Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 8
Tomorrow, I stop
Close the eyes, don't do anything bad
When someone lies to me, I don't say anything
Sing more loudly, even if I feel pain
When someone hits me, I don't say anything
Let the blame come back to me
So that the others live a little better
Hide my tears in a smile
Yes, that's what I do best
I tell myself that one day I'd love to change
I say it, but it's not what I do
It's promised, it's sworn
Tomorrow, I stop (ooohhh)
Tomorrow, I stop (ooohhh)
I can swear it upon my head
To do anything else, I wouldn't know
I love people too much, I'm like that
Tomorrow, I stop
Tomorrow, I stop
I can silence myself, not harm
And give everything without taking anything back
I can do it, I can love it
And I do it without waiting for anything
I tell myself that in this crazy world
Where one can get lost, where one lies to themselves
It's not that bad if it's a fool
Who lets themselves go from time to time
I tell myself that one day I'd love to change
I say it, but it's not what I do
It's promised, it's sworn
Tomorrow, I stop (ooohhh)
Tomorrow, I stop (ooohhh)
I can swear it upon my head
To do anything else, I wouldn't know
I love people too much, I'm like that
Tomorrow, I stop
Tomorrow, I stop
Tomorrow, I stop (ooohhh)
Tomorrow, I stop (ooohhh)
I can swear it upon my head
To do anything else, I wouldn't know
I love people too much, I'm like that
Tomorrow, I stop
Tomorrow, I stop
The light or rage
I found that wonderful
When you surrounded me with clouds
Feet on the earth
But the heart running along
I found that wonderful
When you surrounded me with courage
Leaving behind
How many fires on the shore
Of wisdom or anger
Which will find me first
I hide and then I hope
Sometimes I feel so afraid to be trapped
By our burning loves
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
When we open up to ourselves even to on the contrary
How many pages will I write before a spark
Comes to undo everything
Completely destroy what we could do
Let me be a child
Loved in the belly of the wind
I will love to relive this moment
I found that wonderful
When we were still young
My father and my mother
For one and only flash*
I found that wonderful
As you prevented me from shipwrecking
Taken headwinds
All our hells aboard
Of wisdom or anger
Which will find me first
I hide and then I hope
Sometimes I feel so afraid to be trapped
By our burning loves
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
When we open up to ourselves even to on the contrary
How many pages will I write before a spark
Comes to undo everything
Completely destroy what we could do
Let me be a child
Loved in the belly of the wind
I will love to relive this moment
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
How many mirages
Did my eyes believe to have seen so clearly
For it’s by closing our cages again
That we free ourselves
That we open up to ourselves on the contrary
Which from rage or the light
Enlightens me again, taken hostage
Between the light and rage
Let me be a child
Loved in the belly of the wind
I will love to relive this moment
I come back
I remember everything around here
Like I never left
Like it all happened yesterday
I remember everything around her
I take roots at the bottom of a well
A few steps away, in the heather
Whatever the pieces of sorrow
That come off my bohemian
I chose to be alive
Here, now, and everywhere
And I hope that I'll learn for long
And that I shall cross some scenes
I hope that it's just the start
The story has to keep going
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And I come back everytime, I come back
I come back everytime
My life always gets better
When it's packed in a suitcase
And when the landscape flies by
I did not feed this fire
It's mostly it that feeds me
And I think its message says
Whatever the pieces of sorrow
That come off a bohemian
We have to choose to be alive
Here, now and everywhere
And I hope that I'll learn for long
And that I shall cross some scenes
I hope that it's just the start
The story has to keep going
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And I come back everytime, I come back
I come back everytime
I am far, oh far from my folk
It's the only way for me to live
I am far, oh far from my folk
I'll never apologise for being free
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And I come back everytime, I come back
But if I leave
Don't resent me
For this is my life, this is my path
It's my journey, my destiny
But If I was to leave
I would not look back
Cause I don't ever stray too far
And everytime I come back, I come back
Everytime I come back
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
Oh, because I come back everytime
Because I come back everytime
În seara asta am inima jefuită
Sunt naufragiat
Mi-am pierdut drumul
Nici nu-mi mai dau seama
Mi-am pierdut drumul
Când rănim pe alții
Cum ne răscumpărăm?
Spune-mi, dulceața
Cât costă?
Ei nu mă înțeleg ca pe un străin
Eu nu mă mai pot mișca
Mi-am pierdut drumul
Spune-mi care-i țara pentru visele noastre?
Mai ales că fericirea este în grevă
Sub care cer ne putem iubi?
Vezi, vezi
Inimile noastre de arși sunt tăcute
Există un cuvânt care ne liniștește?
Și acest cuvânt dacă-l cunoști
Cum faci atunci când sufletul e jupuit?
Deja prostit
Mi-am pierdut șansa
Nu mai reușesc să mă descurc
Am suferit mult
Mi-am pierdut șansa
Îmi rămâne o speranță în ochii tăi
Speranța mea e mult prea veche
Timpul sfârșește prin a trăi totul
N-am găsit
Mi-am pierdut șansa
Spune-mi care-i țara pentru visele noastre?
Mai ales că fericirea este în grevă
Sub care cer ne putem iubi?
Vezi, vezi
Inimile noastre de arși sunt tăcute
Există un cuvânt care ne liniștește?
Și acest cuvânt dacă-l cunoști
Mi-ai spus că dimineața
Era făcută doar ca să cânte
Și apoi mi-ai luat mâna
Și m-ai făcut bine
Eu nu mai credeam în dragoste
Și apoi într-o zi
Te-am întâlnit pe drum
Spune-mi care-i țara pentru visele noastre?
Mai ales că fericirea este în grevă
Sub care cer ne putem iubi?
Vezi, vezi
Inimile noastre de arși sunt tăcute
Există un cuvânt care ne liniștește?
Și acest cuvânt dacă-l cunoști
Your hand
They are quite often tied and sometimes free.
They build kites, they write books.
Sometimes they are open, sometimes they hold batons
Some people clench them, others reach out with them.
They put them on their hearts on in their pockets.
They build parks where kids go running.
Though they are sometimes used to chastize all around the world,
we could join them, that would form a ring.
Those that hold weapons
Those that wipe tears away
Those that soothe children
Those that unite us
Those that punish us
As for mine, I hold it to you.
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll form a round dance and chains
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll go round and round, let's do it
Give me your hand
Give me your hand, kid, and
we'll go round and round, let's do it
Sometimes they are happy, sometimes so lonely.
When they wander they end up in your face
They are quite often naked, some people glove them
Some are put at stake, some people ask them
Those that hold weapons
Those that wipe tears away
Those that soothe children
Those that unite us
Those that punish us
As for mine, I hold it to you.
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll form a round dance and chains
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll go round and round, let's do it
Give me your hand
Give me your hand, kid, and
we'll go round and round, let's do it
I was lost just like you in sorrow
I waited for someone to grab mine.
You can build chains out of outstretched hands, you know.
And today it's me who grabs yours.
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll form a round dance and chains
Give me your hand, kid, and grab his again.
We'll go round and round, let's do it
Give me your hand, kid, and
Give me your hand, kid, and
we'll go round and round, let's do it
Vor fi zile cu, zile fara
Prieteni ce-si schimba parerea intr-o secunda
Zile dureroase ce ne leaga si ne chinuiesc
Iubiri mizere.
Timpul cand sa-ti renegi tatal, ma vei renega
Si eu, eu nu voi avea maniere, nici cinema
Tu-mi vei ura succes, aplauzele se vor pierde...asa este.
Voi face la fel.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai bun, baiatul meu
Dar oricum eu voi fi mandru
La ce bun sa fii bogat
Cand esti bogat in a fi tata.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai puternic, baiatul meu
Dar noi doi vom fi milionari
Ca voi fi sarac sau foarte bogat
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata.
Anii vor trece repede, ne vom juca din nou
Aniversari, Craciun, et caetera
Ca in fiecare seara mama ta va astepta
Ca tu sa revii
Cand voi avea nevoie de tine, unde vei fi?
In ce voiaj, pe plaja, oare-mi vei raspunde?
Voi visa chipul tau, nu voi mai sti
Ce varsta ai
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai bun, baiatul meu
Dar oricum eu voi fi mandru
La ce bun sa fii bogat
Cand esti bogat in a fi tata.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai puternic, baiatul meu
Dar noi doi vom fi milionari
Ca voi fi sarac sau foarte bogat
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata.
Micul meu imparat sa nu devii un mare om
Sa fii doar un om, mare.
Este de ajuns.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai bun, baiatul meu
Dar oricum eu voi fi mandru
La ce bun sa fii bogat
Cand esti bogat in a fi tata.
Tu poate nu vei fi cel mai puternic, baiatul meu
Dar noi doi vom fi milionari
Ca voi fi sarac sau foarte bogat
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata
Tu vei fi bogat cu un tata.
There'll be days with and days without
Friends who return their jacket in no time
Days of pain that bind us and the torments
Miserable love affairs
At the age when one disowns their dad, you'll disown me
And I won't make manners, nor cinema
You'll tell me shit , slaps will be lost, that's how it is
I'll do the same
Perhaps you won't be the best, my son
But, me however, I'll be proud
What's the point of being rich
When I'm already rich by being a dad
Perhaps you won't be the strongest, my son
But the two of us will be millionaires
Whether I'm rich or poor
You'll be rich having a father
You'll be rich having a father
The years will go by quickly, we'll play again
Birthdays, Christmases, et cetera
Like every night your mother will be there
Waiting for you to come home
When I need you, where will you be?
Someplace travelling, on a beach, will you answer?
I'll dream of your face, I won't know anymore
What age you are
Perhaps you won't be the best, my son
But, me however, I'll be proud
What's the point of being rich
When I'm already rich by being a dad
Perhaps you won't be the strongest, my son
But the two of us will be millionaires
Whether I'm rich or poor
You'll be rich having a father
You'll be rich having a father
My little emperor, don't become a great man
Just become a grown man
That's enough
Perhaps you won't be the best, my son
But, me however, I'll be proud
What's the point of being rich
When I'm already rich by being a dad
Perhaps you won't be the strongest, my son
But the two of us will be millionaires
Whether I'm rich or poor
You'll be rich having a father
You'll be rich having a father
It goes it goes
To you the girl who makes me so
Hard and tender
Who knows how to talk to me
when I'm barred
When i want to hear nothing
When my heart is deaf
When my heart is heavy
Rains of punishment
The blade dipped in steel
When I'm lost
I sometimes take the soul
In nets that torment me
I sometimes have a grey soul
And if tonight you ask me
How it goes, it goes, it goes
On my planet
I will answer to you it goes, it goes, it goes
so so
Beers, wines that i drink in vain
Do not have the taste of party
But as long as one has the heart beating, beating
It goes it goes
To you friend
The only man that held my hand
When i was doing it everyday
For the future
You know that same injury as I
You are always there
To wear me
To shorten
My sorrow until I'm light
I sometimes have a soul in crisis
My joy of life returned to me
My happiness despises me
And if tonight you ask me
How it goes, it goes, it goes
On my planet
I will answer to you it goes, it goes, it goes
So so
Beers, wines that I drink in vain
Do not have the taste of party
But as long as one has the heart beating, beating
It goes, it goes
To those I have sometimes neglected
Can be a little free
Do not disturb
Me the shipwrecked
On my drunk boat
I have no buoy
No emergency light
I'm not good at caresses
But if you never ask me
When all hurts me
How it goes, it goes, it goes
On my planet
I will answer to you it goes, it goes, it goes
So so
Beers, wines that i drink in vain
Do not have the taste of party
But as long as one has the heart beating, beating
It goes, it goes
How it goes, it goes, it goes
On my planet
I will answer to you it goes, it goes, it goes
So so
Beers, wines that I drink in vain
Do not have the taste of party
But as long as one has the heart beating, beating
It goes, it goes