Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 58


Susanna către soare

Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
când tu te duci la țară,
olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
acolo e roua care te udă.
Roua e frumoasă,
roua e frumoasă,
dar îmi udă fusta.
Apoi o usucă vântul,
apoi o usucă vântul,
care suflă încet printre flori.
La la la la la la...
Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
când tu te duci la țară,
olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
acolo e roua care te udă.
Roua e frumoasă,
roua e frumoasă,
dar îmi udă fusta.
Apoi te usucă soarele,
apoi te usucă soarele,
prin parfumul de violete.
Mama mea nu vrea,
mama mea nu vrea
ca să stau mereu la soare.
Olele nu vrea,
olele nu vrea,
ce frumos e soarele nu știe ea.
Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
când tu te duci la țară,
olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
acolo e roua care te udă.
Roua e frumoasă,
roua e frumoasă,
dar îmi udă fusta.
Apoi te usucă soarele,
apoi te usucă soarele,
prin parfumul de violete.
Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
alergi mereu către soare.
Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
alergi mereu către soare.
Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
când tu te duci la țară,
olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
acolo e roua care te udă.
Roua e frumoasă,
roua e frumoasă,
dar îți udă fusta.
Apoi te usucă vântul,
apoi te usucă vântul,
care suflă încet printre flori.
Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
alergi mereu către soare.
Olele Susanna,
olele Susanna,
alergi mereu către soare.

Iubirea mea

O poveste frumoasă de iubire am în suflet
Cât de mult te iubesc, nu știe nimeni
De câte ori văd în vise fața ta
Ca trandafirul se deschide inima.
Iubirea mea ai plecat departe și îmi este greu
Întoarce-te și adu-mi înapoi ce este al meu
Întoarce-te și adu-mi râsul ce-l aveam
Să ne ținem de mânâ noi cum ne țineam.
Tu ești bucuria dulce, via frumos,
Îmi dai viață, îmi dai putere și răsuflare
Ești ca vântul fără cale, bați încet
Eu sunt frunza ce-o să caute al tău dor.
Trec orele și mă frământ pe întuneric șed
Deodată râd și plâng cum de te văd
Poate cartea te-a adus în calea mea
Să scape de nelinișre inima.

Ah mai mama

Ah măi mamă greu îmi vine
De-acel băiat mamă ce-l iubesc eu
Zi-mi măi mamă iubirea s-o înțeleg
Cu acel băiat eu să mă mărit
Ah măi mintea îmi este la tine
De ce băiete nu te uiți la mine
Două vorbe băiete să îmi spui
Inima băiete să mi-o încălzești
Ah măi flăcău aromân cu renume
Vino băiatule să mă răpești
Să trăim băiete amândoi viață bună
Luna și soarele să ne cunune
Ah măi Doamne norii alungă-i
Să mă bucur de iubirea senină
Să iasă soarele măi să lumineze
Să nu aud sufletul măi cum oftează

The perfect mistake

What is that, what is that
which has brought me to you
What is that, what is that
That the heart has endured
This is not love, this is something stronger
That makes the heroin cry
That brings me back to you again
I want to turn back time
Do you remember me?
When the love is gone, just dreams remain
Just call me sometime at the least
I want to turn back time
I didn't love anyone like I love you
My dear, because that is the price
When the mistake is a perfect one
What is that, what is that
That no one ever prevents
What is that, what is that
That is never healed
There is no answer, but it's always looked for
Everything else goes by, but what always counts
Is what brings me back to you again
I want to turn back time
Do you remember me?
When the love is gone, just dreams remain
Just call me sometime at the least
I want to turn back time
I didn't love anyone like I love you
My dear, because that is the price
When the mistake is a perfect one
I want to turn back time
Do you remember me?
When the love is gone, just dreams remain
Just call me sometime at the least
I want to turn back time
I didn't love anyone like I love you
My dear, because that is the price
When the mistake is a perfect one

All of My Heart

All of my heart misses you
There are miles between you and me
Take my hand and take me to you
Oh my rainbow, my heart is colorless
You are my love and faith
You are my companion
You are the cure of my tired heart
You are the oinment of my broken heart
I'm obsessed about your eyes
Yes, I am your child
Dress me up by clothe of happiness (make me happy)
I'm off, light me up
All of my heart misses you
There are miles between you and me
Take my hand and take me to you
Oh my rainbow, my heart is colorless
The scent of your hands spread in my house
It is time for a new growth for the roots of my bud
With you, the desert of my dream is the green garden is spring
My eyes have been impatient for the meeting for a long time
All of my heart misses you
There are miles between you and me
Take my hand and take me to you
Oh my rainbow, my heart is colorless
All of my heart misses you
There are miles between you and me
Take my hand and take me to you
Oh my rainbow, my heart is colorless

Marietta's song

Happiness that has stayed with me,
move up close beside me, my true love.
In the grove evening is waning,
yet you are my light and day.
One heart beats uneasily against the other,
while hope is soaring heavenward.
How true, a mournful song.
The song of the true love
bound to die.
I know this song.
I often heard it sung
in happier days of yore.
There is yet another stanza -
have I still got it in mind?
Though dismal sorrow is drawing nigh,
move up close beside me, my true love.
Turn your wan face to me
death will not part us.
When the hour of death comes one day,
believe that you will rise again.

If Your Name Rained Down

Versions: #1
We've never dedicated to each other,
dedicated the, the right songs
perhaps because, about us,
no one ever talks.
We've never said to each other the words.
We've never said to each other the right words,
not even by accident,
not even by accident in silence.
The city is full of fountains
but the thirst never disappears.
Is it a distraction?
Is it, is it, is it
that I always have the Sahara in my mouth?
The city is full of shops
but they always close later,
and I'm the only remaining
to give the world its change.
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is yours.
We've never seen each other for real.
We've never taken each other seriously for real,
not even by accident,
not even by accident in silence.
The city meets your dessert
which I've watered since time immemorial.
Is it my mission?
Is it, is it, is it
that I have a flower in my mouth?
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is mine.
But who am I without you?
A bunch of stacked purchases.
A book in French that I don't even,
even know well myself.
If you must go, I pay.
Forgive me if I think out loud.
Forgive me if I think out loud.
If in the middle of the streets
or in the confusion,
your name rained down,
I'd like to drink one letter at a time,
amidst a thousand people,
station after station,
and if I don't get off at the right one, the blame is...

We Have Walked

I’ve walked
Day and night
Towards the unknown
To conquer my fears.
At the end of the world,
The same ghosts.
Indifference is
The master of the kingdom.
Even heads upside down
We all stick to the earth,
But it keeps on
Snowing in my heart.
They made me believe
That we were all equal.
But what are we waiting for
To bring down the walls?
Tell me again,
Our future
Will be beautiful.
Hand in hand,
Let’s tame the thunderstorms,
Let’s shout to
Make the aurorae dance.
Let’s draw billions
Of crowns
So that we are all
Kings and queens of our land.
If you’re hungry,
I’ll go find the herds.
If you’re afraid,
I’ll write you stories.
It’s autumn,
We’re still walking
Towards the infinite
And everything will start over.
Tell me again,
Our future
Will be beautiful.
Tell me again,
Our future
Will be beautiful.

I Have Found It

The wind becomes warm
When I hear your voice.
I want to be with you.
I don’t want to be alone.
I search for love
[But] I have love [to offer].
[There is] no rushing,
Because we’ve found each other.
The night changes into morning.
Please, ask me
To stay longer,
[To stay] near you.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.
I have found it.

Încă aici

Încă aici,
Din nou tu,
Dar acum știu cine ești,
Cine vei fi mereu.
Și când mă vei zări,
Îți vei aminti.
Încă aici,
Din nou tu,
Și sper că mă vei ierta.
Tu, cu aceiași ochi,
Pari a te întoarce să mă întrebi de mine,
Despre cum merg lucrurile
Și, aici, pe de altă parte, cum o duc.
Iarba verde, aerul cald,
Pe picioarele mele și peste flori.
Se înalță un vânt printre culori,
Aproape seamănă cu tine,
Chiar dacă cerul își schimbă numele,
La fel de alb ca bumbacul,
Care e iute, care se mișcă,
Pierdut în mijlocul albastrului.
E ceva anume în tine,
E ceea ce se va-ntoarce
Cum era deja.
Încă aici,
Din nou tu,
Și ceea ce-a fost, de-acum s-a dus.
Și cu aceiași ochi,
Pari a te întoarce să mă întrebi de mine,
Despre cum merg lucrurile
Și, în această stranie lume, cum o duc.
O să te-ntorci și-am să mă-ntorc,
Și-o să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc,
O să te-ntorci, o să mă-ntorc,
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc.
O să-ți amintești, o să-ți amintești,
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc.
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc de tine.
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc,
O să-ți amintești, o să-mi amintesc.

Oh, God

Oh God, how heavy my heart is
And my soul bitter
I go to sleep but I can't
I don't know what to do
Oh God, how heavy my heart is
And my soul bitter
I go to sleep but I can't
I don't know what to do
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh, my cold heart
You want to melt my body
I can't be at peace
All this suffering because of you
Oh, my cold heart
You want to melt my body
I can't be at peace
All this suffering because of you
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it
Oh God, my heart
How much it has to endure
Oh God, my heart
What a fire burning inside of it

Of, Doamne

Măi, cât îmi atârnă inima
Și sufletu-mi este amar
Mă pun să dorm dar nu am somn
Nu știu, măi, ce să fac
Măi, cât îmi atârnă inima
Și sufletu-mi este amar
Mă pun să dorm dar nu am somn
Nu știu, măi, ce să fac
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta de ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Măi, inima, care-mi îngheți
Corpul vrei să mi-l topești
Iubirea nu-mi dă pace
Tot greul e din vina ta.
Măi, inima, care-mi îngheți
Corpul vrei să mi-l topești
Iubirea nu-mi dă pace
Tot greul e din vina ta.
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta de ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta de ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea
Of, Doamne, inima
Câte trage, amărâta
Of, Doamne, inima
Ce foc arde în ea

Me Elsie

Rumor has it, your contract is ending
You'll take back the plane at the end of the month
Please listen, I'll be brief
You'll be missed, not just by me
Like to those girls in the barracks
disorderly populated to death
tracked by cousins
in the closet, at the end of a rope
None are protecting themselves
From dreaming of being alone with you
Your charming like a beautiful snare
Your lips are shinning like a lure
I want to tell you how I feel
I feel good when I'm with you
You're kind, you're sweet and you're valiant
You have a beautiful sex, I want it for me
The girls, tonight, are doing a cortege
To crawl to your bed
To commit the greatest sacrilege
Loving a White, wetting his bed
They console themselves just by dreaming
I transmit you their grattitude
And the needles of their compass
Go in the night to point the South
Maybe you're asking yourself why
I'm not taking a man from my river
When they lay by my side
I feel like they're my own brothers
The men here have a hard time
They come into the world, it's become trivial
With an arrow jabbed in their neck
And when they talk, it's hurting them
They're stuck in a dream-catcher
At the Coop, rumor has it,
They buy some lie powder
And then go black ideas hunting
When their guns have emptied everything
They then take our hearts as targets
You, you took me without owning me
We like a man when he's free
I don't why, it made me think:
Maybe a woman is waiting for you back there
How to tell you without offense
There's nothing eternal down here
I know, talking like this is no good
You have to excuse me, I'm doing my best
Just to tell you that we're building bridges
where the rapids are raging
Remember my name : Elsie
Like the sweet wind on the tundra
And if one day, you heart decides
I'd dearly like for it to come to me
And if it ever was to be the case
I need to go to Montreal this fall
Would you take me near Oka?
To see the colors? To eat apples?
Rumor has it, your contract is ending
You'll take back the plane at the end of the month
Please listen, I'll be brief
You'll be missed, not just by me
Not just by me...

You shall be the kaiser of my soul

I know a land, one without borders
I know a realm wherein gently extend
For sure a thousand tender thoughts
Around the rosen path of my love
That is the land wherein I live
That is the realm that I surrender to you
The throne to which I now raise you
Being the free estate of my heart
You, you, you shall be the kaiser of my soul
You, you, you alone shall wear the purple
You, you, you shall bear the sceptre
You, you, only you shall govern therein
You, you, you will enter there as victor
When you love me, as reward
Your crown will reside in my heart
And you shall rule freely on golden throne
Made by my love for you
You are my kaiser-elect
And your wishes are orders
Obeyed will you be by my soul
Which I entrust wholly to you
You, you, you shall be the kaiser of my soul
You, you, you alone shall wear the purple
You, you, you shall bear the sceptre
You, you, only you shall govern therein
You, you, you will enter there as victor

The Shadows Are Getting Longer

Versions: #2
It's time for us to finally get to talk
Time to break through the silence
You know me.
Yes, you know me!
Dy you remember still, you were a lad
when I promised you
I would
always be near you.
Oh, I've never forgotten you
My Friend, I'm calling after
when my fears consume me...
I came because you need me
The shadows are getting longer
and yet all stay
blind and mute
To the tune of the Ratcatcher
they frantically dance
around the Golden Calf
The shadows are getting longer!
It is five to twelve!
It's about time.
Time, to see the world's fissure (?)
If only I could turn the helm!
But I must stand next to it
My hands
are tied.
There's nothing worse than to know
how disaster develops
and to have to watch it helplessly
It completely
makes me ill!
The shadows are getting longer,
and the songs get
chilly and shrill.
The vicious circle narrows
but one only believes
what one wants to believe.
The shadows are getting longer!
It's five to twelve!
Why does everyone hold still?
What is holding you back?
This is the moment!
Seize the power!
Do it in self-defence!
[Together with Choir:]
The shadows are getting longer
what is to happen
is to happen now.
The vicious circle narrows!
One should withstand
the disaster.
The shadows are getting longer!
Rudolf the Emperor
will go to meet Time.
Please alert me when spelling, print or other inconsistencies are spotted. Thank you!


[Verse 1]
Elisabeth, no, there wasn't a woman with me
You're hallucinating, someone's telling you a soap, soap1
Who would it be? That's not me in the photo, I'll show you!
You won't find anything there, keep your hands off my telephone, phone
Baby, I know it doesn't make much sense to stop you
Your friends have information and they know where I am
You watch me day and night
When I sleep, you're awake
And with that we're not a couple at all
It's true, this woman is driving me insane
So true, this woman is driving me insane, insane, oh babe, please tell me
[Bridge 1]
Elly, I swear to you, I'm at the end of my patience
I see you behind that tree there (I see you, uh, hi!)
Don't go over the boundaries with loud love
You know I'm terribly hot (yes, girl)
[Verse 2]
Honey, put down the air rifle and listen to me2
What are you up to?
We had three dates and now you come for me like this, like this
Baby, I see you're evil, you've already demonstrated
My apartment is smashed to pieces and my car is wrecked
You watch me day and night
When I sleep, you're awake
And with that we're not a couple at all
It's true, this woman is driving me insane
So true, this woman is driving me insane, insane, oh babe, please tell me
Elly, what should I do? Because you are and remain
The prettiest woman I've come across
But there's one thing that puts me off:
You are insanely evil, disturbed, you're sick (girl)
[Conversation: Teesy & Elisabeth]
'Elly, Elisabeth, I see you!'
'Why are you following me?'
'Uh, I'm following you because we're together?'
'Together? Tell me, are you crazy? We had three dates!'
'But the were so nice!'
'Elisabeth, what is wrong with you?'
It's true, this woman is driving me insane
So true, this woman is driving me insane, insane, oh babe, please tell me
It's true, this woman is driving me insane
So true, this woman is driving me insane, insane, oh babe, please tell me
  • 1. i.e., a soap opera
  • 2. „Süße, nimm das Luftgewehr runter und hör mir zu“

Wars and hunger we have endured enough ...

Wars and hunger we have endured enough,
Heard much, swallowed promises, -
And bumped off the tsar and a temporary executive power thereafter,
Because their time is over.
But if somewhere somebody is hoping
Then we shall notice him between others:
Your time to come back, won't be at all -
We shall somehow take care of him.
But there is by no means a temporary executive power at the moment
From now on is Soviet power above all.
Which of them are temporary, - step down! Now step donwn!
Ended has your time!

Bohemian lights for Elisa

Bohemian lights were illuminating
As you were leaving the Academy
The clumsy walk
Of your feet disoriented
On both sides of reality
Dancing girl and I behind
From your steely calves
I was hanging my glances
As I was plotting
Where, how, how and and when
Can one approach a youthful lass
It's so hard to get the courage
And to decidedly cry
'Do you have the time, please?'
And today hanging by your laughter
I'm a madman in the cornice
Doing a balancing act for Elisa
From your tiny breasts
The minutes overflow
And make out of ten o'clock
An injustice
Bohemian lights in every tooth
You answered with a smile
'There's a clock right in front of you!
It's twenty to nine...
And at home they dine at ten o'clock...
Why don't you treat me to coffee?'
A backwards reversal
And Don Juan became Doña Ines
With more yearning that expertise
You unbutton my shirt
A kiss for every button for Elisa
And lost amid your hair
I'm a saint gone to Heaven
Without ever stepping into mass
Bohemian lights for Elisa
Bohemian lights for Elisa
And today hanging by your laughter
I'm a madman in the cornice
Doing a balancing act for Elisa
From your tiny breasts
The minutes overflow
And make out of ten o'clock
An injustice


Me that difficulty hope
And more difficulty love
In my biggest resistances
I drop the singular...
For you easy
On my own
The world I you turn
Thousands of people
Around me
And of all you I wound choose
Me that difficulty approve
And more difficulty love
I locked tonight my heart
With your name as a password...
For you easy
On my own
The world I would turn
Thousands of people
Around me
And of all you I would choose

I broke an almond

(One thousand) Welcome(s) my dear friends
My happy and kind-hearted company
I broke an almond and I painted you inside
broken almonds , I'm giving you my greetings
Let me sing and have fun , who knows what future holds
If I die or if I'm going to be alive or if I'm going to be somewhere else
I broke an almond and I painted you inside
broken almonds ,I'm giving you my greetings
Translation made by the user Miley_lovato for
Otherwise the source is mentioned below.

Η μετάφραση έγινε απο τη χρήστη Miley_lovato για το
Σε διαφορετική περίπτωση η πηγή αναγράφεται απο κάτω.

Is Your Lantern Lit?

The night is short between the lights
The slippery snow of tight sheets
The night is short between hands of fire
And glowing mouths going wherever they want
I miss you lips and the fact that you took me with you
Without a doubt as contribution rates went up and down
From the balcony, I'm dripping onto a withered hyacinth
The night is beautiful, is your lantern lit? (x2)
The night is long under the string of the stars
With a mouth full of ash from the flaming words
Smoking houses and bridges that were burned
The night is black, is you lantern lit?
'Cause life is short in the crackling fire
Of melting yearnings and frozen goals
And love letters that never will be sent
The night is beautiful, is you lantern let? (x4)
Is your lantern lit? (x5)
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Is It Still Hurting?

You kiss tenderly
As I've dreamt
All the blinking lights turn on
'Cause what I want to hold
Is falling out of my hands
You kiss gently
Bleeding a bit
From my sharp teeth
Which start where all of my
Soft defenses end
Is it still hurting you?
Is it still hurting?
Is it still hurting you?
Is it still hurting?
I dropped us on the floor1
We couldn't break
And we kept on sliding
With our hearts broken on new crutches
You kiss tenderly
As I've dreamt
I hoped that you know
I run far the most away from what
I fear losing the most
Is it still hurting you?
Is it still hurting?
Is it still hurting you?
Is it still hurting?
I dropped us on the floor
We couldn't break
And we kept on sliding
With our hearts broken on new crutches
Is it still hurting you?
Is it still hurting?
Is it still hurting you?
Is it still hurting?
Is it still hurting you?
  • 1. Dropping something on the floor means ruining or wasting one's chances.
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

A Love Song

I loved the mature one
He has white hair, he has love in his hands...
He doesn't stop if I say do not
I loved the mature one
The heart stops, he makes cry when he touches...
He doesn't stop if I say do not love
I wish we fall into the sea, swim to the sun together...
Freely, lay on the soil, get dirty...
In the same place under the candlelight...
If it's a love song and it is written for you
Come to me and whisper, but in my ear
If It is a love song and it is written for you
Come to me and whisper but in my ear
I loved the mature one
I couldn't tell anyone and I missed you so much...
I wish you call...
I woke up, I looked at mirror as if I was shining as a diamond
We lay on the soil, get dirty
In the same place under the candlelight
If it is a love song and it is written for you
Come to me and whisper, but in my ear
If it is a love song and it's written for you
Come to me and whisper but in my ear
I loved the mature one, I couldn't tell anyone
I missed you so much, I wish you call...

Blank Page

In front of
A blank page
In front of everything that's missing
And with only one thought in my head
A thought lying
Burned to the ground
Like some kind of remote control
To return to where, to return to when
The wind on my face stung
And the earth beneath my feet burned
And to me, it really didn't matter
Everything was perfect
To dream in bed and
Not want anything
Not seek anything
In front of someone else's dream
In front of an asphalt plant
With eyes open, wide open
In search of any goal
With that desire to return home
And this time make him see, pay
With that desire to turn around
And find the strength, the courage to go!
I didn't want anything from you
I didn't know anything
I didn't want anything from you
I didn't think of anything that wasn't real
And I watched the sky to find a reason
To return to the world
And cried, 'At least take away
This anger so if I don't succeed,
I'll know that you have given it to the wind.'
I didn't want anything
I didn't know anything
I didn't want anything from you
I didn't think of anything that wasn't real
In front of my blank page
In front of a blank page, blank
In front of this blank page, blank
In front of a ... my blank page, blank
My blank page, blank
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If I Want to Dance

Versions: #2
What a triumph!
[der Tod]
My triumph!
What a festival!
[der Tod]
My festival!
I have overcome the enemies
[der Tod]
So you change the course of the world in my mind
We are so closely connected
I did not do it for the world
[der Tod]
Not for the world
But for me
[der Tod]
For me!
Now I have found my way
[der Tod]
They have laughed at you
But now you have prevailed and defeated them
They held me tight as a dancing puppet
But I will not be a marionette!
If I want to dance
Then I dance as I like
I alone determine the hour
I alone select the music
If I want to dance
Then I dance
In my particular style
At the edge of the abyss
Or only
In your gaze
[der Tod]
Black seagull, fly!
I fly
[der Tod]
I alone
[der Tod]
Will accompany you through night and storm
I do not want to be accompanied any more
Not even by you
I will not be led
[der Tod]
You are only free because of me
Only because of me
[der Tod]
Only for me
For me
[der Tod]
For you shall pave the way for me
Now I'm going my own way
I've separated myself from you
Leave me alone!
[der Tod]
You fell in love with me
Because freedom does not exist without me and
None can understand you but me
If I want to dance
Then I dance as I like
I alone determine the hour
I alone select the music
If I want to dance
Then I dance
In my particular style
At the edge of the abyss
Or only
In your gaze
I am strong enough alone
[der Tod]
You were strong only as long
As you still believed yourself weak
I will not call you
[der Tod]
You will call me
I will not seek you
[der Tod]
You will seek me
I begin to love life
[der Tod]
Soon you will hate it
If I want to dance
Then I dance as I like
I alone determine the hour
I alone select the music
If I want to dance
Then I dance
In my particular style
At the edge of the abyss
Or only
In your gaze
If I want to dance
And with whom I want to dance
Only I decide

Follow the rhythm

Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
I read it in your eyes,
You want to be like me,
As you see, in my world
I make the rules myself.
My body that vibrates
Becomes the music,
It’s like a wave that grows,
It’s a flame inside me!
Come! Let’s go!
I know that you want to dance.
If you want it,
You can let yourself go.
But now follow this rhythm inside you!
You are the star,
And this is your moment,
It’s the Talk Show,
Express your talent,
Right now nothing and nobody will stop you!
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
Oh, Oh-Oh, Oh...
You have something special,
You have personality,
Stop believing in this, really,
And everything will change!
People told you:
“Hey don’t delude yourself”
Now they shout your name
That they want only you!
Come! Let’s go!
I know that you want to dance.
If you want it,
You can let yourself go.
But now follow this rhythm inside you!
You are the star,
And this is your moment,
It’s the Talk Show,
Express your talent,
Right now nothing and nobody will stop you!
Now I know that you are…
(…You are rhythm and music!!)
You have the passion that will give you…
(…Wings to fly!!)
Listen only to your heart…
(…And do what you want, want, want!!)
If you want it, then you can…
(…Because nobody is like us!!)
Come! Let’s go!
I know that you want to dance.
If you want it,
You can let yourself go.
But now follow this rhythm inside you!
You are the star,
And this is your moment,
It’s the Talk Show,
Express your talent,
Right now nothing and nobody will stop you!