Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 32


Amintirea Italiei

Te las, țară de vise,
țară a iubirii,
și iau cu mine această mică
amintire a ta.
Este doar o scoică albă
cu ecoul mării,
și visez noaptea iubirii
ce nu se mai întoarce.
Spune-mi tu, oriunde ai fi,
amintirea Italiei.
Orice ai face sau ai găsi, spune-mi,
amintirea Italiei.
Chiar dacă suntem atât de departe,
inima încă îmi vorbește.
Și o voce care este a ta
mă cheamă înapoi la țărmurile tale -
vocea iubirii – amintirea Italiei.
~ ~ ~
Așa s-a întâmplat,
iar eu am plecat -
amintire -
amintirea Italiei.

The First Kiss and the Last

The first kiss is not left behind,
nor can the last ever be forgotten.
The first one means 'forever'
and the last one means 'never again'.
At the first kiss, hearts pound,
mouths vow 'my love, my love'.
But then there are no words
to say that love goes away.
Bur I don't feel I really loved you.
What do I care if you go away?
The memory of you, the first kiss,
forever will stay with me.
The first kiss is not left behind,
nor can the last ever be forgotten.
The first one means 'forever'
and the last one means 'never again'.
The first one means 'forever'
and the last one means 'never again'—
means 'never again'—
means 'never again'—
means 'never again'—

Take Me to the Moon

Take me to the moon
because there I want to be.
Give to me wonders
of that enduring world.
I mean to say 'kiss me.'
I mean to say that I still love you.
Ah, fill me with the joy,
my heart, of your singing.
Give to me your presence
by forever embracing.
I mean to say 'kiss me.'
I mean to say 'love me.'
Ah, fill me with the joy,
my heart, of your singing.
Yes, yes, give to me your presence
by forever embracing.
I mean to say 'kiss me.'
I mean to say 'love me.'

Take Me with You

I dress afterwards if you leave
and I know you will leave.
But I don't know how to find the words—
it's you, really you, you will go away.
Take me with you
and I will be the shadow of love.
You alone, take me with you
and I will echo your breath.
And if you too,
you will love me,
time will have
other days.
Oh, fly me to the moon
and let me play among the stars.
Let me feel what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars.
In other words,
please be true.
In other words,
I love you.
Take me with you,
I will be the light that you will see.
Yes, yes, take me with you
between the words that you will say.
And if you too,
you will want me,
time will have
a love.

Someone Waits for Me

There is someone already waiting for me,
whom I know will come to meet me
and will never abandon me.
There is someone but I don't know who it is—
he is perhaps here, next to me,
and my heart will not recognize him.
I will find again in the crowd
he who smiles at me.
I will hear his friendly voice
that will greet me.
There is someone that I will kiss.
There is someone who loves me
and is the only one that I will love.
There is someone that I will kiss.
There is someone who loves me
and is the only one that I will love.

Unde, nu știu

Unde, nu știu,
dar într-o zi te voi vedea
și voi opri
timpul peste noi.
Unde, nu știu,
dar va fi un loc
de unde noi
nu ne vom mai întoarce.
Poate va fi mâine
sau nu,
Poate va fi departe de-aici
sau nu.
Unde, nu știu,
voi sta în fața ta
și te voi vedea
venind să mă-ntâlnești.
Voi veni cu tine
oriunde vei vrea.
Unde, nu știu,
unde, nu știu,
dar te voi regăsi.

Luna din Carolina

Luna din Carolina continuă să strălucească,
Să strălucească peste cel care mă așteaptă.
Lună din Carolina, eu plâng,
Plâng după locul unde mi-e dor să fiu.
Cât de mult sper că-n astă noapte te vei duce,
Te vei duce la fereastra potrivită!
Împrăștie-ți lumina, spune că ești de acord,
Te rog, fă asta,
Spune-i lui că sunt tristă și singură,
Lună de vis din Carolina!
Luna din Carolina
Strălucește peste cel care mă așteaptă.
Cât de mult sper că-n astă noapte te vei duce,
Te vei duce la fereastra potrivită!
Împrăștie-ți luna, spune că ești de acord,
Te rog, fă asta,
Spune-i lui că sunt tristă și singură,
Lună de vis din Carolina!
Strălucește deasupra, strălucește deasupra, lună din Carolina!

Italian Tango

Versions: #2
Italian Tango, a sweet T
I heard one night play
Under a sky of mountains
That Italian tango, a sweet tango
My love for you is sweet
Just like the sweet tango
At that moment on the wings of the wind I wished to go
And away from my love, my unhappy heart longed
An Italian tango, a sweet tango
He brought a rich love
To my tired and nostalgic heart
And you made me come back forever
From my Italian love
You were so warm and so near
And my heart climbed a stairs to the stars
Repeat the third stanza

Whenever you're in my dreams

Whenever you're in my dreams
I dream of those unforgettable hours
For only in my dreams I feel:
You're the meaning to my life, what would I be without you?
One cannot escape faith
It has destined us for happiness, so don't wait
It binds us both
And then loneliness is no more
Believe me and ask not
Whenever you're in my dreams
It's then that I know that we love each another
Do you feel how beautiful this is?
Whenever you're in my dreams
I know that we love each another
Do you feel how beautiful this is?
The fog and the dim light
They conjure up an image of a smiling face

Chitară romană

Sub o mantă de stele
Roma frumoasă îmi apare.
Singuratică inima mea, deziluzionat de dragoste
Vrea în umbră să cânte.
O fântână mută
Și un balcon acolo sus.
O chitară romană,
Însoțește mă tu.
Sună, sună, chitara mea,
Lasă-mi inima să plângă,
Fără casă și fără dragoste
Îmi rămâi doar tu.
Dacă vocea e puțin subtilă
Însoțește mă în surdină,
Frumoasa mea Fornarina
Nu mai e la balcon.
Purple shadows are creeping
and the fountain is weeping,
hear the trees gently sigh
while the wind's murmured by
as they ride from afar.
All my memories awaken
'neath each bright watching star.
Play for one who's forsaken,
oh my Roman guitar.
Sună, sună, chitara mea,
Lasă-mi inima să plângă,
Fără casă și fără dragoste
Îmi rămâi doar tu.
Dacă vocea e puțin subtilă
Însoțește mă în surdină,
Frumoasa mea Fornarina
Nu mai e la balcon.
O chitară romană,
Însoțește mă tu!

Love is a strange game.

Love is a strange game
she comes and goes from one to the other.
She takes everything from us, but she also gives way too much.
Love is a strange game.
We have known and loved each other for years,
the future seemed so clear to both of us.
We almost drove to the registry office [to get married],
until everything was suddenly changed.
Love is a strange game
she comes and goes from one to the other.
She takes everything from us, but she also gives way too much.
Love is a strange game.
How many times have you sworn allegiance to me,
and between you and me, it was such a long time
But then you have lost your heart.
only for that reason am I lonely again today.


Versions: #2
Mama only for you does my song soar
Mama you will be there with me you will not be alone anymore
O How much I love you
These words of love
That my heart whispers for you
Perhaps they are not used anymore
Ah Mama
But the most beautiful song that's you
You are the life and for life I'll never leave you again ...
I'm not afraid of you anymore
You are all my life
I live off the breath you leave here
And that ... I consume while you're away
I can no longer divide myself between you and the sea
I can no longer stand still and wait
I would have lived by you ....
In your foreign city
Alone with the instinct of those who know how to love
Alone but always with you
I can no longer divide myself between you and the sea
I can no longer feel tired of waiting ....
No!! love no .... I'm not there
Come back or stay there .... I do not live anymore
I do not dream anymore ... I'm afraid ... help me !!
Love ... I do not believe you anymore
Every time you go away
You swear that it's the last one
I prefer to say goodbye !!
I look for your reflection at night in every star
But all this is not enough for me ... now
No!! love no .... I'm not there
Come back or stay there .... I do not live anymore
I do not dream anymore ... I'm afraid ... help me !!
Love ... I do not believe you anymore
Every time you go away
You swear that it's the last one
I prefer to say goodbye !!
I can no longer divide myself between you and the sea
I can no longer stand still and wait
I can no longer divide myself between you and the sea

Your Love

Your love is the most beautiful thing I've ever known.
Your love is the most beautiful thing that I have.
If your love is by my side I am happy,
For you, I feel that heaven is in my heart.
I can never forget that beautiful night,
It made me laugh and everything lit up,
Kissing you, I heard bells ringing,
and you came to me, and I knew love.
Your love is the most beautiful thing I've ever known,
Your love is the most beautiful thing that I have.
If your love is by my side I am happy.
For you, I feel that heaven is in my heart.
I will love you all my life,
You'll love me like that, forever like that, forever like that.

Roman Guitar

Versions: #2
Under a mantle of stars
Beautiful Rome appears to me.
Lonely is my heart, disillusioned with love
wants to sing in the shadows.
A silent fountain
and a balcony upstairs.
Oh my Roman guitar,
do accompany me.
Play, oh play, my guitar,
let my dear heart cry,
homeless and without love
only you now remain.
If the voice is a little veiled
accompany me quietly,
my beautiful fornarina
there is no more to the balcony.
Purple shadows are creeping
and the fountain is weeping,
hear the trees gently sigh
while the wind's murmured by
as they ride from afar.
All my memories awaken
'neath each bright watching star.
Play for one who's forsaken,
oh my Roman guitar.
Play, oh play, my guitar,
let my dear heart cry,
homeless and without love
only you now remain.
If the voice is a little veiled
accompany me quietly,
my beautiful fornarina
there is no more to the balcony.
Oh my Roman guitar,
do accompany me!

The Dove

Versions: #2
To you, in the warm light of the golden sun,
the white done of our love will come.
And you, happily repeating my song,
one of them will see you laying on your balcony.
That dove stands out in the blue sky
with so many things written in a whisper.
Believe that message of his is my heart,
it is the white dove of our love.
To you, in the warm light of the golden sun,
the white dove of our love will come.
And you, happily repeating my song,
one of them will see you laying on your balcony.
If you could too
unfold the wings in a flight
and return to my sad and lonely heart
to not leave it anymore!
Give me your love!
Give me your love!

Ήσυχη νύχτα! Άγια νύχτα

Ήσυχη νύχτα,άγια νύχτα
Όλα είναι ήρεμα ,όλα είναι φωτεινά
Γύρω απο την Θεομήτωρ και το Παιδί
Το άγιο βρέφος τόσο τρυφερό και απαλό
Κοιμάται σε επουράνια γαλήνη
Κοιμάται σε επουράνια γαλήνη
Ήσυχη νύχτα,άγια νύχτα
Ο Γιός του Θεού, το αγνό φως της αγάπης
Αστραφτερές ακτίδες απο το πρόσωπό Σου
Με την αυγή της λυτροτηκής μεγαλοπρέπειας
Ιησού, Κύριε, στην γέννησή σου
Ιησού, Κύριε, στην γέννησή σου
Ήσυχη νύχτα, άγια νύχτα
Οι βοσκοί σείονται στην όψη
Η μεγαλειότητα αναβλύζει μακριά, απο τους ουρανούς
Επουράνιοι οικοδεσπότες τραγουδούν αλληλούια
Ο Σωτήρας γεννήθηκε
Ο Σωτήρας μας γεννήθηκε
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.