Rezultatele căutării pagină 39
Număr de rezultate: 1374
Flying machines
After dusk, the old lady from the fifth floor
is smoking cigarettes on her ebony balcony.
Ten square meters, that her accute agoraphobia
barely stood for years.
And from up there, she beholds
secretly the life
of the opposite lovers.
She dreams up a parallel life.
Smiling, eyes stuck to a pair of binoculars
while she doesn't even know their names.
She prefers their cross-buildings relations
to remain anonymous
And the years go by and the peeping tom gets worried.
No more shadow puppets, no more mist on the windows.
In their room, the lovers turned into sleepwalkers.
The wild sleepless nights are a thing of the past.
It's the lovers' demise,
now they sleep in separate rooms
and the Richter scale has flatlined,
under a common roof of parallel solitudes.
In anonymity, a dream of something grandiose and sensual.
Now tonight, planes are on their way
The neighbour's counterpane is their air terminal.
Secret dates folded in paper,
poems only Jardin would write.
' Tomorrow at midnight sharp, on the roof,
I'll wait you there. Signed: anonymous '
After dusk, in their Sunday's best,
the lovers meet, oblivious to the trick.
On a skyscaper's roof, you can see the light
of their engagement, like under the sun.
The watercoloured night carries their reunion,
and the old lady smiles,
eyes stuck to her binoculars.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Aș vrea să pot
Să înot,
Să înot sub mare.
Și nimic,
Nu ne-ar despărți
Să fim
Ca delfinii
Pentru totdeauna nicicând.
Putem să fim eroi
O zi, nimic mai mult.
Aș fi Regele.
Și tu
Ai fi Regina.
Și nimic,
Nu ne-ar separa.
Vom fi noi
O zi, nimic mai mult.
Putem să fim eroi
O zi, nimic mai mult.
Eu pot să-mi amintesc
Să stau
Cu tine în Berlin.
Și nimic,
Nu ne-ar separa.
Vom fi noi
O zi, nimic mai mult.
Putem să fim eroi
O zi, nimic mai mult.
Putem să fim eroi
O zi, nimic mai mult.
Oh, putem să fim eroi!
Putem să fim eroi
O zi, nimic mai mult.
Putem să fim eroi.
Oh, o zi, nimic mai mult.
Oh, oh, putem să fim eroi!
Eh, eh, eroi!
Cadillacul Lui Geronimo
Vreau să-mi împărtăşesc visele
Vreau să le împărtăşesc cu tine
Pe aripile iubirii
Aşa cum o fac visătorii
Să-ţi ating inima...
Tu eşti regina inimilor frânte
Oh, suntem prieteni în timpul zilei...
Iar noaptea suntem nebuni
Joci acest joc...
Încalci regurile
Lacrimi de iubire, sunt lacrimi îngheţate
Cadillacul lui Geronimo...
Face ca toate fetele să înnebunească
Inima Lui Geronimo... oh, este o piedică
Cadillacul lui Geronimo...
Întristează toate fetele
Inima Lui Geronimo... oh, este o piedică
Cadillacul lui Geronimo...
Este agitaţie în mintea ta
Este o agitaţie încrucişată
Este o înferbântare care te înnebuneşte
Cadillacul lui Geronimo... oh baby
Te vrea înapoi
Este agitaţie în mintea ta
Acea zăpuşeală te întristează
Caut prin ochii, ochii iubirii
Ai făcut un prost din mine... nu pot obţine destul
Mi-ai atins inima... Bulevardul visului e distrus
Un alt timp pentru dragoste... alt loc de a fi
Nu-l lăsa să-ţi ia dragostea
Dragostea ta de la mine
Lacrimi de iubire, sunt lacrimi îngheţate
Cadillacul lui Geronimo...
Face ca toate fetele să înnebunească
Inima Lui Geronimo... oh, este o piedică
Cadillacul lui Geronimo...
Întristează toate fetele
Inima Lui Geronimo... oh, este o piedică
Cadillacul lui Geronimo...
Este agitaţie în mintea ta
Este o agitaţie încrucişată
Este o înferbântare care te înnebuneşte
Cadillacul lui Geronimo... oh baby
Te vrea înapoi
Este o agitaţie încrucişată
Acea zăpuşeală te întristează
Cadillacul lui Geronimo...
Face ca toate fetele să înnebunească
Inima Lui Geronimo... oh, este o piedică
eu am vrut pisică neagră
Un adevărat crocodil
un adevărat aligator
Am spus că l-am avut
Și I ar fi dat el pentru tine
Dar pactele erau clare:
un crocodil pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
Am vrut o pisică neagră, negru, neagră
mi-ai dat o pisică albă
Eu nu sunt la pactelor
Am vrut o pisică neagră, negru, neagră
Ca esti un mincinos
Cu tine nu ma mai joc
Nu era o girafa
Din plastic sau din material textil
Dar una în carne și oase
și ti-aș fi adus
Dar pactele erau clare:
o girafa pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
un elefant indian
cu toată baldachinul:
Am avut-o în grădină
I ar fi dat el pentru tine
Dar pactele erau clare:
un elefant pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
Dar pactele erau clare:
întreaga grădină zoologică pentru tine
și trebuia să dați
o pisică neagră pentru mine
Am vrut o pisică neagră, negru, neagră
în schimb este o pisică albă
ce mi-ai dat
Am vrut o pisică neagră
dar totuți, negru sau alb
Pisica I țineți el la mine
și nu-ți dau nimic
și nu-ți dau nimic
My favourite hero
When things go wrong,
when the heart breaks
when I'm drowning in my coffee break
when my guardian angel sinks to the bottom
when I no loger want to be a fairy
when all cases are conundrums
and yet I can't give up,
you might think I forget about you,
and maybe you think I abandonned you.
My golden little guy
My favourite hero
My beloved sweetie
you give me the strength to hang on
when life ruins my life
and others' lives too.
It's your smile that lights my way,
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero...
When you fall asleep, you become heavy,
that's to prevent me from flying away.
Little guy, my great love,
it's for you I want to win the day.
And if sometimes I feel sad,
water falling on my hands,
you come closer and whisper to me
that you are there just for me.
My golden little guy
My favourite hero
My beloved sweetie
you give me the strength to hang on
when life ruins my life
and others' lives too.
It's your smile that lights my way,
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero...
Come on, my hero,
Come on, little guy,
Come now, sleep tight my baby
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero... my favourite hero...
my favourite hero...
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
I made love with the sea
Lying among stars
as the sun was dying
I sought a smile
on an island of caresses.
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
I cradled my skin to sleep
in my arms
and set my sorrows free
in her flowing tenderness
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
Her waves stole
a star of light,
sprinkling scales in the sky
and embelishing with silver
the froth along her sides.
And I learnt these words
so as to stop talking.
The alphabet of night
on an etheral breath
came to me and whispered I had to forget you.
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
Though I wouldn't fall asleep
without you around,
there, on a bed of sand,
I dreamt about your sleep.
I made love with the sea
I made love with the sea
Shall you come back tomorrow
seeking a memory,
you'll have to stay quiet.
I'll teach you at last
how to make love with the sea.
How to make love with the sea.
The sea.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
It's too easy to say I love you
For a while, you just sigh,
you let out an 'I love you'
because it's a pleasant thing to say.
As for me, I want a joking word
to escape a loving word.
Maybe it's fear,
maybe it's doubt,
maybe a mere memory of these dreams you cry
and bring to their knees.
It's too easy to say 'I love you'
It's too common to say 'I love you'
Time flies and wind blows over the words.
It's too easy to say 'I love you'
It's too common to say 'I love you'
Nights flow and oblivion settles on the words.
On a loving boat
I'm conjugating now
And I'd like to reach
the future of now
to whisper 'I love you'
in a dim daylight.
I look at you, I heal myself
and you don't understand why I stay quiet.
It's too easy to say 'I love you'
It's too common to say 'I love you'
Time flies and wind blows over the words.
It's too easy to say 'I love you'
It's too common to say 'I love you'
Nights flow and oblivion settles on the words.
It's too easy to say 'I love you'
It's too common to say 'I love you'
Time flies and wind blows over the words.
It's too easy to say 'I love you'
It's too common to say 'I love you'
Nights flow and oblivion settles on the words.
This translation does not claim to be of any particular value.
Glad if you liked it, sorry if you didn't.
You can reuse it as you please.
Glad if it's for knowledge or understanding, sorry if it's just for money or fame.
Plec să-mi caut propriul noroc
Fiecare cuvânt e o minciună,
Fiecare inimă e infidelă,
Sufletul e trist, nenorocit,
Sufletul e tăcut, ezitant.
”Ieși, du-te!”, spune diavolul,
”Pleacă tăcut fără un sunet”
Și...când pleci,
Să nu crezi că vor plânge și vor tânji după tine.
Din lumea asta,
De la prieten și de la dușman,
Mi-e de-ajuns,
Cu păcatele mele,
Cu faptele mele bune,
Să caut norocul meu,
Chiar dacă în timp
O durere subtilă îmi pătrunde în inimă
Și un foc misterios apare
Să mă ardă, tot plec!
De la viața asta,
De la iubire și de la pasiune,
Mi-e de ajuns,
Cu păcatele mele,
Cu faptele mele bune,
Să caut norocul meu,
Fiecare sentiment e uzat,
Fiecare privire e fără sens,
Sufletului îi ajunge, s-a săturat.
Sufletul s-a prăbușit înainte de vreme.
”Ieși, du-te!”, spune diavolul,
”Pleacă tăcut fără un sunet”
Și...când pleci,
Să nu crezi că va țipa cineva după tine ”stai”.
I love you
I love you,
more than a thousand times I said I love you,
I wrote it in many songs and in the letters I gave you
and in the ones I keep in the drawers without opening.
I love you,
I've done smoke signs with the ashtray,
maybe if I say it in a bolero...
Just once and nothing more...
Woman... Wouman... if you can talk to God
you'll see that he can confirm you.
I love you,
more than a thousand times I said I love you,
like the summer to the downpour that let it rest,
like the sailor loves the stars in the sea.
I love you, to tell it in a more modern language
I bought a fluorescent cap of rapper.
And I say baby I can't stand it
I'll cut my veins if you leave me...
Sex, Bronx, modem, fax
without your love I'd rather be at Alcatraz.
I love you,
more than a thousand times I said I love you,
from Greenland to Tierra del Fuego,
from the snow to the tropical sand.
I love you,
more than a thousand times I said I love you,
if you still don't hear me I can repeat it
under the light, under the shower and I hope under you.
I love you,
if one voice is not enough I'll say: I love you.
If I haven't been clear enough: I love you.
From day to day, year to year and a bit more.
My pretty baby, my candy, my tasty and sweet mango... I love you...
From the top of a coconut tree I scream loud darling... I love you...
From balladist, with a bolero or rapping New york style... I love you...
from this salsa without being salsero, asking apologize to Cuba... I love you...
as soloist or with a whole chorus yelling with high volume... I love you...
from heaven to hell wherever you want darling... I love you...
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
A man to burn
Now that you are the grocery boy
And with tips in your pocket you're a man
At this point you can aim for more
For her too.
Her mother, that hag is always the same
With her murder's look, so venal
She'll become a little kind, at the end.
You'll feel stronger, a real man, oh yes
Talking 'bout the house you'll buy, oh yes
And she will reward you, offering with abandon.
You'll have her, you'll have her, with abandon and with love
You'll have her, but you don't know how much it will cost you!
Run, flee and save something in you!
Don't let them do it,
Don't become a man to burn!
The air, the air that you used to breath not so long ago,
Still smells of him,
of real things, of pure things, of freedom!
Oh no, don't ask yourself where, how,
How you'll drag your life
With whom, with whom you'll cancel your name,
for whom?
'Half pound of ham'
'Yes ma'am...
Is your boy still sick?
... what a pity... do you want some little cheese?'
Your life spent behind a desk, building
A future that could give her,
The confidence, a car, something to be envied.
You'll have her! You'll have her, you'll have her, with abandon and love.
You'll have her, but you don't know how much it will cost yoy.
Run, flee, and save something in you!
And don't let them do it,
Don't become a man to burn!
Cantecul tau
Niciodata nu mi-am imaginat
Ca plecarea pe luna ar fi reala
Tu pui totul pe dos
Cand tu imi saruti fruntea si eu descopar de ce
Nu mai pot
Sa inventez
Simt ca dansez pentru prima data
Tu esti arta care indulceste pielea
De cand sufletul meu calator iti urmeaza pasii
Simt ca dansez pentru prima data cu tine, oh
Stiu ca pot sa gasesc in tine
Acea voce care ma adaposteste daca timpul merge rau
Totul este perfect cand tu esti acolo
Alaturi de mine in timp ce creezi un nou oras
Simt ca dansez pentru prima data
Tu esti arta care indulceste pielea
De cand sufletul meu calator iti urmeaza pasii
Simt ca dansez pentru prima data cu tine, oh
Nu mai pot
Sa inventez
Vreau doar sa
Cantecul tau, oh, oh, oh
Simt ca dansez pentru prima data
Tu esti arta care indulceste pielea
De cand sufletul meu calator iti urmeaza pasii
Simt ca dansez pentru prima data cu tine, oh
Your Song
I never imagined
That travelling to the moon would be real
You turn everything upside down
When you kiss my forehead and I discover why
I couldn't make it up
I feel like I'm dancing for the first time
You are the art that sweetens my skin
From my wandering mind that follows your step
I feel like I'm dancing for the first time next to you, oh
I know that in you I can find
That voice that shelters me if the weather gets bad
Everything is perfect if you are
By my side creating a new city
I feel like I'm dancing for the first time
You are the art that sweetens my skin
From my wandering mind that follows your step
I feel like I'm dancing for the first time
I couldn't make it up
I just want
Your song, oh, oh, oh
I feel like I'm dancing for the first time
You are the art that sweetens my skin
From my wandering mind that follows your step
I feel like I'm dancing for the first time next to you, oh
Teflon pan
I haven't heard you... In the days of the thundering silence.
I haven't heard you with the mothers of the pain,
you didn't sound neither from afar, for the children, for the elder... forgotten.
I haven't heard you... It could be that I'm not hearing well,
but at the edge of the Neuquen routes,
I haven't heard you while they killed my teacher by the back.
And among our dissapeared songs
I never heard the sound of your resisting cover,
that resists in understanding that there are so many
who in their poor pans only keep an illusion.
Teflon fan, return to the drawer
the street belongs to the militant pans...
With brave smell of spontaneous demonstration.
Teflon fan, go to the bazaars,
or to sound with the militar drums...
As many times I heard you sounding.
I haven't heard you... When the noise of the factories stopped.
when April filled its sea of tears,
I haven't heard you with the parents of the teenager december...suffocated.
I haven't heard you... It could be that my ears hear poorly,
but I haven't heard you at the rural exposition,
claiming for wage of the mate grower hands,
for the profitability of the workers,
for the coming time to come for everyone.
I haven't heard you nor I will because there's no way
of joining your greedy elbow, with my open heart..
Teflon fan, return to the drawer
From the furnitures of the elegant houses,
that the cooks will miss you.
Teflon fan, go to the bazaars,
or to sound in the liberal concerts...
As many times I heard you sounding.
I haven't heard you... In the Kosteki and Santillan bridge,.
I haven't heard you for the sugar cane mill in Tucuman,
I haven't heard you in the evictions, neither in the flooded neighbourhoods...on this side.
I haven't heard you... In the corner of Rosario that blasted,
when the angel of the bike fell,
and his little angels were left without food.
And I never heard you ringing from here below,
for a jobless young, adrift.
It must be because from up there, form the highest floors
the scare and the wounds are never seen.
Teflon fan, return to the drawer...
I'm staing in a student demonstration
where you never sounded.
Teflon fan, go to the bazaars,
or to get filled with the most delicious foods
that can't be found in the street...
Teflon fan... go to cook.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The Anti-Hero (Part I)
Lock the door cause I've already heard a noise outside
They might want to steal my new motorcycle
Might want to rape you but this doesn't even matter
It's pretty much the sort of shit that happen every day, you should just look out the window
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll now have devotion to me
Me, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
Lock the door cause I've already heard a noise outside
They might want to steal my new motorcycle
Might want to rape you but this doesn't even matter
It's pretty much the sort of shit that happen every day, you should just look out the window
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll have devotion to meMe, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
Lock the door cause I've already heard a noise outside
They might want to steal my new motorcycle
Might want to rape you but this doesn't even matter
It's pretty much the sort of shit that happen every day, you should just look out the window
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll have devotion to meMe, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again
And suddenly I thought what a fucking beautiful death if I die
Defending the goods that I have bought on time and in installments
Pretending that my heart is yours, pretend to die for us
But no, I'll kill the thief
And you'll have devotion to meMe, a floor licker
Who can't even drink without beating the shit out of you
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again
How long shall I pursue the good?
I should chase after someone else again
Again, again
The harem
I'm dancing with you,
over your shoulder I'm looking at him.
Angel or devil,
who am I, I don't know anymore.
This madness killed me,
this magic drunk me.
You killed everything in me,
so many hearts I wounded.
(So many hearts I wounded.4x)
Chorus 2x:
They put me in shackles,
everytime when they tell me,
you to break clubs,
around you is harem you throw money
you hug old friends.
And I'm wronging again, but I know
you will come my head,
black soul, you are black all of you,
black eyes like nights.
From such as you, I have headache,
kiss such as you is crime,
such as you kiss is the best
they will come my head.
Chorus 2x:
They put me in shackles,
everytime when they tell me,
you to break clubs,
around you is harem you throw money
you hug old friends.
Chorus 2x:
They put me in shackles,
everytime when they tell me,
you to break clubs,
around you is harem you throw money
you hug old friends.
Father, I dedicate to you this song
Up there,where you are and reside, father
a song that i would write for you,i told you that one day
i kept my word, but i was a little bit late
i weren't able to listen to it and you travelled far away
Father, I dedicate to you this song
Father, my soul, i am in a lot of pain
around me there is so much hapiness, but you are still in my mind
my thought will always follow you,my dear
if you could know,my father, how much i miss you
you are gone, and our home is full of sadness
you left and i couldn't take a word from you
you probably had an 'appointment' with death,father
Father, I dedicate to you this song
Father, my soul, i am in a lot of pain
around me there is so much hapiness, but you are still in my mind
my thought will always follow you,my dear
Almost forget you
Almost forget you in another arms
had it not been the memory of your kisses
had it not been for how much I loved you
almost forget you, love, with another lips.
Almost forget you with another lips,
ahead of surrender of another love, pure and sincere
ahead the joy of listening ''my love, I love you''
almost forget you, almost forget you.
Almost achieved to take you out of my soul,
that love so great you gave me,
and with no resentment and in front of you I say:
Almost forget you, love, with another love.
Almost forget you with another lips,
ahead of surrender of another love, pure and sincere
ahead the joy of listening ''my love, I love you''
almost forget you, almost forget you.
Almost achieved to take you out of my soul,
that love so great you gave me,
and with no resentment and in front of you I say:
Almost forget you, love, with another love.
Just learning.
Give you my life
They say I only have to wish for it,
they say that you're looking for me eternally
they say you're mine and I'm yours
they say you've come to change my life
I say: where have you been all this time?
it will be my luck one day, to have you.
I say I'm going, and I'm dying to see you
and to give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
calm has come.
They say that we leave for heaven
they say if I can, you can
they say each night is our star
which lights the chant of sirens
I say: where have you been all this time?
I say I desire you, but I'm afraid of you
it will be my luck one day, to have you.
I say I'm going, and I'm dying to see you
and to give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
I'm dying to see you,
to give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
To give you my life, sell you my soul
staying by your side despite it's not necessary
feel this winter is over
look each other inside, lose our breath
dying of the need
break our record each morning
calm has come.
Just learning.
In black and white
I look at a picture of my mother
she was happy, she would have been three years old
she clutched a doll
the most desired gift
It was her birthday party
a faded black and white
I look at my mother at the time, and I see again
my same smile
And I think about how many times
I felt her far away
And I think about how many times ...
I wanted to talk to her about me
i wanted to ask her at least why of her
long and hostile silences
and moments of nonchalance
punctually I showed myself inflexible
inaccessible and fair
intimately fierce
fearing a silly rivalry
I look at a picture of my mother
she was happy, she would have been been twenty years old
hair gathered in a silk scarf
and a faded expression
Sharp glimpse of the sixties
of a beaming Catania
I scrutinize her in detail, and I find again
my own look
And I think about how many times
I felt her far away
And I think about how many times ...
I wanted to talk to her about me
I wanted to ask her at least why of her
long and hostile silences
and that arbitrary indolence
punctually I showed myself inflexible
inaccessible and fair
intimately fierce fearing
the innate rivalry
I wanted to talk to her about me
I wanted to ask her at least why ......
I wanted to talk to her about me
I wanted to ask her at least why ......
Thanks a lot for your attention!
Free to use my translations for personal and scientific purpose, for teaching a language, etc...No COMMERCIAL use.
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I love you
Your hands are my caress
my everyday accords
I love you because your hands
work for justice
If I love you is because you are
my love, my accomplice and everything
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
Your eyes are my spell
against the bad workday
I love you for your look
that looks and sows future
Your mouth that is yours and mine
your mouth is not wrong
I love you because your mouth
knows to yell rebelliousness
If I love you is because you are
my love, my accomplice and everything
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
And for your sincere face
and your wandering walk
and your crying for the world
Because you're people I love you
And because love is not a halo
nor a candid moral
And because we're a couple
who knows it's not lonely
I love you in my heaven
I mean, that in my country
people lives happy
even if they're not allowed to
If I love you is because you are
my love, my accomplice and everything
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I love you
If I love you is because you are
my love, my accomplice and everything
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
we're much more than two
Your hands are my caress
my everyday accords
I love you because your hands
work for justice
If I love you is because you are
my love, my accomplice and everything
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
we're much more than two
Your eyes are my spell
against the bad workday
I love you for your look
that looks and sows future
Your mouth that is yours and mine
your mouth is not wrong
I love you because your mouth
knows to yell rebelliousness
If I love you is because you are
my love, my accomplice and everything
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
we're much more than two
And for your sincere face
and your wandering walk
and your crying for the world
Because you're people I love you
And because love is not a halo
nor a candid moral
And because we're a couple
who knows it's not lonely
I love you in my heaven
I mean, that in my country
people lives happy
even if they're not allowed to
If I love you is because you are
my love, my accomplice and everything
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
And in the street, elbow to elbow
we're much more than two
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The double zero
Cut your hair boy
or do you think
that in this country one can be
different of the others
What's that thing of the long hair
the t-shirt and the blue jeans?
What's that thing of going to the DiTella
the soireé and the happening?
The double zero grinds its teeth
Where's the brave who will face it?
With the short hair
and the tailor made suit
don't be afraid of going to jail
if robbery is your vocation
Learn of those men
of backwards and forwards
who combed their hair
parted in the chest
Who if they put them in jail
was for being very manly
fighters and malefactors
but never faggots.
The double zero grinds its teeth
Where's the brave who will face it?
With the short hair
you have a thief license
Because it doesn't matter to be honest
but keeping the looks.
Don't come to me with the story
of the grandpa portrait
with the beard and the sideburns
the long hair and the quiff
Have an american cut
Finish your insolence
Don't you know that the short hair
guarantees decency, eh?
The double zero grinds its teeth
Where's the brave who will face it?
Cut your hair boy
or do you think
that in this country one can be
different of the others
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
The early bird
Listen boy that it can happen
that something in life will call you.
Love issues sometimes use to be
simple things to overcome.
That one who comes singing and goes
is so happy that he can't be happier
and if he says first
'I love you', he's winning.
The early bird catches the worm.
Who comes first will win.
The early bird catches the worm.
Life stuff and nothing more.
The gone days will never return
run to her side and make up your mind.
Love issues sometimes use to be
simple things to overcome.
Go and calm your nerves boy
that girl likes you surely
and if you say first
'I love you', you're winning.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
My body and head are spinning
How are you feeling now?
We are like a magnet
We hug and push aside
You make me crazy
And out of my senses
Yes, you may know that
You make me out of my mind
You make me dance
And drunk without alchole
Yes, you may know that
You make me a naughty girl
In a movie only for us
The real hero was you, baby
As always the way you do
Like a splendid hero
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if i'm not feeling well
And it's sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
You always fight to the bitter end
And try to cover everything
Why did you gave me wings and
Want me to fall
You say to me 'good girl'
And make me take my tears back
Yes, you may know that
You snow me
In a drama only for us
The real hero was you, baby
As always the way you do
Like a splendid hero
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if it hurts me
And it is sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
Do whatever you want
Even if you're mean
And you make me sad
You need to be yourself
Even if it hurts me
And it is sad ending
The show must go on
The show must go on
You must go on
Why would I want to cry?
Why would I want to cry?
If I don't have a cousin to hear me,
the one who used to listen,
it's living in glory
and don't remember me.
Who has seen a shepherdess?
decorated with wealthy fur,
and by a crown they've put on her
a little patch of green laurel.
Guard of the real gate,
cure my grief
that I can't hold it anymore.
I'm asking God
to take away the grief my heart has.
Just learning.
I Want More of You
You are that temptation
I don't know how to say no anymore
(I want more of you)
(I want more of you)
(I want more of you now)
I can't resist it, I want you to come near
Now I need your body again
I know that taste, of your skin
I can't recall anything better, it's like honey
You are that temptation
I don't know how to say no anymore
I'm just going to ask you a favor
It's just that...
I want more of you
Some piece of your skin
To drive me crazy
I want to do it again
I want more of you
Time and time again
Just say yes to me
Do it for me
Because I want more of you
I can't resist it when it comes to you, yeah
I'd do anything for you, and even more
Your mouth is sweet, draws me in and tempts me
I just want a little more, come, come closer
You are that temptation
I don't know how to say no anymore
I'm just going to ask you a favor
It's just that...
I want more of you
Some piece of your skin
To drive me crazy
I want to do it again
I want more of you
Time and time again
Just say yes to me
Do it for me
Because I want more of you
(I want more of you)
You are that temptation
I don't know how to say no anymore
I'm just going to ask you a favor
It's just that...
I want more of you
Some piece of your skin
To drive me crazy
I want to do it again
I want more of you
Again and again
Just say yes to me
Do it for me
Because I want more of you (I want more of you)
Some piece of your skin (some piece of your skin)
I want more of you (I want more of you)
Time and time again (Ooh ooh ooh)
Because I want more of you
Morning star
For wanting to see you, morning star.
I stumbled and fell coming back of wandering.
The twentieth century passes and the central city ties me
with its hand of ethereal concrete, to the vice of getting up early.
I raised my eyes to the sky, when I was crossing the plaza.
Wanting to see you star, but I couldn't see anything.
Nothing but miserable concrete lofts.
Behind the downed foliage of some dried trees.
That vision distracted me, and I stepped on dog poop
I screamed la conchasumadre, and the police car stopped.
Oh, oh my luck, what a bad luck.
For wanting to see you, morning star.
Accused by the cop who saw me watching the sky
and screaming conchasumadre at the Morning star.
Under suspicion of addicted, to the city drugs.
I was added to the register og urban ilegality
Oh, oh my luck, what a bad luck.
For wanting to see you, morning star.
Morning star, I dreamed with your light in my imprisionment.
It bather my flesh, and my flesh bathed with my shadow the floor
Of the plains away from the great piling.
Where I was leaving my song all alone to the open sky.
My awakening was so sad, like my bad luck
Wanting to see you star, but I couldn't see anything.
Nothing but miserable concrete lofts.
Behind the downed foliage of some dried trees.
In the city that opresses me, to the vice of getting up early.
Where nobody warns, but many silence,
Ignoring you. Morning star.
Ignoring you. Morning star.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
Nu cred in iubire
[Versul 1:Danny Romero]
Si in povestea mea mereu pierde binele
Asta ca dau viata pentru un semnal
Ca spun ca inima ei da e sincera
Ca spun ca fata aceea nu va esua
Unul din ei sunt eu(nu nu nu)
Unul din ei sunt eu(nu oh)
[Pre-chorus:Danny Romero]
Pentru asta cand ma intreaba cineva cum o duc cu iubirea
Imi retrag privirea si cobor vocea
Pentru ca nimeni nu stie ca am un blestem
Ca mereu imi rupe inima
Si desi binele sunt eu
Prefer tradatorul
[Chorus:Danny Romero]
Pentru asta nu cred in iubire
Iti rupe mereu sufletul
Iti fura fericirea
Si in realitate nu se merita melodia asta
Nu se merita atentia mea
Si astazi m-am decis sa traiesc fericit
Band pentru a nu suferi
Inecandu-mi asa lacrimile
Si e ca intr-adevar deja mi-am pierdut motivul,nu
Inecandu-mi durerile in alcool
(Da, da, da, Becky)
[Versul 2:Becky G]
Da, da, da
In aproape toate cazurile din povestile mele
In iubire se ajunge la esec
Eu merg pe cer cu picioarele desculte
In cautarea unui bilet ce se termina find fals
Nu, nu imi povesti de iubire nu veni la mine cu lucruri asa
Cupidon inpunge in alta parte ca sagetile tale nu functioneaza aici
[Chorus: Becky G & Danny Romero]
Pentru ca nu cred in iubire
Iti rupe mereu inima
Se joaca cu fericirea
Da ca intr-adevar timpul meu nu l-am pierdut
Stiu ca ma simt mai bine
Si astazi m-am decis sa traiesc fericit
Band pentru a nu suferi
Inecandu-mi asa lacrimile
Si e ca intr-adevar deja mi-am pierdut motivul,nu
Inecandu-mi durerile in alcool
[Pre-chorus: Sanco]
Pentru asta cand ma intreaba cineva cum o duc cu iubirea
Imi retrag privirea si cobor vocea
Pentru ca nimeni nu stie ca am un blestem
Ca mereu imi rupe inima
Si desi binele sunt eu
Prefer tradatorul
Soft, Soft
It is said that in the heart
of who doesn't have the love,
there is the sadness of who lived, but was never born.
You, without love,
might not understand,
but you'll find, in my eyes, what you don't have.
A soft, soft heart.
That's my heart if it's soft, soft.
You're gonna be warm, warm to me,
from this night onwards.
A soft, soft heart
you found in me. Soft, soft.
And my warm, warm love
will grow for you.
A soft, soft heart.
That's my heart if it's soft, soft.
You're gonna be warm, warm to me,
from this night onwards.
A soft, soft heart
you found in me. Soft, soft.
And my warm, warm love
will grow for you.
A soft, soft heart...
True Love
Guajira, rythm calls you to dance, to enjoy
Friend, ask for another drink, damn it
that this singer invites it
even though, you don't care
I'm gonna tell this story of my life:
I really loved this woman,
from my soul, the dearest,
She betrayed me, that slut, damn it
what an ungrateful behaviour
made me drink,
made me a trashy person.
Into drugs I jumpped, my friend
and I was taken to jail
my friends forgot about me,
only my mother cried,
to God she asked and begged
to save his beloved son.
Remember what I say,
in prison and our beds
only our mother loves us, damn it
there's no money, no friends
pretty guajira, my rythm calls out for you!
Guajira, rythm calls you to dance, to enjoy
In the piano, Don Rubén González
Hey, buddy
looks who's coming over there, buddy
Barbarito Torres
Guajira, rythm calls you to dance, to enjoy
The two words which
fill me with joy the most
are when someone calls me ''son''
and I say ''mom''.
Guajira, rythm calls you to dance, to enjoy
The mother is a provider
of honey that never ends
she's a star in Earth,
shines much more brighter than the sun
Guajira, rythm calls you to dance, to enjoy
She's not afraid of darkness,
addiction and its dread,
I think my mother and all her charm
cover me with tenderness.
Just learning.
Ole bullfighter
I'm gonna tell you the story that circles in my memory
about the famous bullfighter who came from Bayaderos.
He wasn't skilled in the cape but he was of the vil garrote
he liked the corridas but without the lights on
He aroused the heifers close to Las Tendillas
He didn't take assistants, picadors nor rosaries
He only took his sharp rapier
he was always carrying it ready
Ole bullfighter take off your hat
Ole bullfighter take off your hat
But one day his luck turned red suddenly
a husband of Miura bred left him a garbage
He marked on him two razor trajectories
but the story of that man doesn't end here
At hel the devil said 'Welcome Antonio'
he presented his wife a lively mulatta.
She noticed his sharp rapier
he was always carrying it ready
The devil was combind and something weird he found
when a third horn came out a little and tender one.
He kicked Antonio out of hell for evil
you can consider yourself comulgated.
He left with two ears and a tail
the same ones that he brought since little.
Hey bullfighter yes, hey bullfighter yes
look at him he doesn't takes assistants
but he doesn't mind in cutting horns
look at him, he comes from hell
and he returned without an assistant
Hey bullfighter yes, hey bullfighter yes
take off your hat for me.
Hey bullfighter yes, hey bullfighter yes
take off your hat for me.
My translations are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. It doesn't apply to the translations with a source.
I Want The Truth
Be convincing
If you want to tell me you love me
I want the truth in your voice
Be convincing
No one accepts any more lies
I want the truth for us
I don't care about who you call
Or who are you seeing out there
But I won't let you become blinded by the love
That there is between us
If we're together till today
It was the love that was important
That makes us go on because we have something beautiful to believe in
It gives me strength even to forget
When I saw those messages on your phone
Be convincing
If you want to tell me you love me
I want the truth in your voice
Be convincing
No one accepts any more lies
I want the truth for us
I live in Rio de Janeiro
Hostage to the violence caused by drug dealing
Explain to me, deep within, who cares about this situation?
In Africa, the Pope condemns abortion and condom usage
Explain to me where we come from, explain to me!
Fátima's third secret, explain to me!
Explain our apathy when we see the whole Amazon being cut down...
Tell me who really cares about this situation
Because when the curtains close, our illumination will soon follow!
Be convincing
If you want to tell me you love me
I want the truth in your voice
Be convincing
No one accepts any more lies
I want the truth for us
I want the truth in your eyes
I want the truth in your voice
No one accepts any more lies
I want the truth for us
Translation done by Alma Barroca. In case you want to reprint it, please ask for permission first and always cite my name as its author. /
Tradução feita por Alma Barroca. Caso você queira reutilizá-la, por favor peça por permissão antes e sempre cite meu nome como o do autor.