Tell me, Didier Super
Tell me, Didier Super,
why is it that people go to McDonalds?
The food is bad, and not cheap either,
and you're still hungry when you're done eating!
Well, you know, little girl,
people who are still hungry after a meal
and who eat not very good stuff,
there are a few billions of them in the same situation.
Another question?
Tell me, Didier Super,
you leave your kids stuck all day in front of the telly.
Do you really think the TV jerks
will take charge of their education?
Ah, you don't get it, little girl.
The only thing that matters to me is that,
if people think my kids are idiots,
at least they won't go thinking it's my fault!
Tell me, Didier Super,
are people really mean when they say
that unemployed people don't work
just because they are a bunch of lazybones?
I think they have these young JSA wankers in mind,
these not-too-bright persons who can't grasp the idea
that there is not enough work for everybody.
Luckily these wankers leave the jobs to those who really need them!
Ok, just a last question.
Tell me, Didier Super,
when will there be enough disabled people
to fill their reserved parking spaces,
which for now are always empty?
Careful now, little girl. Shut your gob, eh!
You don't go messing around with disabled persons.
I don't really know who that upsets the most,
but anyway that sure feels awkward.
Ok, now scram!
Get lost! Drop dead!
Come on, shoo, off with you...
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We're all going to die
This song is dedicated to the end of the world and the third world war.
Hooray ! Let's party !
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is awaiting and we just party all the time
Nowadays only the very old people
still hope to die from old age.
As for kids, if they aren't born soon,
they'll never know what to do with Legos.
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The apocalypse is awaiting and we just party all the time
This is the vengeance of the Good Lord,
That's what they say, those Jehovah's Witnesses.
Anyway, since they're good guys,
either they won't die, or if they do, they won't suffer.
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The apocalypse is awaiting and we just party all the time
Osama and Georges W.
and the Israeli who are fighting against the Jews,
well over there some of them aren't Jews, rather Arabs
we don't understand a thing, but we'll get a beating anyway.
And then there's the Martians, they gonna throw fireballs at us
on purpose, just to burn us.
And then there's the giant planet-eating rabbit.
It eats planets while there are still people on them,
and that's really not a very smart move.
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
The end of the world is nigh and yet we just party
We're all going to die, we're all going to die
but sometimes it's best to talk about something else.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.