Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 4
If you haven't saw miracles yet I'll tell you someBecause there's some you can see with your own eyes
Instead of the U.F.O.s and newscasts
Go see, who's living above your neighbor
Ok, that it's a flat or a ranch
And the kid robs you at the corner
But you can still see the miracle, look
a mother carries bags in her hands
because after 8 hours of work
She goes home and cooks dinner
by this she wins a big a match
Although she doesn't get a medal, she's still a hero
Just like the girl, who now
Listens to her parents instead of screaming at them
If she has something in her mind, but she fails
She won't throw cups and she won't be broken
This is a miracle just like all those
Other everday champions
A real hero is not Superman or Batman
The miracle lives in you and me
You don't have to save the whole world
Stars do that in the movies anyway
Miracle, that doctors save lives
Miracle, that I save lives with songs
It's a miracle too, that there's some of you
Who still listen to the orginial discs
Miracle, that there're still girls
Who want and wait for love instead of money
Miracle, that a little boy stands up for himself
Instead of getting drunk and smoking with the big kids
Miracle, that someone sitting in a wheelchair
Wins a gold, because they don't run away
from the world, pitying themselves
They smile into your eyes and finds a friend
Miracle, that behind the suits
there are still politicians who want to help
Miracle, that the paramedic, fireman and policemen
Save lives and and gives up the money
A real hero is not Superman or Batman
The miracle lives in you and me
You don't have to save the whole world
Stars do that in the movies anyway
Hero, who stays loyal for a life
Hero, who doesn't entrust their fate on anyone else
Hero is a boss, who lead and asks
and doesn't scold and fire for more profit
Hero is someone who can live a life
and doesn't count miracles in likes
Hero is someone who understand, not just listens
Raising up their head while recognizing themselves
Aici ei mă așteaptă înapoi
Ca un rătăcit, călătoresc în jumătate a lumii, am văzut pescărușii zburând împotriva lui SeychȘtiu în Roma ce pizza italiană este, că Vegas noaptea este atât de spectaculos, dar inima mea mă atrage mereu înapoi aici în cazul în care Christine nu este fata, dar Krista în cazul în care Lacul Balaton este un lac, dar pentru noi mare, unde politica se dezbină și pentru mine Borsod și Budapesta cele mai frumoase
M-am născut aici și mă vor înmormânta aici
N-am mai văzut nimic mai frumos decât malul Dunării, degeaba călătoresc cu avionul departe, strada Andrássy înflorește
în apus de soare pe Dunăre, inima mea se agită , știu nu e perfect , dar îmi place
Nu i-am găsit perechea în toată lumea
Să fie oriunde și oricum de vis, inima mea întotdeauna mă atrage acasă în Budapesta
Oriunde am mers în lume este sigur că
nu e fără greșeli, dar aici mă așteaptă înapoi
Să crezi că totul în țara noastră e nasol e o capcană, în altă parte, apa potabilă nu este suficient în robinet, a fost pedepsit de o mie de ori în trecut, dar cel puțin războaiele nu mai afectează
Știu că sângerează de la o sută de răni
Voi fi și voi rămâne, nu voi dispărea ca acidul carbonic
cât de mult e de mirare uite numai mirosuri set arome
În străinătate mă simt câteodată că sunt doar un ornament
Turiștii chinezi se miră
pentru că Budapesta au văzut-o doar în fotografii
Poduri și bulevarde frumoase, dar autobuzul este târziu și metrou din nou nu funcționează
O mulțime de perechi frumoase seara și fete cu corpuri fermecătoare
Drumul este drept doar uneori un pic abrupt
Așa de mult îl urăsc pe Pest la fel de mult îl iubești.
They're waiting me back here
Like a wanderer, I travel half of the worldI've seen how the seagulls are flying in Seychel
I know how the Italian pizza is
And how cool Vegas is at night
Still my heart is pulling me back here
Where the girl isn't Christine, but Kriszta
Where the 'Balaton' is a lake, for us a sea
Where the politics is difisive and it makes arguments
But for me Borsod and Budapest are the most beautiful
I was born here and I'll be put into a grave here as well
I haven't seen more beautiful than the shore of Danube
Doesn't matter if I travel further with a plane
When the Andrássy road becomes full of flowers
My heart sinks in the sunset of Danube
I know it's not perfect but I love it
I haven't found its couple in the world
I can be anywhere, any far,
My heart is always pulling me back to Budapest
I can walk anywhere on the planet, it is clear that
It isn't perfect but they're waiting me back here
To think that at us every crap is a trap
Somewere else there isn't clean water in the tap
It had expiated a thousands times its past
But at least there are no wars here anymore
It is bleeding from hundreds of wounds,
But I'd rather be the gauze and I won't disappear
like the carbonate
How many wonders, look, aromas and tastes
And abroad I don't feel myself more than a decoration
Chinese tourists are keeping their mouth*
Because they had seen Budapest only on photos before
The bridges and the castle are beautiful
But the bus is being late and the underground doesn't run, again
A lot of pair of eyes at night, the body of the girls impresses me
The way is straight, but sometimes a bit steep
You hate Budapest exactly as much as you love it