Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 8


The Nymph’s Lament

- O Love - she said,
Gazing at the sky, as she stood -
Where's the fidelity
That the deceiver promised? -
Poor her!
- Make my love come back
As he used to be
Or kill me, so that
I will not suffer anymore. -
Poor her! She cannot bear
All this coldness!
- I don't want him to sigh any longer
But if he's far from me.
No! He will not make me suffer
Anymore, I swear!
He's proud
Because I languish for him.
Perhaps if I fly away from him
He will come to pray to me again.
If her eyes are more serene
Than mine,
O Love, she does not hold in her heart
A fidelity so pure as mine.
And you will not receive from those lips
Kisses as sweet as mine,
Nor softer. Oh, don't speak!
Don't speak! you know better than that! -
So amidst disdainful tears,
She spread her crying to the sky

You are dead, my life

Versions: #2
You are dead, my life, and I still breathe?
You are gone from me
Never to return, and I should remain?
No, for if verses can do anything,
I will go in safety to the deepest abysses,
And having softened the heart of the King of shades,
I will bring you back with me to see the stars again:
Oh, if wicked destiny refuses me this,
I will stay with you, in the company of death.
Farewell earth, farewell Heaven and Sun, farewell.

Tu ai murit

Tu ai murit, viața mea, și eu respir?
Ai plecat de la mine
să nu te mai întorci, și eu rămân?
Nu, că dacă versurile pot ceva,
voi merge sigur în cele mai adânci abisuri,
și înmuind inima regelui umbrelor,
te voi aduce cu mine să revedem stelele.
Sau dacă soarta rea îmi refuză asta,
voi rămâne cu tine în compania morții,
adio masă, adio cer și soare, adio.