Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

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Număr de rezultate: 49


The Master

Passer-bys tip their hats
as he walks by.
Dogs lick his hands,
he is the reassuring type.
See how this child bawls
as he comes to the rescue.
See how he helps the blind
crossing the street.
In his peaceful garden
he tends to roses.
The master becomes a murderer
when he feels gloomy.
He goes strangling fellow men
in the Meudon wood
when he feels disconsolate
or simply blue.
The neighbours find him likeable,
yet right under their noses
the master is a murderer
and I am his butler.
And I file my case
under a dog rose bush.
I dabble in gardening
and can cook as well.
He goes strangling fellow men
when he feels blue.
Off you go! Into the pond
under the water lilies.
Then I tidy up a bit
the crime scene
where he never returns,
not even for show.
in the early hours
we drive back home.
I am his driver.
Though he looks harmless,
the master is a lunatic.
The master is a murderer,
it's a chronic affliction.
He goes strangling fellow men
when midnight chimes,
while I push the dolly1
in the Boulogne woods.
Our customer will end up
in a trunk, hat included
and take a train to Venice
for a well-deserved rest.
He goes strangling fellow men
in the Meudon wood
when he feels disconsolate
or simply blue.
The neighbours find him likeable,
yet right under their noses
the master is a murderer
and I am his butler.
You're about to hang the master,
I'm about to lose my job.
You're about to hang the master,
Alas! How very unfortunate!
This was only to be expected,
and I beseech Your Honour
to consider my application
as a butler.
I would file this case
under a dog rose bush.
I dabble in gardening
and can cook as well.
  • 1. lit. 'the devil'. That's a common name for a dolly, but it sounds rather funny here

Silent Stony Guards

On my yard many nights them dark shapes been stalking
hard granite men swinging their leather belts
I'm in a bad place in a mountain cabin
attacking me with erect lances
stony men, extinguished minds
wounds aren't light!
A form dark, stone hard from my door bursts
A black thong of leather my skin now deeply furrows
I'm in a bad place in a mountain cabin
attacking me with erect lances
stony men, extinguished minds
wounds aren't light!

A picture of Ivers

The name was Olsen, he was born in Buran
He travelled out on the sea, for his wife had lured him
When on the move he became a man of the world
but then again he always brought with him:
A picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big
Oddvar Brå was some man (eg. impressive)
We all cried a bit when the victory was clear
During the drug test he was looking forward to the party
but the doctors searched and found:
A picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big
Miss Jensen knocked on heaven's door
On Earth she hadn't accomplished much
But she became happy when Paulus stepped forth
And yelled: Turn away from them
Who had a picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big ..
And the rest of the folk song is now in minor
in pity for Oslo and Tromsø and
Bergen it lies a bit more south
but what are they bringing with them, if we ask:
Beautifully garnished in a folder so fine
a picture of Grieg and Ole Bull with a violin
But they're insecure, we've understood that
for what have they hidden away so well under the duna
A picture of Ivers, some kroner from his mum
A map that showed where he came from on Earth
Two lysholmer and an RBK-shirt
That's all you need to do something big

If you want

If you want, we can get back together like before
Isn't it a pity for us to spend those days alone?
Is it easy to forget everything instantly?
Take me far away
To the places where I don't know
To the dreams I never see
It is awesome to be with you
If you want, we can get back together like before
Isn't it a pity for us to spend those days alone?
Is it easy to forget everything instantly?
Take me far away
To the places where I don't know
To the dreams I never see
It is awesome to be with you

Wherever You Go

Your smoky breath falls upon the cold
Someday your words will find me
Your glace falls, you are thoughtful
Your eyes find me
Your smoky breath falls upon the cold
Someday your words will find me
Your glace falls, you are thoughtful
Your eyes find me
Wherever you go, I am beside you
If you lose the way, I am in your star
Wherever you go, I am beside you
If you lose the way...
Your smoky breath falls upon the cold
Someday your words will find me
Your glace falls, you are thoughtful
Your eyes find me
Your smoky breath falls upon the cold
Someday your words will find me
Your glace falls, you are thoughtful
Your eyes find me
Wherever you go, I am beside you
If you lose the way, I am in your star
Wherever you go, I am beside you
If you lose the way...
(Wherever you go, I am beside you
If you lose the way...)
Wherever you go, I am beside you
If you lose the way, I am in your star
Wherever you go, I am beside you
If you lose the way...

Lili Marleen

Versions: #4
Outside the barracks ‘neath the lantern light
There you’ll find me standing, I’ll wait for you tonight
Under the lamp, that’s where we’ll meet,
I’ll wait for you, there on the street,
For you, Lili Marleen
For you, Lili Marleen
Our shadows meet there, united in embrace
In the lantern light I gaze upon your face
I hold you close, we are as one
Remember this, when I am gone
From you, Lili Marleen
From you, Lili Marleen
There goes the bugle, it calls the last tattoo,
Saying goodbye will break my heart in two
I’d rather stay here by the gate
Under the lantern, though it’s late
With you Lili Marleen
With you, Lili Marleen
You’ll be waiting for me, listening for my feet
I’ll be longing for the day when next we’ll meet
Now it's farewell, and we must part
But I will hold you in my heart
Just you, Lili Marleen
Just you, Lili Marleen
When I am marching in the freezing cold
Fighting as I’m ordered, and trying to be bold
Brave I am not, but love is strong
And if I die, you’ll sing this song
For me, Lili Marleen
For me, Lili Marleen

If you don't know a girl

In the evening couples dream
Of love, happiness and fidelity
And even if it is an old fairy tale,
It stays eternally new
If you don't know a girl
That ardently kisses you
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is
(If you don't know a girl
That ardently kisses you
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is)
If you don't know a girl
That ardently kisses you
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is
Then you don't know what love means
You don't know how beautiful it is

Dacă vrei

Permisiunea pentru sentimentele pe care le-ai pierdut
Cu un zâmbet se regăşeşte dragostea
Ți-am spus fiecare poveste
Cu bună ştință ai îngropat iubirea
Dintr-o dată dispare speranța navigând
îndepărtându-se de la orizont, înțelegi, uite
Toamna s-au îngălbenit frunzele
Trimite-mi dragoste
Dacă vrei să arzi, tăiat, dă-mi, rănile
Ia, tot ce am nu este al tău
Am scris cealaltă jumătate
Dacă vrei rupe-mă, rănit, aripile mele, în bucăți
Eu mor de mâna ta
Nu se mai poate tu mi-ai pierdut atingerea
Permisiunea pentru sentimentele pe care le-ai pierdut
Cu un zâmbet se regăşeşte dragostea
Ți-am spus fiecare poveste
Cu bună ştință ai îngropat iubirea
Dintr-o dată dispare speranța navigânntul
îndepărtându-se de la orizont, înțelegi, uite
Toamna s-au îngălbenit frunzele
Trimite-mi dragoste
Valurile sunt ca apa
Dorul bătăilor inimii
Părul tău răspândit ca vântul
Vorbeşte cu mine noaptea ca cu luna
Ege Kökenli


When you come towards me
I turn my back on you
When you come towards me with your hand reached out
I’m convinced that I can handle everything on my own
And run away from you
Forgive me, because I always hurt you
Forgive me, because I not always see you
The good I really want to do to you
I don’t do
The words I planned on saying to you
You never heard
You never knew what I wanted to say
Forgive me, because I always hurt you
Forgive me, because I not always see you
Forgive me, because I always hurt you
Forgive me, because I not always see you
When you come towards me
I turn my back on you
When you come towards me with your hand reached out
I’m convinced that I can handle everything on my own
And run away from you
Forgive me, because I always hurt you
Forgive me, because I not always see you
Forgive me…
Forgive me…

You've Got Me

I'm trying to see the things you said you saw in me
An abandoned attempt is picked up because of you
I lean forwards a bit, trying a bit once more
To find the way which will show who I am in here
Two steps forwards and one backwards
Two steps forwards and one backwards
'Cause you've got, you've got me
Where you think you can keep me
And well, if I could, I'd fight there alongside
Alongside you, but we're so far from one another
But deep down, I know that I'm who I am
And well, I 'could' try to give you what you think you see
Someone with the same dreams, someone who sees the same as you
Someone who sees you completely like no one else
Two steps forwards and one backwards
Two steps forwards and one backwards
'Cause you've got, you've got me
Where you think you can keep me
And well, if I could, I'd fight there alongside
Alongside you, but we're so far from one another
And even though I've had my chances to live
There was something in you which got me down on my knees
And even with shut eyes, I could still see
That you believe in someone else than who I am on the inside
'Cause you've got, you've got me
Where you think you can keep me
And well, if I could, I'd fight there alongside
Alongside you, but we're so far from one another
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

A Fragile Mind

So many times before
I've been knocking the same door
In the hope of you still being in there
But no matter how much, there's nothing
'Cause it's all shrinking away
And the only thing I've got is what I had when I came
A slightly confused boy looking around
So lost that he can't remember where he belongs
A fragile mind like mine
A sensitive soul was what I got
An inattentive moment
And I'm back at where it began
Where my thoughts are tripping around
Ending up in nothing
In nothing
But tings seem to go1
Because things have to go if they're not going to stagnate entirely
But it gets so tight in my chest whenever I take a deep breath
How I'd wish I could have a new one
A fragile mind like mine
A sensitive soul was what I got
An inattentive moment
And I'm back at where it began
Where my thoughts are tripping around
Ending up
Look at where the next one will take me
If I'm lucky, I'll probably never return home
'Cause my tears will dry on their own
As I disappear in a happy goodbye
A fragile mind like mine
A sensitive soul was what I got
An inattentive moment
And I'm back at where it began
Where my thoughts are tripping around
Ending up
In nothing
In nothing
In nothing
  • 1. Things seem to be fine / alright
Unless you have obtained my permission, please don't use my translations elsewhere without giving me credit.

Fluieră când te întorci

Nu pleca,
Orice fac, nu pleca,
Ce despărțire e noaptea asta,
Cu fotografia ta agătață pe perete,
O „tu” trece prin un ”eu”,
Nici măcar nu aștepta, nu pot veni înapoi,
Când vine dorul, întreabă vântul.
De ce nu m-ai iubit?
Nu pleca, orice fac,
Ce despărțire e noaptea asta,
Cu fotografia ta agătață pe perete,
O „tu” trece prin un ”eu”,
Câte anotimpuri,
Câte scrisori am ars, dar n-ai știut niciodată,
N-am murit de dorul tău,
Toate astea trec, toate astea vor trece,
Nu crede în ele, toate sunt minciuni, iubita mea, ah!
Te rog, nu întreba nimic,
Mă voi întoarce, mă voi întoarce iar la tine,
Uitându-te în calendar,
Nu fi în doliu, în doliu.
Nu pleca,
Orice fac, nu pleca,
Ce despărțire e noaptea asta,
Cu fotografia ta agătață pe perete,
O „tu” trece prin un ”eu”,
Câte scrisori am ars, dar n-ai știut niciodată,
N-am murit de dorul tău,
Toate astea trec, toate astea vor trece, ah!
Nu crede în ele, toate sunt minciuni, iubita mea...


Rada, Rada, white-faced Rada,
Why are you, dear, so worried,
Why do you walk slowly, why do you shed tears?
Rada, Rada, white-faced Rada,
Why are you, dear, so worried,
Why do you walk slowly, why do you shed tears?


Night Radio

Out at sea buoys are drifting around
and shed lights for the ships
And all alone your baby are drifting around
And puts the lights out in the streets
Among starfish and glass lanterns
And popstars and drunk men
And Ebba, if it's evening and you can't sleep
Turn on the nigh radio
Noone is alone, and at least of all you
You can listen to me
Listen to starfish and glass lanterns
And puppets on video
And Ebba, if it's evening and you can't sleep
Turn on the nigh radio
Noone is alone, and at least of all you
You can listen to me
Listen to starfish and glass lanterns
And puppets on video

The Archipelago

(Promise me the best is yet to come)
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
The dark winter awaits
Waves at me, winks
Where is that guy from the band now?
Boys hanging out playing
And everything that comes goes
Plug in and the lights out
(Is it too late to go back?)
And if all that happens is
That no one listens anymore
Is it too late to go back?
I threw it all over board
And the dream went down in the archipelago
Promise me the best is yet to come
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
Promise me the best is yet to come
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
I threw it all over board
And the dream went down in the archipelago
Promise me the best is yet to come
Left my girl a month ago
I thought the answers would fall down
Plug in and the heart out
I'm chasing my tail and go
Back to my old flames
I hunt the sparkle from and old song I once wrote
Regret from the apple grove till the darkness in the underground
Regret to the moon and to the memory of the first words we said
Promise me the best is yet to come
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
Promise me the best is yet to come
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
We swam out to where we couldn't reach the bottom
And the stream is strong in the archipelago
Promise me the best is yet to come
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
And come back home, babe
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
Come back home
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
Promise me the best is yet to come
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
We swam out to where we couldn't reach the bottom
And the stream is strong in the archipelago
Promise me the best is yet to come
(Promise me the best is yet to come)
And come back home, babe
Come back home
And come back home, babe
Come back home

Final On A Filmset

When was it the next day
When was there still time left
Time to ask abashed
If I could sleep over at your place
Like the boats at The Baltic Sea
The leaves in the pool
You and I were infinitly small
In the sea where we met
Had you never entered that door
Would I still be floating around here like always before
Oh, will you go all the way
With half of me
When the rest is alone
Then better be apart
And even the best songs has an ending
Haven't you heard a door slam shut
Have you never loved anyone before
Suddenly emerged at your doorstep
Like a post card from far away islands
Greetings from your life
Was written with tears in your eyes
Filmset final
A parting replication and a borrowed tissue
Who ever desided it always ends like this
Not me
Haven't you heard a door slam shut
Have you never loved anyone before
Oh, will you go all the way
With half of me
When the rest is alone
Then better be apart
And even the best songs has an ending
Haven't you heard a door slam shut
Have you never loved anyone before