Rezultatele căutării pagină 1
Număr de rezultate: 205
And thenI'll see you again
sitting there.
What do you want, yes, I went away.
I was here.
You will forget,
how could I?
Is there still
in your eyes
a bit of me?
Hurt me, would you?
I am here.
What do you know
if I sought you?
Every trace vanished.
Don't talk.
All of a sudden it ended and...
And you
with your yes
you fade blue.
Of sand are made my days,
I was here.
You'll sleep,
it's smoke, you know.
And you
Finally you're here
In your blood you'll have
I'm happy, you know
A sea more
and the wave dies in us.
It's everything as it was one year ago
I'm here.
You'll relive.
It's night, now...
And then
You'll see me again
sitting there.
What do you want, yes, I went away.
Will you forget?
Not you, not so,
Vai! Inima mea
Doi îndrăgostiți mergeau prin luna mai,sub un soare firav ca un fir de lăcrămioară.
Și păsările pe cer, bătând din aripi,
dădeau un bal în jurul iubirii lor.
Și soarele de sus zicea ”Vai! Inima mea!”
Farandola* păsărilor cânta ”Vai! Inima mea!”
Îndrăgostiții, în ecou, strigau ”Vai! Inima mea!”
Și toată lumea izbucnea de fericire.
Ziua cădea peste ei, florile se deschideau pentru ei,
Copacii se aplecau ca să vadă mai bine.
Un mic bal începea să strălucească în noapte,
așa că ei au alergat din răsputeri.
Și soarele de sus zicea ”Vai! Inima mea!”
Farandola păsărilor cânta ”Vai! Inima mea!”
Îndrăgostiții, în ecou, strigau ”Vai! Inima mea!”
Și toată lumea izbucnea de fericire.
Îndrăgostiții dansau în jurul lunii mai,
în golul unui umbrar, sub lampioanele cerului.
N-am crezut niciodată că nu ne va trebui mai mult
pentru a începe așa o întreagă viața.
Îndrăgostiții, eram eu, eram!
Vai, inima mea!
Îndrăgostiții, eram eu, eram!
Vai, inima mea!
Îndrăgostiții eram noi, eram!
Vai inima mea!
Eram noi doi în toiul fericirii!
Vai! Vai! Vai, inima mea!
Balada timpului pierdut
Îmi poate spune cineva dacă o inimă neiubităva vedea într-o zi rănile ei închise pe veci?
Speranța se va-ntoarce la noi mai devreme sau mai târziu,
când suntem singuri, pierduți într-o lume străină?
Iubirea nu mai zâmbește
în a mea baladă a timpului pierdut.
Oo oo oo oo oo...
Poate cineva să numere florile de rouă,
înainte ca soarele să vină și să usuce tot?
Lacrimile de rouă nu dăinuie niciodată,
la fel ca fericirea pe care-am trăit-o în inima mea.
Iubirea nu mai zâmbește
în a mea baladă a timpului pierdut.
Oo oo oo oo oo...
Nu vom ști vreodată dacă o inimă neiubită
va vedea într-o zi rănile ei închise pe veci.
Dar știu că te iubesc, pe tine, care n-ai nume,
pe tine, care-mi silești durerea să compună un cântec.
Inima mea aproape că nu mai bătea
în a mea baladă a timpului pierdut,
dar îmi place iubirea neștiută
din a mea baladă a inimii pierdute.
Noapte bună iubitule
Noapte bună iubitule,noapte bună, cu tine fie D-zeu.
În clipa în care adormi
nu uita niciodată că eu
te iubesc doar pe tine.
Noapte bună iubitule,
cu tine inima mea vorbește.
În viață și moarte ești al meu,
că dacă nu, ferește-te!
Voi aștepta să te trezești,
voi aștepta să se întoarcă soarele.
Când cerul va fi albastru
noi vom fi împreună
și pentru toată viața.
Noapte bună iubitule,
dragul meu, să ai vise dulci.
Gândește-te la mine când adormi,
mereu, mereu
gândește-te la iubirea noastră.
Aud chitare în depărtare
ce farmecă noaptea neagră
și ele răsună
sub frumosul cer andaluz.
Îi mulțumesc Fecioarei
pentru bucuriile pe care ni le dă,
pentru această dragoste frumoasă
care ne aparține doar nouă.
Noapte bună iubitule,
dragul meu, să ai vise dulci.
Gândește-te la mine când adormi,
mereu, mereu
gândește-te la iubirea noastră.
Noapte bună iubitule.
Noapte bună iubitule.
But There's An Accordion
I know the world is a question,I know that war is a man-made invention,
and that the earth rolls like a ball
beneath men with their ambition filled hearts.
I know the world is purely fiction,
I know that the sky is part of the horizon,
whether our hopes are pink or blue,
I see that the earth is red with passion.
But there's an accordion
and the accordion plays well,
when the accordion plays,
it reminds me of France and it plays swell.
But there's an accordion
and the accordion plays well,
when the accordion plays,
it reminds me of France.
I know that love has strange paths,
the heart's cries has its sorrows too,
and it turns, turns the wheel of destiny,
happiness always seems to come tomorrow.
But there's an accordion
and the accordion plays well,
when the accordion plays,
it reminds me of France and it plays swell.
But there's an accordion
and the accordion plays well,
when the accordion plays,
it reminds me of France.
An old pub and the smell of chips,
a cup of wine, come, I invite you
to forget and to flee
from your problems, its sorrows and consequences.
And there's an accordion
and the accordion plays well,
when the accordion plays,
it reminds me of France and it plays swell.
And there's an accordion
and the accordion plays well,
when the accordion plays,
it reminds me of France.
If France
If France married herselfIf one day she finally said to herself 'I love you'
She would invent the dance
Who would marry the world
If France was kissed one day, who knows?
For the rose and the lilacs in harmony
The left and right hand finally united
The blueberries by the Lily of the Valley
This bouquet is young and gay
Which marries all the colours
Among the flowers
We must learn to live together
In need or in kisses
With your neighbours, your cousins, your in-laws
Your adopted children, opposite
You, the eternal virgin mother
Who would like to sleep with all the Earth
What eternal oaths
With honeymoons
To end in a headbutt after the party
Poor Joan1, Lorraine2, and Henry IV3
Vercingetorix4 by whom were you defeated?
Where are the friends hiding?
It's Bartholomew the Apostle5,
And France, clearly beheaded
Woman who turns your arms against you
At the heart of the neighborhood fights
Sometimes all you have left is your tears
To refind your friendship
If France married herself
If one day she finally said to herself 'I love you'
She would invent the dance
Who would marry the world
If France was kissed one day, who knows?
- 1. Joan of Arc
- 2. The region of France which has been through many wars and was annexed to Germany for a long time
- 3. French king who brought prosperity to Paris and was often regarded as an ideal monarch
- 4. king and chieftain of the Arverni tribe who united the Gauls in a revolt against Roman forces
- 5. famous for being decapitated
Adonis, l-am visat pe AdonisȘi atunci când aveam 16 ani, îmi imaginam adesea
Ce încântare era să trăiești pe vremea lui Adonis
Și să poți pentr-o clipă să-l vezi și să-l cunoști.
Această iubire de totdeauna, într-o bună zi
Repede și-a luat zborul când te-am întâlnit.
Adonis, tu nu ești Adonis,
Dar îl înlocuiești cu succes, căci ai știut să-mi faci pe plac.
Candid, solid, splendid,
Așa ești tu, toate la un loc.
Fără răutate, tu ești mai bun ca Adonis,
Cel puțin te cred,
Căci pe tine te iubesc.
Adonis, Adonis, Adonis, Adonis...
Oricine are o șansă
Tu spui peste tot că el e foarte drăguț și că tu crezică niciun băiat nu ți-a plăcut atât de mult.
Tu iarăși spui că-n adâncul tău un vid imens
îți frânge inima când îl vezi în preajma mea.
Oricine are o șansă, trebuie să-ți câștigi dragostea.
N-ar trebui să crezi că ai învins înainte să joci,
pentru că îl iubesc, îl iubesc, îl iubesc și eu.
Când îl văd, cum e-n cazul tău, viața mea se-aprinde,
și când își fixează ochii pe mine, sunt tulburată.
Sunt sigură că noi două avem aceleași arme,
și că nu trebuie să trișezi, ci să lupți.
Oricine are o șansă, trebuie să-ți câștigi dragostea.
N-ar trebui să crezi că ai învins înainte să joci,
pentru că îl iubesc, îl iubesc, îl iubesc și eu.
Te-nvârți în jurul meu, și m-ameninți cu furia ta.
Dar la ce bun să-ți strângi pumnii zi de zi?
Căci dacă pierd, și mâine el te alege pe tine,
atunci e ghinionul meu, voi zice: foarte bine.
Oricine are o șansă, trebuie să-ți câștigi dragostea.
Oricine are o șansă...
Oricine are o șansă...
Oricine are o șansă...
Gigi the Lover
Here comes Gigi the loverWho lights our hearts on fire, eyes like velvet that give love
Gigi the lover, who moves us all
Who seduces us to think of sin
A great party started whenever he began
Zazà, Luna Caprese, O sole mio1
Gigi Giuseppe
But everyone called him Gigi the lover
The women were crazy for him, all of them
The baker's wife, who closed the shop every Tuesday, and
The notary's wife, a saint, who had never cheated on her husband before,
And the colonel's widow, who no longer wore the veil because he didn't like black
All of them, I tell you
Even me, until one day
From far away across the pond came a Miss, who was rich and asked him
Come to Hollywood with me
Over there you'll be a star
Like Caruso was, so she said with fiery passion
And he fell for it and left us all alone
Our hearts broke when it was time to part
And yet we happily believed that his star would rise now
Gigi conquered America
The whole village sang along as he walked to the station
Here comes Gigi the lover
Who lights our hearts on fire, eyes like velvet that give love
Gigi the lover
Who moves us all, who seduces us to think of sin
And in front of the crowd he sang once more
Zazà, Luna Caprese, O sole mio
Many years he has been gone without word
No news is good news, as the saying goes
We missed him a lot and it was so hard
Until we understood that he is gone
But often at night, when it's quiet
When our instruments have fallen silent
A hush goes through the room, like a sigh in a dream
And his voice is suddenly near
Who lights our hearts on fire, eyes like velvet that give love
Is that you there in the dark?
I guess it didn't work out over there, eh?
So what! What do Americans know anything about apart from rock and twist
But Gigi, maybe you wanted Gigi l'Americano
Instead you are Giuseppe Fabrizio Luca Santini, you are Neapolitan
Can you hear it?
Can you hear them, Gigi?
Don't leave anymore
It's your audience
Sing, Gigi, sing, sing for them, sing for me
Bravo, sing, Gigi, Bravo, sing, sing
Carmela, Carmela, Carmela, have you heard that Gigi has arrived
Cesarina, Cesarina, come here, Gigi has arrived from Hollywood
But if I tell you that he's arrived, won't you come
Boy, boy, boy, run, tell uncle Gennaro
That uncle Gigi has arrived from America
Who lights our hearts on fire, eyes like velvet that give love
Gigi the lover, who moves us all
Who seduces us to think of sin
A great party started whenever he began
Zazà, Luna Caprese, O sole mio
Here comes Gigi the lover
- 1. These are three popular Italian songs.
Travel without baggage
Travel without baggageLike a bird in the sun
Faces, places
All yesterday's news
Travel without baggage
Like a bird in the sun
The joy of a beating heart
Doesn't get carried away
Leave your words of love
For those who do not love
Everywhere, there's a bed
A table and a roof
A beach and a woodland
Especially for you
Your friends, your neighbours
Are found in every neighbourhood
As soon as one friendship dies
Another one is born
Travel without baggage
With love as your passport
Unclouded vision
The peaceful heart of a sleeping child
Travel without baggage
With love as your passport
Erase the night before in the morning's mirror
Leave your tears
for those who feel no pain
Men are birds
Who make their own cage
Which they only leave
To make their final journey
But those who still dream
Those who believe that it's a good day
Travel without baggage
On the most beautiful boat
Travel without baggage
If you want to come with me
We will travel together
Baring our hearts
Not knowing where we're headed
Travel without baggage
Like a bird in the sun
Even a first love
Doesn't get carried away
Leave your suitcases
For those who do not travel
Even a first love
Doesn't get carried away
Leave your suitcases
For those who do not travel
I sing amore
I sing amoreTo tell you I love you
Oh, ti amo, ti amo my dear
Tell me, will you be forever mine
I sing amore
I want your heart, solo per me
oh, ti amo, ti amo my dear
come and let's be happy
No, I don't sing Catharine
or Torna a Surriento
I sing the melody
solo per te.
I sing amore
and you do know what I mean
and you know it, Al listens to everyone
that's why I sing for you.
La, la...
Oh, ti amo, ti amo, my dear
telle me, will you be forever mine
I sing amore.
and you do know what I mean
and you know it, Al listens to everyone
that's why I sing for you.
La, la... I sing amore
la, la... amore.
Talk to me about love
Talk to me about loveWith phrases of sweet tenderness
Talk to me about love
With phrases of passionate madness
Tell me with fervor
Those words I expect
'I love you'
I know full well that if you offer me an Eden
With that voice that caresses me and promise me
The pleasures of idyllic home warmth
The peace of eternal well being
That all this are lies
But today I want you to say them
Talk to me about love
With phrases of sweet tenderness
Talk to me about love
With phrases of passionate madness
Tell me with fervor
Those words I expect
'I love you'
I know full well that if you offer me an Eden
With that voice that caresses me and promise me
The pleasures of idyllic home warmth
The peace of eternal well being
That all this are lies
But today I want you to say them
Talk to me about love
With phrases of sweet tenderness
Talk to me about love
With phrases of passionate madness
Tell me with fervor
Those words I expect
'I love you'