Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 6

Număr de rezultate: 184


Lived a Thousand Times

I have been here so many times
probably a thousand times and more...
I was my friend
I was my enemy
trapped and lost
Temptation makes me weak
I did not make it again
fought for a lifetime
now everything begins again
Lived a thousand times
as if I had loved a thousand times
thousand times a life
only looking for you
Lived a thousand times
as if I have killed a thousand timed
I've wanted you a thousand times
it has destroyed me a thousand times
I have always given a lot
and yet it was never enough
I have cried for a lifetime
and only in agony,
I became soft...
Because I was killed in fire
and drownd in the deepest sea
yet nothing hurts me more
because I loved too much
Lived a thousand times
as if I had loved a thousand times
a thousand times in vain
just looking for you
lived a thousand times
as if I have killed a thousand timed
I've wanted you a thousand times
it has destroyed me a thousand times
I would have given everything
just to love you once...
would have sworn you eternal fidelity
Completely lost my soul to you
Lived a thousand times
as if I had loved a thousand times
I've wanted you a thousand times
it has destroyed me a thousand times
Lived a thousand times
as if I had loved a thousand times
I've wanted you a thousand times
it has destroyed me a thousand times...


We love to do somersaults in the grass,
And splash around in the water,
And, to shake loose some thoughts in our heads,
Walk around on our hands.
And to be perfectly honest:
It's great to be alive!
Our country is in its childhood.
How great it is in our country!
Just great! Simply wonderful!
Everyone should have such a country.
So great! Just wonderful!
Perhaps not a country
As wide, or as long -
But, no matter, it's great in our country.
Just wonderful. Simply great!
We love to sit quietly,
And dream - like this:
Our entire class is riding on one elephant,
We're flying off to visit the Martians,
To be honest,
It's just great to be alive!
Our country is full of miracles,
And our country is just getting started.
Just wonderful! Just great!
Everyone on Earth should have such a country!
Just wonderful! Simply wonderful!
Maybe yours should not be
As long or as wide,
But, who cares, it's great in our country.
Just great! Just wonderful!
We love to grow every year,
And become a little smarter,
And read some good books,
In order to do everything correctly,
And we say honestly,
It's great to be alive.
Our country is full of miracles,
And this country is just getting started.
How great it is in our country!
Just wonderful! Simply great!
Everyone on Earth should have such a country!
Just great! Just wonderful!
Maybe not as wide or as long for you,
Still, everything's great in our country.
Just wonderful! Simply great!
Just wonderful! Simply great!


Angel, you watch over me
In the darkness
You give me your hand
Hold me when I dream
Save me from the night
When I am plagued by doubt
You will carry me
Angel, shine and glow
Show us all the way
Your light makes me brave
Your comfort is so
Do you feel this longing,
For security and warmth,
For love lasting all eternity?
Angel, shine and glow,
You show us all the way
You are at my side in times of darkness
The night passes by until the day begins
You appear before me and give me strength
You must fly again
You give hope and peace
For everyone who remains in the dark
Angel, shine and glow
Show us all the way
Your splendor gives us strength
Your light

The Long Road Home

The Long Road Home
Translation Denis Renaud
We rode on three-horse sleigh with bells a-jingling,
In the distance glimmering firelights.
And if I were now behind you riding,
It would make my lonely heart feel right.
We drove the long road home, we drove by light of moon,
With song that flew, ringing far into the night.
And with that seven-string, with that old guitar tune
That tortured me so sweetly all those nights.
But, it turns out that we sang for nothing.
Vainly, night after starry night we burned.
And if we have finished with the old then,
Those nights have gone and never to return.
By new roads, a long way home a-traveling,
We are fated from now on to go. 
On three horse open sleigh with bells a-jingling,
We used to ride a long long time ago!

Go Brother!

If I'm not around alone like a wildcat
you find me hanging around with my brothers
and then let them feel, do not be afraid
my people scream 'Go fradi'!
Bad day or by night or at worst
you find me hanging around with my brothers
and then get in touch, do not hide
my people scream 'Go fradi'!
Because we have the warm sound, here on stage it is always summer
I know that I have too many rhymes, relax, they've lent them to me
they like my smile but it is thanks to colgate 1
we've bought all the views we've got on YouTube
Ayo, brother where are you?
I heard you looked for me today
call me again, I'm already out
do not be an old man who is not like you
Ioi, brother are you coming?
I heard that they are closing in on you today
but do not worry, if you have money problems
for today, we spend mine
Go Brother!
I say it so often, you'll learn it for sure
at my place, what I do on personal
in a downpour that looks like a tsunami
Doro Gjat, Carnicats
what did you expect?
rappers with tattoos and instead, you got highlanders
we are those of Paisàn (BRAVO!)
the Highlanders
sons of the rocks and you certainly do not get stuck
Because being with me seems like a via crucis 2
and what a coincidence, everyone goes away
I do not forget even it if I take rufi 3
and even if the water is good I end up making holes in it
like Snoopy
it's a breath of freshness that I already feel sneezing around me
let's turn up the volume a little if they want us to be silent
and at the bottom of the list, we are all stars after all
Ayo, brother where are you?
I heard you looked for me today
call me again I'm already out
do not be an old man who is not like you
Ioi, brother are you coming?
I heard that they are closing in on you today
but do not worry, if you have money problems
for today, we spend mine
Fradi go!
you call it Friuliano, for me it remains tocai 4
Let's have a party tonight, 'we have a party tonight'
and here they shout 'vaifradi' because you will never have them
We are children of the rocks that we have inside our veins
proud of ourselves even without belonging
proud of being
even without having
very far from the 'Little Italy' of mafia / church / power
Do not lie down, but raise your hands to the sky
Snog that garbage until your mouth hurts,
glasses with dark circles underneath
and a chemistry that it seems to have an alien inside my stomach
Come on, man!
if in Italy talent is in talent shows
I will not be a genius but I feel a bit like that
Ayo, brother where are you?
I heard you looked for me today
call me again I'm already out
do not be an old man who is not like you
Ioi, brother are you coming?
I heard that they are closing in on you today
but do not worry, if you have money problems
for today we spend mine
  • 1. Italian toothpaste brand
  • 2. 'Way of the Cross', Catholic Rite involving a series of images showing Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion and accompanying prayers
  • 3. medicine
  • 4. Local wine which has always been called Tocai but UE recently decided that the name Tocai belonged to a Hungarian Wine, so the name changed to 'Friulano'. Locals are still really annoyed by this.

eu am vrut pisică neagră

Un adevărat crocodil
un adevărat aligator
Am spus că l-am avut
Și I ar fi dat el pentru tine
Dar pactele erau clare:
un crocodil pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
Am vrut o pisică neagră, negru, neagră
mi-ai dat o pisică albă
Eu nu sunt la pactelor
Am vrut o pisică neagră, negru, neagră
Ca esti un mincinos
Cu tine nu ma mai joc
Nu era o girafa
Din plastic sau din material textil
Dar una în carne și oase
și ti-aș fi adus
Dar pactele erau clare:
o girafa pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
un elefant indian
cu toată baldachinul:
Am avut-o în grădină
I ar fi dat el pentru tine
Dar pactele erau clare:
un elefant pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
Dar pactele erau clare:
întreaga grădină zoologică pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
Am vrut o pisică neagră, negru, neagră
în schimb este o pisică albă
ce mi-ai dat
Am vrut o pisică neagră
dar totuți, negru sau alb
Pisica I țineți el la mine
și nu-ți dau nimic
și nu-ți dau nimic

I adore you even more

Monday at 4 (o'clock) and you're not there
Tuesday at 5 (o'clock) and you can't
Wednesday, Thursday or Friday perhaps, but you never decide to see me
Saturday came and went
Sunday it got too late
And you see? It's already Monday again
You will never stop dodging me
You drive me crazy
Well, your problems are complicated
How to explain it to you? I fall in love
The more you run from me, the more I adore you
I adore you even more
I adore you even more
I dream of you every night
And I lose you every morning
Today I confess to you that it is not enough for me to live alone with just a memory of you
How do I make you understand?
That my life is not easy
Spending my days looking for answers
and seeing that you are still lost
You drive me crazy
Since your problems are complicated
How to explain it to you? I'm falling in love
The more you run from me, the more I adore you
I adore you even more
I adore you even more
How to count it? How to count it? [I adore you even more]
With the fingers of my hand. [I adore you even more]
All those times you got lost in the street, all those 'stay, it won't be bad'
Thousands of 'leave now' and 'do not dissapoint me'
I'd bet that they already know you on every corner
As far as memory can reach
And with each fairytale that you finish telling
You are subtracting a bit from our history
But time is stubborn and the heart is condemning
Today I want to tell you that despite all this,
A life without you would not be worth it
You drive me crazy
Crazy to meet you
It hurts to understand that it's so easy to lose you
How to explain it to you? I'm falling in love
The more you run from me, the more I adore you
I adore you even more
You drive me crazy
Well, your problems are complicated
How to explain it to you? I'm falling in love
The more you run from me, the more I adore you
You drive me crazy
Well, your problems are complicated
How to explain it to you? I'm falling in love
The more you run from me, the more I adore you
I adore you even more!


I have two roads, do you want me to share them with you.
fly there,where i won't come back - i won't come back.
i have two percent of love.
if you want you can be close my monk if i learn,learn to forgive.
And i would become the sun, become the sun in your palms.
And i would become the sky,become the sky - in your eyes.
And i would become the sun,become the sun and rays to the sea.
And I would love to be heaven, in happiness and in sorrow.
I know a lot about you,do you want me to tell you.
i'l stand under the moon,i'l pretend to be your dream - pretend to be yours.
Lower your eyes and think,how you can hold.
I love freedom so much,but i want to fall asleep with you - in you to fall asleep.
And i would become the sun, become the sun in your palms.
And i would become the sky,become the sky - in your eyes.
And i would become the sun,become the sun and rays to the sea.
And I would love to be heaven, in happiness and in sorrow.

Be in Good Health

Be in good health,
You Local thresholds
Oh, where did you wander
My dear white legs.
Be there, Be there,
Do not forget us
Everyday, every evening
Do Remember us all!
Oh, that grey dove flys by
Yes hits itself with it's wings
Is my dear dove here or not?
Oh, here I am a grey dove awaiting!

The way long with clouds

The road, the road it leads from the doorstep,
it leads from the doorstep to the shiny dream.
Even if the dream is unreachable, but it still feels nice
when you walk back home
Its nice to be under sky,
feeling like in a boat under sails,
together with trustful friends,
sailing whenever the horizon lies.
Walking the road along with clouds,
road with clouds,
it feels good when we are together
and we are just walking back home.
Roads, roads, they are like caring arms,
Like caring arms of good friends,
The travel gives us many good friends,
and its much more entertaining to walk together with friends!
The road, the road, it resembles a friend,
It looks like a friend, with which always,
Its always funny, and never too tight in space,
even on a most narrow path, never!

Draga emisiune

Draga emisiune! Sambata mai plangand,
Tot Kanatchikov Cottage spre televizor se rupea.
In loc, sa manance, sa se spele, sa se intepe si se uite,
Tot spitalul nebun la ecran s-a adunat.
Zicea, rupandu-si mainile, oratorul si scandalagiul
Despre neputinta stiintei inainte secretului Bermudelor.
Toti creierii i-a spart in bucati, toate girusurile le-au impletit,
Si autoritatile din Kanatchikov ne inteapa cu a doua injectie.
Stimate editor! Poate mai bine despre editor,
Despre iubitul lunii tractor ? Doar nu se poate, un an la rand
Ba cu farfurii sperie, spun ei, nenorocitii, ca zboara,
Ba la voi cainii hamaie, ba ruinele vorbesc.
Noi macar in ceva am devenit calificati- noi farfurii batem tot anul,
Noi pe ele deja am mancat cainele, daca bucatarul nu ne minte.
Dar medicamentele gramezi - noi in toaleta, cine nu e prost,
Iata asta e viata! Si dintr-o data Bermudele. Iata acele vremuri, nu se poate doar asa!
Noi nu am facut scandal- noua un conducator nu ne ajungea.
Adevarata dezordine e putina- iata ca nu mai sunt conducatori.
Dar la masinatiile si delirul retelei este la noi si delir,
Si nu ne vor strica noua masa masinatiile rele ale dusmanilor!
Asta a lor draci slabi bermutesc apa in lac,
Toate astea le-a inventat Churchill in anul optsprezece.
Noi despre bubuituri, despre incendii am compus nota TASS,
Aici au venit repede asistentele medicale si ne-au inregistrat.
Acelor, care au fost in special ciocaniti, i-au strans de spatele paturilor,
Se zbatea in spuma paranoicul, ca witcher in sabat:
'Despletiti prosoapele, heterodoxistilor, barbarilor,
Noua bermut ne e pe inima si bermut pe suflet!'
Patruzeci de suflete urla, s-au incalzit pana la alb.
Iata asa de tare ii ingrijoreaza lucrurile in triunghi!
Aproape toti si-au iesit din minti, chiar si acel care era nebun,
Si atunci seful sectiei Marulis a interzis televizorul.
Iata-l, sarpe, in fereastra profileaza, dupa spate ascunde dopul.
Ia dat cuiva un semn, inseamna, paramedic, rupe cablurile.
Si noua ne-a ramas sa ne impungem, ca in Bermude, pentru totdeauna.
Dar maine vor intreba copiii, vizitandu-ne de dimineata:
'Tatilor, ce au spus acesti candidati ca medici?'
Noi le vom raspunde copiilor nostri adevarul, lor nu le e totuna:
Minunatiile sunt alaturi, dar ne sunt interzise!
Dar uite dentistul-lucratorul extern Rudic, la el e recepptorul 'Grundig',
El il invarteste noptile, il prinde, contra FRG.
El acolo a fost comerciant pe haine si si-a iesit din minti,
Dar la noi a nimerit cu stomacul si cu numar pe picior.
El a fugit, foarte ingrijorat, si cu mesajul ne-a socat,
De parca a nostra linie stiintifica se rostogolea in triunghi.
A murit, consumand caldura, tot s-a desfacut in bucati,
Dar la doi frati nebuni de-ai nostri le-au ales pescarii.
Acei, care au supravietuit cataclismei, sunt acum in pesimism.
Pe ei ieri in prisma de sticla i-au adus la noi in spital.
Si unul dintre ei, mecanic, ne-a spus, fugind de dadaci,
Ca poliedrul din Bermud- buricul pamantului neanchis.
'Ce a fost acolo, cum te-ai salvat?' - Fiecare se baga si il abuza.
Dar mecanicul doar era agitat si impusca cu nucusoare.
El ba plangea, ba se radea, ba se peria, ca un airici.
El de noi isi batea joc. Dar e nebun, ce sa iei!
A crescut fostul alcoolic, vulgarul si seditiosul,
Spune:' Trebuie sa bem triunghiul. In trei pe el, da-l!'
S-a vandut, asa si stopeste:'Triunhiul va fi baut.
Daca ar fi paralelipiped, daca ar fi cerc, insecta parazitara!'
Lasa sa fie idee nebuna, nu decideti in temperament!
Raspunde-ti mai repede prin doc-sef de sectie.
Cu respect. Data, semnatura... Raspunde-ti, de nu,
Daca voi nu veti rapunde noi vom scrie in 'Loteria Sport'.

Let's Sit Down Here, My Dearest...

Let's sit down here, my dearest,
Look and see how much I care.
I will listen to the  tempest
Under your submissive stare.
All this golden vegetation
And this  fair lock of hair,-
They have come just  like salvation
Of the loafer free of care.
Long ago I left my village
With the blooming fields and thicket,
Tempted by the city image
And the life of fame, so wicked.
So I buried in oblivion
Orchard,  summer I enjoyed
Where I, to the frogs' singing,
Raised myself to be a poet.
Autumn with the golden branches...
Maple, lime-trees, taking pleasure,
Stick their twigs inside, like clutches,
Searching for someone they treasure.
They are gone, our dear losses,
In the homely yard the crescent
Marks with beams of light on crosses
That we'll join them in the basement.
Going  trough  the troubles wholly
We shall go like this to welkin.
All the winding  roads are only
For the living beings welcome.
Come, sit down here, my dearest,  
Let me look into your face.
I will listen to the  tempest
Under your submissive gaze.

The Way to the Airport

First couplet: Timati
How much time left for us here,
Stop the arrows of the watch.
Is this love or just sex?
Explain to me, but without words!
It covered us both like avalanche.
I hide my view under the capeç
I only chose you among others,
And kept you telephone.
And dashed all the nights without sleep!
I can't do without you, it looks like I need you.
Embrace me while leaving when the moon lights.
Those spontaneous meetings are not only till morning!
After all you could change the bilet.
Be late for the plane, but it will always carry you somewhere.
Chorus, Sveta:
The way to the airport, I'm running far away
The way to the airport, I fly at night.
The way to the airport.
Second Couplet: Timati
I don't remember that I loved that much,
Damning others' opinion.
I lied to myself about that I had been cold for a long time,
But the fire inside didn't die.
You accuse me for everything,
But you yourself wont be able to escape againg.
We play in honour,
Trying to understand each other.
And the way to gome waits on Monday,
You're again crying, but there is no need. This script is simple.
Quiet daily lifes are like walls between us.
Tell me what holds you! Fly with me!
After all I can change the bilet.
Be late for the plane, but it will always carry you somewhere.
Chorus, Sveta:
The way to the airport, I'm running far away
The way to the airport, I fly at night.
The way to the airport.
Thirst Couplet: Timati
You say that I'm crazy, we're similar to each other.
Trace will stay in the heart like numbers on the skin.
And I know I can stay, and I know, you can stay you,
But it will always carry us somewhere.
Chorus, Sveta:
The way to the airport, I'm running far away
The way to the airport, I fly at night.
The way to the airport.
The way to the airport, I'm running far away
The way to the airport, I fly at night.
The way to the airport.

The Logic of This Abusive Language Syndrome

The pain of your sprained neck won’t subside,
The two of us are rolling in the depth
Falling into despair, if something breaks,
Will we be able to regain our usual wild behavior? Yeah!
Lines relapsing into chaos, swollen upper eyelids,
Making my back tremble
Thinking only of you is the starting point of a recurring jealousy
Just by the amount of sugar we’ve consumed,
I should be able to tell you――――…………
“………―――Be my woman!”
If I suck your blood at a speed your pumping heart can’t keep,
With ten thousand degrees of stimulus, your throat goes into hyperpnea!!!!
If I suck your blood at a speed your pumping heart can’t keep,
With ten thousand degrees of stimulus, your throat goes into hyperpnea!!!!
Is the horizon your numbed fingers point to heaven or hell?
Rushing headlong into a sadistic love,
The logic of this abusive language syndrome――――…………!!!!
The stagnant nights spent sulking in bed are awful
Alone, shouting for the moon
Restless and moody, if I crush this flower,
I can have my fill of its sweet fragrance! Yeah!
The continuation of time is a cycle shaken by IPSP
An irresistible injection
If we seek the love of one person alone, will we suffer this jittering forevermore?
The sworn pain of these scars,
Shouldn’t we let them rage on――――…………?
“………―――Let’s get reckless!”
If I suck your blood at a speed your pumping heart can’t keep,
With ten thousand degrees of stimulus, your throat goes into hyperpnea!!!!
The words that judge your crumbling morals, to be or not to be?
Rushing headlong into a majestic sin,
The logic of this abusive language syndrome――――…………!!!!
“Gaining something without having to risk anything at all,”
“Seems too good to be true, this sow”
“I wanna put a gun to it and leave it with soup for brains”
“In that case… you’d better give up everything you’ve got!”
(Someone like you)
I should just demand your love――――…………
“………―――Hey now,”
“Should we just get this over with?”
“……It’s not like we’re always gonna want it!”
If I suck your blood at a speed your pumping heart can’t keep,
With ten thousand degrees of stimulus, your throat goes into hyperpnea!!!!
If I suck your blood at a speed your pumping heart can’t keep,
With ten thousand degrees of stimulus, your throat goes into hyperpnea!!!!
Is the horizon your numbed fingers point to heaven or hell?
Rushing headlong into a sadistic love,
The logic of this abusive language syndrome――――…………!!!!
The logic of this abusive language syndrome――――…………!!!!
The logic of this abusive language syndrome――――…………!!!!
“………―――Damn, you’re such a hopeless woman”


I Could Not Find The Right Path...

I could not find the right path,
Now in woods, thick and dense,
All my past worries' bloodbath
Carry wearily, tense.
Having calmed my ambitions,
Starkly mute, without grief,
I don't rouse dim suspicions
Of the sleeping bawl's thief.
My deliverance I feel,
But I don't seek new ways, -
As I yearn after nothing,
About no thing complain.
Quality RU-EN and EN-RU translations by Ironic Iron.
Bringing joy of Russian music and poetry to the world.
When sharing, please thank & credit: (c) St. Sol @ LT.

Little by little you go entering into my absence

Little by little you go entering into my absence
drop by drop filling my empty glass
there where I am shadow you don't cease to appear
because so alone in you the things become real
you avert the absurd and you grant me meaning
what I remember of myself is what you are
it arrived to your ears like an invisible sea.

You only ask

Snout in the dog's muzzle, are you who appears?
Are you who navigates in the solitary river of my blood?
Do you offer a path to my crippled tracks?
In you, has my consciousness led its mirrors astray?
Why must you have been you and not death instead?


Don't search for a place Deliver my ashes to the wind
that of me nothing else lingers but this order of letters
I have advanced only to precipitate myself in the beginning
there where reigns the pure origin without its work.

Just look at me

Just look at me and don't ask anything
My eyes are talking tonight
Come and take me, lead me to the night
Kiss me until the dawn comes
I was waiting too long
For happiness at my doorstep
And now I solved it to change rules
So, I change myself
And I will never
Be alone for hours anymore
It's enough of waiting
Tonight I move on
To fight a glow
Just look at me and don't ask anything
My eyes are talking tonight
Come and take me, lead me to the night
Kiss me until the dawn comes
It's not important tomorrow what it'll be like
Believe, it's whatever to me
Come on, hurry up, drink that beverage
Until it's not too late for everything
And I will never
Be alone for hours anymore
It's enough of waiting
Tonight I move on
To fight a glow
Just look at me and don't ask anything
My eyes are talking tonight
Come and take me, lead me to the night
Kiss me until the dawn comes
It's not important tomorrow what it'll be like
Believe, it's whatever to me
Come on, hurry up, drink that beverage
Until it's not too late for everything (x2)
Just look at me

The Slumber Trail

Versions: #1#2#3
Pour out some more wine, my brother in king’s crown,
And see the super moon arising there
The fluid overflows in sprituous silver cup
Another gulp, it’s time, I pray,
For us to whirl off on the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail, now spur your way!
Here the grass once flashed with hard steel
Blood of scarlet on the sword point gleamed
That is all for you and that’s for me –
These two blades for who became now
Phantoms of the wind for centuries
So let us have more wine. There’s time till morning breaks.
The road ahead is winding far away
You’re my immortal brother, your sister true I am
And dark’s the night, and cool’s the gale
And we have opted for the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail horseshoes sound quiet
Foggy mantle shrouded shoulders
Hoar-frost crowned foreheads and high brows
With sharp-pointed rain, with storm shade in clouds
You and I have turned light-feathered
Lighter than the falcon’s feather self.
So let us have more wine, my youthful suzerain
Malefic fate is written in our stars
Nor happiness, nor love. Nor empathy, nor pain
One moon for both and blizzard one
And winding is ahead our Slumber Trail, the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail past the humans’ life realm
We don’t care for Adam and Eva
We can’t care less for the way Earth lives
But from now on, my brother-in- charm, you won’t find yourself a new queen
And I will not find myself a new king
In order to forget that here ice cold is blood of mine
I beg of you, fill up my cup with wine
Look, down on the bottom there gleams a farewell star
So bottoms up, I’ll drink away
And set off lightly on the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail
On the Slumber Trail


Crede în toate visele tale și se pot adevări cu toate
Și o să vezi că într-o zi în curând o să găsești lumina înlăuntrul tău
Mereu a fost acolo, în jos adânc
În spatele fricilor și tuturor îndoielilor - dă-le drumul
Și în curând o să știi pur și simplu ceea ce să faci
Descoperi inima care este înlăuntrul sufletului tău
Vei descopri locul ce-l poți numi 'Casă'
Vei descoperi visele tale și vei vedea unde duc
Vei descoperi că niciun vis nu e de neatins
Vei descoperi iubirea care este înlăuntrul inimii tale
Adu-ți aminte că ți-e locul unde încep visele
Descoperă adevărul, este înlăuntrul tău
Descoperă că nu e nimeni ca tine în lumea aceasta
Uneori este greu să vadă chiar cine să fim
Deschide-ți inima, atunci ai să găsești o cărare ce-a fost făcută doar pentru tine
Mereu a fost acolo, în jos adânc
În spatele fricilor și tuturor îndoielilor - dă-le drumul
Și în curând o să știi pur și simplu ceea ce să faci
Descoperi inima care este înlăuntrul sufletului tău
Vei descopri locul ce-l poți numi 'Casă'
Vei descoperi visele tale și vei vedea unde duc
Vei descoperi că niciun vis nu e de neatins
Vei descoperi iubirea care este înlăuntrul inimii tale
Adu-ți aminte că ți-e locul unde încep visele
Descoperă adevărul, este înlăuntrul tău
Descoperă că nu e nimeni ca tine în lumea aceasta
Descoperă, descoperă, descoperă, descoperă
Descoperă că nu e nimeni ca tine în lumea aceasta

Te Ador Şi Mai Mult

Luni 4 nu eşti
Marți 5 şi nu poți
Miercuri, joi sau vineri poate, dar niciodată nu te hotărăști să mă vezi
Sâmbătă a venit şi s-a dus
Duminică s-a făcut târziu
Şi vezi? Deja e luni iar
Niciodată nu vei renunța să te eschivezi
Sunt nebun după tine
Dar problemele tale sunt complicate
Cum să-ți explic? Eu mă îndrăgostesc
Cu cât fugi, cu atât te ador mai mult
Cu atât de ador mai mult
Cu atât te ador mai mult
Te visez în fiecare noapte
Şi în fiecare dimineață te pierd
Îți mărturisesc că nu-mi ajunge să trăiesc singur cu amintirea ta
Cun să fac să înțelegi?
Că viața mea nu e ușoară
Îmi petrec zilele
Căutând răspunsuri
Şi văzând că tu eşti pierdută
Sunt nebun după tine
Dar problemele tale sunt complicate
Cum să-ți explic? Eu mă îndrăgostesc
Cu cât fugi, cu atât te ador mai mult
Cu atât de ador mai mult
Cu atât te ador mai mult
Cum să spun? Cum să spun (te ador şi mai mult)
Cu degetele mâinii mele (te ador şi mai mult)
Dățile în care te pierzi pe stradă, toate acele 'rămâi, nu va fi rău'
Miile de 'pleacă' şi 'nu mă dezamăgi'
Aş putea paria că în orice colț te cunosc deja
Încă din memorie
Şi că cu fiecare poveste pe care o termini
Rămâi un pic la povestea noastră
Dar timpul e încăpățânat şi inima condamnată
Azi vreau să-ți spun, cu toate astea, o viață fără tine
Nu are rost
Sunt nebun după tine
Nebun să te văd
Doare să înțeleg că e aşa uşor să te pierd
Cum să-ți explic? Eu mă îndrăgostesc
Cu cât fugi, cu atât te ador mai mult
Cu atât te ador mai mult
Sunt nebun după tine
Dar problemele tale sunt complicate
Cum să-ți explic? Eu mă îndrăgostesc
Cu cât fugi, cu atât te ador mai mult
Cu atât de ador mai mult
Sunt nebun după tine
Dar problemele tale sunt complicate
Cum să-ți explic? Eu mă îndrăgostesc
Cu cât fugi, cu atât te ador mai mult
Cu atât de ador mai mult