The vengeance of the Hell
Versions: #1
The vengeance of the Hell blazes in my heart
Death and despair flame inside me
If, through you, Sarastro does not feel the pain of the death,
You are not my daughter anymore
You will be disowned forever
You will be forsaken forever,
You will be wrecked forever
In all the bonds of nature
If Sarastro is not rendered pale through you!
Hear, Gods of vengeance!!
Hear the oath of a mother!!
The vengeance of Hell
The vengeance of Hell boils in my heart,
Death and despair flame about me!
If Sarastro does not through you feel
The pain of death,
Then you will be my daughter
Disowned may you be forever,
Abandoned may you be forever,
Destroyed be forever
All the bonds of nature,
If not through you
Sarastro becomes pale!
Hear, Gods of Revenge,
Hear a mother's oath!
My own translations are protected by copyrights. Commercial use only with my written permission, private use free if the author is mentioned.