Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 8
In grai eternu promitand
NU-s eu dintaia-ti dragosteNu esti nici tu prima careia
in grai eternu eu promis-am. Noi
Simtit-am taisul muchiei de cutit al celei despartiri
Amandoi de sarutari am fost purtati
si avus-am pielea tabacita de rani adanci. Iubirea noastra
s-a aratat pe nevazut in toi de noapte
Iubirea ne-a fost calea de-a na calca cand s
peranta n-am fi avut noi de-a ii da strigare.
Cred eu ca asta-i parte a farmecului ei .
Asta-i modu-n care sufletele vindecare-au de dobandi
Eu sarutare-n chip de uitare am sa-ti dau
tu-mbratisare-n poleita-n speranta ai de-a imi da Mainile-au de-a ne fi
atingere vindecatoare s-avem tagaduinte de-a ne face
precum florile-ntro fil-a cartii
Sonete-mi vor fi pe foaie la sudoarea-ti siroinda
pe-a ta piele
Novele-mi au de mana-mi scrise-a mi fi chiar la vederea
cicatricei nasului tau
Voi relata chiar Intreg dictionar al cuvintelor pe care-am folosit eu
incercand a descrie sentimentu de-a te gasi-n
cele din urma
Si nicicand in spate tras eu n-am de-a fi
De-ale sufletului tau rani
Stiu ca uneori
tot iti vine poate greu oarecum de-a te lasa
Explorata de mine-n toata perfectiunea-ti imperfecata
insa rougu-te eu de-a sti :
Fie-n zile-n care-ai de-a straluci chiar mai demn
decat si soarele
fie-n nopti in care-n -mbratisarea-mi te prabusesti
si trupu-ti e patruns de nenumarate -ntrebari
TU -mi esti cea mai mare grandoarea luminii ochilor
mei vreodat vazuta
Dragostea-ti port eu in zi calma si linistita
Dragostea-ti port eu si-n zilele-ti mai furtunoase
I saw youWalking in my dreams today
I told you
Can you please just go away
Cause I know that every time I see your face
I forget everything you did
But I'm still holding on
But let me go
Yeah let me go
Under your skin a reflection is hiding
Too far to see it, but I know that, one day, the rain will fall
What (in French, 'how') will I do if you aren't there anymore
Let's leave reason ('critical thinking') to the side
Because, without this ('otherwise'), I will have tried everything
Nothing is perfect, believe me
My heart, tonight, is for you
I saw you
Walking in my dreams today
I told you
Can you please just go away
Cause I know that every time I see your face
I forgеt everything you did
But I'm still holding on
But let mе go
Along the river there in the mountainsthere was an old miner
who did not find gold
but his daughter was a treasure.
Sweet darling, Clementine,
oh, my one and only great love!
I have lost you now forever
and nevermore will I see you.
We left one morning
along the river, and so it was,
that into the water, Clementina,
fell and I never saw her again.
Sweet darling, Clementine,
I did not know how to swim.
I have now lost forever
and nevermore will I see you.
And up there on the hill
is a church amidst the flowers.
There rests Clementina,
my one and only great love.
O little one
O little one,You don't know how much I love you,
Your beauty,
Your gold necklaces,
Sweet little one.
How long this night is!
Lullaby, lullaby
Your daddy is in the countryside.
I want to climb
Up there on those hills.
There are goats,
Wild sheep and does.
Up there are three rabbits.
Do run, try to catch them!
Lullaby, lullaby,
Your daddy is in the countryside.
I found a nest.
There were two eggs in it.
I went to see
The bird that broods them.
It was a dove's nest
And three times I found,
The collared dove.
How long this night is!
I went to the garden
Early this morning.
The little boy wasn't there,
He went to school.
The world wanted to see you,
My posy of violets!
Lullaby, lullaby,
Your daddy is in the countryside.
So whistle
And roar, O North Wind.
I spin the flax
And card the wool.
I made you a cloak
And decorated your skirt,
The fairy-like cloak
Embroidered all around.
Tokyo Ice for Clementine
I've got informasjon, I hope you're sitting downTake a drag of my cigarette and breath in
I know you, you're not hard to ask
And you know me, with and without clothes
I solve my conflicts with my 'bang-bang'
All things that come between my wine and my song
Just like the Russians, I've always got something going
And my seniority supersedes yours
One little touch from my magic finger
You lie cold in you coffin when the bells ring
Angeles sing 'dim-di-dam, dim-di-di' behind a cloud
I hear voiced in my head say 'shoot! shoot! shoot!'
Two Tokyo Ice and one Bacardi Rum
You should never have come here and laid your hand on my Clementine
Touch from my magic finger
Lie in the coffin when the bells ring
Two Tokyo Ice and one Bacardi
You should never have laid your hand on my Clementine
Oh Meyer, pour a Toyko Ice for Clementine
Touch from my magic finger
Lie in the coffin when the bells ring
Two Tokyo Ice and one Bacardi
You should never have laid your hand on my Clementine
Dacă soarele de mâine nu va strălucide nu mişună creaturi dimineaţa,
dacă norii încă se plimbă prin cer
şi zilele trec şi trec pe lângă noi,
Am să mă plimb cu liftul tău,
Vom sta afară până târziu....
Dacă soarele de mâine nu va străluci,
cel puţin voi avea clementina mea
Dacă luna de mâine nu se va arăta
şi visele noastre se vor pierde în zăpada iernii
iar florile se vor usca şi vor muri,
şi cascadele vor curge seci
mă vei întâlni în grădină?
Vom spune 'te rog' şi 'pardon'
Dacă soarele de mâine nu va străluci,
cel puţin voi avea clementina mea
E un loc pe care nimeni nu-l ştie
E o împachetare a hainelor de vară
În leneşele zile ale minţii mele,
Mereu ai fost clementina mea...
Clementina mea...