Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 1


The Lonely Accordion

Versions: #1
Now it's night and all's quiet 'til morning,
Not a door squeak nor glimmer of light.
But somewhere an accordion's playing,
Roaming lonely out there in the night.
From the fields it moves out past the gateway,
Then turns back and again comes around.
It's like someone is searching for someone
In the darkness, but she can't be found.
Now the night air is cool with its fragrance,
Apple blossoms fall gently to ground.
Tell us, lonely accordion player,
Who it is that you hope will be found!
It may be that your darling is nearer,
She won't know that you're out on your quest,
That you're roaming all night in the darkness
And depriving young women of rest.