Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 17


Pot vedea pe chipul tău

Când te-ai plictisit de mine,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Când în brațele mele ți-e bine,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Pot vedea pe chipul tău
Și crede-mă, și crede-mă,
Când vrei să mă pui în cușcă,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Când râzi de fixațiile mele,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Când n-ai chef de nimic,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Pot vedea pe chipul tău
Și crede-mă, și crede-mă,
Când ești cu capu-n nori,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Precum o pasăre nou-născută,
Care știe din instinct de unde vate vântul,
Iubirea știe în fiecare clipă
Să perceapă cel mai mic sentiment.
Când îți faci griji pentru mine,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Când împarți cu mine bucuriile,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Pot vedea pe chipul tău,
Și crede-mă, și crede-mă,
Când ochii tăi sunt mânioși,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Așa cum florile se trezesc
Înainte de răsăritul soarelui,
Iubirea își poate închipui
Sfârșitul tuturor gândurilor.
Când ai nevoie de mine,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Tot ceea ce tu nu spui,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.
Pot vedea pe chipul tău,
Și crede-mă, și crede-mă,
Când inima ta pleacă-n excursie,
Pot vedea, pot vedea.

Get up to see

How much is my heart tormented
and how much it suffers
and what I did with my hands
o people
written written
on my forehead
Get up to see the almond buds
bursting from each side
Get up to see the almond buds
bursting from each side
The spring is here, human
How good is the time of debauchery
Friend, let's go to the garden
to enjoy the world for an hour
Where are we staying?
If the night comes
Where are we staying?
Safety safety safety
Where are we staying?
On a bed of silk and its pillows
Safety safety safety
O night o night
How beautiful is staying up in the night

De ce să vorbim de dragoste?

De ce să vorbim de dragoste,
Când ne iubim, când ne iubim?
Inimile noastre, de-o veșnicie
Sunt aceleași, sunt aceleași.
Nu-i nevoie de vorbe,
Nici de chinul poemelor.
Cuvintele de dragoste s-au folosit prea mult,
Pentru că-ți spun de asemenea:
Privește-mă, sunt fericit,
Se vede în ochii mei.
De ce să vorbim de dragoste,
Când ne iubim, când ne iubim?
Viața noastră, zi după zi,
Ne conduce, ne înlănțuie.
Tu știi bine, dragostea mea,
Că te iubesc, că te iubesc.
Fericirea și patima
Nu se pot explica.
Rămâi cu mine toată viața,
Cum suntem astăzi.
Când sosești și te-arunci în brațele mele,
Când gândesc că ești a mea,
Nu mai contează ce-aș avea de zis.
De ce să vorbim de dragoste,
Când ne iubim, când ne iubim?
Inimile noastre, de-o veșnicie
Sunt aceleași, sunt aceleași.
Nu-i nevoie de vorbe,
Nici de chinul poemelor.
Adevărul dintre noi doi
Nu mai poate să ne părăsească.
Când mă trezesc în fiecare dimineață,
Mi-e bine cu tine.
Când avem doar amintiri frumoase,
Când alungăm ploaia cu un zâmbet,
Nu mai e, te asigur, nimic de zis.
De ce să vorbim de dragoste,
Când ne iubim, când ne iubim?
Inimile noastre, de-o veșnicie
Sunt aceleași, sunt aceleași.
Nu-i nevoie de vorbe,
Nici de chinul poemelor.
Cuvintele de dragoste s-au folosit prea mult,
Pentru că-ți spun, de asemenea:
Privește-mă, sunt fericit,
Se vede în ochii mei.
De ce să vorbim de dragoste,
Când ne iubim, când ne iubim?
De ce să vorbim de dragoste,
Când ne iubim, când ne iubim?
De ce să vorbim de dragoste,
Când ne iubim, când ne iubim?

My Andalusia

I have a dream, this is the oldest
That was yesterday and will be tomorrow
Three expectations,
Laugh at the differences
Mixture of words
Music and skins
If we could make them talk one day
These olive tres cling to their land
Proud to be there for hundreds of years
I know they would tell u show to acquire the peace
If I have a lot of countries now
This is the one we are talked about in the books
About that time when life was good
What happened to my Andalusia
What happened to our Andalusia
I have a dream, this is the oldest
That was yesterday and will be tomorrow
Three expectations,
Play with different appearances
And sing in tune
Guitars, lutes and violins
Three rainbows
Derived from the same sun
To color the rain
With the colors of life
If I have a lot of countries now
This is one where by a little conflict
Women were hunted by the worries and the grayness
What happened to my Andalusia
What happened to our Andalusia
I have a dream, this is the oldest
That was yesterday and will be tomorrow
Three expectations,
Chained by luck
To share smiles,
Joys, sorrows and pleasures.
Three rainbows
Out under the sun
Of the horizon designed by
The red and burned soil
If I have a lot of countries now
It is from this time, this Eldorado
That I found by the sound of flamenco
What happened to my Andalusia
What happened to our Andalusia


when the horizon calls me, calls me and smile to me
your charm delight me, your beauty seduce me
It's Eden of all the time which enchant and wait me,
it's the fairy of Lebanon
Your song full of softness stretches itself to the infinite
and mount in my heart in green symphonies
It's the song of the old time that lovers repeat,
it's the slow melody o Lebanon.
sun laughing in the sky, with a mysterious reflection
savour of milk, of honey which goes down to us from the sky
It's Venus o all the times, the lovers celebrate
in the flowered mountain of Lebanon.
I sing to your stars, when all is silent,
the blue that nothing veil sleeps in your eyes.
I dream a brilliant dream which soothes me softly
by the One thousand and One nights o Lebanon...

Love Me, I Love You

All fire, all flame, I run to you.
You smiled at me, I lost my mind.
When I think about it, my heart beats out loud.
Our love at that moment took its first steps.
Those fragile moments that seem futile—
those are snapshots of our memories
that we share between two storms
to write together the end of the story.
Your white dress, a ring on your finger—
surrounded by people who celebrated with us—
and this room where I did not dare—
it is a memory that I will not forget.
Love me, I love you, love me always.
What would my life be like if you were not here?
Love me, I love you, and love me always—
I need love and I need you.
The earth that burns, the boat departs—
when all is lost, hope remains.
This taste of life, my heart owes it to you.
In your eyes, the sun has risen for me.
You who live in the shade of a curtain coming down—
to whom bravos never are addressed.
When the lights come up, you are the first
of whom I think no matter how far away I be.
Your trembling hand clings to me—
and then, with a cry, you give birth.
You hand me the newborn child—
all that is beautiful always comes to me from you.
Love me, I love you, love me always.
What would my life be like if you were not here?
Love me, I love you, and love me always—
I need love and I need you.
You dress up, you go out with me—
people turn to look as you walk by.
They stare at you—you do not see them.
How happy I am to have you close to me.
Love me, I love you, love me always.
What would my life be like if you were not here?
Love me, I love you, and love me always—
I need love and I need you.

Go Away

Go away you who who dreamed
Of a love without limits
Let's forget the past
Go away the sky invites you
Leave your friends there
And don't care about anything but your head
Enjoy life
Go away go to ? is partying
You will meet love
No matter where you'll smile at him
And for a new future
You'll erase the memory of me
Even though I still love you
More and more strongly everyday
Irregardless of what you'll do
For you I'll always be there
Go away without a regret
While leaving behind you
A ? whose given up
Without happiness and without joy
But if ever tomorrow
You wanted to return
Don't forget that my hand
Wanted to keep a hold you
Don't forget that my hand
Wanted to keep a hold you
Go away go to ? is partying
You will meet love
No matter where you'll smile at him
And for a new future
You'll erase the memory of me
Even though I still love you
More and more strongly everyday
Irregardless of what you'll do
For you I'll always be there
Go away without a regret
While leaving behind you
Without happiness and without joy
But if ever tomorrow
You wanted to return
Don't forget that my hand
Wanted to keep a hold you
Don't forget that my hand
Wanted to keep a hold you
Entirely my own work, please quote/reference me if used elsewhere.

I see it in your look

When you are bored with me
I see it, I see it
When you are doing well in my arms
I see it, I see it
I see it in your look
And believe and believe me
When you want to put me in a cage
I see it, I see it
When you laugh at my obsessions
I see it, I see it
When nothing agrees with you
I see it, I see it
I see it in your look
And believe me and believe me
When you are in the clouds
I see it, I see it
Same as a newborn bird
That knows instinctively which direction the wind is blowing from
Love knows each instant
How to grab even the tiniest feeling
When you worry about me
I see it, I see it
When you share my joys
I see it, I see it
I see it in your look
And believe me and believe me
When there's a storm in your eyes
I see it, I see it
Like the flowers that awaken
Before the sun rises
Love can imagine
The ending to all your thoughts
When you need me
I see it, I see it
Everything you don't say
I see it, I see it
I see it in your look
And believe me and believe me
When your heart takes a journey
I see it, I see it

Goodbye my country

Versions: #3
I left my country, I left my house
My life, my sad life is dragging for no reason
I left my sun, I left my blue sea
Their memories still, evenl after my goodbye
Sun, sun of my lost country
The white city I loved, girls I once knew
I left a friend, I still see her eyes
Her eyes wet with rain, the rain of the farewell
I see her smile, so close to my face
It made the evenings of my village shine
But from the edge of the boat, which took me away from the dock
A chain in the water slammed like a whip
I have long watched her blue eyes
The sea drowned them in the flow of regret

My friend's wife

Versions: #3
I know why you cried
And sadly, looked at me
I can take you in my arms
To kiss your red eyes
But me, I don't have the right
You're my friend's wife
I know why you want to leave
To me you can't lie
I can take you in my arms
And tear you away from this life
But, I do not have the right
You are my friend's wife
I feel my heart all torn
Between love and friendship
That I can not decide
I know why you left
That who did not know how to love you
And I let you go
In search of your life
In me I have only one memory
You are my friend's wife
I know why you want to sing
And why you looked at me
I can take you in my arms
Because today I have the right
You have always been for me
The true face of love
Yet we will never live
At the heart of the same song
At the heart of the same house
I would like you to understand
That if I love you you are also
For me, the wife of my friend, of my friend.

No, I haven't forgotten

Versions: #3
Crushed under the sunshine,the white town
where, one day, I was born.
The sloping streets , the bridge on the Rummel
the gardens full of orange trees.
No, I haven't forgotten
even if my life has changed
but silence is often a way to love
no, no, no, no, I haven't forgotten
All these sad faces
but no one has the right to sacrifice
present for past.
The street that sings , the summer that has come
hasn't forgotten the cold winter
and the wounds that no one can see anymore
Still hurt him a lot
So much hope suddenly blowen away
by a wind of madness
So much innocence suddenly stunned
to beg for a reprieve.
(Back to the chorus)
When a storm darkens the sky
The rain has to fall
before the sun can be found.
The desire to love life,
All these links which have plaited
the chain that kept the ship
all these broken links
have left our cradles on the wharf
No I haven't forgotten
even if my life has changed
but the silence often is a way to love.
No, no, no, no, I haven't forgotten
And I'll never forget.
But now you and I cannot change anything
No, no, no, no, I haven't forgotten
And I'll never forget,
But now you and I cannot change anything
No, no, no, no...