Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 3

Număr de rezultate: 93


Amor amar

De la amor la moarte nu e decât un pas,
Și amorul l-a făcut, cine știe de ce?
Cine poate spune cum de-a făcut o țintă
Din visele noastre de amanți, decretând amorul
În afara legii?
Cu cât se-ntinde răul mai tare, cu-atât e diavolul mai fericit.
La aceste fapte, Dumnezeu a închis ochii.
Destinul și moartea au pactizat într-o zi,
Iar de-atunci răul devorează și viața, și iubirea.
Amor amar,
Amanți până la moarte.
În al vostru iad
Foc în trupuri,
Amor amar.
Și inima îngheață, și trupurile se tem,
Și sângele poluat și-a pierdut culoarea.
Îndrăgostiții nu mai au motiv să viseze,
Nepăsarea a răzbit, trebuie să te protejezi tot timpul.
O aventură de-o noapte devine joc periculos
Și ne face să-ntrezărim viitorul de foc.
Răul care vine și pleacă face iubiții să se teamă,
În aceste vremuri în care iubirea pare un act vinovat.
Amor amar,
Amanți până la moarte.
În al vostru iad
Foc în trupuri,
Amor amar.
Amorul trebuie să ne clădească viitorul
Și cunoașterea vindecă și ne ținem de mână.
Amândoi ne trădăm fără jenă și fără motiv,
Plătim prețul cerut fără speranță și fără iluzii.
Iubirea mea, iubirea mea, nu mă abandona!
Tremur noapte și zi, moartea planează deasupra mea,
Mor fără speranță, tinerețea mi-e ruinată,
Căci sunt blestemat de sângele primit.
Amor amar,
Amanți până la moarte.
În al vostru iad
Foc în trupuri,
Amor amar.

Și eu, din colțul meu

El te observă, cu coada ochiului,
Tu te enervezi, din fotoliul tău.
El te mângâie, din adâncul ochilor,
Tu te lași prinsă în jocul lui.
Și eu, din colțul meu, dacă tot nu spun nimic,
Eu remarc toate astea.
Și eu, din colțul meu, mă stăpânesc cu greu,
Văzând cum vine sfârșitul.
El te fixează cu febrilitate,
Tu îl aprobi, surâzând.
El te pândește, și eu văd asta,
Tu, tu regreți că sunt acolo.
Și eu, din colțul meu, dacă tot nu spun nimic,
Văd foarte bine caruselul vostru.
Și eu, din colțul meu, îmi ascund cu grijă
Această neliniște ce mă pătrunde.
El te privește pe furiș,
Tu trăncănești foarte degajat.
El te curtează, prin mine,
Tu faci o criză de râs strident.
Și eu, din colțul meu, dacă tot nu spun nimic,
Am o inimă care stă să plângă.
Și eu, din colțul meu, îmi beau mâhnirea,
Pentru că iubirea își schimbă proprietarul.
Ah! Dar nu, nu-i nimic...
Probabil ceva oboseală...
Corect! Nici vorbă...După cine te duci acolo?
Nu, nu, am petrecut o... o seară excelentă...


The battle united us, my comrade
Our fight began in the barricades
And continued in commandos and ambushes
My comrade
One Sunday, marching past in the parade
I saw you there on top of the stands
You won your stripes in the army
My comrade
Everybody saluted you as you passed
You were always the friend that I admired
And people like me respected you
My comrade
And very soon now, our dawn will come
And although I know that around me, there's nothing left
I am still standing in front of the brigade's cannon
My comrade
With the cold that gnaws my insides
I only see across the mountains
The memory of heroic campaigns
My comrade
My friends like you have also gone
And there is nothing more than meaningless shadows left
For me, I have lost all hope
My comrade
You were saved only thanks to a wound
And you feared for your life when you left
Today I remember our sad farewell
My comrade
I don't even know when I will see you again
Or if I just have a date with death
Be happy, I'll leave you now, good luck
Your comrade
The battle united us, my comrade
Our fight began in the barricades
And continued in commandos and ambushes
My comrade

Yesterday, when I was young

The distant yesterday in every sunrise, I enjoyed the awakening. I lived without counting
the hours that fly away, I had youth,
and desire to sing. Time took
the dreams I created. In ruins it transformed
the towers I raised, denying me the light and fire of my being.
Turning blind, mercilessly,
the illusion I cultivated.
In my yesterday, reality made me waste
my joyful youth, I was confused,
until I believed in the clock's rhythm:
it was slower for me, I wandered without looking back. My motto
was getting old,
and never give in. Follow the sayings
of my heart, my only will first, and always me.
Yesterday is distant, and I think maybe
I didn't know how to use the time gone by,
the years I lost, but today there's only sollitude
remaining in me. I've seen love's flame go to waste. My last
friendship refuses
to go on. Not because I don't go around doesn't mean I don't have a place to go, nor a hand to shake, nor a door to knock on.
Today everything is over, distant is any faith in the future and happiness. Memories of yesterday, blazing youth already gone.

You let yourself go

Versions: #1
Funny, you're so funny to look at
You're there you wait you make a long face
And I feel like laughing
It's the alcohol that messes with my head
All the alcohol I have taken tonight
In order to draw the courage
To confess to you that I'm sick and tired
Of you and your gossiping
Of your body that leaves me well-behaved
And that deprives me of all hope
I've had enough I gotta tell you that
You exasperate me you tyrannise me
I put up with your attitude
Without daring to say that you exaggerate
Yes you exaggerate you know it now
Sometimes I'd like to strangle you
God you've changed in five years
You let yourself go, you let yourself go
You're beautiful to look at
Your stockings falling on your shoes
And your old robe ajar
And your hair curlers what a look
I wonder everyday
How did you manage to please me
How could I make love to you
And estrange you my whole life
Like that you look like your mother
Nothing about whom inspires love
In front of my friends what a disaster
You contradict me, you attack me
With your venom and your spite
You could make mountains fight
Ah I hit the jackpot
The day I met you
If you kept quiet, wouldn't that be nice no!
You let yourself go, you let yourself go
You're a bully and a tyrant
You have no heart and no soul and nevertheless
Nevertheless, I think very often that
Despite everything you're still my woman
If you wanted to make an effort
Everything could go back to normal
To slim down, exercise a bit
Fix yourself up in front of your mirror
Put a smile on your face
Make up your heart and your body
Instead of thinking that I despise you
Of avoiding me like the plague
Try to show some kindness
Become again the little girl
who has given me such happiness
And sometimes like in the past
I'd like that everything against my heart
You let yourself go, you let yourself go

Venice in Grey

Venice in grey
I now see before me
In those days it was beautiful,
and then I saw it where I was together with you
So forgotten and bleak
The city has never seemed
A Venice in grey
Full of melancholy
The wind blows the night barcaroles towards me
But they are silent,
and the silence hurts even more
A Venice in grey
Without you I'm here
Grief is always by my side
A Venice in grey,
a lost dream
All the beauty, the glory,
these days I hardly see
I look away, when a couple
in their gondola kisses
A Venice in grey,
where you no longer are
At sunset1
I stand alone by the sea
My hand searches for yours
and ends up alone
A Venice in grey
The moon shines upon it
But I ask if it's worth it
No, wherever here I look
my heart saddens
So to your pigeons and bridges
I say 'Bye'
Until I see you
Wherever I go
I will always fear [seeing]
Venice in grey
  • 1. Lit. 'When the sun burns out'

După ce te iubesc

Acum că am cunoscut dragoste aşa dulce ca a ta
Dragoste atât de adâncă şi completă ca a ta
Înfometat de buzele tale, bolnav de gelozie
După ce te iubesc, ce-a mai rămas pentru mine
Cap şi inimă şi suflet, copleşit de iubire
Am uitat că era un Dumnezeu deasupra
Chinuit de lucrurile pe care nu le puteam vedea
După ce te iubesc, ce-a mai rămas pentru mine
Părăseşte-mă şi vocea mea ar deveni atât de tăcută
Şi atingerea mea ar fi frigul îngheţat al iernii
Părăseşte-mă şi ochii mei ar fi plini de ploaie
Şi nevoia de tine clocotind până la sfârşit
M-ar înnebuni
Te iubesc atât de mult că mi se rupe inima
Că m-ar durea mai puţin decât să fim despărţiţi
Aşa va rămâne până-n vecie
Nu există altă lume prin care merită să treci
După ce te îmbrăţişez( ţin)
După ce te sărut
După ce te iubesc

Children of War

Children of war
Aren't really children
They are as old as stone
Of iron and blood
By the tears of mothers
They had their eyes opened
By days without mystery
And a world on fire
Children of war
Aren't really children
They've known the earth
On fire and bloody
They've had pipe dreams
To sharpen their teeth
And have taken cemeteries
As children's play parks
These children of the storm
And of uncertain days
Who had faces
Indented with hunger
Who have aged before their time
And grown up without help
Without touching the heritage
That love must have left them
Children of war
Aren't really children
They've seen anger
Smothering their songs
They've learnt to shut up
And to tighten their fists
When lying voices
Dictate their destinies.
Children of war
Aren't really children
They have a proud look
And their eyes are too big
They've seen misery
Covering over their tracks
And foreign hands
Slitting the throats of their springs
These children without a childhood
Without youth and without joy
Who shivered helplessly
With sorrow and cold
Who defied suffering
And silenced their turmoil
But lived in hope
Are like you and me
Lovers of misery
Unhappy lovers
To singular loves
To ever-changing dreams
Who look for the light
But fear it still
The lovers of the war
Are still children.


Versions: #6
I'm talking about a time
That the under twenty can not know
Montmartre at that time hung his lilacs
Even under our windows and if the humble garnished
Who served us as a nest did not look good
This is where we got to know each other
I who was yelling famine and you who was posing naked.
Bohemian, bohemian.
It meant we are happy
Bohemian, bohemian.
We only ate every other day
In neighboring cafes
We were a few
Who waited for glory and although misery
With a hollow stomach
We do not stop believing and when some bistro
Against a good hot meal
We took a canvas, we recited verses
Grouped around the stove forgetting the winter
Bohemian, bohemian,
It meant you are pretty.
Bohemian, bohemian,
And we all had genius.
Often it happened to me
In front of my easel
To spend sleepless nights
Retouching the drawing
From the line of a breast
From the curve of a hip and it is only in the morning
That we finally sat down
In front of a creamer
Exhausted but delighted
Should we love each other and love life?
Bohemian, bohemian,
It meant we are 20 years old
Bohemian, bohemian,
And we lived by the times.
When at random
I'm going for a ride
At my old address
I do not recognize
Neither the walls nor the streets
Who saw my youth
At the top of a staircase
I am looking for the workshop
Of which nothing remains
In his new decor
Montmartre seems sad and the lilacs are dead.
Bohemian, bohemian,
We were young, we were crazy.
Bohemian, bohemian,
It does not mean anything at all.

I don't know your value( You're way too good to have a value)

I don't know your value
You are like a ruby
You make every man another Mecnun*
You are just like Leyla **
In this world, you are my love
You are reckless, you have no mercy
There is sweetness on your lips
You taste like a candy and sugar
You hair look like basil***
Don't marry someone else
Show some kindness, don't break my heart
You look like a girl who's merciful
Love, your sweet talker would say
Your teeth look like diamonds,
The color of your skin is like a silk
You yourself are a precious extinct stone.
How can I withstand the hatred of the world?
Bravery is in my eyes though ,
Sayat-Nova ****, from this day on you are one of
Your dearest love's servants.

Ceea ce nu se mai face

Vino și descoperă din nou cu mine
ceea ce nu se mai face.
Stai obraz la obraz da,
și inimă la inimă da,
și strânge cât poți de tare
brațele în jurul meu.
Stai aici, contra mea,
stai aici, lângă mine.
Este multă lume, știu,
dar cine o mai vede
hai să ne facem că
lumea suntem noi,
măcar până
noaptea se va termina.
Stai aici, contra mea,
stai aici, lângă mine.
Hai, vino mai aproape,
dă-ți drumul,
e frumos să stai obraz la obraz, nu?
Și când gândești că a dansa așa
credeam că e o chestie de bătrâni.
Îți voi spune, poate că aveau dreptate,
modele se schimbă, dragostea nu.
Este multă lume, știu,
dar cine o mai vede
hai să ne facem că
lumea suntem noi,
măcar până...

My touching love

You live in a mute and eternal silence
I translate your looks and read in your smiles
Interpreting the words
That your hands want to say
In your strange language which seems to be a ballet...
A touching ballet you have set for me
of fascinating gestures
that are never the same
and when with the fingertips
you whisper I love you.
I sometimes feel like I am hearing your voice,
My love, my love, my love, my love
My love , my touching love
My marvelous love, my heartbreaking love
When talking for you , I was short for resources
Finding me near you,
Is like being in a foreign land,
I cannot use any vocabulary
In my turn I learnt the language of hands
You laugh at me a little
When you see my efforts
Because I am clumsy, and often make gaffes
I have never been very strong in spelling.
But I have a lot to tell you
And I love you so much
My love, my love, my love, my love
My love , my touching love
My marvelous love, my heartbreaking love
My love, my love, my love, my love
My love , my touching love
My marvelous love, my heartbreaking love


Because you have blue eyes
And your hair enjoys challenging the sun
By its fiery glare
Because you are twenty years old
And you crunch the life just like a red fruit
Which we grab while laughing
You believe that everything is allowed for you and you can do anything that comes to your mind
You get sorry for an instant and are ready to start again
You play with my heart
Like a spoiled child
Who asks for a toy to smash it into pieces
Because you have too much love
You come to steal my nights from the depth of my sleep
And make my days cry
But take care darling ! I do not respond anything
If my reason goes astray and I lose patience
I can scratch our hearts by a spear from existence
So you are the sole aim and unique linkage
Because I do not have anyone but you
Heart is my only master
Love makes the law for us
Because you live in me
And nothing can replace the moments of happiness
And when I hold you in my arms
I do not give a damn neither to God , nor to men
I am ready to die, if you die one day
Because death is only a game compared to love
And life is nothing without the love it gives to us
Because I am at the doorstep
Of an eternal love
I do not want my heart
to mourn


Permite-mi să te ghidez pașii în viață
Dă-mi o șansă să mă facă să te iubesc
Vino ca un copil în colțul umărului meu
Lasă-mă rolul de a te face să uiți
Timpul care merge
Timpul care doarme
Timpul fără bucurie
Timpul minunilor
Timpul unei zile
Timpul unui secunde
Timpul care curge
Și cel care mîrîie
Timpul, timpul
Timpul și nimic altceva
Al tău, al meu
Cel pe care îl nostru îl dorim să fie
Timpul petrecut
Cel care se va naște
Timpul să iubim
Și să dispărem
Timpul lacrimilor
Timpul norocului
Timpul care moare
Timpul de vacanță
Timpul glorios
Timpul inaînte de război
Timpurile divertismentelor
Timpul de afaceri
Timpul bucuriei1
Timpul minciunilor
Timpul cel rece
Și timpul viselor in somn
Timpul de inundații
Timpul nebuniilor
Timpul cel pierdut
Timpul vieții
Timpul care vine
Niciodată nu se oprește
Iar știu bine
Că această viață e făcută
Din timpul unuia
Și din timpul altora
Al tău, al meu
Poate deveni al nostru
Timpul, timpul, timpul
  • 1. Sau «bucuros»

What no one does anymore

Come and discover with me
what no one does anymore
Stand cheek to cheek yeah,
heart to heart yeah,
and tighten as much as you can
your arms around me.
Stay here, against me,
stay here, beside me.
There are so many people, I know,
but, who sees them anymore?
let's suppose
the world is us,
at least until
the night ends.
Stay here, against me,
stay here, beside me.
Come on, come closer,
let go,
it's easy to be cheek to cheek, isn't it?
And to think that dancing like this
looked like something for old people to me.
I'll tell you, maybe they weren't so wrong,
fashion changes, love doesn't.

There are so many people, I know,
but, who sees them anymore?
let's suppose
the world is us,
at least until...
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

You and Me

Versions: #2
You and Me
You and me
Two hearts that confound each other
At infinity's threshold
Far from the rest of the world
breathless and submissive
on the edge of bed
that is rocking
under you and me
You and me
free of lies
and weaned of taboos
when night is prolonged
between the gasps and turmoil
Our wildest dreams
invent a 'we'
At nightfall in our barren dreams
Love knew how to fill our silences
and we, these innocent children, cleansed of our yesterdays
become you and me, washed of our torments
Carry me
beyond the anguish
to the call of desire
from the heart of our fantasies
to the edge of desire
that God created
for you and me
I was without hope, you changed my fate
offering my life another chance
Words are only words, yours vibrated so loud
that when they spoke to my skin, they awoke my body
Love me
Make love to me again
Again and talk to me
for until dawn
at the font of our joy
my days drown
in you and me

Plăcerile demodate

În familiarul zgomot al clubului de noapte,
cu psichedelia cu decor ciudat
descoperim stând în scaune incomode
cele mai noi discuri puse la blană
Aşa-i unde ne-ntâlnim între cei de vârsta noastră
tu te-mbraci ca o indiancă iar eu ca Mao
De atunci venim înapoi ca şi cum am fi în pelerinaj
să dansăm într-un fum pe care să-l tai cu cuţitul
Hai să descoperim tu şi eu plăcerile demodate
inima ta în faţa inimii mele dincolo de ritmurile nebune
vreau să-mi simt trupul îmbrăţişat de-al tău
Să dansăm obraz la obraz...
Vino, aruncă-te-n mulţime, dar departe de zgomot
ca şi cum suntem singurii de pe Pământ
să ne zgâim ochii pe jumate-nchişi până la finalul serii
să dansăm obraz la obraz
Pe ringul plin de lume e un spectacol rar
dansatorii sunt într-o transă şi muzica-i ajută
par sacrificaţi unor ritmuri barbare
pe ritmul de azi adesea aşa de veche ca timpul
Străini unul altuia dar dansând împreună
cuplurile înnebunesc, aşa se pare.
Muzica şi dragostea nu merg împreună
în această beznă favorabilă îndrăgostiţilor

They fell

They fell without knowing why
Men, women and children who only wanted to live
With heavy gestures like drunk men
Mutilated, massacred, eyes open with fear,
They fell while calling their God,
at the doorstep of their church or the step of their door.
In abandoned herds staggering in troops
Tortured by thirst, hunger, iron, fire.
Nobody raised their voice in a euphoric world.
While people were languishing in their blood
Europe discovered jazz and its music
The sound of trumpets covered the cries of their children.
They fell modestly without noise,
By thousands, by millions, without the world moving,
Becoming tiny red flowers in an instance,
Covered with sand by the wind and then forgotten.
They fell with their eyes full of sunshine,
Like a bird in flight dangles shattered
To die anywhere and without leaving a trace,
Ignored, forgotten in their last sleep.
They fell believing, innocently, that their children could continue their childhood,
That one day they would walk the lands of hope,
In countries open to men with reaching arms.
I am these people who sleep without burial,
Who chose to die without giving up their faith,
Who never bowed their heads to the insults,
Who survive despite all and do not complain.
They fell to enter the eternal night of time, in the end of their courage.
Death hit them without asking their age,
Because their fault was being the children of Armenia!

To love you

To love you is being in dream of your face
Day and night
It’s my skin dying in thirst for your skin
It is the lost spring which plays with my age
making my days full of hope and my nights restless
To love you is this torrent running in my veins
Which goes down into my heart to invade my days
It’s the hands of a prisoner that without help of chains
Kept me prisoner without need of a rescuer
It’s the echo of your name that sings in my ears
It’s all the things that I make in my dreams every time
It is the murmur of these thousand marvelous things that you are and the things you are not
To love you is also more intimate things
It is my body and yours under the sky of your bed
And these words which are whispered.
The sublime happiness makes me the almighty god in your nights
To love you is my body and my hands that pray you
It’s your elated aroma floating around me
To love you is all these things and even more
It is the desire of having you everlastingly in my arms
To love you is something in my flesh which burns me and draws
In my depths like a sky-blue square
From where escape the songs which happiness has declined
In heavenly harmonies of sweet and pure accents
To love you are these doubts that discourage me
This fear that you may leave me
Without leaving any trace of yourself
Excepts some memories like dead leaves
In my devastated joys and my crucified life
To Love you is the reason to live my life
And if you leave me without any hope of return
I will continue to love you my last craziness
By dying at your feet in the name of our love


With an eternal smile on your lips,
With a look reflecting loves1,
You're like the work of goldsmiths,
I love you, only you, my darling.
With your heart, so vulnerable,
With all the rage at times vexing you,
Don't know whether you're an angel or devil,
But my life has changed in you.
Those say say, and predict,
That we['ll] fight,
I ignore them and adore you,
Still yet more
With your new wave gestures,
With the strange way of using your language,
With the youth that your life has,
I'll want to protect you, darling.
With your thoughts in a thousand follies,
With your great love you spice life,
I found in you, a whole harmony,
And I'll always love you, my love.
With that modesty that is almost innocence,
With that candor of your unconsciousness,
With your maturity so close to childhood,
I'll always love you, my love.
With your thin skin, your loud voice,
Your child laugh, your personality2,
[Your] talking about no matter what,
All of this makes me live in you.
  • 1. Or 'lovers'
  • 2. Lit. 'personal being'

Us two and world against us

Us two and world against [us]
You know, it did not suit us
If I see only that expression
To die of love
All around every door is locked
Outside death only leads,
to which opposite I'm quiet
To die of love
To die of love,
going into darkness, I know what it means
And if it turns out to be a sin,
it was only with the body, but not against the spirit
How good, soon to never see you again,
the people who do not understand me
at least as much as I understand them
To die of love
And so she, who does not begrudge us happiness,
maybe burn the book,
I close it and bid good-bye
To die of love
They are the winners and losers
But with heads like yours
nobody probably ever considered
To die of love
To die of love
I'm not so attached to this world
Departing from you is difficult for me
I was me, you were you, but us two [together] were more
You were the spring, the clear brightness
I was already on the threshold of autumn
toward the last path on which I now go
To die of love


Versions: #3
Who will graze your lips
And vibrating with fever
Discovering your body
Become your master
And in doing so give birth
To a new wellbeing
Another happiness?
Who will take over
To fulfil your dreams
And without remorse
Bursting with laughter
Know how to drive you
To better destroy me
In the depths of your heart?
Who can this other one be
Who will be this intruder
In everything that was ours
When I am no longer around?
Who will take your weakness
With caresses
And words of love
Covering with oblivion
Our crazy days?
Who will get your life
At the end of my days?
We live twenty years apart
Our love is excessive
And my heart is despairing
For these years
Because once my eyes are closed
Other eyes will look at you
And I'm fighting with these words
In my thoughts
Who, without you protesting,
Will perform the movements
That are just for us:
When I embrace you
When we are intertwined?
Who will take my place
Around your neck
Who will get to know your moments
Of sudden madness
Or even anger?
Who will get the chance
To have your presence
Often, when I think about it
I become jealous
Who? No one can say
Who? We know nothing about it
And my heart is tearing apart thinking that someone
Will take an 'I love you'
And through this 'I love you'
I already know
He'll take your lips
He'll take your bed
And bury me
For the second time

Ieri da

Ieri da, tânăr fiind,
gustul vieții ardea în mine
o, ieri da, tânăr fiind, pentru că
flacăra tremură un pic, dar nu se stinge niciodată...
Trăiam toate visele pe care mi le sugera inima
aveam castele pe care nu le mai am
noaptea căutam soarele în jurul meu
și nu observam cum timpul se scurge cu mine...
Ieri da, tânăr fiind, cântam cântecele
mai ușoare pentru mine și mâinile mele,
credeam că prinsesem deja firul eternității.
Nu-i întrebam nicicând pe cei din jurul meu
care era adevărul, ce e viața.
Credeam în lucrurile pe care le spuneam eu
Mă gândeam doar la mine și la nimic altceva...
Ieri da, tânăr fiind,
Lumina fiecărei zile aducea o nebunie,
forța vârstei îmi umplea zilele
și nu vedeam nicicând golul din interiorul ei...
Jocurile amoroase, le-am încercat pe toate
Am făcut din orgoliu prima mea virtute
Amici au plecat, nu se vor mai întoarce,
Comedia mea mi-o voi încheia de-acum singur.
Mai am un cântec dar nu-l voi cânta
Gustul vieții nu-l voi mai regăsi
A sosit timpul să-mi plătesc greșelile de ieri, când
tânăr fiind...

For You Armenia

Your springs will bloom again
Your beautiful days will be reborn
After the winter
After the hell
Will grow the tree of life
For you Armenia
Your seasons will sing again
Your children will build harder
After the horror
After the fear
God will heal your grounds of death
For you Armenia
The world got up
The world is with you
For you forgotton people
He has opened his heart
He has extended his arms
Your springs will bloom again
Your beautiful days will be reborn
After the winter
After the hell
Will grow the tree of life
For you Armenia
Your seasons will sing again
Your children will build harder
After the horror
After the fear
God will heal your grounds of death
For you Armenia
And even if you don't care about your own people
In your eyes I want to see
A glimmer of hope
A flame, a desire
To take your destiny
In your own hands
Head on
Your springs will bloom again
Your beautiful days will be reborn
After the winter
After the hell
Will grow the tree of life
For you Armenia
Your seasons will sing again
Your children will build harder
After the horror
After the fear
God will heal your grounds of death
For you Armenia
All my translations are completely my work from scratch unless noted otherwise, reference me if used elsewhere.

Si eu intre voi

El pe ascuns te observa
Tu esti nervoasa langa mine
El iti mangaie privirea
Tu te lasi prinsa de jocul sau
Si eu intre voi
Daca nu vorbesc deloc
Am vazut deja totul
Si eu intre voi
Inteleg ca de acum
Sarsitul la toate este aici.
El spioneaza
Ceea ce faci
Tu il incurajezi pentru ca stii
Ca te tenteaza cu maestrie
Tu esti plictisita ca exist
Si eu intre voi
Daca nu vorbesc deloc
Observ intelegerea voastra
Si eu intre voi
Ascund astfel
Anxietatea pe care o simt.
El pe ascuns
Iti zambeste
Tu vorbesti tare
Cine stie de ce.
El te curteaza
In ciuda mea
Tu razi mult
Ai ales deja.
Si eu intre voi
Daca nu vorbesc deloc
Am umflat de plans inima
Si eu intre voi
Singur voi vedea
Chinul care creste in mine.
Oh, nu! Nu e nimic
Poate un pic de oboseala
La ce te gandesti?
A fost o seara minunata, da
O seara minunata!

Stay with me

Versions: #2
Stay Stay with me
on my body
in my arms
light headed
rest in warmth
languishing, ('Alanguie' in the heat of the night
On my heart
With no modesty
frantic, almost nude
stay like this (it was 'reste ainsi')
On your desire ('sur ta faim sur ma vie'), on my life
in my hands ('Dans mes mains')
Disheveled , possessed,
Extended , relaxed
Stay right here
Without a word
On your joy
On my skin ('Sur ma peau dans l'espoir')- with the hope
In the dark, until day break ('Jusqu'au jour')
My love


Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.
Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.
Comedianţii și-au instalat corturile
Ei și-au înființat estrada
Și şi-au întins pânzele.
Comedianții au călătorit prin suburbii.
Ei au dat parada
Cu suport de tobă mare.
În fața bisericii, o caravană pictată în verde
Cu scaunele unui teatru în aer liber
Și în spatele lor ca o procesiune în nebunie,
Îndepărtează întreaga țară, comedianţii.
Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.
Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.
Dacă doriți să vedeți confuzi pe cei care se bateau
Într-o poveste oarecum tristă
În cazul în care totul este aranjat la sfârșit,
Dacă vă place să-i vedeţi tremurând pe îndrăgostiţi
Vă plângeţi de Baptiste,
Sau râdeţi cu fericiţii,
Împingeți panza și intraţi şi vă instalaţi
Sub stele, cortina se va ridica.
Când cele trei lovituri vor suna noaptea
Vor fi născuți din nou, comedianţii.
Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.
Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.
Comedianţii și-au demonstrat picioarele.
Au scos platforma
Și a pliat pânzele.
Ei vor pleca în inima tuturor
Cu un pic de serenadă
Și fericirea lui Arlequin.
Mâine dimineață când soarele se va ridica
Ei vor fi departe și vom crede că am visat.
Dar pentru moment, ei trec prin noapte,
Alte sate ce dorm, comedianţii.
Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.
Vino să-i vezi pe comedianţi,
să-i vezi pe muzicanţi
să-i vezi pe magicienii
ce sosesc.


Ea, poate va fi prima pe care,
nu voi putea sa o uit,
norocul meu sau pretul pe care, va trebui sa-l platesc,
ea, melodia nascuta aici,
pe care deja a cantat-o cine stie cine,
aerul cald care este acum
la inceputul toamnei peste mine...
Ea, sclavia, libertatea,
indoiala, seninatatea
preludiul zilelor luminoase sau intunecate,
ea, va fi oglinda unde eu,
voi reflecta proiecte si idei
singurul scop ce-l voi avea, de acum incolo.
Ea, atat de importanta,asa de speciala,
dupa lunga singuratate,
intransigenta si imprevizibila,
ea, poate iubirea mult asteptata care,
de la umbrele trecutului se-ntoarce la mine,
pentru a-mi sta alaturi cat voi trai.
Ea, pentru care nu as renunta,
supravietuind alaturi de ea,
la ani, combatuti si adversitati.
Ea, zambete si lacrime de la care,
luau forma visele mele ,
as merge oriunde merge ea
pas cu pas alaturi de ea,
ea, ea.

Cum este trista Venetia

Cum este trista Venetia
Doar dupa un an
cum e trista Venetia
daca nu se mai iubeste
Se cauta cuvinte
pe care nimeni nu le va spune
si daca ar vrea sa planga
nu mai poate.
Cum este trista Venetia
daca in barca este
doar un gondolier
care priveste spre tine.
Si nu-ti cere nimic
pentru ca in ochii tai
si in mintea ta
este doar ea.
Cum este trista Venetia
doar dupa un an
cum este trista Venetia
daca nu se mai iubeste.
Muzeele si bisericile
se deschid pentru noi
dar ele nu stiu
ca acum tu nu esti.
Cum e trista Venetia
seara aceasta laguna
daca se cauta o mana
care nu se mai gaseste.
se ironizeaza
in fata acelei luni
care intr-o zi te-a vazut a mea
si nu te mai vede.
Adio pescarusi in zbor
pe care i-ai salutat intr-o zi
doua puncte negre la sol
adio si de la ea.
Foarte trista Venetia
doar dupa un an
foarte trista Venetia
daca nu se mai iubeste.