Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 448


This Life [How Beautiful This Life Is]

I like the smell of the morning,
I like the first little sip of coffee,
to feel how the sun peeks in my window
and fills my eyes with a beautiful sunrise.
I like to hear the peace of the mountains,
to look at the colors of the twilight,
to feel the sand of the seashore on my feet
and the sweetness of sugarcane, like a kiss from yesteryear.
I know...I know that time is in a rush
to erase me from the list, but to that I say... beautiful this life is!
and though at times it hurts so much,
and despite the sorrows,
there's always someone who loves us,
there's always someone who cares for us.
Ay ay ay beautiful this life is!
And even if it's not for always,
if I live it with my people,
it is beautiful until death, with songs and cheer.
I like to listen to the voice of a guitar,
drink a toast to that friend who has gone,
feel the embrace of the dawn,
and fill my eyes
with another beautiful sunrise.
I know...I know that time is in a rush
to erase me from the list, but to that I say... beautiful this life is!
and though at times it hurts so much,
and despite the sorrows,
there's always someone who loves us,
there's always someone who cares for us.
Ay ay ay beautiful this life is!
And even if it's not for always,
if I live it with my people,
it is beautiful until death, with songs and cheer.
Ay ay ay beautiful this life is!
and though at times it hurts so much,
and despite the sorrows,
there's always someone who loves us,
there's always someone who cares for us.
Ay ay ay beautiful this life is!
And even if it's not for always,
if I live it with my people,
it is beautiful until death, with songs and cheer.


What are you looking for, Immortality, in front of my balcony
you don't pay any attention to me, I wonder how longer will my heart endure this
Kings, poets of this world, loved you
but you haven't given to them not even a little sprig of spearmint.
You are tough like the fist of death
but a certain time we believed in you
Beautiful lady, every generation wants to own you
but no one ever won you .
What are you looking for, Immortality, in front of my balcony
which weird sacrifice does life owe to you
Thirsty Croesus , humble pilgrims came to you
but you never gave them water from your garden's fountain.
You are tough like the fist of death
but a certain time we believed in you
Beautiful lady, every generation wants to own you
but no one ever won you .

We will survive

Moving towards the future once again, as always,
suffering through reliable tension spikes.
A low, deep voice has thrust itself inside me
my heart won't stop beating.
Half hidden in the air of this massive capital city,
looking for new goals to reach.
A lot of people in this paradise of tarmac and concrete,
my heart won't stop beating.
We will survive this deadly decade.
Remain true to your freedom.
And even if we have to live on a spaceship
we will survive, we will survive
it begins now.
I want my heart to stop choking my voice,
that my fingers will quiver with the good feelings.
That the notes I throw to the wind, you can hear them too,
we will survive this cruel world.
Each passing second is irreplaceable time.
And again live on stage I will be able to say
that there's a man at the piano, and thousands behind him.
There will always be something that makes us feel good.
We will survive this deadly decade.
Remain true to your freedom.
And even if we have to live on a spaceship
we will survive, we will survive
it begins now.


Oh oh oh eu nu știu
Nu sunt traficant
Dar aud corridos că se joacă să bea tecate
Spune-mi înainte
Dacă vrei bani, îmi pare rău că nu am
Ea îmi ia banii
(Îmi ia dinero)
Ea îmi ia banii
(Îmi ia dinero)
Ea se joacă foarte șmecheră
Joacă pentru pesos
Ea se joacă intens
Joacă pentru pesos
Conduc, conduc, călătoresc
Am banii pregătiți
Ea îmi trimite un mesaj bună dimineața
Dupaia sunt pregătit să merg să-i cumpăr
Orice ii place
Să iau orice este pe mintea ei
Cheltuiesc bani peste program
Vai de mine
Mă trezesc cu soarele dimineții
Mă joc cu un spectacol minunat
Ea mi-a luat toți banii și acum este plecată
Și sunt falit ca dracu și sunt singur yeah
Încerc să strâng bani
Port aceleași haine, da
Încerc să stau cuminte, da
Caut pesos, da
Ea îmi ia banii
(Îmi ia dinero)
Ea îmi ia banii
(Îmi ia dinero)
Ea se joacă foarte șmecheră
Joacă pentru pesos
Ea se joacă intens
Joacă pentru pesos
Cu ea eu merg oriunde
Inima mea ii ruptă
Banii mei îs furați
Gagica mea este atât de rea (Dar sunt pregătit să cumpăr)
Orice ii place
Să iau orice este pe mintea ei
Cheltuiesc banii peste program iubito
Îmi aduci mie
Vreau ca tu să ratezi bebe
Da îmi ia banii
Îmi aduci mie
Eu fac totul ce zice
Te iubesc
Ea îmi ia banii
(Îmi ia banii)
Îmi ia banii
(Îmi ia banii)
Se joacă foarte șmecheră
Foarte intens
Dar sunt pregătit să merg să-i cumpăr orice ii place

Like A River

Like a river you pass by, for many years now
you separate and then reconnect - the clouds are above
like a river you carry, small failures
you dislike, you hurt, you close up inside
Like a river going up, when coming down like rain
emptying and filling, in a daily routine
like a rived that twists, everyone changes
who am i, you ask and the clouds answer
See, perhaps now
this is just the time period
less happy
perhaps you'll find a friend
that'll talk with you
and all the water in the world
will flow into your sea
you'll see that soon everything will work out, for you.

Fragrant Nirvana Tree

I'm infatuated
In the fragrance of this aromatic tree
Knowing that its luring won't be faithful
Even though I breathe it deep inside
Still it will follow somedone else away
But I'm infatuated
Tree of fragrance doesn't even know there is a love-infatuated one
It's just a game between itself and the breeze
But I'm infatuated
I've lost my way
In the shade of the nirvana tree
Knowing it is just a momentary luring
And though I cannot bear to let it go
Knowing when the time come it will leave
But I have lost my way
Lost my way
Nirvana tree doesn't even know there is a love-infatuated one
Its just a game betweem itself and the breeze
But I'm already lost my way
Lost my way

Dezlănţuieşte-mi inima

Big Daddy Wilson:
Dezlănţieşte-mi inima, iubito, lasă-mă să trăiesc
Pentru că nu-ţi pasă, deci te rog, eliberează-mă
Big Daddy Wilson & Vanessa Coller:
Dezlănţieşte-mi inima, iubito, lasă-mă să plec
Dezlănţieşte-mi inima, pentru că nu mă mai iubeşti
M-ai cusut ca pe o faţă de pernă
Dar îmi laşi dragostea să se piardă
Dezlănţieşte-mi inima, eliberează-mă
Vanessa Coller:
Dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, iubitule, lasă-mă să trăiesc
Dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, pentru că nu-ţi pasă de mine
De fiecare dată când te sun la telefon
Nişte femei îmi spun că nu eşti acasă
Deci, dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, lasă-mă să trăiesc
Big Daddy Wilson & Vanessa Coller:
Sunt sub vraja ta, ca un bărbat în transă, iubito
Oh, dar ştii , la naiba, că nu am nicio şansă
Si Cranstoun:
Dezlănţuieşte-mi inima şi lasă-mă să plec pe drumul meu
Dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, mă îngrijorez noapte şi zi
De ce mă conduci printr-o viaţă de mizerie
Când nu dai un sac de fasole pe mine
Deci, dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, eliberează-mă
Big Daddy Wilson & Vanessa Coller:
Sunt sub vraja ta, ca un bărbat în transă, iubito
Tu ştii, la naiba, că nu am nicio şansă
Te rog, dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, dezlănţuieşte-mi inima
Iubito, lasă-mă să plec
Dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, dezlănţuieşte-mi inima, dezlănţuieşte-mi inima

Mergi o milă în pantofii mei

Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Atunci ştii cum mă simt
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Pentru a judeca acest om
Dacă mergi în pantofii mei
S-ar putea să înţelegi
Oamenii mereu încearcă să-mi spună
Îmi spun ce-ar face
Unii chiar vor să mă ajute
Doamne, ştiu că este adevărat
Toţi trebuie să aibă o părere
Mai bine primeşti nişte sfaturi
Nu fac nicio diferenţă
Îmi trăiesc propria mea viaţă
Eu sunt un tip simplu
Nu am nevoie de mult în această viaţă bătrână
Îmi citesc Biblia (aveţi milă)
Încerc să-mi trăiesc viaţa corect
Nu am nevoie de nimeni
Spune-mi ce ar trebui să fac
Dacă vrei cu adevărat să mă ajuţi
Fă o plimbare cu pantofii mei
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Atunci ştii cum mă simt
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Pentru a judeca acest om
Dacă mergi în pantofii mei
S-ar putea să înţelegi
Nu… Nimeni nu vrea s-asculte
Toţi ştiu calea
Toţi ştiu răspunsul
Înainte să se ridice întrebarea
Toţi cred că mă cunosc
Nu-mi ştiu nici măcar numele
Dacă vreţi cu adevărat să mă ajutaţi
Trebuie să-mi simţiţi durerea, oh, Doamne
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
(Mergi o milă, mergi, mergi o milă)
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
(Mergi o milă, mergi, mergi o milă)
Mergi o milă în pantofii mei
Hei, oamenilor, pentru a judeca acest om
Dacă mergi în pantofii mei
S-ar putea să înţelegi

Those Women

Those women
They take from us and give us life
They open us, they close our wounds
Hard to exist without those women
Those women
One day they promise us heaven
The other they send us to hell
I give everything to not be
Without those women
Without those women no
One day they destroy our soul
And with a kiss they calm us down
I can't help live longing
For her touch each day
One day they destroy our soul
And with a kiss they calm us down
And I don't know how to do it, I give everything to see them
Waking up in my arms
Those women
Those women
In my poem the warm verse
Here on my mouth the sweetest kiss
Hard to forget those women
Those women
In my garden the sweetest rose
Eternally the most beautiful
I ask heaven not to live
Without those women
Without those women no
One day they destroy our soul
And with a kiss they calm us down
I can't help live longing
For her touch each day
One day they destroy our soul
And with a kiss they calm us down
And I don't know how to do it, I give everything to see them
Waking up in my arms
Those women
One day they destroy our soul
And with a kiss they calm us down
I can't help live longing
For her touch each day
One day they destroy our soul
And with a kiss they calm us down
And I don't know how to do it, I give everything to see them
Waking up in my arms
Those women
Those women
Those women

Ever Green

The world… flowers…
Stars… the palm of my hand…
Dreams… the future… breaking into a run…
Strawberries… (New leaves… buds…)
Meeting… sparkling… (The shining world…)
Romance… wings… (Tears… daybreak…)
Pink… rose color… setting off on a journey… (Flying off with the breeze…)
(Buds… the shining world… daybreak… flying off with the breeze…)
Strawberries… an Indian summer… crimson…
Strawberries… (New leaves… buds…)
Meeting… sparkling… (The shining world…)
Romance… wings… (Tears… daybreak…)
Pink… rose color… setting off on a journey… (Flying off with the breeze…)
(Buds… the shining world… daybreak… flying off with the breeze…)
(Buds… the shining world… daybreak… flying off with the breeze…)
(Flying off with the breeze…)

Cuvinte de dragoste

Ea m-a iubit atât de mult,
eu încă o mai iubesc.
Împreună trecem
printr-o ușă închisă.
Ea, cum să spun...,
era întreaga mea lume
când în cămin ardeau
numai cuvinte de dragoste.
Cuvinte de dragoste, simple și tandre,
nu știam prea multe, aveam cincisprezece ani,
nu aveam timp să le învățăm,
tocmai ne trezeam dintr-un vis copilăresc.
Ne erau de ajuns trei fraze formulate,
pe care le auzisem la vechii comedianți.
De povești de dragoste, visuri de poeți
nu știam prea multe, aveam cincisprezece ani.
Ea, unde-ar putea fi?
Ea, oare ce face?
Am pierdut-o și niciodată
n-o voi mai reîntâlni
Dar când se lasă noaptea,
aud un cântec îndepărtat,
note vechi, acorduri vechi,
vechi cuvinte de dragoste.
Cuvinte de dragoste, simple și tandre,
nu știam prea multe, aveam cincisprezece ani,
nu aveam timp să le învățăm,
tocmai ne trezeam dintr-un vis copilăresc.
Ne erau de ajuns trei fraze formulate,
pe care le auzisem la vechii comedianți.
De povești de dragoste, visuri de poeți
nu știam prea multe, aveam cincisprezece ani.

Love Madness

I hit my head again to walk with you in the same path, thinking of you and your imagination only!
Once again, as before, I feel happy to have you close to my soul and my breath
I'm a wanderer in the sky of the sea of ​​your blue eyes
I don't know, tell me

I Don't Care for Any of That

I light the last cigarette
I burn it to the end
when this soul suffers
let it all burn
And I'll walk through the gates of hell
to be mine
I will wait for you, my dear
all the way to eternity
Heal wounds
the heart will stop
come back
you are my life
I'm dead drunk looking for something to save me
just to not think of us
but when you're there, everything fits me
but when you're gone, there's a break, a break, a break
I don't care about all that
because I love you blindly
And all mine is what is hers
let it be given to her as a gift
and I fail
I have a friend, I have a brother
and money and gold
but there is no love anywhere
not on the grind
I would sell everything I have
I would rise from the mud
only if I could
to find a replacement for you
Ref. 2x
I don't care about all that
I would wait for you until death

Homeland I Am Proud of Your Love

Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
The Homeland’s soil is the cradle of heaven,
The Homeland is a rich, flourishing garden.
The Homeland’s soil is the cradle of heaven,
The Homeland is a rich, flourishing garden.
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
My Homeland is filled with glory,
In every stone and mountain.
My Homeland is filled with glory,
In every stone and mountain.
With me wherever I go,
You are my soulmate.
With me wherever I go,
You are my soulmate.
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
Homeland, you are always in my heart,
Your blood runs in my veins.
Homeland, you are always in my heart,
Your blood runs in my veins.
My heart blossoms like a flower
Whether it be autumn or spring
My heart blossoms like a flower
Whether it be autumn or spring
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.
Homeland, I am proud of your love,
Homeland, through the path of my life.

How About That?

It would be nice if it was always summer and Pokémon existed. It would be nice if our pets spoke the same language as us.
There are many things that can not be changed, but that does not apply to everything.
We buy less rubbish, We use less plastic,
We are kind to each other, how about that? Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere, how about that?
It would be nice to be able to fly everything and be able to do a little magic.
It would be nice to do everything you want,
Get everything you want.
There are many things that cannot be changed, together we can still do so many things.
We can smile more, listen more to children, plant more trees and turn the offensive defense.
We can love more, we can love more. That would be nice.
We buy less rubbish,
We use less plastic,
We are kind to each other, how about that? Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere,
How about that?
We buy less rubbish, we use less plastic, we are kind to each other, how about that?
Let us take care of the earth, peace everywhere, how about that?


Language limit
Ideas that can be called nothing
I choose and I reject
Varies between people and mountains
But if I know something, I know that I need to belong to something bigger
Something that takes me for who I am
Is that too much to expect?
No, is it?
I need to pull myself out
Because I've been in for far too long
Drink in my culture
It is not enough to live in your own skin
But if I know something, I know that I need to belong to something bigger
Something that takes me for who I am
Is that too much to expect?
No, is it?
But if I know something, I know it I need to belong to something bigger
Something that takes me for who I am
Is that too much to expect?
No, is it?

The way I feel

I shut up so you can listen to me
I know that I tend to be hard
To understand, sometimes
And that I'm very proud
I need you to come closer
I need you to kiss me
Let's fly for a while
I can think of so many things
Today the calm is so beautiful
That I forget the reproach
Let's get this silent life
Naked some night...1
Although some days
You are not at first
I look at you and I choose you
A thousand years again
And everything is us
And in everything I love you...
I stay with you
With you I die
No one loosens me like you do
No one ties me up like you do
With you I dare
As time passes
You know that I'm the way I feel
You know that I'm...
I'm like a girlfriend from the past
I improvise the hugs
There's no calculated romance
You decide where and when
And I go with my eyes closed
Answering your call
Let's fly for a while
I can think of so many things
Today the calm is so beautiful
That I forget the reproach
Let's get this silent life
Naked some night...
Although some days
You are not at first
I look at you and I choose you
A thousand years again
And everything is us
And in everything I love you...
I stay with you
With you I die
No one loosens me like you do
No one ties me up like you do
With you I dare
As time passes
You know that I'm the way I feel
You know that I'm...
With you I die
No one loosens me like you do
No one ties me up like you do
With you I dare
As time passes
You know that I'm the way I feel
You know how I am
You know how I am...
  • 1. I think that's the sense of the line


I'm passing the temple where my mother was baptized
I'm passing the school where you had studied
My friend is not seen anywhere, so we'll wait
And the RusPrint kiosque was erased by the rain
And myself and the day after yesterday are divided by the abyss, the black hole
Riding in a shutle bus, riding in a shutle bus
I am riding in a shutle bus, riding in a shutle bus
Riding in a shutle bus, riding in a shutle bus
I am riding in a shutle bus, riding in a shutle bus
I'm passing the temple where my mother was baptized
I'm passing the school where you had studied
On the left there will be a house, and the balcony on the stairs
Where we used to smoke secretly
We haven't met now and won't meet later
My friend is not seen anywhere, so we'll wait
And the RusPrint kiosque was erased by the rain
And myself and the day after yesterday are divided by the abyss, the black hole

Hail Hail Lord Shivshanksr

Dhoom takit tik takit tik dhin...
(Dhum ta ta ta dhin ta ta)
Hey buddy today inform at your home
Will be late so no need to worry
Rightfully add in your list of
Mistakes what we’re about to do
So buddy today for some moments
Let’s walk on forbidden path
Rightfully forget the world
Break all the righteous laws
Come into an open ground
Play the music loud
Applying some red Color
Dance like a 1 hero
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar
Today our mood is dangerous
Let the colors fly (he he)
Let the colors fly (he he)
Today we came all dressed up
In a dangerous mood
Let the colors fly (he he)
Let the colors fly (he he)
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar
Today our mood is dangerous
Let the colors fly (he he)
Let the colors fly (he he)
(Takit tik takit tik dhin...)
Music with such wet wet beats
One by one being here
Let’s groove on desi girl’s moves
Today don’t be shy about anything
Having little little intoxication
Whatever shyness remains forget it
Dance on your own terms
Today nobody gets to escape from colors
Untill morning nobody gets to feel tired
Let’s play two two rounds
Spend hundred hundred pounds
Drinking imported cannabis
Will dance like a hero
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar
Today our mood is dangerous
Let the colors fly (he he)
Let the colors fly (he he)
Today we came all dressed up
In a dangerous mood
Let the colors fly (he he)
Let the colors fly (he he)
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar
Today our mood is dangerous
Let the colors fly (he he)
Let the colors fly (he he)
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar
Today our mood is dangerous
Let the colors fly (he he)
Let the colors fly (he he)
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar..
Ho hail hail Lord Shivshankar...
Today our mood is dangerous
Let the colors fly
Let the colors fly
Let the colors fly...
  • 1. movie star

Let My Friends Remember Me

I will leave, my name will remain,
Let my friends remember me...
Weddings will be had, feasts will be celebrated,
Let my friends remember me...
The soul won’t stay caged, it will fly away,
The world is an inn, residents will depart,
The moon will wander, years will go by,
Let my friends remember me...
I didn’t wish to come, nor do I wish to leave,
Day by day my troubles increased,
My abode will fall silent,
Let my friends remember me...
Day turns to afternoon and evening,
A man lives through many things,
Veysel will leave, his name will remain,
Let my friends remember me...
The soul will leave the body,
No smoke in the chimney, no fire in the hearth,
An armful of greetings to all,
Let my friends remember me...
The soul won’t stay caged, it will fly away,
The world is an inn, residents will depart,
The moon will wander, years will go by,
Let my friends remember me...

This Pain

There is a pain that inhabits my heart
hour after hour, it does not leave me for a moment
i see clearly, all that you think
you are not ready now to commit
And it hurts and wounds
that you won't look me in the eyes
yes, it is known, but why?
the pain is in fact my life.
I still remember when you swore yourself to me forever
when you would come close and connect straight to my heart
i still choose only you, in the one
when my heart is so hungry
it learns to live with the pain
There is pain, when you aren't enamored
when there isn't any choice, it's comforting also to be sad
you don't love me anymore and wander all night long
my tears you long ago stopped drying
And it hurts and wounds...
I still remember when you swore yourself to me forever...


On Taurus, on Sagittarius,
On Capricorn, an enormous turmoil.
On Leo, on Libra,
on Aquarius, War!
On Pisces, there's a duel.
It's the moon and the sun!
A fire in the sky burns above.
Venus and Jupiter drown in space.
The Zodiac spins around in a crazy circle.
Virgo storms,
to Aries and Cancer.
Gemini are underground,
with the dangerous Scorpio.
And indeed, a human being
wanders the Earth,
Without a star, without a sign,
aimless, from place to place.
Who am I, there in the night,
To go out into battle?
Not I, there at night,
won't fall like a star!

Still A Child

In the end you're still a child
your soul doesn't want to grow up
maybe all the things she says
about your nonsense
about the fears and the years
that you guarded, heartbeats inside
you were excited1, being shy
the tears that you shared only with G-d
maybe it's a bit right
come and wake up for a minute
Look around you, everything is beautiful
mom waits for you
come, eat, drink coffee
years, years pass quickly
stop to see it
everyone is forever children
whether you like it or not
in the end you're still a child
in your dreams you want to explode
like all the things that she says about your nonsense
about the fears and the years
that you guarded,
melodies inside
you turned around, searched for noises
the tears that you included only with G-d
maybe she's a bit right
and it's ok
come and wake up for a minute
Look around you, everything is beautiful
mom waits for you
come, eat, drink coffee
years, years pass quickly
stop to see it
everyone is forever children
whether you like it or not
In the end you're still a child
your soul doesn't want to grow up
  • 1. phrase from the Torah usually translates as 'hidden among the baggage' (but can have other meanings), referring to being humble or shy. see


half sad, half happy
half remains, half flees
half ex-smoker, half smoker
half withers, half blossoms
half resident, half guest
half optimist, half without hope
half stinger, half honey
and it's just a matter of time
until i will escape far away from here
battles inside the heart
yes it's just a matter of time
won't wake and won't fall asleep
battles inside the heart
half hate you, half love
half remembers, half forgets
half shut, half open
half happens, half imagines
half gives, half takes
half anger, half forgives
half optimist, half without hope
half stinger, half honey
and it's just a matter of time
until i will escape far away from here
wars inside the heart
yes it's just a matter of time
won't wake and won't fall asleep
battles inside the heart
half hates you, half loves
half mysterious, half transparent
half soul and half body
half aware, half ignores
half wants to be whole

The stars are singing

I often pass by alone
A crowded intersection of cars and horses
The hustle and bustle of this time
has been split with me
I have nowhere to run
Dodge around
A world of loss
Some of the pictures can't be cut off
It's you forever
flashed for me in front
All the light converse into the river
Look up and watch the stars sing
Her breathing seemed to me
She said you're going to grow up slowly
Not just for yourself
If you hear the song of the stars, too
Don't cry, don't suffer again
If you look up
She's in the sky
I often pass by alone
A crowded intersection of cars and horses
The hustle and bustle of this time
has been split with me
I have nowhere to run
Dodge around
A world of loss
Some of the pictures can't be cut off
It's you forever
flashed for me in front
All the light converse into the river
Look up and watch the stars sing
Her breathing seemed to me
She said you're going to grow up slowly
Not just for yourself
If you hear the song of the stars, too
Don't cry, don't suffer again
If you look up
She's in the sky
I often pass by alone
A crowded intersection of cars and horses
At this time the hustle and bustle has been with me
A world of loss
Some of the pictures can't be cut off
It's you who's always ahead
flickered for me
'Wow, look! There are stars in the sky.
Look up and watch the stars sing
Her breathing seemed to me
She said you're going to grow up slowly
Not just for yourself
If you hear the song of the stars, too
Don't cry, don't suffer again
If you look up
She's in the sky
If you look up
She's in the sky