Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 76


If I were

If I were fire, I'd burn
if I were soil, I'd cover,
If I were the sun, I'd heat up
If I were you, I'd look out
If I were a game, I'd lose,
If I were a place, I'd live in it
If I were air, I'd blow
If I were a mistake
(Francesca Michielin)
And if I were the moon, I'd shine
and if I were the road, I'd run
and if I were a sound
and if I were
If I were ink, I'd be the grey on your sketch
on that page that won't ever go away from the notebook
It would be cold if I were the winter sea
Eternally happy I would probably be
but if I were you, let me tell you,
I would't keep the secrets you keep with me
If I were a language, you'd speak it
maybe just by gestures, when you make jokes
If I were like those who don't need to look,
If I were a nightmare I'd wake you up,
but if I were different, would it be the same for you?
(Francesca Michielin & Mecna)
And if I were the moon, I'd shine
and if I were the road, I'd run
and if I were the sound (if I were the sound, if I were a way, if I were you)
And if I were (If I were the quiet, the quiet, if it were the dawn)
And if I were a feather (if I were a feather), I'd fly (I'd fly)
And if I were the dusk (if I were the dusk), I'd wake up (I'd wake up)
And if I were a sound (if I were a sound, if I were a way, if I were you)
And if I were (if I were the quiet, if I were the quiet, if it were the dawn, if I were me)
(Francesca Michielin)
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, ah
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah
Ah ah ah

Rose and chocolate

In the waiting room
From Nantes train station
I wait
An old legionnaire
Fall asleep on his beer, whining
What wouldn't I give to be warm
In the arms of this girl from Saint-Malo
Who hugged his sailor on the quay
I open a magazine and I see
A pretty little redhead
Who goes for a chocolate mousse
Her greedy lips
Invite me to take some with her
Just a spoon
Before her grandmother
Don't come back
In the waiting room
from Nantes train station
I wait
Just the return of spring.

Nothing but a grain of dust

I'm nothing but a grain of dust
A grain of dust
Sticking to your boots
Blocking the machine
Turning a city into a desert
A grain of dust
Son of the wind and the earth
I'm nothing but a grain of dust
A grain of dust
Lost like a child
In the eye of the firmament
Who's stuck in a draught
A grain of dust
Son of the wind and the earth
I'm nothing but a grain of dust
A grain of dust
Wandering on the edge
Of heaven and hell
A guardian angel of nothingness
A grain of dust
Infinitely big or small

The First of August

Wine it soars high to heaven
Flowers bloom so gracefully
Fire ignites - reveals destiny
You are the same as before
Fire ignites - reveals destiny
You are the same as before.
They shine in your eyes so endless
Truths and lies unknown
How many meetings - many secrets
Are collected in your eyes
How many meetings - many secrets
Are collected in your eyes.
Here comes the first of August!
But why, I to be sad now?
I've chosen thou by Heavens,
By heart and face beloved!
I've chosen thou by Heavens,
By heart and face beloved!
Wine it soars high to heaven
Flowers bloom so gracefully
By this one love remain only
These memories and dreams!
By this one love remain only
These memories and dreams!


Versions: #1
Life sometimes chooses one
We say 'pas!'
The word goes to Pelin
Pelin has a style
For example she doesn't fall in love
We all meet
Pelin has no time
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Purple doesn't suit me - suit Pelin
Pelin Pelin
He doesn't love me, he loves Pelin
Fate doesn't smile at me
Smiles at Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Nobody chooses me
Choosing Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Life sometimes chooses one
We say 'pas!'
The word goes to Pelin
Pelin's love is such that
Not to be found in the whole world
Pelin's idea is that
Unable to compete with Pelin
Look at Pelin a Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Purple doesn't suit me - suit Pelin
Pelin Pelin
He doesn't love me, he loves Pelin
Fate doesn't smile at me
Smiles at Pelin
At Pelin at Pelin
Nobody chooses me
Choosing Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin
Pelin has a style
For example she doesn't fall in love
We all meet
Pelin has no time
Pelin's love is such that
Not to be found in the whole world
Pelin's idea is that
Unable to compete with Pelin
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
At Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin a...
Look at Pelin at Pelin

I get startled every time the phone rings

Versions: #1
Once you learn (you learn from a single mistake)
I get startled every time the phone rings
Already I'm thinking
how long will it take to get to you by car.
You spit at me:
- There is no heaven
and by faith alone you cannot fix me
even if you wanted to
You draw a line between us
Within a day's travel (from me), you can surely get to
that's good enough for me.
Are you willing to listen?
Within a day's travel (from me), you can surely get to
that's good enough a start for me.
Can you promise me that much?
I'm on my way.
I speak (buying) time, your voice slurs already
Surrounded by teenagers and Friday night races.
- In restraints, only (my/your) character is remains
from there ain't no coming back as a whole, you slur
You draw a line between us
Within a day's travel (from me), you can surely get to
that's good enough a start for me.
Are you willing to listen?
Within a day'a travel (from me), you can surely get to
that's good enough a start for me.
Can you promise me that much?
I'm on my way.
From the parking lot, I see your window
I can see the lights on
From the parking lot, I see your window
I can see the lights on
Are you safe?

My eyes

Leaving too late
Because you know exactly well what you do to me
Old ride
But I know that you still want the same as I
And what
If you do not like talking, I will not say anything
Dare to come closer
You are ready to have everything tattooed on your hands
Smoking two
And I now that now everything is going out of control
And those who admire you and who desire you
They do not get to know something
Everything what my eyes see
Just how you are moving
When you know exactly what I want
And you know how to numb me
Oh ...
We know this too well
I want you, you want me and so we escape
No matter who
You are the only one I am coming back to
And I know that no matter what you try
You cannot stop thinking about me
Everything what my eyes see ...
Just want you to see me
Just want you to see me
No matter what, I just see you ...
Everything what my eyes see ...
No matter what you are looking for
Say that nothing will change between me and you


I'll mess up a thousand times
You'll say it's not for you
But it's indelible
I'll throw away my memories
You'll tell me how many are useless
It's indelible, it's indelible
Like then, like never, cry and laugh, live and you'll know
Between the memories and pictures
I'll hear a voice inside of me
Between the immobile people
I'll feel your eyes on me
And like waves coming back
You're a pain
It's indelible
Like salt dissolves,
You'll leave a flavor
That's indelible, it's indelible
Like then, you'll wake up, laugh and cry, live here still.
Between the memories and pictures
I'll hear a voice inside of me
Between the immobile people
I'll feel your eyes on me
I'll spend every day here, where you are
I'll leave us empty like this, if you come back
I'll spend every day here, where you are
I'll leave us empty like this, if you come back
Between the memories and pictures
I'll hear a voice inside of me
Between the immobile people
I'll feel your eyes on me
It's indelible, you're indelible

Cântecul imigrantului

Ah ....
Venim de pe pământul
gheții și al zăpezii
De la soarele de la miezul nopții
unde curg izvoarele termale
Ciocanul zeilor va conduce
navele noastre către noi ținuturi
Pentru a lupta împotriva hoardei, cântând și strigând:
Valhalla, venim !
Înaintăm, trăgând la vâsle
Singura noastră destinație este coasta de vest
Ah ....
Venim de pe pământul
gheții și al zăpezii
De la soarele de la miezul nopții
unde curg izvoarele termale
Cât de moi sunt câmpurile tale atât de verzi,
care murmură povești despre masacru
Cum am calmat valurile războiului
Suntem cuceritorii voștri
Înaintăm, trăgând la vâsle
Singura noastră destinație este coasta de vest
Deci, acum ar fi bine să vă opriți
Reconstruiți-vă toate ruinele
Pentru că pacea și încrederea pot triumfa
În ciuda tuturor pierderilor voastre.

Vremuri bune, vremuri rele

În zilele tinereții mele mi s-a spus ce înseamnă să fii bărbat
Acum am ajuns la această vârstă
Am încercat să fac toate aceste lucruri cât de bine am putut
În ciuda eforturilor mele, mă găsesc în aceeași mizerie
Vremuri bune, vremuri rele
Știi că mi-am primit partea mea
Când soția mea m-a părăsit pentru un bărbat cu ochi căprui
Ei bine, încă nu-mi pasă
În vârstă de șaisprezece ani, m-am îndrăgostit de cea mai dulce fată
A durat doar câteva zile pentru ca ea să se sature de mine
A jurat că va fi a mea și mă va iubi până la capăt,
Dar când i-am șoptit la ureche, am pierdut un alt prieten
Vremuri bune, vremuri rele
Știi că mi-am primit partea mea
Când soția mea m-a părăsit pentru un bărbat cu ochi căprui
Ei bine, încă nu-mi pasă
Vremuri bune, vremuri rele
Știi că mi-am primit partea mea
Când soția mea m-a părăsit pentru un bărbat cu ochi căprui
Ei bine, încă nu-mi pasă
Știu ce înseamnă să fii singur, sigur îmi doresc să fiu acasă
Nu-mi pasă ce spun vecinii, te voi iubi în fiecare zi
Poți simți bătăile inimii mele
Înțelege, dragă, că nu vom fi niciodată despărțiți

Când digul cedează

Dacă continuă să plouă, digul se va sparge
Când se va sparge digul, nu voi mai avea unde să stau
Vechiul dig m-a învățat să plâng și să gem
Este tot ce trebuie ca un om de munte să plece de acasă
Nu te simți rău
Când încerci să-ți găsești drumul spre casă
Și nu știi unde să mergi?
Dacă te duci spre sud, nu vor avea un loc de muncă pentru tine
Dacă nu cunoști Chicago
Plânsul nu te va ajuta, rugăciunea nu te va ajuta
Când digul cedează, mamă, trebuie să pleci
Aseară m-am așezat pe dig și am gemut
Gândindu-mă la draga meu și la casa mea fericită
Mă duc la Chicago, îmi pare rău, dar nu te pot lua
Cobor, cobor acum, cobor ...


Hei, fată, nu mai face ceea ce faci!
Hei, fată, mă vei doborî
Nu știu ce îmi place la tine, dar îmi place mult
Lasă-mă să te îmbrățișez, lasă-mă să simt vrăjile tale drăgăstoase
Întreruperea comunicării
Este întotdeauna aceeași poveste
Am o criză nervoasă
Mă înnebunește!
Hei fată, am ceva ce cred că ar trebui să afli
Hei iubito, vreau să-ți spun că te iubesc atât de mult
Vreau să te țin în brațe, da!
Nu te voi lăsa niciodată să pleci, pentru că îmi plac farmecele tale
Întreruperea comunicării
Este întotdeauna aceeași poveste
Am o criză nervoasă
Mă înnebunește!

Simţind la fel...

Soarele tocmai şi-a alunecat nota pe sub uşa mea
şi nu mă pot ascunde prin aşternuturi
Am citit cuvintele dinainte, aşa că acum ştiu
că timpul s-a întors din nou pentru mine.
Şi mă simt la fel din nou
Mă simt la fel din nou
Cânt aceleaşi versuri din nou
Nu contează cât mă prefac
O altă zi pe care nu o pot găsi în capul meu
Tălpile n-arată ca şi cum ar fi ale mele
Am să ancerc să găsesc podeaua dedesubt ca să stau în picioare
şi sper s-o regăsesc încă o dată.
Şi mă simt la fel din nou
Mă simt la fel din nou
Cânt aceleaşi versuri din nou
Nu contează cât mă prefac
De-atâtea ori mă întreb unde m-am dus
şi cum m-am întors
Privesc în jur un timp pentru ceva pierdut
Poate am să-l găsesc în sfârşit...
Şi mă simt la fel din nou
Mă simt la fel din nou
Cânt aceleaşi versuri din nou
Nu contează cât mă prefac
Mă simt la fel din nou
Mă simt la fel din nou
Cânt aceleaşi versuri din nou
Nu contează cât mă prefac
Nu contează cât mă prefac

Natural Reservations

I don't need anything, at most I lack it
I'm a tree in a subway
Full at twelve forty at night
I want to tell you that I feel tired, this air feels exhausting
All these bothersome people who trample me
Half depressed, fully connected
What do I know about your head?
Leave me alone in a forest
Out of context, but inside there's a party
Pushed by the wind, scratched by the grey that remains
It breaks my heart, there's no three, just the lowest
It breaks your heart and I remain the lesser evil
I'm sleepy, but I dream
About the sun on my eyelashes
Nothing that torments me
Hug me without natural reservations
With your feet firmly on the ground
But with a head that's already flying and your heart at war
Now take me with you
Take me with you (yay)
Beltway (beltway)
Saturn's ring (Saturn's ring)
Phantom planet (phantom planet)
I'm waiting for the next journey (uh)
I wanted a sea without prejudice from you
But I'll manage with two blue seagulls
But they only arrive when you display them
Here in the city everything moves at random
Nine, ten, eleven, nosebleeds
When the cold fiercely returns (fiercely)
I'll sew a sweater for myself using only
A thread of a voice1
I'm sleepy, but I dream
Of you and me on an ark
I play the strings and a harp
I dream, but I'm sleepy
Inside a room
With the downpour that's advancing
Hug me without natural reservations
With your feet firmly on the ground
But with a head that's already flying and your heart at war
Now take me with you
Take me with you (uh)
Protect me without natural reservations
Breathing and staying calm
Close to you as if you were Gibraltar2
Now take me with you
Take me with you (uh)
  • 1. 'un filo' means 'a thread' in Italian, but 'un filo di voce' is a quiet voice, a whisper, so it's a play on words with the sewing in the previous line
  • 2. stretto a/stretta a = close to, but stretto = a strait (which is what Gibraltar is), hence the comparison to Gibraltar

It Doesn't Matter What They Say

They say a lot of things about me
And I just want them to let me be
But they see everything
It's driving me crazy
They keep saying
We're not going to last
Because of this, because of that
Our love will disappear so fast
A-ah haha
A-ah there's nothing else we can do
A-ah haha
Just laugh because it's nothing
And whatever people say about you and me
I promise I will never change, I'll always be
No one, no one can tell me how
I should feel
It doesn't matter what they say
I love you oohhh...
I love you oohhh...
And whatever people say about you and me
I promise I will never change, I'll always be
No one, no one can tell me how
I should feel
It doesn't matter what they say
I love you oohhh...
I love you oohhh...

Doesn’t Show Its Hand to You

My mind stuck in a tale
Flies human sometimes
State of human
A side of me is poor
The other one is willing
Eyes of the heart are misty
I am a dreamer smurf
Unless you walk on it
You are a ghost traveller on the rainbow
Unless you walk on it
You are a ghost traveller on the rainbow
Forget abour reaching the treasure deep in
[It] doesn’t show its hand to you
I know I never existed within you
I was always the blind man's buff in your games
I sometimes rewind
Dream about you
I am the movie
I am the one shooting it
Unless you walk on it
You are a ghost traveller on the rainbow
Unless you walk on it
You are a ghost traveller on the rainbow
Forget abour reaching the treasure deep in
Doesn’t show its hand to you
Doesn’t show its hand to you at all

Come, O ye come!

Turkey is the true mother!
There is no place other than her bosom where you can escape!
Come, O ye come! Mother never casts away any one of us!

Open Your Latch

Knock knock knock, 'Open, sweetie!'
Knock knock knock, 'Open your latch!'
When the girl goes into the barn
The boy ends up inside
You hear: knock knock knock, 'Open it, sweetie!'
That's where I'd like to be
Such romance
I never experience in the city
There's only one barn
Where someone waits for me
That farm girl
Is still my one and only
And every summer I get to
Visit her barn
Knock knock knock, 'Open, sweetie!'
Knock knock knock, 'Open your latch!'
When the girl goes into the barn
The boy ends up inside
You hear: knock knock knock, 'Open it, sweetie!'
That's where I'd like to be
The farmer knows
That I'm a suitable son-in-law
Though sometimes he pretends to
Drive me away from his manor
That farm girl is still my one and only
I know the time for rings is close
Knock knock knock, 'Open, sweetie!'
Knock knock knock, 'Open your latch!'
When the girl goes into the barn
The boy ends up inside
You hear: knock knock knock, 'Open it, sweetie!'
That's where I'd like to be

Amețit și Confuz

Sunt amețit și confuz de atât de mult timp, nu poate fi adevarat
Am vrut o femeie, nu m-am târguit pentru tine
Mulți vorbesc, puțini știu
Sufletul femeii a fost creat în iad
Rănit și abuzat, fiecare minciună
Fugi, iubire. Nu știu pe unde ai fost
O să te iubesc, din nou și din nou
Muncesc zilnic, aduc acasă truda mea
Am încercat să te iubesc, dar m-ai respins
Nu știi unde te îndrepți, doar pe unde ai fost
Iubire, te vreau înapoi
Sunt amețit și confuz de atât de mult timp, nu poate fi adevarat
Am vrut o femeie, nu m-am târguit pentru tine
Nu te grăbi, lasă-i să vorbească
Lasă limbă să vorbească, o să plătească pentru asta

let's say Allah together

come Let’s say Allah
To cleanse the rusted heart
Let’s stare at the stars
Invoking Allah, Allah
Where oneness of God is declared
There the angels sit in rows
One by one declaring there is only One
Invoking Allah, Allah
Once mantra of Truth started
the Holy name announced with vigor
Shook the foundation of reality
Invoking Allah Allah
Lifts Heart & soul
Freed from all worry
gives you both Health & wealth
Invoking Allah Allah

February 25th

Versions: #2
I’ll leave without saying anything
A quiet breath through the people
You can’t fly if you don’t have a sky
What sky are you going to choose?
You’ll stand up silently
You’ll say goodbye to the sun with love
Being strong isn’t what matters
Feeling alive is
How many times have we run together
To the feel the rush of wind on our skin?
To feel if there was still something inside of us
How many times have we cried
Melting under the sun
Like ice cream in the summer, getting the words wet
Stand up, it’s true
There’s not another chance
The ocean is waiting for you
And the blue surrounds you
Give me your hands and never be afraid
I’m always with you
You stay with me
Here with you is forever with me
Even this happiness is going to bleed
Hurting makes us feel better sometimes
And don’t fear being alone
When you’re alone, you’re all you need
Stand up, it’s true
There’s not another chance
The ocean is waiting for you
And the blue surrounds you
Give me your hands and never be afraid
I’m always with you
You stay with me
Here with you is forever with me
Open windows, summer skies
And this smile inside your heart that tells you everything will be okay
Open windows, summer skies
And this smile inside your heart that tells you everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Here with you is forever with me

Snow made an angel to the doorway

A girl saw from a bridge how black
The water was down there somewhere
Her mother asked 'Why is she writing poems?
The child must be out of her mind'
The girl cried for a moment and looked behind her
The sigh of the city rang wildly
Who could feel this as their own country
The water was as dark as the times
And the water was black
Mother walked in all blacks
And even the priest got coffee to drink
And father was drunk, how else?
Someone brought flowers to the doorway
Others go to the moon and others to Sweden
Others just have a smaller paycheck
Dad left to Sweden five years ago
Mom was unhappy even then
I put a piece of cartboard to the window
So even some place could be warm
In the radio they sang 'Thank the Lord!'
Sunday mom passed away
And dad went to Sweden, mom to heaven
And the priest got coffee again
And my brother was drunk, I think I saw him cry
Snow made an angel to the doorway
And dad went to Sweden, mom to heaven
And the priest got coffee again
And my brother was drunk, I think I saw him cry
Snow made an angel to the doorway
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Fell Like Dream

Yesterday has faded
But as your light's coming up again
It approaches
It still stays in me
Just like precious times that won't come back
Your breath is softly blowing away
The days in the lingered loneliness
You are the destiny approached me step by step
I tried so hard to hide it from you, I couldn't speak those words out
Always be next to me
To me you are love
That fell like a warm yesterday's dream
My way is full of emptiness
But because I'm with you, I'm happy
You are the destiny approached me step by step
I tried so hard to hide it from you, I couldn't speak those words out
Always be next to me
To me you are love
That fell like a warm yesterday's dream
Now I can't hide my feelings
My love that filled me up
I'll give it to you
You are the destiny
Approached me step by step
The only one love, I love you
I see you, even if I close my eyes
Always be next to me
You are my everything
Of a dream-like yesterday and tomorrow too
You are indelible

An abyss of precious time

So many say
That life is endless misery
An abyss of bleak days
And children, who are begging for bread
Maybe life is a mournful song
Maybe life is good
And maybe on a bright day
I can feel the darkness of the night
Tonight the air is so pure and clear
Deep blue and icy cold
The earth rests in white silence
And the northern lights pitch their tent
And my head is full of thoughts
Roaming around aimlessly
In the night, to find that wisdom
Which comforts me
But I find no wisdom
Which would say those words of truth
Like bleeding birds they fall
To the white ground
Still, I know that gems can be found
Hidden among grey ashes
When little girls and boys
Dance around in joy like foals
When my breast is about to burst from wonder
From joy, from deep longing
From doubt and sorrowful tunes
Even then, even then
I know that life is a gift
An abyss of precious time
Where all shall wander through
And drift along and get lost in
I know that life is a gift
An abyss of precious time
Where all shall wander through
And drift along and get lost in

Snow made an angel to the doorway

Versions: #2
This story died when mom and dad broke up in the 90's
About the same time mom's father died of heart attack
I was crushed in school, we broke hearts
Nobody brought roses to the doorway
It was the end when dad went to jail
He couldn't run from the cops
Mom left to Siberia, she did nothing else than was against communism
Just being here is hard sometimes
Sometimes you're hurt by everything that's relevant to you
Sometimes it's hard to believe in God
I'm not sure if He's real
They say that the most important thing here is to be happy
And we laughed, but not for too long
When the song we sang to you in your funeral
Went like this:
And the water was black, mom wore a black dress
And the priest got coffee to drink
And dad was drunk, how else could've it been
Snow made an angel to the doorway
I remember when I walked by Vantaanjoki as a kid
I wondered what it feels like to drown
There has been times and stuff to think about
So much I've just wanted to fall asleep
It's familiar to many of us
I respect all of them
To everyone who tries to survive no matter how much it hurts
This only happens in movies
Or in August, so the ones stands out
Would have no problems
It's dark inside my head, no-one sees it
The only thought I have is wrong, the second one is the extremity
I've met thousands of sweet, suicidal girls
Guys just don't want to open up
And I, myself, understand that now
That the time you lose will never come back
I stood on the bridge, there was fog in the air
I thought of jumping but the water was black
And the water was black, mom wore a black dress
And the priest got coffee to drink
And dad was drunk, how else could've it been
Snow made an angel to the doorway
And the water was black, mom wore a black dress
And the priest got coffee to drink
And dad was drunk, how else could've it been
Snow made an angel to the doorway
Thanks for reading my translation! If you approve it, remember to leave thanks :) If you want to use my translation somewhere, ask for my permission and credit me wherever you use it.

Two Galaxies

Versions: #2
I've got fifteen galaxies inside of a drawer
They're well-folded between my socks and a mirror
Between all the crumpled dreams and insanity
Of suitcases, in memories and lies
Of milky tears in a glass
With some perfect strangers of a plaza
Who have the desire to leave in order to return
And your scent that smelled of sunscreen
I saw you inside a film of which I don't know its name
I lost you inside of an ocean of ambition
I read you in an elementary school book
That now I wouldn't even know how to learn anymore
I wanted to have the courage to surrender
And disarm myself in order to protect you
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
I don't want them, I don't want roses for my birthday
I also don't want the fake sympathy
The days are kinda all the same
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
That you speak to me and you tell me that I can't hear you
I've put your heart in a tape recorder
I've got sixteen galaxies inside of my chest
That I stare at on the ceiling when I'm in bed
That I found in a concert ticket
And that I lost right inside the airport
Of where you never came to get me
Where I thought maybe it was best to not even believe it
I've realized that I don't know what indigo is
And that I thought that I love you
Without even saying it
Without even saying it
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
I don't want them, I don't want roses for my birthday
I also don't want the fake sympathy
The days are kinda all the same
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
That you speak to me and you tell me that I can't hear you
I've put your heart in a tape recorder
I've had this heart on just one side on purpose
And yours when it hugs me is a sound box
And my pulse is irregular, an indefinite BPM
From other rhythms and backbeats that I've never heard
It's in this mess that the stars are born,
Freckles like constellations in the skin
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
I don't want them, I don't want roses for my birthday
I also don't want the fake sympathy
The days are kinda all the same
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
That you speak to me and you tell me that I can't hear you
I've put your heart in a tape recorder
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
I don't want them, I don't want roses for my birthday
I also don't want the fake sympathy
The days are kinda all the same
I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry
That you speak to me and you tell me that I can't hear you
I've put your heart in a tape recorder

A venit henna miresei

a venit henna miresei
plange fata mamei
baiete este fata noastra
sa crape soacra ei
vine alaiul nunti
soacrele sa iasa la hora
se fierbe in cazan
munca cade pe soacra
sa vina fata mamei
soacra imediat se ofenseaza*
vine alaiul nunti
soacrele sa iasa la hora
mireasa imbraca rochia
merge dupa mire
pe el la vazut soacra
spune el este fiul meu
vine alaiul nunti
soacrele sa iasa la hora
Ege Kökenli

Jocul miresei şi al mirelui

Munți Hasan sunt arcade de aur clar au căzut ca munţi de zăpadă
s-au adunat vecinii
avem nuntă-n mahala
Munți Hasan sunt arcade de aur clar au căzut ca munţi de zăpadă
s-au adunat vecinii
avem nuntă-n mahala
oy joacă mirele
Doamne ajută să fie fericiţi
oy joacă mirele
vă doresc multă fericire mire
în mână ai o floare devreme ne rugăm
ce frumos îţi stă cu cureaua din generaţia Gardas
în mână ai o floare devreme ne rugăm
ce frumos îţi stă cu cureaua din generaţia Gardas
oy joacă mireasa
vă doresc multă fericire mireasă
oy joacă mireasa
vă doresc multă fericire mireasă
să nu vă fie de deochi sper să fiţi fericiţi
oy joacă mirele
vă doresc multă fericire mire
oy joacă mireasa
vă doresc multă fericire mireasă
Ege Kökenli

Come and See

Come and see how great our God is
Let's rejoice at all that He has done
With strength He answers us
There's no one like our God
'How awesome are Your works!'
We shout
'You have such great strength
Your enemies bow before You
Let the whole world worship You!'
Come and see how great our God is
He won the victory for us
The joy of the nations
There's no one like our God


Versions: #3
v as in volcano
and a thousand other things
like the will to walk close to the fire
and to see if this beating heart is true
if it's real or just vanity
v as in volcano
and a thousand other things
like the volume
that rises and contains the sea
and to see if it's worth scorching yourself
or not to really go through with it
go through with it
I run at night
the streetlights the stars
there's the Indian bar
it smells like you
I laugh louder
I lose myself at dawn
you are in everything
and in everything
the vertigo I have for you
the vertigo I have for you
v as in volcano
and a thousand other things
the fear of
wandering aimlessly for too long
and to see if this heart that vibrates is real
you really want to travel
to really travel
I run at night
the streetlights the stars
there's the Indian bar
it smells like you
I laugh louder
I lost myself at dawn
you are in everything
and in everything
the vertigo I have for you
the vertigo I have for you
I move
I spot
The traffic light downtown
has been off for an hour
you'll be asleep
it's so nice to feel even here
the vertigo I have for you
I run at night
the streetlights the stars
there's the Indian bar
it smells like you
I laugh louder
I lose myself at dawn
you are in everything
and in everything
the vertigo I have for you
the vertigo I have for you
the vertigo I have for you


Nothing, I want nothing
Neither know who you are, nor where you come from
Nothing, I expect nothing at all
And if you love me, do the same for me
Nothing, I shall say nothing
I shall wait until you make the first move
I shall wait for you to break the ice in my place
And who knows...
Oh my life, my love!
Oh my love for now!
Whom are you looking for, what do you expect from me?
From life to death, there's a single step
Oh, would you take that step for me?
Oh my life, my love!
Oh my love for now!
Whom are you looking for, what do you expect from me?
Nothing, I want nothing
And as I know nothing, I wait
For you to show me the way
Where to switch love on and off
But you are afraid of me
Don't be afraid!
Oh my life, oh my love!
Oh my love for now!
What are you looking for, what do you expect from me?

To Communicate

Versions: #2
...But I don't understand anything
I've always been a little girl
With a full head
My eyes, I'd borrowed 'em from my Chinese brother 10 years before,
10 years ago
And that's that
And that's that
I have an Aunt born in Angola
I met her on a train
She'd told me 'Wash your hands to save the entire world
Rearrange your room if you want to start a revolution
If you have a heart that explodes in your body, then take action with it'
But I want to get away from here
I want to go everywhere
But still, the 'where' is unknown
And I scream for help
And I smile a bit for no reason
A voice says 'You can only help yourself!' and it remains unheard
My cousin has dark skin
She's so beautiful I'm almost scared to look at her
I'm always a bit afraid
Yes, I should get checked out for it
My friends already know my self-esteem isn't durable
I want to take a tricycle to go to Milan
I want to whizz about, cycling, as if I were an airplane,
With high speed
One is forced to crash
Or do it by their own will
And every time it takes a bit of dignity
I met you when you were eating pizza in the morning
You'd asked me to marry you, you smelt of nicotine
You said you were having a daughter who would be really cute
You said that you would name her Argentina
But every love story turns out to be a failure
I've put up maps of the USA in my apartment
But I always end up on this same ground
Or on this same pavement
If I'm not traveling, then what the fuck am I doing?
I've heard 9 languages from the time I was born
And yet nevertheless I still don't understand them
To communicate
la la la la bla bla bla
Never being able to make yourself understood amongst the loud music
Oh, how beautiful it is to breathe!
...And to communicate,
To stay in silence, listening to all that you're telling me
Yes, to communicate
Outside of traveling to another place
Mother, also, there's a protest happening on Saturday on the State Road
I've never gone dancing in the club
Because all people ever do is make out
Or you may need to cry a whole lot at home
And not show up
The tears look beautiful
They look like glitter
They look like stars
Ask yourself, in what language do you want to dream?
I would tell you to dream in the one where you wouldn't need to talk
When we broke up, I recorded a piece of our love
But you know, it made me almost vomit
Made me almost vomit
Up the whole sea
Vomit up the whole sea
I don't want to go to Ibiza anymore!
To communicate
la la la la bla bla bla
Never being able to make yourself understood amongst the loud music
Oh, how beautiful it is to breathe!
...And to communicate,
To stay in silence, listening to all that you're telling me
I would only like to hear
That everything can be fixed