Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 26


Oferit sau Luat

Mă trezesc în prima zi
Dimineața primei zile
Lumina strălucește asupra mea
Cu ochii soarelui
Lumina aceea a aprins focul din mine
Dar acum, voi merge mai departe urmându-mi visele
Scufundându-mă în soarele roșu, nu mint
Nenumărate stele, nenumărate luni
Rătăceam în pădurea întrebărilor
Dar am urmat acea lumină prin întuneric
Din spatele acelei linii fine, mă chemi
Te chem
(Pe tine) Într-o ploaie de săgeți ale destinului
(Pentru a) Înfrunt orizontul din mine
(Mă elibera) Oferit sau luat oh
Ochii mei roșii
(Pentru tine) Voi face înconjurul lumii
(Pentru) Voi face un pas spre cer
(Mine) Oferit sau luat oh
Colții mei albi
Oh, merg spre tine
Unind două lumi
Ochii mei roșii
Oh, merg spre tine
Până ajung în lumea nouă
Colții mei albi
Mii de îndoieli pe la spatele meu
Mai mult de o mie de dubii în spatele meu
Dar acum merg mai departe urmându-mi visele
Trecând prin întrebarea vieții
Între a oferi și a obține
E timpul să mă testez
Am așteptat acel cer
Din spatele acelei linii fine, mă chemi
Te chem
(Pe tine) Într-o ploaie de săgeți ale destinului
(Pentru a) Înfrunt orizontul din mine
(Mă elibera) Oferit sau luat oh
Ochii mei roșii
(Pentru tine) Voi face înconjurul lumii
(Pentru) Voi face un pas spre cer
(Mine) Oferit sau luat oh
Colții mei albi
(Sânge roșu) Pe acea coroană
(Acel sânge) Se varsă
Sânge roșu
Degetele mele care arată spre tine continuă să se păteze cu roșu
Dar o să plec
(Pe tine) Într-o ploaie de săgeți ale destinului
(Pentru a) Înfrunt orizontul din mine
(Mă elibera) Oferit sau luat oh
Ochii mei roșii
(Pentru tine) Voi face înconjurul lumii
(Pentru) Voi face un pas spre cer
(Mine) Oferit sau luat oh
Colții mei albi
Oh, merg spre tine
Unind două lumi
Ochii mei roșii
Oh, merg spre tine
Până ajung în lumea nouă
Colții mei albi


It's beautiful and magical
My glittering vision is a diamond
In a world without rules
Everything's upside down
Turning up the party, now
My feet are up in the sky, wow
People are ha ha, high
In my ears, la la, loud
You're dazzling, Baby
This light, Shining
We're in love with this carnival
I'm actually scared
The world is drunk in a swirling glass
My burning heart is it the end
But I just wanna stay
I can feel it, my head is in a Daze Daze Daze
I'm addicted to it, Replay Play Play
As you wish
Go on until you reach it
Locked up in the Carnival wow wow
Again, my heart is in a Daze Daze Daze
Can't control my body dance dance dance
This sweet scent
Red fangs too
Enjoy, this Carnival wow wow
Mmm call me from across the border
Everything changes, everything is falling apart
I reach over the locked door
Pain welcomes me, a feast of thirst
I'm actually scared
I'm not familiar with my reflection in the mirror
The poor truth behind this mask
But I never escape
I can feel it, my head is in a Daze Daze Daze
I'm addicted to it, Replay Play Play
As you wish
Go on until you reach it
Locked up in the Carnival wow wow
Again, my heart is in a Daze Daze Daze
Can't control my body dance dance dance
This sweet scent
Red fangs too
Enjoy, this Carnival wow wow
The light that was given to me
The flames of the torch, Ah
Until I become the owner, Imma ride
I can feel it, my head is in a Daze Daze Daze
I'm addicted to it, Replay Play Play
As you wish
Go on until you reach it
Locked up in the Carnival wow wow
Again, my heart is in a Daze Daze Daze
Can't control my body dance dance dance
This sweet scent
Red fangs too
Enjoy, this Carnival wow wow
I wake myself up
Burn my heart
Fulfill my dreams
I wake myself up
Burn my heart
Fulfill my dreams


Wake up in day one
The morning of the first day
Lights are shining
The eyes of the sun
That light burned me
That light covered my eyes
But I go now I follow my dreams
Dive into red sun, no lie
Countless stars Countless moons
I was wandering in the woods of questions
I followed that light in the dark
You call me over the line
I'm calling for you
(To you)
In the rain of fate's arrows
I face the border inside of me
Given or taken oh
My red eyes
(To you)
I'm turning the world upside down
I step into the sky
Given or taken oh
My white fangs
Oh, I'm walking to you
I connect the two worlds
My red eyes
Oh, I'm walking to you
Until I reach the new world
My white fangs
Thousands of doubts behind me
Ten thousands of mistrust behind me
But I go now I follow my dreams
Drive through the question for life
Between giving and receive
I have to prove myself
We've been waiting for the sky
You call me over the line
I'm calling for you
(To you)
In the rain of fate's arrows
I face the border inside of me
Given or taken oh
My red eyes
(To you)
I'm turning the world upside down
I step into the sky
Given or taken oh
My white fangs
Red blood
On that crown
That blood
Flowing blood
Red blood
My fingertips for you are reddish.
But I'm gonna go
(To you)
In the rain of fate's arrows
I face the border inside of me
Given or taken oh
My red eyes
(To you)
I'm turning the world upside down
I step into the sky
Given or taken oh
My white fangs
Oh, I'm walking to you
I connect the two worlds
My red eyes
Oh, I'm walking to you
Until I reach the new world
My white fangs