Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 4

Număr de rezultate: 113



Just look, am I a good
Bride or a perfect daughter 1
Is the role I play not mine?
And the family, if I am always myself
I will break their hearts
Oh, who is that girl?
She is following in [my] footsteps
Who is there in the reflection?
Tell me!
You can't run away from yourself
Even if you want to do so
How do I find my true self
In the mirror?
How do I find my true self
In the mirror?
  • 1. Means, Do I seem like one

Trăiască mama!

E-o nebunie în toate serile
la cinema în Bagnoli
Un vis în alb-negru
în curând prinde culoare
Vara ce trece-n viteză
Vara ce se termină
jocurile puse de-o parte
pentru o chitară nouă...
Trăiască mama
în fusta ei cam lungă
dar elegantă ca-n anii '50
dar totuşi sinceră!...
Trăiască mama
trăiască damnele cu picioarele pe pământ
Domnişoarele surâzătoare de după război
pieptănate ca ea...
Îngerii dansează rock
Tu nu eşti un vis, tu eşti adevărată
Trăiască mama fiindcă
atunci când îţi vorbesc de ea, nu eşti geloasă!
Trăiască mama
în fusta ei cam lungă
dar sigură pe sine
deşi puţin cam strictă...
Trăiască mama
Trăiască fabuloşii ani '50
aşa de-ndepărtaţi, aşa de moderni
şi-atât de magici...
Îngerii dansează rock,
nu e un tonomat, ci o orchestră pe bune
Trăiască mama fiindcă
atunci când îţi vorbesc de ea, nu eşti geloasă!
Bang-bang, sună clopoţelul
Bang-bang, întârzii la şcoală
Bang-bang, mai stai un moment
Să mai visez o dată
Oh, ohohohooo
Oh, ohohohooo
Trăiască mama
în fusta ei cam lungă
dar elegantă ca-n anii '50
dar totuşi sinceră!...
Trăiască mama
Trăiască regulile şi bunele maniere
pe care n-am putut să le-nvăţ
Poate din cauză de rock! (Rock)
Poate din cauză de rock! (Rock)
Poate din cauză de rock!

When did I become a woman?

Why did my heart after coming to eyes
lose its eye lids?
When did I?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
Is that during when my first smile blossomed?
Is that during when I uttered my first word?
Is that during the sacred day when she lit lamps
and said an angel?
Is that during when I got a small fear which
occurred in between my sleep and I got sweat in my whole body?
Is that when I felt inside my heart
like you stand somewhere and looking at me?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
In an empty seashore,
I was waiting like a sand castle
Like a wave you come,
You take me within you..
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
Is that during when you gazed me?
Is that during when I knew only your name?
Is that during when you told me to open my eyes
and put me as a request?
Is that during when you told me to open my eyes
and put me as a request?
Is that during when I felt your smooth moustache
touched me while bathing?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?
When did I become a woman?

To the Young Child

Give us the courage of men
Give us sound advice
Broken is my heart
Broken and overflowing
Keep the ground clean
And stadn upf or this life
Keep the great sea clean
Keep the rivers clean
And guide us with knowledge
Keep the world clean
For the young child
Walk with fine names
Walk with the best view
They will go away forever
The start of the day will go away
Keep the ground clean
And stadn upf or this life
Keep the great sea clean
Keep the rivers clean
And guide us with knowledge
Keep the world clean
For the young child

Sacred War

Versions: #3
Arise, enormous country,
Arise for deadly fight
Against dark Fashist force,
Against than darn horde!
Let the noble anger
Blazing, like a wave, -
This is the war of nation,
This is a Sacred War!
Just like contary polars,
We're utterly hostile:
We fight for light and peace,
They fight for world of dark.
Let's push back all the stranglers
Of all fervent ideas,
All the rapists, robbers,
Torturers of men!
Your black wings won't dare
To fly over our Motherland,
Don't you dare to step on
Its wide fields!
Rotten Fashist scum
Will get a bullet in forehead
Waste of a mankind
Will get a solid coffin!


Versions: #2
I'm starting to be fed up to those laughs
But soon I won't listen anymore
No more juggling me, no more bouncing me
I promise
No more algebra tests til autumn
No more nights spent to tests
No more watches and other stuff
No more jungle gym
No more work! No more work!
No more work!
Now I will relax
I'll live by the pool
With Roxanne I can be alone in peace
So tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I'll get her already tomorrow
Tomorrow you'll find us from the bar
If I just wouldn't faint
Only a little less than an hour, and then it's all brighter water
Toss the books away already
And take the comics out
I don't dare to ask her out
Did I wait for too much?
But the sun will still rise up tomorrow
I can hide this horrible secret
I need a new style
I've got to use courage or look like a goof
Tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I got enough from biology
Tomorrow I'll search for a table from the bar
I'm just gonna be sitting
There's only a little less than hour time left
I can make my reputation bigger
Or the punishment will be heard!
I'll hang out at the mall when it's day
At evenings I'm in the bar
I'm on my own, throw my mom a bye bye
I'll party from evening to noon when I finally can
But the sun will rise up tomorrow
I wish today would already be tomorrow
You are allowed to use my translations, if you just remember to credit me :)

Ah you (from you) ah

Ah [from] you ah
After I lost your voice (like he stopped hearing from her)
And the (link) the connection was cut off [with her]
You no longer miss me
And I no longer miss you
Love and feelings are over
What’s left then [if there’s no love or feeling]
All of this because of you (your head)
The day you lost the (or our) love
Ah you (from you) ah
What a pity! Most of my grief(sadness) and problems are because of you
I sold all the people for you and I am the first you sold
That’s it! that’s enough! go away from me and I from you will go away
I don’t want you in my life, it’s enough you left the scars(or wounds of his broken heart)
Ah [from] you ah
After I lost your voice (like he stopped hearing from her)
And the (link) the connection was cut off [with her]
You no longer miss me
And I no longer miss you
Love and feelings are over
What’s left then [if there’s no love or feeling]
All of this because of you (your head)
The day you lost the (or our) love
I thought you were the light of my eyes
You became the darkness of my eyes
I thought you were in my life
The most beautiful things in life
You became my worst wishes
You bought me and sold me
All this is why?! I don’t know
This is my luck with love
Ah [from] you ah
After I lost your voice (like he stopped hearing from her)
And the (link) the connection was cut off [with her]
You no longer miss me
And I no longer miss you
Love and feelings are over
What’s left then [if there’s no love or feeling]
All of this because of you (your head)
The day you lost the (or our) love
I mean all the love and you lost the trust
I started seeing love from you but a torment but wounds
I knew love only from your eyes, O loss
We broke up and left each other and our love story ended

Already tomorrow

I'm fed up of their laughs
But soon I won't listen to them anymore
No more juggling, no more bouncing me
I promise it
Algebra's chance samples are left to autumn
The night's I've spend for tests are left
Watches and other things are left
The jungle gym is left
Work is left! Work is left!
Work is left!
Now let's go to relax
I'll live at the pool
I can be alone with Roxanne in peace
So already tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I'll get her already tomorrow
Already tomorrow you'll find us from bar
If I just wouldn't faint
Just a little less than hour, and then it's all brighter water
Throw the books away already
And take the comics out
I don't have the courage to ask her out
Did I wait for too much
Sun is rising again already tomorrow
I can hide this horrible secret
I'll make a new me
I have to use the courage or look like a goof
Tomorrow you'll find us from the streets
I got enough from biology
Tomorrow I'm searching for a table in a bar
I'm just gonna be sitting
There's only just a little less than hour time left
I can make my reputation
Or punishment will be heard!
I hang out at the mall at days
At evenings I'm in the bar
I'm on my own, throw my mom a bye bye
I party from evening to morning, when I finally can
But the sun is rising again, already tomorrow
I wish today would already be tomorrow
>> hi! thank you for reading this and if the translation doesn't have a source, i've made it all by myself and you can use it for whatever you want to. also, if you notice any errors, tell me and i'll fix it! <<

Uită-te la mine acum

Imi amintesc vremea aceea când ne înecam in vin,
puteam vedea in ochii tăi, te simteai vie.
De ce sa-ti spun că eram bine, de ce naiba să te mint?
Imi amintesc c-am spus de două ori: „Iubito, n-ar trebui să conduci”,
trebuia să te las să iei cheile, iubito, să le pui deoparte,
dacă mi-ai fi urmat sfatul, poate supraviețuiai.
M-am uitat la cer toata noaptea și n-am văzut niciun r***t,
gândindu-mă cum mori, dar ai spus că aș fi un ratat,
acum sunt pe sfârâmăturile mele, uită-te la mine acum, uită-te la mine acum.
Toți banii ăstia mă fac să fiu doborât,
ti-aș putea umple paharul, fată, te-aș putea face să incetinești,
ți-aș arăta, iubito, nu ți-aș turna,
savurând/bând toată ziua, iubito, ce mai aștepți?
Dacă vrei o băutură, am droguri la mine,
trebuie să fii atentă la 12, am droguri la mine,
mi-a fost greu, am muncit,
voi face o grămăjoară, o s-o pun pe „mama” *.
Chiar când mă legăn spre pământ, tu clipești,
am picătura, aș putea să ți-o pun în băutură,
la naiba cu ce spun și la naiba cu ce gândesc,
știu c-o să mă iubească atunci când îți dau lanțurile/legăturile mele,
minciuni în chiuvetă, pastile în băutură,
vin si iau inelul.
Imi amintesc vremea aceea când ne înecam in vin,
puteam vedea in ochii tăi, te simteai vie.
De ce sa-ti spun că eram bine, de ce naiba să te mint?
Imi amintesc c-am spus de două ori: „Iubito, n-ar trebui să conduci”,
trebuia să te las să iei cheile, iubito, să le pui deoparte,
dacă mi-ai fi urmat sfatul, poate supraviețuiai.
M-am uitat la cer toata noaptea și n-am văzut niciun r***t,
gândindu-mă cum mori, dar ai spus că aș fi un ratat,
acum sunt pe sfârâmăturile mele, uită-te la mine acum, uită-te la mine acum.
Toți banii ăstia mă fac să fiu doborât,
ti-aș putea umple paharul, fată, te-aș putea face să incetinești,
ți-aș arăta, iubito, nu ți-aș turna,
savurând/bând toată ziua, iubito, ce mai aștepți?
Dacă vrei o băutură, am droguri la mine,
trebuie să fii atentă la 12, am droguri la mine,
mi-a fost greu, am muncit,
voi face o grămăjoară, o s-o pun pe „mama”.

Toamna pleacă încet

Toamna pleacă încet,
S-au obosit foarte mult de ploaie
Iarba și frunzele galbene.
Norii negri mai apar în zori,
Unde îi ia doar vântul
În fiecare zi, nu-i pasă,
Nu-i pasă.
Nu-i pasă că aștept cu nerăbdare ultima zi caldă și însorită a acestui an,
Aștept cu nerăbdare un pic de vară într-o zi de toamnă.
Aștept foarte mult, dar toamna este supărată și râde de mine,
Noaptea va pleca și ploaia va mai veni cu răsărit.
Noi amândoi vom intra
În pădurea rece, pânzele poienelor noastre
S-au făcut așa de necunoscute deodată.
Dar tu ții minte serile verii,
Ne-au amintit de aceasta
Iarba, pădurea și luna de deasupra lor,
Luna de deasupra lor.
Nu-i pasă că aștept cu nerăbdare ultima zi caldă și însorită a acestui an,
Aștept cu nerăbdare un pic de vară într-o zi de toamnă.
Aștept foarte mult, dar toamna este supărată și râde de mine,
Noaptea va pleca și ploaia va mai veni cu răsărit.
Cu răsărit...
Plecăm din pădure fără a privi înapoi,
Acum aici nu există niciun loc pentru noi,
Numai ploaia și vântul rece...
Se pare că am așteptat în zadar
Zilele de toamnă, cele calde și senine,
Și numai toamna este responsabilă de ele,
Numai toamna este responsabilă de ele.
Nu-i pasă că aștept cu nerăbdare ultima zi caldă și însorită a acestui an,
Aștept cu nerăbdare un pic de vară într-o zi de toamnă.
Aștept foarte mult, dar toamna este supărată și râde de mine,
Noaptea va pleca și ploaia va mai veni cu răsărit.
Cu răsărit...
© Sosnin Vladimir

Demonii interiori

Ei spun sa nu i las inauntru
Inchide ochii si limpezeste-ti gandurile din nou
Dar cand sunt singura, apar de unii singuri
Pentru ca demonii interiori isi infrang luptele cu focul
Demonii interiori nu respecta regulile
Ei spun 'da i la o parte, lupta te cu ei mai tare
De ce ai renunta la asta atat de repede?'
Asa ca ingerilor, ingerilor continuati sa luptati
Ingerilor, nu renuntati astazi la mine
Pentru ca demonii sunt aici, continua sa se bata
Pentru ca demonii interiori nu vor pleca
Asa ca ingerilor va rog, auziti-mi rugaciunile
Viata inseamna durere, viata nu e dreapta
Asa ca ingerilor va rog, stati aici
Luati-mi durerea, luati-mi frica
Ei spun ca n-o sa fie greu, dar ei nu-mi pot vedea luptele din inima mea
Dar cand ma intorc
Demonii par sa stea
Pentru ca demonii interiori nu se inteleg bine cu ingerii
Ei inseala, mint, fura, sparg si zdrobesc
Ingerilor va rog sa ma protejati de rebeli
Asta e o lupta pe care nu vreau sa o pierd

Burnt witch

On my knees, in front of the altar,
I stand, my breast blazing with fire.
The inverted cross of Lucifer
Is hanging on the wall.
You left me for the world beyond,
It's a shame that you aren't next to me.
You're blazing now without me,
In the hot fire of Hell.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she burnt down in the flames.1
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she was burnt on the bonfire.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
These sanctimonious folks2 shall, in a thorny crown,
Soon be hanging on the cross.
They shall hang with broken ribs,
Death to the inquisitors, death!
You were the queen of the night,
But they sharpened their swords.
You were burnt by the inquisitors on the bonfire.
Know that you shall be avenged.
And I'll be helped in this by Satan,
All of the priests shall hang
On the bloody cross.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she was burnt on the bonfire.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
These sanctimonious folks shall, in a thorny crown,
Soon be hanging on the cross.
All the inquisitors shall be retching blood.
Death to the inquisitors, death!
Every day without you is Hell,
But you are not coming back,
Without you, my dear, I cannot fall asleep.
Know that I shall soon come to you,
We shall shortly meet in Hell,
The sharp sacrificial knife,
I shall thrust into my sinful breast.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
On the bonfire! On the bonfire, she was burnt on the bonfire.
On the bonfire! My witch burnt down in the flames.
These sanctimonious folks shall, in a thorny crown,
Soon be hanging on the cross.
They shall hang with broken ribs,
Death to the inquisitors, death!
  • 1. в огне - in the fire, but I wanted to avoid repeating bon_fire_ and fire.
  • 2. Святоша originally meant an extremely devout follower of religion, a holier-than-thou person. Nowadays, it also means hypocrite. 'Sanctimonious' captures both meanings, but it doesn't have a corresponding noun, so I had to use two words.

The Sacred War

Get up gigantic country
Get up to mortal war
Against the dark fascistic force
Against the damned horde
Get up and let the noble rage
To boil like a wave
A Sacred War is going on
It's time to fight and pray
We'll fight against the enemies
Of our Motherland
The rapists and the torturers
And the black fascist gangs
We'll make the fascist rotten scums
Get bullet to the head
All spawns of the humanity
We'll put into the grave
Don't let the black and evil wings
Fly over Motherland
On our beautiful wide fieds
We don't allow to stand
We'll fight defending our land
Which we love all our hearts
The souls the bodies and the minds
Devoted to the fight
Get up gigantic country
Get up to mortal war
Against the dark fascistic force
Against the damned horde

Heaven's light

Versions: #1#2
O thing that here
I saw two things from my windows on night
A light hosteled from sky
A light hosteled from heaven
I know I will live him and love isn't knowing me
Like ı wanted on my dreams
Few mistralations
And I'm in far from light and heaven
O beautiful angel,smile me
And kiss my cheeks
Why ı can't see it on my dream when it feel me?
And night is ringing the bells
And there is a horoscope
We need to say it'Heaven's light'

The Universe

When the sun stop shining and in this passion
It will become clear to us, that all of us
Simply the parts, of a whole happiness.
Fall together with me.
And don't be afraid to crash, maybe, like birds,
Touching the lines we'll fly to the skies.
Maybe it's all a dream.
Maybe we are that truth.
You and I - our power in love. Live, don't give up.
You and I- the Universe will help us. You and I...
You simply believe in me, And I will believe in you.
Let the Universe help us.
Stronger than doubts, than ghostly opinions.
Who would know better than us?
Behind a closed door, simply believe me,
Maybe it's a chance.
Nothing more dear than feelings, that makes you tremble.
To fall asleep and wake up in your embraces.
Only together we can
To live with one purpose for both of us.
You and I - our power in love. Live, don't give up.
You and I- the Universe will help us. You and I...
You simply believe in me, And I will believe in you.
Let the Universe help us.

Insula care nu este

Versions: #1#2
A doua stea la dreapta
acesta este drumul
si apoi drept, pana dimineata,
apoi strada o gasesti singur,
duce la insula care nu este.
Poate acesta ti se pare ciudat
dar ratiunea
te trage de maneca
si acum esti aproape convins ca
nu poate sa existe o insula care nu este.
Si a te gandi, ce nebunie,
e o poveste, e doar fantezie
si cine e intelept, cine e matur, stie:
nu poate sa existe in realitate!...
Sunt de acord cu voi,
nu exista un pamant
unde nu sunt nici sfinti nici eroi.
Si daca nu sunt hoti,
daca nu mai este razboi,
poate e chiar insula
care nu este... care nu este.
Si nu e o inventie
nici chiar un joc de cuvinte,
e de-ajuns sa crezi pentru ca
apoi strada o gasesti singur.
Sunt de acord cu voi,
fara hoti si jandarmi,
dar ce soi de insula este?
Fara ura si violenta,
nici soldati nici arme,
poate e chiar insula
care nu este... care nu este.
A doua stea la dreapta
acesta este drumul
si apoi drept, pana dimineata,
nu poti gresi pentru ca
aceea e insula care nu este.
Si te iau in ras
daca continui a o cauta,
tu sa nu te dai batut pentru ca
cine a renuntat deja
si te rade pe la spate,
poate e mai nebun decat tine.

Pisicul si vulpea

Cata graba, dar unde fugi, unde pleci
daca ne asculti o clipa, vei intelege,
el e pisicul, iar eu sunt vulpea, suntem asociati
in noi poti avea incredere
Poti sa ne spui problemele tale, necazurile tale
cei mai buni in domeniu suntem noi
e o firma specializata, fa un contract si vei vedea
Ca nu-ti va parea rau!
Noi descoperim talente si nu gresim niciodata
noi vom sti sa valorizam calitatile tale
da-ne doar patru monezi si te inscriem la concursul
de celebritati!
Nu vezi ca e o adevarata afacere
nu pierde ocazia
daca nu vei regreta
nu se intampla in toate zilele
sa ai doi consultanti
doi impresari, care fac totul pentru tine!
Hai, nu pierde timpul, semneaza aici
e un contract normal, e o formalitate
tu ne cedezi toate drepturile
si noi facem din tine
o stea de succes hit parade!
Nu vezi ca e o adevarata afacere
nu pierde ocazia
daca nu vei regreta
nu se intampla in toate zilele
sa ai doi consultanti
doi impresari, care fac totul pentru tine!
Cata graba, dar unde fugi , unde pleci
ce noroc ai avut ca ne-ai intalnit
el e pisicul, si eu sunt vulpea, suntem asociati
in noi poti avea incredere!
in noi poti avea incredere!