Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 4



The first time I saw you
I fell madly in love with you.
The fascination of you
with its feeling
made me see life
with all its charm.
The fascination of you
that filled my dreams of love
with sweet hope,1
I only ask of God
that you love me and as much,
as much as I... my love.
Today you see how happy I am
to finally see
my dreams achieved.
And the moon and the sun smile
when seeing us
so in love.
In my breast I have an altar
where you are
where I go to worship you...
And as the years go by,
The fascination of you
will be like then
for me.2
~ ~ ~
The fascination of you
that filled my dreams of love
with sweet hope,
I only ask of God
that you love me and as much,
as much as I... my love.
  • 1. These two lines are reversed in Spanish, but this order is more natural in English.
  • 2. These three lines are reversed in Spanish, but this order is more natural in English.

Canarul trist

Un canar, cântând trist,
îmi plânge durerea, fiindcă ai plecat.
Un canar te cheamă
și, în a sa tristețe, trăiește sperând.
El nu mai cântă cum o făcea în ziua
când mi-ai dat întâiul tău sărut,
și în absența ta el e tare trist,
tânjește după întoarcerea ta.
Cu trilurile sale, el a anunțat
bătăile inimilor
și a fost martor, cu-al său cântec,
al iluziilor noastre.
Un canar trist
cântă și plânge pentru uitarea ta,
pentru că ți-ai dorit
ca fericirea noastră să se piardă.
Poate cu-al său cântec,
canarul cel veșnic trist
va reînvia farmecul
iubirii care nu mai este.

A cottage in Canada

He had a little cottage in Canada,
with a pond and flowers, the prettiest over there
and all the girls that rolled on there
said: 'how beautiful the cottage in Canada!'
But one day, for spite, Pinco Panco fired it
and then he was left without the cottage forever.
And do you know what did he do?' the thing is very simple,
but that's a secret that only myself knows:
He made another cottage in Canada,
with a pond and flowers, the prettiest over there
and all the girls that rolled on there
said: 'how beautiful the cottage in Canada!'
And all the many cottages he built
Pinco Panco burned them one by one
And do you know what did he do?' it's a well known thing,
and this is the surprise that I'll tell you.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.

Tide tide tide (Mare nostrum)

Sea, who puts laces in the sand
Who keep charm of mermaids
And wants to me a mirror of the moon
Sea, frightening when you're upset
I beg of you, to forget your anger
And be confident of love
Oh mare nostrum
So blue of looking in the sky
The ones who have loved ones and desires
Want to trust you a message
Oh mare nostrum
Even if his land and mine are distant
They're together because night and day
The sea tides join them
Tide tide tide tide. Don't come alone
Tide tide tide tide. Come with my darling.
Creative Commons License
My translations are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.