Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 11



Come and lean, my chest will be a pillow for you
Take it, let my life be yours, let all its troubles remain with me
My black fortune didn't laugh, my black fortune won't laugh anyway
Darling (my chuck), you'll burn the whole city, not me
If they want, they throw me off the cliff
you commit all sins, let the sins be mine
Hours don't pass if I don't see you in front of me
Maybe I'm a little crazy 'cause of your love
Look it will jolt me
In this way I'm a exactly idiot and hoodlum
I wish I could run after you and take you
They are unnecessary, very virtual, synthetic
If you want, smash a stone on my head
The only your coyness one works for me anyway
Whenever you fall into trouble, call me
Don't be sad, I would hurt if I heard
If the walls had a speech it would tell about my state
One trouble isn't enough, it said less to you, look, it gives you a thousand

Wonderfully good

I understood that like this it won’t bother me
(Come and ask what the problem is)
Look what happened at the end you made my love a lie
(What did you find out, so who did you put in place?)
The riot inside me can’t end now
Sorry but I won’t put this heart next to yours
(Now when it was said to me the game was ruined)
Yoyo get out of there you are listening from somewhere anyway
What is it ?? were you very sad when you where far away
Without lies reaching you without making the convo much longer
Don’t speak much they will shut up at the end
Come and skip this
This a very good brain

Let it be

Prolonged days, prolonged nights
After a while, I stopped counting
It's enough, I'm tired
Doors have closed, I tried, I forced
I couldn't open
Let it be, let it be I am connected to you
Ah I've lost myself looking into your eyes, darling
Could it be forgotten as it ended this way
At least let me know
I've burned, do those places keep you cold
I've fell, believe those loving hands


Versions: #3
On the long roads I'm behind you
The following distance between us
I'll believe what I see, not what I hear
No sooner had I said than
You shoot, shoot me in my back
Without mercy behind my back
I heard, heard
What's been going on behind my back
Jump once, jump twice
You're not done yet, oh my god
I'll get over it anyway
But I hope it destroys you
I'd say you won't see the light of day
Nursing the snake in your bosom
Sorry this is how we do
I won't take it lying down
Adeyyo lallaleyo adeyyo lallale

To The Bottom

As if you aren't, i can't live in that big world
Sure, God give me patience somehow
He enters from one bottom to the top
He coils up about
He goes through my water these days
He thinks heads again
Oh oh how i bored from your mounth
Watch whereupon, you'll see now
I'll travel, i'll enjoy, i'll drink to the bottom
I'll go to bed, you'll get up, you'll wonder, you'll ask 'where i am going to hell?'
Will you come?

Eu sunt salată

Cred că reclama interzisă este interzisă
Lasă-mă să-ti sarut mana unchiule
Să vină video-ul special pentru 3 milioane de abonaţi
Acesta este capul yaaa
Tatăl Norkun
Fă un grătar în faţa Nusretinului
Gaza vine
Nici-o tactică nu bam, bam, bam
Să îşi ţină întrebările
Să îl pună la punct
Mulţumesc Orkun
Like, like, like
10.56 văd omul din spatele lui +1
Du-te la orice film de groază şi aruncă în aer torpila +1
Du-te cu uniforma de Besiktas la Trabzon
Comentariul meu a fost greșit
Eu sunt salată
Eu sunt salată
Eu sunt salată
Ege Kökenli


Sunt sus, sunt în spate
Distanța de urmărire între noi
Cred că nu să aud, ci să cred
Nu a rămas...
Din spate, m-ai lovit, m-ai lovit ...
Nici-o milă din spate
Am auzit, am auzit ce sa intamplat in spate...
Sari o data, sari de doua ori
Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze
O să o fac oricum
Să fim o parte din tine Doamne ajuta
Cred că ar trebui să vezi fata ziua
Hrănești șarpele
Nu te uita la ea, o avem si noi
Nu este totul, mulțumesc.
Adeyyo lalaley...
Ege Kökenli

Dear Audience

Versions: #2
What happened? is it because of excitement?
Your words was sequenced before your eyes
Don't let them hurt you (that maybe a stroke)
So after this time
Don't let me to curse you
Also get found yours punishment by God
Have a miserable life
Come on then
You said that: 'The world is a hell without you'
So get burn then
Don't endure in silence, say it
Don't make some allusions
Say it with courage
To my face, if you dare
I haven't seen anyone
That like you throughout my life
I'm watching you in astonishment
Wow so amazing dear audiences, wow
Don't quibble
From the right, from the left or from the side
Don't play word games with me
I won't come back
So after this time
Don't let me to curse you
Get found yours punishment by God
Have a miserable life
Come on then
You said that: 'The world is a hell without you'
So get burn then
Don't endure in silence, say it
Don't make some allusions
Say it bravely
Toward my face, if you dare
I haven't seen anyone
That like you throughout my life
I'm watching you in amazement
Wow so amazing dear audiences, wow

Îti place cum merge?

Unui om ar trebui să i se spună de câte ori?
Putin, spune clar, nu înțelegi.
Întotdeauna o îndoială, o întrebare în mintea mea.
Nu mă iubește, nu, nu iubeste.
Unui om ar trebui să i se spună de câte ori?
Putin tu. Spune clar, nu înțelegi.
Întotdeauna o îndoială, o întrebare în mintea mea.
Nu mă iubește, nu, nu iubeste.
Știam doar ce simți tu.
Nu folosi pentru tine sentimentele mele.
Așa, ai intrat în aerul meu. Te bucuri, în locul tău? 
Ți-a plăcut cum merge? Mă ănnebunești,
Că mă iubești, spune-mi, fără frică. Îti crește orgoliul?