena face which cuts me in half
because I have a hole here inside, it confesses to me,
the greedy devil you created for me
I drink, Lord, when I drink, a little out of habit
and more out of loneliness, not to think of me
and lose you!
But yes! I drink!
I love you like that
You are my whole lifeI don’t know why
You are not very pretty
But I love you like that
Your joys are childish
Your gestures are clumsy
You look like a kid
But I love you like that
You yell for nothing
You lie confidently
You call me with foolish names
That make my friends laugh
And when I tell you
this must change one day
You start crying
And I am there to console you
I take you in my arms
And huddle against me
You are the strongest
But I love you like that
My eyes are full of tears
How to explain it
Everything about you disarms me
But I love you like that
You have flaws
Often you talk too much
And when I'm too much
I shout “that's enough”
But when you smile
With a helpless look
Before your confused look
I feel very emotional
You are my whole life
I do not know why
You are not very pretty
But I love you like that
I'm Alone Now
I'm alone now, out of the blue.It was bound to end up like this.
I couldn't fill the gap
that widened between us.
I'm alone now, it was meant to be.
I wasn't the easy-going type.
Though married, I fancied me a free man,
of course she would leave me.
I feel so lame and sheepish
standing in the middle of the room,
arms and legs idle,
like a child with a heavy heart.
I'm alone now, I've asked for it,
what with my nasty temper.
I wonder what I am to do
now that I ruined everything.
Women, they don't understand us.
Granted, I could hit the bottle. Not that much,
but still too much for her taste.
There were my old buddies too.
True, they can be a bit of a pain
but still I used to hang out with them
and she would rather have me not.
I'm alone now, in these settings
where everywhere I look
memories vie for my attention
as if to better tear me to shreds.
I'm alone now, serves me right.
In the end happiness has to be earned.
Ignore it and it goes bankrupt,
and that's when you feel sorry.
I have my faults, who hasn't any?
Changing is not always easy.
This is what you get for horsing around
and playing the smart aleck.
I'm alone now, I saw to that,
and I don't think she'll come back.
Surely I'll feel very sad
for love pierces through my heart.
I have my faults, who hasn't any?
Changing is not always easy.
I'm alone now.
Te aștept
Versions: #1Trec zilele mele, nopțile mele plâng
Și jelește vântul.
Rațiunea mi se scufundă și moare când moare timpul,
Acest timp mort pe care-l regret atât de mult!
Căci fără tine viața mea se oprește,
Și te aștept.
Aștept aerul pe care-l respir și primăvara,
Aștept hohotele de râs și cei 20 de ani ai mei,
Mările mele calme și furtunoase totodată.
Căci fără tine viața mea se oprește,
Și te aștept.
Te aștept,
Vino, nu întârzia.
De oriunde ai veni, oricine ai fi,
Vino, timpul e scurt.
Te aștept,
Visul meu necunoscut!
Care ți-e numele, care ți-e scopul?
Al meu e iubirea.
Pentru ca zilele mele să se transforme,
Și pentru că într-adevăr
Viața mea prinde formă prin tine
Cu fiecare clipă ce trece.
Pentru că vidul mă bântuie
Cu sângele meu.
Ca un pictor te plăsmuiesc
Și te aștept.
Degetele mele, prin mici atingeri, îți pictează dinții,
Înainte de a mușca din gura ta nebunește.
Dar aceste vise îmi lasă
Numai chinul,
Căci îmi târăsc suferința
Și te aștept.
Te aștept,
Vino, vino, nu întârzia!
De oriunde ai veni, oricine ai fi,
Vino, timpul e scurt.
Te aștept,
Visul meu necunoscut!
Care ți-e numele, care ți-e scopul?
Al meu e iubirea.
Te aștept
Versions: #1Trec zilele mele, nopțile mele plâng
Și jelește vântul.
Rațiunea mi se scufundă și moare când moare timpul,
Acest timp mort pe care-l regret atât de mult!
Căci fără tine viața mea se oprește,
Și te aștept.
Aștept aerul pe care-l respir și primăvara,
Aștept hohotele de râs și cei 20 de ani ai mei,
Mările mele calme și furtunoase totodată.
Căci fără tine viața mea se oprește,
Și te aștept.
Te aștept,
Vino, nu întârzia.
De oriunde ai veni, oricine ai fi,
Vino, timpul e scurt.
Te aștept,
Visul meu necunoscut!
Care ți-e numele, care ți-e scopul?
Al meu e iubirea.
Pentru ca zilele mele să se transforme,
Și pentru că într-adevăr
Viața mea prinde formă prin tine
Cu fiecare clipă ce trece.
Pentru că vidul mă bântuie
Cu sângele meu.
Ca un pictor te plăsmuiesc
Și te aștept.
Degetele mele, prin mici atingeri, îți pictează dinții,
Înainte de a mușca din gura ta nebunește.
Dar aceste vise îmi lasă
Numai chinul,
Căci îmi târăsc suferința
Și te aștept.
Te aștept,
Vino, vino, nu întârzia!
De oriunde ai veni, oricine ai fi,
Vino, timpul e scurt.
Te aștept,
Visul meu necunoscut!
Care ți-e numele, care ți-e scopul?
Al meu e iubirea.
dying for love.
Versions: #1A cruel world has condemned me
without mercy. It has sentenced me.
however, I don't feel any fear of
dying for love.
And while my life is on trial
I see nothing more than an exit
finding in my heart
how to die for love.
Dying for love
is dying alone in the dark
Face to face with the loneliness
without being able to beg mercy nor pity.
You're the light that dawns in me.
Your love is a flower. My love is offered.
My life doesn't have any value,
dying for love.
If our love is invincible
and impossible in front of men,
I don't have another solution
than dying for love.
With a high forehead and strong steps
To overcome this failure,
and simulate my pain
I'll die for love,
I'll die for love.
As if it was my disease,
I have to pay with my life.
Yes, it'll be my heart
because it has to sin.
Goodbye to the world and its problems,
goodbye to the one that condemns me.
let it stay with his mistake,
dying for love,
dying for love.
Te iubesc și-așa
Tu ești toată viața mea,N-am idee de ce.
Nu ești tu prea drăguță,
Dar te iubesc și-așa.
Ai bucurii copilărești,
Gesturi stângace,
Ai un aer de copil,
Dar te iubesc și-așa.
Tu zbieri fără motiv,
Tu minți cu aplomb
Și-mi dai porecle
Fără sens,
Care-i fac să râdă pe amicii mei.
Și atunci când îți spun
Că toate astea trebuie să se schimbe într-o zi,
Te pornești să plângi,
Ca să te consolez.
Te iau în brațe
Și te cuibărești acolo.
Tu ești mai puternică,
Dar te iubesc și-așa.
Am ochii plini de lacrimi,
Cum să explic asta?
Totul la tine mă dezarmează,
Dar te iubesc și-așa.
Ai defectele tale,
Ades vorbești prea mult,
Și când mă exasperezi,
Urlu: ”E de-ajuns!”
Dar atunci când zâmbești,
Cu o privire neajutorată,
În fața aerului tău pierdut
Sunt mișcat profund.
Tu ești toată viața mea,
N-am idee de ce.
Nu ești tu prea drăguță,
Dar te iubesc și-așa.
Pentru tine, Armenie
Primăverile tale vor înflori din nou,Frumoasele tale zile se vor naște din nou.
După iarnă,
După infern
Va crește arborele vieții
Pentru tine, Armenie.
Anotimpurile tale vor cânta iarăși,
Copiii tăi vor clădi mai rezistent.
După groază,
După spaimă
Dumnezeu va vindeca pământul tău mutilat,
Pentru tine, Armenie.
Lumea s-a ridicat,
Lumea e alături de tine.
Pentru tine, popor uitat,
Ea și-a deschis inima,
Ea și-a întins brațele.
Primăverile tale vor înflori din nou,
Frumoasele tale zile se vor naște din nou.
După iarnă,
După infern
Va crește arborele vieții
Pentru tine, Armenie.
Anotimpurile tale vor cânta iarăși,
Copiii tăi vor clădi mai rezistent.
După groază,
După spaimă
Dumnezeu va vindeca pământul tău mutilat,
Pentru tine, Armenie.
Și chiar dacă îți blestemi soarta,
În ochii tăi eu vreau să văd,
Un licăr de speranță,
O flacără, o dorință
De-ați lua destinul
În propriile mâini,
De a-l înfrunta direct.
Primăverile tale vor înflori din nou,
Frumoasele tale zile se vor naște din nou.
După iarnă,
După infern
Va crește arborele vieții
Pentru tine, Armenie.
Anotimpurile tale vor cânta iarăși,
Copiii tăi vor clădi mai rezistent.
După groază,
După spaimă
Dumnezeu va vindeca pământul tău mutilat,
Pentru tine, Armenie,
A Life of Love
A life of loveand the pact between us
that time then, has fragmented by now
It’s almost winter, day after day
A thousand things, love, lost between us
But I would like you deep down in my heart, you know,
I took refuge with you, I never forgot
A “we’ll meet again” won’t be a “farewell”, we’ll meet again, my dear flower
Finding you to thank you again
and to swear to you again
A life of love, clear constellations
and going to live the pain together
Finding the sea with you, with you, for you
A life of love
and the pact between us
that time then, has fragmented by now
It’s almost winter, day after day
A thousand times, love, then strange “I would like you”s
And your lazy kisses above mine, in uncertainty
of you and every one of your caresses
A “we’ll meet again” is the last craziness
we’ll meet again and leaving you, going away
to then search for you, and all that exists
is being together with you
A life of love is to love blindly
Don’t think of where or what sea
It’s true loving, this loving,
loving you, only you
Everything's going away
Everything's going away, everything's dyingYou don't believe in our happiness anymore
And you're losing your reason and cause
Nervous and morose, Rose, Rose
Rose, Rose, oh yes! I remember
I was what, sixteen, you maybe a little less
When you were skipping class and coming in the morning
To bring me your heart like a rosebud
Rose, Rose, love of my past
When you came to see me in my room in the attic
I thought your skin smelled of wet hay
And when I kissed you... but that's something else
Everything's going away, everything's dying
You want to close your door on my heart
I already hear the wind picking up
To dispel my dreams, Eve, Eve
Eve, Eve another memory
Who burned my heart before weakening
I thought I'd go crazy, I wanted to die
But time heals all, one day without warning
Eve, Eve who bit madly
Into the fruit of love, it breaks teeth
If you hurt me I nevertheless kept
Memories of the days... I think I digress
Everything's going away, everything's dying
I feel fear settling down inside me
You already packed your suitcase
And I realise, Lise, Lise
Lise, Lise where are you today
You who died each day to revive at night
You who walked barefoot dreaming in the rain
Loathing the sun but adoring the snow
Lise, Lise and your moving hair
Erratic, unexpected, half woman and half child
Who fell into my arms sometimes sobbing
Or laughing hard... let's see where was I?
Everything's going away, everything's dying
I'm nothing more than a shadow in your heart
And I see that inside you everything is getting ready
For other conquests... Kate, Kate
Kate, Kate of the accent I loved
Who despite her efforts as soon as she explained herself
Couldn't prevent herself from breaking French
Who despite being English was nevertheless clay
Kate, Kate had a thousand treasures
And rusty stains embellished her body
As if her parents had left her outside
Too long in the rain... fragile happiness
Everything's going away, everything's dying
But spring returns the victor
Arms loaded with dreams and flowers
And dries our tears
And sows our heart with
its grains of madness
Such is life
Forever and ever
When we will have closed our eyesForever and ever
At the moment of our final farewell
I will still have some regret
I will still have some remorse
And I will leave with my pain,
Provided that I remember
That this evil will only be stronger
Because we have closed our hearts
Forever and ever
So as to replace loads of happiness
With sorrow and regret
When whole centuries will have passed
Forever and ever
We will have laid the past onto our shoulders
And oblivion will be complete
But if there is still a glow
If there is still a small flame
Under the dry ashes of our soul
That never seems to die
In order to find infinite calm
Forever and ever
Just like when we were alive
My love, I will look for you
Call for you
Find you
Keep you
Forever and ever
To write...
To dream, to search, to learn,to have nothing but writing in the name of the Holy Lord.
To seek for perfection when you'll rip your eyes off,
to shake up the status quo so as to impose yours ideas,
to kill.
To choose, to snatch, to understand,
to put your schedule back on track for the 100th time,
to filth a maiden's canvas and to desecrate it for the best,
to make one scream shamelessly. All those empty spaces
to overcome.
To traverse the fogs of the imagination,
to cover the real with the pieces of the abstract,
to emancipate the trait from a thousand variations
while killing the habits.
To change, to create, to destroy.
In order to tear the whole structures apart,
use the opposite [techniques] of all you've read,
and engage into your artwork by heart upon lost bodies.
Write your fear of the sweat, of the anxiety
while suffering from a foreign speaker
who sometimes makes it wrong but goes back on track
consumed by his dogma while juggling with his ethics
and the perceptions of time.
To impose your perception of things and of the youth,
stop -first and foremost- cursing yourself,
push it to the limit,
defeat even the minor objection to the subject.
Explore it without restraints and form it and support it,
and then your artwork will be complete, all falls into place
deprived of any concern.
Suffer, curse,
deprive art from its willingness with gleams of energy,
give great value at subjects long resolved
and while releasing yours demons on the numb page,
write. Write.
To write just like how we speak and shout.
That will remain on us,
that will remain on us.
You Let Yourself Go (Literal Translation)
Versions: #2You are so weird to look at,
do you really think, I do appreciate that,
when you do not understand me any longer,
when you get only on my nerves?
I've been drinking during half the night,
and thus emboldened myself,
only to finally confess to you,
„I simply can't look at you any more!
With your sloppy figure
you offend my good taste.“
With you I can think of nothing else,
but to be well-behaved by day and night.
For weeks I've been living at your side
and do not feel anything at my side.
Only your chatter, so empty and stupid -
I am afraid that it will kill me.
Yes, in former times you were nice and beautiful.
You let yourself go!
You let yourself go!
You probably don't really imagine,
that you could be appealing to me,
with your uncovered knees,
with your deranged stockings.
You walk around in your dressing gown,
you even do not change for dinner.
In your hair I must see those curlers,
which are dangling all over to and fro.
And on top of everything these crooked heels -
how could I ever fall for something like that?
You show off to our friends,
and you make me a fool.
That makes me angry at night, even in my dreams,
and in my deep sleep.
I believed, that you loved me,
when I decided to stay with you forever.
If only you would be silent,
that would be great!
You let yourself go!
You let yourself go!
I think about it by day and night,
whether things could not be different.
Lastly you are my wife,
but I can't make sense of you any longer.
Show me, that you still love me,
just try a little bit.
With a little smile only -
and do something for your figure, too!
Then I would be encouraged again,
and everything would be fine.
Just be a little nice to me,
so that I don't lose you completely.
Remember the good times:
Our love at first sight!
How I came to your place in the evening
and took you in my arms.
It would be nice, if by my heart
you'd let yourself go!
There let yourself go!
You Should Know
You should know, to stop smilingIf joy went away
Only the sorrow is left for you
And the days of unhappiness
You should know, that in this angst
The dignity must be saved
Even though the pain frightens you
You should walk away and not turn back
Beg the destiny that abandoned you
Don't make me suffer for pity
You should know how to fake the crying
And to sink it in your heart
You should know, to grasp time
When love retired
To walk away with indifference
Even though you suffer in silence
You should know, to suffocate the sorrow
And disguise the big pain
And have the hate I conceal back
If you live in a hell
You should know, to stay frozen
If the resentment burns the passion
You should know how to keep the crying
And how much I love it, that now I can no more
You should know that I
I don't know it
Beauty and the Beast
A tale of forever.Centuries past.
Two strange hearts,
That changed everything,
Discovering love.
And time stops.
Frozen with happiness.
Petrified with fear.
Two souls in bloom.
Beauty and the Beast.
Everything is different,
And yet the same.
When a heart awakens,
To the red colours,
Of a newborn sun.
Everything is different,
And yet the same.
When a heart awakens,
To the red colours,
Of a rising sun.
A tale of childhood.
Old as a chorus.
Repeating without end.
I put in my wine the water of proof.
Dreams getting ready.
To begin where,
for you and me.
Once upon a time,
Beauty and the Beast.
For you and for me.
Once upon a time,
Beauty and the Beast.
Beauty and the Beast.
The Legend Of Stenka Razin
Slowly the deft boats(blows the wind, heave the waves)
of Razin and his sailors
glide along the islands.
On the deck, Stenka Razin
(beat the hearts, talk the voices)
holds tenderly in his arms
his gentle and slender sweetheart.
La la la...
No woman shall be among us
(clench the fists, rise the shouts)
The dove subdued the eagle,
the seaman is but a man now.
Still Razin remains calm
(grit your teeth, raise your voice)
Nothing can alter my soul,
be it love or rebellion.
La la la...
Heaving with his powerful hands
(cry the joys, dies the hope)
his frail and trembling lover
he throws her into the black waters
then says to the river,
'Volga of death, Volga of life,
Volga, take my widowed love
for ever inside your bed!'
Come on, my friends, sing!
Drink the wine to the dregs
until you roll under the table
until tomorrow, until oblivion.
After all
life is but a ploy,
a short and wonderful passage.
This love we often weep over
is nothing more than a mirage.
You have to live by the hour.
Let's make the most of this
fleeting journey.
At the bottom of our glasses
lies oblivion of passing time.
Vine and a true friend
are cures to dread.
Today cries misery,
tomorrow will turn about
and everything will change.
Slowly the deft boats
(blows the wind, heave the waves)
of Razin and his sailors
glide along the islands.
La la la...
...of Razin and his sailors.
By Loving You Like This (De t'avoir aimée)
By loving you like this, even going mad,By begging for you, by crying for you,
Unable to sleep, unable to eat,
What will I have left by loving you like this?
By loving you like this with my soul and my voice,
Until I forget the name of God,
To proclaim nothing more than my love,
What will I have left by loving you like this?
Only my voice, which will fade
Only my love, sad and without warmth,
Only my skin, without the taste of honey,
And my great fear,
Of loving you even more and more upon dying.
By loving you like this with great sorrow,
Even destroying this heart,
Unable to cry out, unable to reason,
What will I have left by loving you like this?
Only one love, that suffers for you,
That dies for you.
La Bohème (German Version)
It's been a long time,you don't understand time
at twenty.
Montmartre in May,
we were young and free,
and at the windows we saw
the lilacs blooming already.
The time is long gone
when we were so happy.
My stomach was so empty
and you were my model.
La bohème, la bohème,1
it means life is like that sometimes, like that sometimes.
La bohème, la bohème,
happy and cheerful with dry bread.
I often stayed awake at night
all alone and painted
your picture in my dreams.
You were so young and beautiful,
that's how I saw you.
And even at daybreak,
I was dreaming of life and love
in the studio
with a latte.
We didn't ask for money.
Love and fame,
that was the world for us.
La bohème, la bohème,
that means we were 20 years old.
La bohème, la bohème,
and this time was wonderful.
And if chance were to lead me today
through those old streets
like in the past,
I would no longer find my way back
to that lost happiness.
And no stairs lead
to the little studio.
And (even) over there at the café,
no one dreams there (anymore).
Wherever the eye meets
Montmarte and the lilacs,
everything is faded
La bohème, la bohème,
we were young, we were crazy.
La bohème, la bohème,
(today) that doesn't mean anything anymore.
- 1. Although this would translate literally as 'the bohemian,' it's more common in English just to leave it in French. The German lyrics also left it in French.