Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 10
Hold me By My Heart
Versions: #1Your love came and landed on my heart
just like birds.
My life used to be like winters,
it turned into an endless spring.
I was born again
on a brunette evening.
I found the good destiny that I lost,
that they stole from me, that they told me to forget about.
Now even if they gave me the burdens of worlds,
even if enemies and friends became allies to challenge me,
I still wouldn't give you up.
I walk towards the fire with love.
Just as long as you hold my hands.
Everybody's floating in sin,
they call it life.
Now only innocent, genuine
thing that is left are your eyes.
I was born again
on a brunette evening.
I found the good destiny that I lost,
that they stole from me, that they told me to forget about.
Now even if they gave me the burdens of worlds,
even if enemies and friends became allies to challenge me,
I still wouldn't give you up.
I walk towards the fire with love.
Just as long as you hold my hands.
Hold my heart
Versions: #2Your love is like birds
Which came and landed in my heart
My life was like winters
And it became an endless spring
In a dark night
I was born again with you
Forget about what they stole from you and what they said
I found my lost fate
If they put all the burdens of the world on me
Even If friends and enemies stand together in my way
I will not give up on you
I will walk with love right into the fire
As long as you hold my hands
Everyone has sin
It's called life, if you asked about its name
Only your eyes remained
Honest and innocent
In a dark night
I was born again with you
Forget about what they stole from you and what they said
I found my lost fate
If they put all the burdens of the world on me
Even If friends and enemies stood together in my way
I will not give up on you
I will walk with love right into the fire
As long as you hold my hands
In Gesi Vineyards
I'm wandering in Gesi Vineyards.I've lost my lover.
Oh, I'm trying to find.(x2)
I count on only your one greeting.
Come, sit next to me.
I'll tell you what situation I'm in.
She doesn't appreciate my suffering.
What can I do with such a lover?
I have three bunches of rose in Gesi Vineyards.
Who isn't afraid of God, there is death for both you and me.
If there is death, there is also cruelty in this world.
Dont leave me away beyond mountains my poor mother.
Nobody but my mother feels bad about my pain.
Wave Breaker
Love breaks all a bitMay its pain don't go away, be thankful
And let the cherry cry on its tree
Everyone is kind of exiled to themselves
Your childish laugh
Is a wound from past
Love is the homeland for us
Days pass by, and
We grow up, for sure
Love is foreign lands for us
Moonlight, wave breaker
Salt in the wound, what I've left from love*
Moonlight, a knife on the skin
Who goes is exiled, and who stays is runaway
Love is a homeland for us, love is foreign lands for us
Nu ma uita
Versions: #2Inima ta isi face un cuib
Sunt o pasare deznajduita
Singur ma refugiez la tine
nu ma lasa
Uite am venit la usa ta de unul singur
Parca cel mai crud lucru din viata
Ascunde-ma in palmele tale
sa nu cumva sa ma lasi
Uite am venit la usa ta de unul singur
Parca cel mai crud lucru din viata
Ascunde-ma in palmele tale
sa nu cumva sa ma lasi
O priviri cu iubire
Muntii din inima mea s-au rasturnat
Mi-am sacrificat toata viata
Pentru binele tau
Un zambet cu iubire
Muntii din inima mea s-au rasturnat
Mi-am sacrificat toata viata
Pentru binele tau
Picaturi de sange din inima mea
Daca ochi tai sunt interzisi
Trandafirul pe piele face un pacat
Intr-o zi
Daca ne-am lasa mainile, daca drumurile s-ar inchide
La stanga langa mine este dragostea ta
Ratacesc in toata lumea
Nu ma uita
Daca ne-am lasa mainile, daca drumurile s-ar inchide
La stanga langa mine este dragostea ta
Ratacesc in toata lumea
Nu ma uita
O priviri cu iubire
Muntii din inima mea s-au rasturnat
Mi-am sacrificat toata viata
Pentru binele tau
Un zambet cu iubire
Muntii din inima mea s-au rasturnat
Mi-am sacrificat toata viata
Pentru binele tau
Ege Kökenli
Acei ochi imi sunt mai straini ca inainteAceasta iubire din inima mea nu sa odihnit deloc din suferinta
Din cauza dureri din sufletul meu ochi mei sunt plini de varsta
Gem in adancuri, nu stiu ce mi-sa intamplat
Prietenul meu de-o viata imi impacheteaza sufletul noaptea
Eu de cine m-am legat, plang pe ascuns
Deznajduit in intuneric, problemele mele mi-se cicatrizeaza
Ranile din inima mea sunt mult mai adanci
Ege Kökenli
O dragoste rebela
Pe partea stângă este iarna, dealuri, stânciIn mine este un copil imbufnat
Cu mi-se potriveste ploaia de pe cer
Soarele este furat de nori
Jocurile coplesitoare* sunt minciuni fără inimă
Au trecut pacatele
Du-te departe ca păsările migratoare
Povestea fericita despre oameni
Inima nebuna este lansata catre o dragoste rebela
Nu asculta promisiunea mândriei* inimii
Avem o viata in fata ochilor sa nu murim si sa stam departe de el
Avem o viata in fata ochilor sa nu murim si sa stam departe de el
O dragoste infuriata loveste pe aici
Gheata neclara au numit-o apa
Urati culoarea departe de aceasta privire
O viata ai un dusman
Întoarceți-vă înapoi la pietrele montane noroioase
Cu siguranta primavara vine intr-o zi
Secretele sunt datoria iar trecutul este amintirea
o zi de iubire este iertată
Inima nebuna este lansata catre o dragoste rebela
Nu asculta promisiunea mândriei* inimii
Avem o viata in fata ochilor sa nu murim si sa stam departe de el
Avem o viata in fata ochilor sa nu murim si sa stam departe de el
Ege Kökenli
Those eyes are strangers to me compared to how it was in the pastThis passionate love in my heart a never-ceasing ache
My eyes are full of tears from my soul's sorrow
I'm moaning from deep within, I don't know what happened to me
The night my most sincere friend embraced my soul
Who am I devoted to? I'm crying secretly
Without anyone in darkness, heal my troubles
The wounds in my heart are much deeper
Nu ţi-am putut spune
Te-am iubit în visele pe care nu ți le-am putut spuneNu ţi-am putut spune respirația tăcută
Te-am salutat cu versuri de poezie
Am crescut în primăverile ca vara
Am crescut în mister
Nu ţi-am putut spune
Nu ţi-am putut citi cântecele pe care ţi le-am scris
Am scris poezii pe care nu ţi le-am putut citi
Am fost întotdeauna lângă tine, dar nu te-am putut atinge
Te-am salutat cu versuri de poezie
Am crescut în primăverile ca vara
Am crescut în mister
Nu ţi-am putut spune
Ege Kökenli