Rezultatele căutării pagină 4
Număr de rezultate: 123
Orchid from the Mountains
You're very beautiful, so beautiful
Orchid from the mountains,
That I must climb (them) and get you
So that I can fill my life with your perfume.
When I look at you from afar
My eyes are clouded by jealousy,
Because the sun is kissing you,
Orchid from the mountains.
The mountaintop shan't prevent me
From going up there to get you,
So I can take you with me
To a place where the sun won't ever
Kiss you again.
And when the dew kisses
Your mouth as dawn breaks,
You rise so very proudly,
Orchid from the mountains.
And your very life gets soaked
With its silent caress,
Because you're beautiful, very beautiful,
Orchid from the mountains.
The mountaintop shan't prevent me
From succeeding and taking you away,
To a place where the dew won't
Offer you its liquid kiss
Ever again.
Tell everyone about this crazy woman with you, how jealous she was, how she followed you around & how I secretly went through phones messages, because of you I became different
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.
I'm not all dressed up for you like this
I'm not wearing this lipstick for you my dear, I'm sorry you're the last to know how long I was with you out of fear only
Congrats, my dear, breathe easy
you tamed your woman to not make anymore dramas, to not ask where you've been. Look how nice I am, how happily I send you off in the evening, you just didn't realize that I am no longer yours.
Never Alone
Empty when you walk through the streets, leaving your footprints
The city's showing you the way, but is the city following you home?
Shutting the heavy eyes, feeling where you walk
You walk in circles around yourself
No one sees your, you're invisible tonight
'Cause no one knows where you're going
You're never alone
Never alone
Scream at screeching sirens
The neon light reaches the lake, lighting the city on fire
Skeletons and shadows break the moon
Luring you all the way in here
No one sees you, you're invisible tonight
You think the city is empty, but
You're never alone
Never alone
You're never alone
Never alone
Empty when you walk through the streets, leaving your footprints
The city's showing you the way, but is the city following you home?
'Cause no one knows where you're going
You're never alone
Never alone
You're never alone
Never alone
You're never alone
Never alone
You're never alone
Never alone
You're never alone
You're never alone
You're never alone
You're never alone
You're never alone
Listen to voices in your head
You're never alone
Listen to voices in your head
You're never alone
Listen to voices in your head
You're never alone
Listen to voices in your head
You're never alone
Listen to voices in your head
You're never alone
You're never alone
You're never alone
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.
Tu stii, pentru mine, in noapte
Este o stea
Care straluceste pentru mine calea
Ea este ghidul meu
In imensitate
Care nu ma va parasi niciodata
Forta destinului
Ma face sa revin
Ora fericirii este aproape
Este un vis sau o realitate,
Afinitatea noastra
Pe aripile roz ale iubirii
Cand merg pe strada
Intotdeauna libera
As vrea ca totul in jurul nostru sa fie
Un basm
Iubirea noastra
Va fi ghidul nostru
In infinitate
Pentru eternitate
Forta destinului
Ma face sa revin
Ora fericirii este aproape
Este un vis sau o realitate,
Afinitatea noastra
Pe aripile roz ale iubirii
Your Fault
I've always been vigilant, my heart very deep inside my body
Now you've made me open up, as if I was in some therapy
Only you and me and this feeling
I don't know what you're doing to me
You know everything about me before I tell anything
These hours feel like only a second
When you entered this space I knew I'm meant to be with you
Every moment, minute by minute
You know secrets that I didn't know anyone would ever hear
It's your fault
Your eyes make me say too much
It's your fault
My heart is now scattered to pieces
How do you make me surrender?
It's your fault
That I just want to be your last
I've always been on my toes, a sensible person
But with you I open up and I don't regret afterwards
Only you and me and this feeling
How do you do this to me
You know all of what I don't say aloud
These hours feel like only a second
When you entered this space I knew I'm meant to be with you
Every moment, minute by minute
You know secrets that I didn't know anyone would ever hear
It's your fault
Your eyes make me say too much
It's your fault
My heart is now scattered to pieces
How do you make me surrender?
It's your fault
That I just want to be your last
That I just want to be your last
If you are ready come and get me
I let you have all of me, I let you have all of me
If you are ready come and get me
I let you have all of me, I let you have all of me
It's your fault
Your eyes make me say too much
It's your fault
My heart is now scattered to pieces
It's your fault
It's your fault
That I just want to be your last
It has entered movies
The whole city MEDELINA
The house has been filled
He's angry because his fame is never from SAMIRI
I didn't cry when 2PACI died , guaranteed I will cry
When KATILI dies
And that bitch
Say that mouth, let me measure it
Because you can hit the sun with a rock BITCH
But you can't ever touch
SHAWTY you can't blow for one night
Each piece of my FLESH, she is touching
She does it cause I wear tight pants
Yeah boy oh baby does it out of spite
The fight is becoming all slobby
We blocked every road bruh
And you take what you wan't, we've found it bruh
Da whole CLIQUE breaks your legs and teeth bruh
It has entered movies
The whole city MEDELINA
The house has been filled
Shawty does it, wants the team
Ora (clock) shows me that it called Rita
And they know our time has come
Cause I'm still GANG they get surprised
Who doesn't forgive eats wood (gets beat up)
For every bottle we have a cap
We keep the big spine comfortable
These rappers of today have become stale
yayyy, I haven't stopped
Plus I have bars for those who go to KUKS
You say you live in LUKS
You pass your summer vacation in DURRS
Actually, NO WAY they are speaking for no reason
O YA YA, from here let them give shame cause they can't stop us
It has entered movies
The whole city MEDELINA
The house has been filled
It has entered movies
The whole city MEDELINA
The house has been filled
Like then
like then
I still love you like then
nothing has changed even though
I will never have you
I don't know if you miss me
even with out you, I still sleep with your scent
The morning finds me alone
Again, I'm drinking my coffee alone
in every old picture
I see the same love
'cause nothing will change me
time will pass by ,the same way
like then
I still love you like then
nothing has changed even though
I will never have you
I don't know
if you miss me
even with out you,
I still sleep with your scent
my day is the same
with logging and tears in my eyes
this place is the same too
I just don't see you
'cause nothing will change me
time will pass by ,the same way
like then
I still love you like then
nothing has changed even though
I will never have you
I don't know
if you miss me
even with out you,
I still sleep with your scent
Versions: #2
I can manage by my self
You took my dreams and killed them
So I can manage without you
Now I get time to explore myself
I can more
than you think
I'm not completely retarded
Lights up
Rage out
I won't stop for anyone.
Fast pulse, flames and screaming.
High on adrenalin.
I won't stop for anyone.
I have enough within myself
You get the finger, cause I'm special
Everything is waiting for me
I thank you for nothing and end your game.
Look at you.
Who are you?
You seem completely retarded.
Fuck off now!
I am here.
I won't stop for anyone.
Fast pulse, flames and screaming.
High on adrenalin.
I won't stop for anyone.
Now Im on fire, fucking on the edge
Nothing is holding me back
Now I'm free, finally free
On my own.
Moving fast, get out the way
Before I hit you, yes!
Moving fast, fucking fast.
High pulse, flames and screaming
High on adrenalin
I won't stop for anyone.
Fast pulse, flames and screaming.
High on adrenalin.
I won't stop for anyone.
There is a prince somewhere across the world
Who is looking for me.
Like the rainbow in the sky
He will appear in my home.
Soon, it won't be a dream,
He will come here, yes...
I know, and hear
His voice
Because my heart is his.
Ah, gelozia mea
Ah, gelozia mea, gelozia și luna mea
Și flacăra buzelor tale, mandarina mea
Ah, gelozia mea, gelozie, portocala mea
Îmi pierd mințile, îmi pierd mințile
Privește-mă-n ochi
Spune adevărul
Acum spune-mi cum
Mă vrei pentru totdeauna
Privește-mă-n ochi
Acum spune-mi cum
Doar eu exist pentru tine
Și Peloponnesus
Ah, merele, atleții, lămâile lor
Iar nasul meu cufundat în parfumul lor
Ah, gelozia mea, gelozie, îmi pierd mințile
Când suntem împreună și când nu
Oh my jealousy
Oh my jealousy my jealousy
and my moon
and the match in your lips, my mandarin
Oh my jealousy my jealousy
my orange
I loose my mind
I loose my head
Look me in the eyes
say the truth
now tell me how
you want only me forever
Look me in the eyes
tell me how
only I exist for you
and Peloponnesus
Oh the apples, the athletes,
their lemons
and my nose stuffed
in their perfume
oh my jealousy, my jealousy
I go crazy
when we're together and when we separate
No longer a greek
Stories, troubles, where are you, guys?
What are they telling me, telling me, I'm no longer Greek?
Officers came and took my papers away
and they told me the news, that I'm no longer a Greek!
And they told me the news, that I'm no longer a Greek!
My mother, you had been prudent, I know that well,
And daddy used to tell me that you were Greek indeed!
If only I were at Tinos island to light a candle,
to speak, to cry, to ask 'why'
tell me, tell me, Holy Mother, what are these ghosts,
that put us in the plaster cast and took our papers away!
That put us in the plaster cast and took our papers away!
My mother, you had been prudent, I know that well,
And daddy used to tell me that you were Greek indeed!
Ah, enslaved ones, brass, American children,
how can you say, can you say, that I'm no longer a Greek?
They will have your heads, the boys will be back.
they will give me my papers back and I will live as a Greek!
They will give me my papers back and I will live as a Greek!
The tale is over, the animals are in the cages,
the sea is vast and I am a Greek!
the Migrant
His words is the voice,
the loud voice saying he is not hurting,
snows and rain,
his gaze blurred and closed skies.
At foreign lands, the shadows oppress him
a few olive trees, black bread,
snows and waters
and lost joy weave the complaint.
My mother,black headdress,
a door opened to the sun,
keep the mint on your lips,
tomorrow a feast will come
I'll come to the summer, the harvest,
the threshing floor full of dazzling light again,
I am constantly about to leave,
with emptied hands.
Prosperity is a liar,
he hadn't been told so, and his sorrow is a shame,
Back in the old times,
tears and kisses, birds are singing.
The cypress being beaten by the wind,
at the father's rock, fire,
cure the wound, the time longing
and the heart is awaiting
My mother,black headdress,
a door opened to the sun,
keep the mint on your lips,
tomorrow a feast will come
I'll come to the summer, the harvest,
the threshing floor full of dazzling light again,
I am constantly about to leave,
with emptied hands.
Zorbas, the bitter narrow road,
Zorbas, yellow candle,
night and rain are crying,
a humid breeze falls on the heart,
night and rain.
Zorbas, the heart is a knot,
Zorbas, the ring in the sticks,
Hit anvils and hammers
Ι cry for consolation,
oh, for consolation.
Bitterness is laid upon the lips, friends are lost and well gone,
The candle stays without oil, bitterness is laid upon the lips,
Love burns me up, it melts me, it is about to start but doesn't settle,
on the cross and it crucifies us, love burns me up, it melts me,
spring and summer, wild black pigeon,
what will it get, what will it bring around, spring and summer,
it took, it smells thyme, the moon is now full,
wounded brave young man, it took, it smells thyme,
and rain.
Bring violins and dulcimers, wine and grapes,
our ultimate rush is holding a flintlock.
Zorbas, give your hand to him again,
to the sun so that we become a pair
In Crete, they set an ambush,
In Mount Ida they set a bolthole,
life, give me your hand again,
and the dance goes on.
There has been a misunderstanding
There has been a misunderstanding and we did not give an explanation,
we betrayed our friend at a difficult time.
The time was four o' clock and all the four of them got lost.
Words have been forgotten and he has not appeared yet.
Your ring is rolling in your scarf,
but some of your friends saw it and said it would be found.
Give me an explanation to eliminate the misunderstanding,
because my heart has cracked, it has nearly been lost.
Hei, aici e Costi
și vă prezint următorul hit
Zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Furi noaptea. Nu mașini, ci femei furi tu,
Furi cel mai prețios lucru de la ele, dar ele spun că le faci un bine.
Nu bați la uși, femeile te așteaptă și te lasă să intri.
În fiecare noapte le furi, dar ele spun că le faci un bine.
Intră și fură de la mine, ca in felul ăsta să văd dacă e bine,
Pe mine, mine, mine, fură-mă ca altii să te laude.
Intră și fură de la mine, ca in felul ăsta să văd dacă e bine,
Pe mine, mine, mine, fură-mă ca altii să te laude.
Forță Costi, forță, forță, haide!
Viaţa mea, eu te iubesc, te iubesc, ce mult te iubesc !
Viaţa mea, te doresc, te iubesc, ce mult eu te mai iubesc !
Zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala day da da day da
Haide Ionut, Balcania, ascultă!
Zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Intră și fură de la mine, ca in felul ăsta să văd dacă e bine,
Pe mine, mine, mine, fură-mă ca altii să te laude.
Intră și fură de la mine, ca in felul ăsta să văd dacă e bine,
Pe mine, mine, mine, fură-mă ca altii să te laude.
Zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumala dumala dumala
Intră și fură de la mine, ca in felul ăsta să văd dacă e bine,
Pe mine, mine, mine, fură-mă ca altii să te laude.
Intră și fură de la mine, ca in felul ăsta să văd dacă e bine,
Pe mine, mine, mine, fură-mă ca altii să te laude.
Zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da dumle
Zeg zeg zeg da dumle day dumala da day da
You Decide Yourself
I need wind like a fire does, and I will burn up
All the pain and the tears in the world, in ruins of evil
I am so tired of the thought that there is no soul or inspiration in the world
But if you can hear your reason like I can
And in your heart quietly beats your love
Let's light up the sun in this sky without eclipse and then...
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide yourself!
With a flash I will burst from the shadows, and everything will happen
At the end of mute dreams, the dawn swims
Let's open your sail, there beyond the horizon is our flight
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide yourself!
You decide yourself!
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide...
Believe, we will be able to fly up like birds
And smile at the light
Believe, how to chose happiness in life for yourself
You decide yourself!
The leaves are red
leaves of fall
the salamander is
glittering and sly
She's too much for Kissabos
she's too much for this place
and if you speak to her
of prudence,
It goes in vain
Alexandra, salamander
what a shame this is!
Why did you go with another man, bad girl?
The salamder, when she sees
the sky raining
she remembers her love
that she no longer possesses
She pushes the brown dirt
and comes out of her nest
and there where the boar would wash himself
she scatters her tears
You wear yellow and black
looking beautiful
Alexandra, Alexandra,
how you've forgotten me!
Pour wine
Oh life is butter
in the sun
everything on earth says it clearly
whoever's in pain
and doesn't show it
makes the pain king
Pour wine
in your friend's glass
and let loneliness
Time will throw us
to nowhere
and that's why we fairies
will live enthusiastically
like the trucks
that went off road
Pour wine
in your friend's glass
and let loneliness
*The name Harakiri, or Sepuku, is called the Japanese ritual mode of suicide, which was established by the Samurai as the only permissible way in case of defeat or disgrace.
They say
They say when
one is born
he cries because he's in pain
he cries because in life
he suffers
whoever returns
But I'm and born
and I die simultaneously
because you are
the one with my fate
They say that if someone
he secretly smiles
he must be seeing something
something's happening
and he's greeting somebody
But I'm and born
and I die simultaneously
because you are
the one with my fate
I'll say yes
I'll say yes for I know myself,
I'll say yes wearing just a single sandal.
I'll be embarassed to admit that I'm afraid of the life.
I'll say yes and water the head.
I'll say yes and may the others look at me
knocking at a new door in the morning.
The years were nets and I pulled them,
and I raised the struggling ones up.
I interfered on romances and loves,
my harsh nets.
My years have been nets and a calm sea,
but some eternal moments were left untouched.
With melted pants we're off for more
as if we were kids.
I'll say yes for I have said no to the others.
I'll say yes since my heart is capable
of loving. It may be also a skill of the soul.
The years were nets and I pulled them,
and I raised the struggling ones up.
I interfered on romances and loves,
my harsh nets.
My years have been nets and a calm sea,
but some eternal moments were left untouched.
With melted pants we're off for more
as if we were kids.
Darling, the years were nets
and beauty was leaking from them.
My joy was an uncatchable dolphin
which accompanied me.
My years have been nets and a calm sea,
but some eternal moments were left untouched.
With melted pants we're off for more
as if we were kids.
I'll say yes for I know myself,
I'll say yes wearing just a single sandal.
I'll be embarassed to admit that I'm afraid of the life.
Οι μεταφράσεις μου μέχρι ένα εφικτό σημείο είναι δικές μου. Δέχομαι βελτιώσεις μόνο αν θεωρώ ότι κάποια μετάφρασή μου έχει παράδοθεί ελλιπής ή εντελώς εσφαλμένη.
My translations are mine up to a considerable extent. I accept improvements only if I consider that any translation of mine has been delivered inaccurate or completely wrong.
Your body like foreign lands
Your kiss, plain
Ears like your eyes
Your body like sun
And if you turn me down three times
The other three times I will ask you
At your gate: Does some thief
steal everything from me that I give you?
Tears running ferociously down my face
Drops breaking away I hate myself
For not touching you on this hard night
You escaped from my own nets
Tears running frerociously down my face
Drops breaking away I hate myself
For not kissing you there in the madness above
And without your kiss I will die
Your glances your smile like foreign lands
Your hands like seagulls
Your drifting like waves
And if you turn me down three times
I will carry my cross
But if you let go of love
You'll be my precious one
I don't remember anymore where, why and who
gave me papers
with their names, their numbers
and I find them everywhere in the morning
They remain inside the pockets and later they fade away
and then life passes by
So they say I play hard to get
you're the only one who doesn't talk to me much
like as if you have no time and you never call me
and I'm the one calling you again
If I could make a kite with the numbers I call
now I would have been flying so you would calm because I'm calling you and bothering you
I don't remember anymore where, why and who
gave me papers
with their names, their numbers
and I find them in the morning while I'm wasted
If I could make a kite with the numbers I call
now I would have been flying so you would calm because I'm calling you and bothering you
I don't remember anymore where, why and who
gave me papers
with their names, their numbers
and I find them everywhere in the morning
(I find numbers) On tickets, on lost boxes,
cards and receipts , everything is grey
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.
Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.
And you forget
It takes heart to roam the weekends alone
a heavy body to step and make the pain* uncomfortable
life has a masochistic heart to bribe you
in a ridiculous balance it charges* its company
I left you behind in some seat
having conversation and laughing
roads without return, two-way arrows
debilitate me and you forget
Night's game of tag, like a horror story
with the barking dog and shadow of the police man
in my stream you incidentally become a passer-by
It takes heart to throw yourself in the hands of fraud
I left you behind in some seat
having conversation and laughing
roads without return, two-way arrows
debilitate me and you forget
*the embodiment of the pain this person feels
**as in to charge a fee
Alcoholic lyrics
Some alcoholic lyrics
took the narrow streets* by storm
and are roaming about
In God's winter
One takes out his change
and buys his dose
and the other goes into the bar
and becomes drunk off gusto
My sleep forgot to overcome itself
It sells itself with the body's rent
It's consoled in the mechanics of coffee
and in its return, it's answered by dawn
I'm spending my time off
searching for wool clothing
which will be here near the cold
enraged like a beast
And I'm scribbling during the nights
some alcoholic lyrics
which I abandon alone
In God's winter
My sleep forgot to overcome itself
It sells itself with the body's rent
It's consoled in the mechanics of coffee
and in its return, it's answered by dawn
*sokakia= ungrided, very narrow streets like the ones found in old towns
One more kiss
When I'm in pain
I ask where you might be
now that I've chosen the uphill path
the difficult path without end
the difficult pain without a tear
Your step resembles dance
and it entices me
and I don't fear time
don't ask how much I'll take I'll give
I just want one kiss
Your step resembles dance
and it entices me
and I don't fear time
When I'm in pain I ask what's happening to us
which unknown voice is misdirecting us
which distance does it always claim to unite
I ask and the silence destroys me
Oh, sunt în pericol
Întreb de tine când răsare soarele și luna
Și îmi gătesc pieptul cu bijuterii
Oglinda mea magică s-o întreb
Dacă sunt cea mai frumoasă pentru tine
Oh, sunt în pericol, sunt în pericol
Nu pot să mă abțin, nu pot
Mă împrăștii în fața ta și devin a ta
Aprind focurile, aprind focurile
Și eu dansez, și dansez
Noaptea arde și petrec pentru tine
În povestea ta îmi ridic voalul
Și arunc în mare toți „ar trebui”
Bat pentru tine dureri în tamburină
Îți cânt și îmbăt iubirea