Rezultatele căutării pagină 2
Număr de rezultate: 35
Ruta cea lungă !
Vers 1
Nu cred că văzut-am vreodată frumusețe ca a ta
Cutreierând seara asta , acest oraș
Tu ai o aparentă care dă de înțeles că ai totul sub control
Așa că dacă nu te deranjează, eu să te cunosc mai bine aș vrea
Du-mă pe ruta cea lungă, către al tău oraș
Erai tu regina cu o coroană de argint !?
Eu vreau să-ți descopăr secretele, strălucirea lăuntrică
A diamantului, ce tocmai cred că l-am descoperit
Du-mă pe ruta cea lungă!!
Vers 2
Plăcere mi-ar face a vedea locul unde tatăl tău a întâlnit
pe-a ta mamă
Tu de mână să mă ții în 99-ul impala
Arată-mi câmpia în care ai dansat .
Recoltele de Octombrie
Când frunzele cad dinspre bolta cerească, încet conduse'
Du-mă pe ruta cea lungă, către al tău oraș
Erai tu regina cu o coroană de argint !?
Eu vreau să-ți descopăr secretele, strălucirea lăuntrică
A diamantului, ce tocmai cred că l-am descoperit
Du-mă pe ruta cea lungă!!
Nu credeam în astă seară , când am venit ...
Că m-aș putea îndrăgosti de-un loc, în care eu niciodată nu
am fost !
Du-mă pe ruta cea lungă, către al tău oraș
Erai tu regina cu o coroană de argint !?
Eu vreau (să cunosc) povestiri ce te fac să roșești
Ale tale greșeli și răzbiri
Care te-au definit în persoana ce acum ești!
Du-mă pe ruta cea lungă'
Du-mă pe ruta cea lungă!
In a hundred years everything is forgotten
I wander tonight while thinking and struggle
I think I'm like a capsized boat
And all that I’m wailing and all that I'm suffering
So I do not see any advice
But why should I be so badly stressed?
In a hundred years everything is forgotten
Then I rather jump and sing a song
And keep my life for a beautiful novel
I eat by God as a full-grown risi*
And drinking, drinking like hell
But what shall I do with all this joy?
In a hundred years everything is forgotten
So I stop the struggle for real
And walks towards the sea with my tormented soul
There the world probably find me eventually
So bitterly drowned to death
But why should I end up so way too mean?
In a hundred years everything is forgotten
Oh no, it's better to stroll and live
And write a book for each coming Christmas
And eventually rise to the count of the verse
And die like a novel's magnat
Then there is only one thing that makes me uneasy:
In a hundred years everything is forgotten
Six tears under
I looked in your phone.
There was a mail from Camille
That rings inside my head
This girl is quite charming
I didn't erase it,
I waited for you to read it.
And then, I could have a good look at you
as you pictured her voice.
She makes the boys cry,
those who are mellowed by her.
She makes the boys cry
those whom she dares to say no
She makes the boys cry
those who tell her she's pretty
She makes boy cry
and rightly so.
She makes boys cry
She makes boys cry
She makes boys cry
She makes boy cry
and rightly so.
Languid and sensual with hints of vanilla
she'll bring you to seventh heaven, there where each star shines.
There where each star shines
There where each star shines
She makes the boys cry,
those who are mellowed by her.
She makes the boys cry
those whom she dares to say no
She makes the boys cry
those who tell her she's pretty
She makes boy cry
and rightly so.
She makes the boys cry
She makes the boys cry
She makes the boys cry
because she dares to say no.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.