Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 26


Your mouth

Your mouth, your mouth, girl
Seems to be a ripe cherry
Your mouth, your mouth, girl
Seems to be a ripe cherry
Don't look, don't look at me, man
'Cause I, 'cause I'm ashamed of the people
Don't look, don't look at me, man
'Cause I, 'cause I'm ashamed of the people
My heart, my heart beats inside me
How should I, how should I do, poor I
My heart, my heart beats inside me
How should I, how should I do, poor I

Thin haired girl

You, thin haired girl
Why are you crying by the sea
If your lost, I shall tell you the way back
We'll go downtown
Together, my Aromanian girl
If your lost, I shall tell you the way back
We'll go downtown
Together, my Aromanian girl
So nice to have seen you
'Cause I lost my flock of sheep
What will I say when I get back home
I shall rather die drowned in this water
What will I say when I get back home
I shall rather die drowned in this water
I will give you a hundred, man
Just to see you a minute
And then we will meet again
To have a walk on the beach
And then we will meet again
To have a walk on the beach


Tu ești lumina ce mă arde
Cu raze calde, îmi aduci dragostea
Eu sunt, iubitule, zâna ce va veni
Norii să-ți alunge din viața ta
De câte ori, bărbate, nu-mi este bine
Iubirea ta parcă din întuneric vine
Și-atuncea nu-mi este frică, bărbate, de ceva
Aștept cu bucurie să vii aici
Inima-mi este plină de dragoste curată
Cu dor mare, bărbate, pe tine te-așteaptă
Și-atuncea nu-mi este frică, bărbate, de ceva
Aștept cu bucurie să vii aici


Versions: #1
O iubire, foarte mare,
O iubire mintea mi-o luă,
De când o văzui în cale,
Fără pace viața mi-o lăsă.
Cât m-am îndrăgostit
Atunci când te-am privit,
O dragoste s-avem,
O viață să ne vrem.
Pe o cale aurie
Acum amândoi să ne grăbim,
Să ne bucurăm de viață,
Împreună amândoi să fim.

Floarea dragostei

Versions: #1
Acolo, acolo pe deal e o floare
Semănată de-o fată,
Lea, lele, floarea dragostei.
Acolo, acolo şedea o fată aromâncă,
Mai şedea, mai întotdeauna,
Lea, lele, floarea dragostei.
Pe-acolo, pe-acolo un băiat aromân trecea,
La ea, la frumoasa aromâncă el se uita
Şi rupea floarea dragostei,
Şi rupea floarea dragostei.

Stea frumoasă

Fată, ești precum o stea de pe cer,
Seara, la geam, eu vin să te văd,
Ziua toată, fată, eu dorm,
Serile, la geam, eu vin și te aștept.
Stea frumoasă de pe cer,
Eu de dorul tău pier/ mă sting,
Pân-la tine-i cale lungă,
Dorul meu să te ajungă.
Să vină și să te-ajungă, fată, să îți spună
Că fără tine, inimii mele nu-i e bine.
Fată,ești ca o stea de pe cer,
Vreau să fiu un frumos porumbel, fată,
Să zbor, iubito, până la stele,
Să le spun despre dorul pentru frumoasa mea.
Share music and kindness! :)


7 enchanted days, zen and full of sin
Without lipstick and foundation
7 cursed days, sometimes I keep you far
And everything's a mess, clearly
And it's cold, hot
But you're cold, hot
You're worth ten, I burn intermittently.
And it's cold, hot
But you're cold, hot
You're worth ten, can I call you turboman?
You have a stamp which gets you out in your ID card
You don't need to make any sense
What's yours is put aside, sometimes you're carried away
I don't know how but I still love you
Without, without, without, without thinking
I'd choose you anyhow
I'd choose you anytime, without blinking
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

Ela, Ela

Pentru o dragoste inima îmi bate,
Pentru o dragoste am un mare dor,
Pentru o dragoste inima îmi bate,
Te iubesc pe tine, te iubesc eu.
Ela, Ela, Ela este iubuta mea,
Mult eu o iubesc, ei îi dau viața mea,
Ela, Ela, Ela, iubitule, când mă strigi,
Ela, Ela, Ela, inima mi-o topești.
Noaptea când vine stau și mă gândesc,
Cuvintele tale nu pot să le uit,
Mă cauți, iubitule, zi și noapte și nu mă lași,
Ce mi-ai făcut, iubitule, ce mi-ai făcut?
© Vladímir Sosnín

Bate vântul, bate

Nu mă chinui, băiete,
Cu a ta întrebare,
Că mama la tine
Băiete, nu mă va da.
Nu mă chinui, băiete,
Cu a ta așteptare
La marginea mării
Că nu voi fi a ta.
Bate vântul, bate,
În miezul nopții,
Și sunt amărâtă
Că ceara mi s-a topit.
Hai nu-mi ține calea
Când merg după apă,
Că nici tata la tine,
Băiete, nu mă va da.
Nu jura pe stele
Că este păcat
Caută-ți altă fată
Pe placul tău.
Bate vântul, bate,
În miezul nopții,
Și sunt amărâtă
Că ceara mi s-a topit.
© Vladímir Sosnín

The wind is blowing

Don't pester me, boy,
With your question,
Because my mother, boy,
Won't give me to you.
Don't pester me, boy,
With your waiting
By the seashore
Because I won't be yours.
The wind is blowing
At midnight,
And I'm feeling sad
Because my wax has already melted.
Get out of my way
When I'm going to get some water
Because my father
Won't give me to you, either.
Don't swear on stars
Because it's a sin,
Look for another girl
To your liking.
The wind is blowing
At midnight,
And I'm feeling sad
Because my wax has already melted.
© Vladímir Sosnín

White moon

White moon, wonderful moon
Show me the way on this dangerous path
My lonely soul is now sealed
'Cause I can only hug you my dreams, darling
From above, the moon shines on leaves
When it looks down, it reprimands me
I took the boat and ran on seas
But I woke up in foreign lands, I sacrificed my life
White moon, wonderful moon
Show me the way on this dangerous path
My lonely soul is now sealed
'Cause I can only hug you my dreams, darling
My thoughts fight with me
'Cause I can't live without you
I chose an unknown path
I ran from everyone and left my lover
White moon, wonderful moon
Show me the way on this dangerous path
My lonely soul is now sealed
'Cause I can only hug you my dreams, darling
My life is hard without you
Without you, darling, without your beauty
I left my boat and this difficult path
This frightening foreing lands to fulfill my dreams
White moon, wonderful moon
Show me the way on this dangerous path
My lonely soul is now sealed
'Cause I can only hug you my dreams, darling

Luna alba

Luna alba, luna frumoasa
Lumineaza-mi calea (drumul) asta incurcata
Sufletul gol (pustiu), de tot mi s-a inchis
Cand te strang in brate iubito, doar in vise
De sus, printre frunze, luna straluceste
In jos ma priveste si ma dojeneste
Frate cu corabia, de cand am plecat pe mare
Am dat de strainatate,viata mea jertfita (sacrificata)
Luna alba, luna frumoasa
Lumineaza-mi calea (drumul) asta incurcata
Sufletul gol (pustiu), de tot mi s-a inchis
Cand te strang in brațe iubito, doar in vise
Gandurile mari se lupta cu mine
Mie, fara tine, n-o sa-mi fie bine
Mi-am ales un drum intunecat si nestiut
Plecând pentru totdeauna, lasandu-mi iubita
Fara tine viata este foarte trista
Fara tine fata, fara a ta frumusete
O sa mi las corabia si acest drum greu,
Infioratoarea strainatate, implinindu-mi dorintele
If I have made a mistake, please, tell me! Thank you!
Dacă am făcut o greșeală, te rog, spune-mi! Mulțumesc!

It's Christmas and it's snowing!

Dreams come true when it snows, snows
It's Christmas and it's snowing
The sky has opened up again and it's snowing, snowing
It's Christmas and it's snowing
Our first Christmas together seems like only yesterday
You know how it is, it happens whether you want it or not
Hands which were touching with so much longing, longing
Though we didn't know each other it was so easy
Two souls that didn't…didn't believe, didn't expect
Around us, the first [snow]flakes were dancing…just like magic
Dreams come true when it snows, snows
It's Christmas and it's snowing
The sky has opened up again and it's snowing, snowing
It's Christmas and it's snowing
In your life there is a feast and everything you've desired, appears
Dreams come true when it snows, snows
It's Christmas and it's snowing
Maybe it was destiny or I don't know what
Tell her the way you've desired love to be like for so long
Hands which even now are touching with longing, longing
I wouldn't change anything, I can feel that same thrill
Two souls that didn't…didn't believe, didn't expect
Around us, the first [snow]flakes were dancing…just like magic
Dreams come true when it snows, snows
It's Christmas and it's snowing
The sky has opened up again and it's snowing, snowing
It's Christmas and it's snowing
In your life there is a feast and everything you've desired, appears
Dreams come true when it snows, snows
It's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
Dreams come true when it snows, snows
It's Christmas and it's snowing
(It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing)
The sky has opened up again and it's snowing, snowing
It's Christmas and it's snowing
(It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing)
In your life there is a feast and everything you've desired, appears
Dreams come true when it snows, snows
It's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing
It’s snowing, snowing…it's Christmas and it's snowing

You Will Not Come

When I wake up I sip my coffee,
But it doesn't taste without you.
There's something on the radio,
I do not want to cry, but I can't help myself.
You, you, you, you
How many dreams we had together.
You, you, you, you
I want you, i want you back.
Another day,
I don't know what it will be like.
The rain knock in the window.
I sit and wait,
And feel how I lose you,
Ohh you will not come.
It's not easy, (it's not easy)
I can't fall asleep. (i can't fall asleep)
He grabbed me again in the morning.
Another day,
I don't know what it will be like.
Ohh you will not come.
Everybody asks me what's wrong with us,
I can not hide the truth.
Why are my eyes sad and blank
I answer them it's only love.
You, you, you, you
How many dreams we had together.
You, you, you, you
I want you, i want you back.
Another day,
I don't know what it will be like.
The rain knock in the window.
I sit and wait,
And feel how I lose you,
Ohh you will not come. (ohh you will not come.)
It's not easy, (it's not easy)
I can't fall asleep. (i can't fall asleep)
He grabbed me again in the morning.
Another day,
I don't know what it will be like.
Ohh you will not come. (ohh you will not come.)
Another day, (another day)
I don't know what it will be like. (i don't know what it will be like.)
The rain knock in the window.
I sit and wait,
And feel how I lose you,
Ohh you will not come. (ohh you will not come.)
It's not easy, (it's not easy)
I can't fall asleep. (i can't fall asleep)
He grabbed me again in the morning.
Another day,
I don't know what it will be like.
Ohh you will not come.
You will not come, you will not come, you will not come....

Come, boy

What should i do, girl?
I contemplate it,
What should i do, girl
To ask for your hand?
Come, come, boy
Ask for my hand,
Come, come, boy
Make me your wife!

Next to me

You smiled at me for a moment and you enchanted me
And since then, I have begin to write our story
I felt something in my chest for the first time
You made my heart beat
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers
The clouds wander in my sky
I get chills
When everyone says that we won't succeed
Always, we will be together
I don't want anymore
For you to stay a moment without me feeling you
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers
I don't want anymore
For you to stay a moment without me feeling you
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers
You are next to me, every night
Always next to me
You are next to me, every night
With the sweetest whispers

Opa opa

Mi-aș da toată viața
Pentru tine, draga mea
Chiar şi-o tară întreaga
Pentru tine, Maria
Mi-aș da toată viața
Pentru tine, draga mea
Chiar şi-o tară întreaga
Pentru tine, Maria
Opa opa opa la
De ce îmi bate inima
Opa opa opa
Pentru că ea mă iubește
Opa opa opa la
De ce îmi bate inima
Opa opa opa
Pentru că ea mă iubește
O floare din munte
Cu stele pe frunte
Ca Sfânta Maria
Ce frumoasă este Maria
O floare din munte
Cu stele pe frunte
Ca Sfânta Maria
Ce frumoasă este Maria
Opa opa opa la
De ce îmi bate inima
Opa opa opa
Pentru că ea mă iubește
Opa opa opa la
De ce îmi bate inima
Opa opa opa
Pentru că ea mă iubește
Înaltă și frumoasă
Dacă îi strângi mijlocelul
Te temi să nu-l frângi
Înaltă și frumoasă
Dacă îi strângi mijlocelul
Te temi să nu-l frângi
Opa opa opa la
De ce îmi bate inima
Opa opa opa
Pentru că ea mă iubește
Opa opa opa la
De ce îmi bate inima
Opa opa opa
Pentru că ea mă iubește
© Vladímir Sosnín