Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 7

Număr de rezultate: 203


Two glasses

I put two glasses on the table
I emptied them
I filled them with with wine and tears
and I put on the old record
that you used to sing too
But your glass
I broke into pieces
in hopes of finally getting you off my mind
But your glass
I broke into pieces
and yet wept bitterly
on the shards
Now the pieces of your glass I gather
to maybe
fix it from the start
I'm scrounging for
something impossible
to put a soul in you

Many years away from you I am melting

So many years away from you, I am melting
You put sorrow in my heart
I always think about you, only
You left and I am melting day and night
I am crying from pangs of love
I call your name day and night
I am to blame in our break up
I am crying from pangs of love
Come near me, I am melting
I cannot take this pain anymore
Only you give me such a joy
Come near me, I am melting

Whatever today, tomorrow or now?

Whatever today, tomorrow or now?
What if we cut it an hour sooner than later.
Break up time has come
It may be better for us two.
What if we cut it an hour sooner than later.
Whatever today, tomorrow or now?
If we wait, what will we gain?
Our sighs are loud as the storm
In this road, we will both be unfortunate
And through wait, what will we gain?
Whatever today, tomorrow or now?
Since we cannot live together
Since we go downhill
It is better for us to break up now
Since we cannot manage to live together

My apple and the mandarin

In your sweet eyes
In your pleasant temper
I forgot one by one
All other loves (I had)
My apple and the mandarin
Whatever you say will happen.
Now that i have fallen in love with you
I am going crazy
I lose and I find
My love in the foreign (land)
Come on, come to me I tell you
Do not torture me and make me cry.
How I remember telling you
When I do not see you I lose it
From so much love I have
I am getting closer to death
My apple and the mandarin
Whatever you say will happen.

Like a second voice

That much water I gave you
stayed without mouth
And if I cannot tell you that
I still love you
Like a second voice
I have always respected you
I held your words on my lips
I have gifted you the roads I have walked
I have embraced your words
and from your lies
I have rusted and dimmed.

Stay with me

Stay with me tonight, now that night has fallen
The night is a knife for the ones who love
In the dark night I feel your body
I am reaching to caress and kiss your mouth
The empty bed is a horrible torment
With me you would not count the rest of the time
Hit your motorbike, go near your unit (military unit)
I will remain your girlfriend forever.
As the day comes, I see the wreck
Of my empty life
Stay with me tonight, now and once
and tomorrow I'll hear my lad on the news

It would be a mistake

Versions: #1#2
It would be a mistake to believe that one day I would be able to change you
I have to accept it would be stupid from part to think that someone else would comply your requirements
Well you better than nobody knows I need you..
It would be a mistake to think that of this love I would be able to forget
& don't be afraid anymore that I won't betray you
I will only tell you that I am the happiest man since you appeared...
& there's no point to search in other arms if with you I have everything
If I belong to you because I'm made in your own way
You don't know what I feel when your eyes look at me for me it's the most beautiful thing
It would be a mistake I accept it to think of other lips if yours are perfect
If I know you love me apart of my defects
nothing compares to the love we have for each other
you fill me up completely
it would be a mistake not loving you if for me you are something more than necessary...
(Think about someone else?
For what?
If with you I have everything)
& there's no point to search in other arms if with you I have everything If I belong to you because I'm made in your own way
You don't know what I feel when your eyes look at me for me it's the most beautiful thing
It would be a mistake I accept it to think of other lips if yours are perfect
If I know you love me apart of my defects
nothing compares to the love we have for each other
you fill me up completely
it would be a mistake not loving you if for me you are something more than necessary...

I did want to

How difficult it is to finish what hasn't started
and to put an end to what has never been written,
I would have given anything for it to have been me
who filled in your emptiness1, who sweetened your Sundays,
but you always gave me your kindness
but you didn't have the courage to risk your heart.
And I did want to be your life2
not just to sleep with you but to wake up with you,3
and I was dying to brighten up your days
to lighten up your heart,
and not just be an option, not just nights of passion,
I just wanted to be your love.
I thought I had everything under control
but it slipped through my hands,
I broke the promise and felt with my heart4
yeah, I felt with my heart
and you never said no
but you didn't have the courage to risk your heart.
And I did want to be your life
not just to sleep with you but to wake up with you
and I was dying to brighten up your days
to lighten up your heart,
and not just be an option, not just nights of passion,
I just wanted to be your love.
I know in a way you had warned me
but I wanted to fight against the current,
maybe what you felt would change
and my fantasy is unreal.
And I did want to be your life
not just to sleep with you but to wake up with you
and I was dying to brighten up your days
to lighten up your heart,
and not just be an option, not just nights of passion,
I just wanted to be your love.
  • 1. lit. 'gaps'.
  • 2. or 'I did want to be in your life'.
  • 3. in the morning
  • 4. I'm looking at the lyrics and this line makes no sense. I'll check in the booklet to see if that's correct, but have otherwise left it as so.
  • No utilicen mis traducciones sin crédito o permiso. — Don't use my translations without credit or permission.

  • Tienen permiso de usar mis traducciones como base para hacer otras traducciones, pero solo en este sitio con crédito. — You have permission to use my translations as a base to make other translations, but only on this site and with credit.


Amândoi ne potrivim

Nikos Vertis & Sarit Hadad
'Emeis oi duo tairiazoume / Amândoi ne potrivim'
Translate: Ciprian DRAGNE
--- 1 ---
Am trait în mijlocul tacerii,
M-am simtit singur înainte sa te întâlnesc.
Si intr-o noapte salbatica
Ai venit sa te iubesc cu pasiune
Am trait singura si eu
Mii de bucati erau imbratisarile mele
Si totusi ai venit
Pentru a da culoare viselor mele.
--- R ---
Amândoi ne potrivim
La fel ca doua picaturi
Ne ratacim in sarutari
Si ne aprindem in pasiune.
--- 2 ---
Am trait fara un sarut
Zile si nopti cu sufletul gol
Si totusi ai venit pentru a ma salva
... esti respiratia mea
Vreau sa respir din aroma ta
In bratele tale.
Si buzelor tale , sa ma predau.
--- R ---
Amândoi ne potrivim
La fel ca doua picaturi
Vreau sa respir din aroma ta
In bratele tale.
--- R ---
Amândoi ne potrivim
La fel ca doua picaturi
Ne ratacim in sarutari
Si ne aprindem in pasiune.
--- R ---
Amândoi ne potrivim
La fel ca doua picaturi
Ne ratacim in sarutari
Si ne aprindem in pasiune.


Cand a inceput
Totul era in alta culoare
Lumea pe care am visat-o
Statea acum in jurul meu
In ochii tai eu am crezut
Erai bun pentru mine
Deja jucasem, deja castigasem, deja pierdusem
Runda asta fara final
Din cauza isteriei tale
Totul se invarte in jurul isteriei tale
Comedia ta ma dispera
Nu ma cauta te rog
Iubirea asta s-a rupt
Si isteria ta
Azi nu ma seduce isteria ta
Nu mai e necesar sa se intoarca
Nu ma cauta te rog
Iubirea asta s-a rupt
La trezire
Nu-mi amintesc ce s-a intamplat
Stiu ca poate n-a fost ocazional
Ca totul s-a terminat
Nu am fi putut evita
Caci al tau ego incepe sa actioneze
Si te duci, iar eu la fel
Si acum cine va fugi de cine
Din cauza isteriei tale
Totul se invarte in jurul isteriei tale
Comedia ta ma dispera
Nu ma cauta te rog
Iubirea asta s-a rupt
Si isteria ta
Azi nu ma seduce isteria ta
Nu mai e necesar sa se intoarca
Nu ma cauta te rog
Iubirea asta s-a rupt
Din cauza isteriei tale
Totul se invarte in jurul isteriei tale
Comedia ta ma dispera
Nu ma cauta te rog
Iubirea asta s-a rupt
Si isteria ta
Azi nu ma seduce isteria ta
Nu mai e necesar sa se intoarca
Nu ma cauta te rog
Iubirea asta s-a rupt
Din cauza isteriei tale
Totul se invarte in jurul isteriei tale
Comedia ta ma dispera
Nu ma cauta te rog
Iubirea asta s-a rupt
Din cauza isteriei tale