Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 14



Before the volcano had covered Pompeii
Before the european expansion and domination
Before Jesus had walked through Galilee
The world was just a Pangea
Before Plato had his first idea
Before Homer had written the Odyssey
There was no Medea's mythology
The world was just a Pangea
Travelling is necessary, so take
the world as yours and be nomadic, disattach yourself from the roots
We are more than names of counties and countries
We are men and we were condemned to be free
Until laws and magisteriums were created
Men became kings, cities became empires
Links, covenants, castles, and pyramids were made
Swarms of soldiers with welded hearts
Each to his pack, between gods and demons
And what was a Pangea today has become a pandemonium
There is a Berlin wall in every corner
From the slums and condos to the edges of Palestine
And the world in discrepancy, separates itself evermore
The conflict shows off this distance
The intolerance is a contemporary gift
And the Mediterranean Sea became the balm of castaways, depot of skulls
The stage of the infamous crimes against humanity
Where the walls of fear affront freedom
The population grows in density
and instead of enlarging the tables, they have decided to enlarge the bars*
Paraphrasing Bob* I see a world with no borders
If we would all hold hands no one would pickpocket anymore
I need to quote Rousseau, the injustice began
When the first one to see himself as owner of a land delimited it
Our religions separate us from the beginning
Protecting fertile land, we have fertilized the fear
The start of the divide, agricultural revolution
With the coming of the ruffian leviatan state
But we have a common missing link
Adam was once a monkey and we all once were one
The world shapeshifts more than Kafka's tale*
Only the cockroaches will remain, but we all came from Africa
I see a grain of sand and become sober
In the imensity that becomes clear with a microscope
Depending on the angle one sees it, one sees the reverse
The planet is but a trinket before the universe
Before the volcano had covered Pompeii
Before the european expansion and domination
Before Jesus had walked through Galilee
The world was just a Pangea
Before Plato had his first idea
Before Homer had written the Odyssey
There was no Medea's mythology
The world was just a Pangea
I bring an idea which I throw it at the can*, not yet crumpled
Since the age of the polished stone people are chipped*
Welcome to the post-apocalyptic separatism
I register it with a tag: #paleolithichomosapiens
The 'we are together in this' put to test where the money takes one's freedom
Dead semblants separated by the living fence
Where the consumism is the new hunger, tabloids
Divide us between users of iPhones, Androids
Corporate disputes, the publicity comes along these ring fights, to chew you
Against the prodtuction lines I bring the book with the Nazca Lines
It puts itself over time, not all understand the prodigal son that narrates
One does not see the dividers, but we all have a barcode
Poor people that fell asleep in the poison of the Apple*
They only stick to the rich as long as it's not Dalassam*
Prejudice have stepped foward, supersonic speed
Separated us more than the tectonic plates
Before, when the wide world by itself gathered more cattle than herdingcalls
We had fewer jewels and more elephant footprints
They smuggled Ivory and through the sea the location of the diamonds
It looks abstract, but the extract is elegant
We were travelers exploring the earth
Who was a prince before have become rookies
We consume instants, then we build hydrants
On imaginary lines that define us as immigrants
And to share did not become a common idea
Everyone wants to be the owner of this beautiful tunic
The cancer is born in the man as the man is born in the earth
We barely know our origin and are one step from the last war
Our clinics, change the climate and such, to balance it the good has guided me
Our enigma, how to eliminate the malignant, be benign
Who has the exact answers to these subhuman conditions?
Then respect my mother earth because it is she who breastfeeds us

My Happiness

I slept for two years
What time is it, I don’t know
I’m sick of it, a bit less
I played so much that now I’m in the code
And I drop myself where I want
My happiness: nobody looking for me
Songs in my head, a nice, fresh breeze
A trip without gravity: it seems like flying
There’s a world to save, come on, I gotta call you
Sorry but it’s a hard time
We’ll talk at the end of the summer
I’m sorry, I promise
I’ll call you tomo-
I love y-
Say hi for me
Alright, happiness
My happiness
I want to lose myself and then we’ll see
My happiness
I love being late, I love working
I can’t complain in general
Now I’m at the center of the capital
Of my favorite state: the mental one
In a mess but it’s all fine
And it’s nice even if it’s contrasting
Like lightning in the sky in August
My happiness is the fleeting moment
Kissing each other among the people, the idiot friend
I’m looking for my freedom, I want to lose control
There’s a world to save, come on, I gotta call you
Sorry but it’s a hard time
We’ll talk at the end of the summer
I’m sorry, I promise
I’ll call you tomo-
I love y-
Say hi for me
Alright, happiness
My happiness
I want to lose myself and then we’ll see
My happiness
I’ll leave you here
With sunglasses I hide your pain
But what is it
This part is too sad for me
Alright, happiness
My happiness
I want to lose myself and then we’ll see
My happiness

Te ridic

Te ridic înspre cele mai mari emoții,
Te voi face să te simți bine.
Te ridic înspre cele mai mari emoții,
Te voi face să te simți bine.
Boom shack a lack,
Două marionete într-un agent publicitar.
Nu e o glumă,
Alergăm într-un sac.
2 Fabiola pentru cel mai mare și îndrăzneț,
Cel mai mare și îndrăzneț.

Back To The Past

If I could go back to the past
I would go back to around 1500
And I'd pray to the winds to divert the caravels
to that invasion we call 'discovery'
I'd give the native Americans a piece of advice:
When the Portuguese arrive,
Don't allow them to fool you with mirrors
And when slavery would cross the sea
I'd mislead the bandeirantes as to prevent them from finding Palmares
I'd wield guns and shields
In order to help Antonio Conselheiro to defend Canudos
I'd say to Mandela: 'stay strong
The apartheid will end once you're out of jail'
I'd show Galileu a video of the mankind on the moon
And say: 'all this was possible because of your ideas'
If I could go back I'd bring with me the medicine to combat Aids
Just so my heroes would have the chance to live further
I'd march side by side with Luther King and Rosa Parks in Alabama
And would warn Brumadinho and Mariana before the mud came down
If I had the means to do it,
I'd beg to Chapocoense not to embark on that plane
[Hélio Bentes]
If I could change an instant
And correct yesterday's mistakes, what would come next?
What would happen?
If I could change an instant
What would come next?
What would happen?
If I could go back in time I'd try to prevent a massacre from happening
Chernobyl, Hiroshima, Nagasaki
Could it be that if I denounced the terrorists of September 11th
would there be war in Iraq?
I'd warn the Black Panthers:
Be careful, they will try to destroy you with crack epidemic
I'd run into 2Pac and sing 'Changes Black President'
Before showing him a picture of Barack
If I could kill Hitler before he reached the power
I would prevent so much unnecessary suffering
But if I couldn't do it, I would make sure to tell Anne Frank:
The whole world will read your diary
And what if I changed the past, would I exist now?
And if I didn't, what difference would that make?
If only I could know where the virus would come from
I'd let the world know before it became an pandemic
So much pain in vain, how many will part?
Socrates, Jesus, Tutiz or Hutus, when will it end brother?
The sons of the future tell us: don't let us down
We are the heirs of yesterday's mistakes
Or maybe I'm overthinking
Maybe I'm uncapable to make a change even in here
What if I could go back to the past... or better yet
What if this is already the past and someone is expecting me to act?
[Hélio Bentes]
If I could change an instant
And correct yesterday's mistakes, what would come next?
What would happen?
If I could change an instant
What would come next?
What would happen?
[Hélio Bentes]
If I had the gift of premonition
If I could know before hand what is about to happen
If I had that kind of power
What would you do?
We have that power!
What about you?
If I could change an instant
The past is now, ever thought about it?
What will the sons of the future tell us, huh?
Have you ever stop to think about it? The past is now.

Mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat

Mă simt ciudat cu adevărat,
de un pic de timp e așa:
se întâmplă mereu, de fiecare dată când ești aici.
Totul mi se pare mai bun
înțeleg bine ce e,
înțeleg că mă voi îndrăgosti de tine.
Ești mereu primul meu gând
și adorm cu tine
pare ceva rău
dar e bun ca tine.
Mă face să mă simt ușor,
zâmbește și stai ca mine
'O știi, stau îndragostindu-mă și eu de tine'.
Și chiar că mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat
pentru multe zile, de câte?
Aproape o viață să te caut
și acum te am aici în față și vei vedea,
vei vedea că timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori,
pentru că nu e suficientă niciodată...
Și ne ținem de mână
amândoi stăm în liniște
sigur că e caraghios: sunt mai încordat ca tine.
Te simt între degete și e o plăcere așa
în această clipă viața e toată aici.
Și chiar că mă îndrăgostesc cu adevărat
privește-mă sunt sincer
încerc aceleași lucruri ca și tine acum:
pentru mine e la fel și vei vedea
vei vedea cât timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori
Și că nu e suficientă niciodată.
Vei vedea,
vei vedea cât timp voi avea, vei avea atâta iubire câtă vei dori
...Și că nu e suficientă niciodată.
Mă simt ciudat cu adevărat,
de un pic de timp e așa:
se întâmplă mereu, de fiecare dată când ești aici.

I look like a kid

Only you have the gift of change my destiny
You only touch me with your eyes, I look like a kid
Lying in your lap, the world don't surprises me
I am a mature man, but in front of you
I am not more than a kid...
You have the light that illuminates our path
After you, I found out I am not alone anymore
You are the love the life gave me as a gift
I am a mature man, but in front of you
I look like a kid
You hug me and the sadness go away
The existent pain stays out of the door
We fight, but that happens
Soon the heart forget...
Because we love each other

What is the matter

What is the matter?
What is
Going on
In this mind of yours?
What is the matter?
Do I lack
That prevents me from getting to know you better?
So that I can receive you without a shock
So that I can perceive you
With the touch of my hands
In your heart
What is the matter?
Why haven't you in such a long time
Sought my shoulder to cry on?
Why is that?
Why is that so that this fire
Does not burn what it has to burn?
That we don't love
What there is for us to love
That the sun is setting
And we don't let go
Of this anguish in our glance ah ah ah
Call me, do not let me escape
Fill my empty spaces
Pull me from this anxiety
Nurture me, calm me down
In your soft arms
Soft arms!
What is the matter?
What is going on
With my head?
No, I do not know
What is the matter?
Call me, do not let me escape
Fill my empty spaces
Pull me from this anxiety
Nurture me, calm me down
In your soft arms
What is the matter?
What is the matter?
What is the matter?

I do what I want

Rovazzi: No way, Gianni, we've been here for two hours and no fish are biting. None at all!
By the way I don't know, I haven't had any ideas recently. Really, none!
Morandi: It's a fear of every artist's to lose their talent. That's why we built the vault.
Rovazzi: What do you mean, the vault?
Morandi: Fabio, the vault!
Pedicini: The vault of successes is the place where celebrities conceal their talents over time.
To preserve your physical aspect, you just need to go through a scanner, which encrypts the physicity and materializes it as a pill, packaged and classified.
Thanks to advanced machines, those having a beautiful voice can materialize it in liquid form and store it over time inside specific bottles, classified and labeled with the name of their legitimate owner.
All of this is then transported into the vault, secure and inaccessible, even for the most evil minds.
To violate the vault we needed a plan of extreme difficulty.
Rovazzi: No, Roberto, we don't have enough budget, make it a little bit simpler: take the other script!
Pedicini: Ah, the other one... so the other one.
Rovazzi: Yeah, the one with 'The plan was very simple, 1, 2, 3, 4, Pippo Baudo'.
Pedicini: 1, 2, 3, 4, Pippo Baudo. Okay.
Rovazzi: Perfect, let's go on!
Pedicini: The plan was very simple.
Going through the main entrance disguised as a cleaner.
Rovazzi: Hello!
Boldi: Good morning! Who are you?
Rovazzi: Fabio Rovazzi.
Boldi: Fabio Rovazzi... No, actually, from our system, it looks like you have no talents here.
Rovazzi: Ah, but I'm here to clean the vault, see?
Boldi: Ah, you're here to clean?
Rovazzi: Well, yes!
Boldi: Ah, well, then go. Go. Come on!
Rovazzi: Thank you.
Pedicini: Follow the corridor and turn right.
The password is '1234'.
Use Pippo Baudo's photo.
Rovazzi: I'm in.
Pedicini: Change your clothes.
Use the spray on the cameras.
Boldi: Damn it...
Screwed! Fool!
Pedicini: You've got fifteen seconds until it closes up. Hurry up.
Take a pill so they can't recognize you.
Good luck.
Rovazzi [Voice: Fabio Rovazzi]:
Everything's in a bag
I know, this was a big one
Please wait, I'm in a hurry
It's all a copy-paste
Fashion controls us
I disappear in the crowd
I could dance like Bolle
Sing out of happiness
Getting Zalone's income
Instead I'm still here
I look for some cool place and take some ability
In the bounds of legality
Rovazzi [Voice: Emma Marrone]:
I do what I want
I do what I feel like doing
This summer I'm out of control
And I don't need the lyrics anyway
Because with this voice here - pa pa pa ra ra
Pa pa ra ra ra ra pa pa pa ra ra
With this voice here - pa pa pa ra ra
Pa pa ra ra ra ra pa pa pa ra ra
Pa pa ra ra ra ra
Pedicini: Steal a vehicle to escape.
Rovazzi: Take it easy, there's no need: I got it.
Ramazzotti: Give me back my voice.
Rovazzi: But - Eros... Eh...
Ramazzotti: Hey, no stealing, Rovazzi!
Rovazzi: I know, I know.
Ramazzotti: Come on!
Rovazzi: Here it is.
All right.
Ramazzotti: Remember: you don't need my voice:
This is enough.
Rovazzi: It's a clothes peg!1
Ramazzotti: Exactly.
Rovazzi [Voice: Fabio Rovazzi]:
I hit the ground running
And escape my karma
A status that excites me
I want to break off
General stress
Dive into the sea
There's no need to worry, mommy
I'm taking off, I have to turn it off
I'll call you back later, you have to calm down
There's no problem: I'm on a Panda2
You weren't expecting this song
And I'm going to give you an ending against any prediction
But I'm not the hero of your plain old stories
And I'm against all spoilers
Rovazzi [Voice: Nek]:
I do what I want
I do what I feel like doing
This summer I'm out of control
And I don't need the lyrics anyway
Because with this voice here - pa pa pa ra ra
Pa pa ra ra ra ra pa pa pa ra ra
With this voice here - pa pa pa ra ra
Pa pa ra ra ra ra pa pa pa ra ra
Pa pa ra ra ra ra
Rovazzi [Voice: Fabio Rovazzi]:
Attracted by evil
Honesty has no budget
Everything that's forbidden
We like
Luis Sal [Voice: Al Bano]:
We make bad models
Fifteen minutes of celebrity
With this voice here
Rovazzi: Really?
Luis Sal: Actually it's been really easy:
In the last few days I've made friends with the guards, and I exchanged your bag for a pack of cigarettes
Rovazzi: No, come on... Even the customized hat... No, please...
Will you let me out, please?
Guardia: Rovazzi! Come! They've just posted bail.
You can go out.
Rovazzi: Really?
Guardia: Come!
Luis Sal: And for me? Nothing? How! Darn it!
Rovazzi: Maybe next time you might want to say this 'bail thing' quietly...
But who paid?
Guardia: (?) Straight ahead, please.
Rovazzi: Hello. but... how does it work here, do I have to... give you some documents...
Does any of you know who paid...
Briatore: I paid. You're out.
  • 1. This part is making fun of Eros Ramazzotti's nasal voice
  • 2. Famous Italian car model
Unless a secondary source is specified below, you may use this translation wherever you want as long as you put a visible link to this page. Otherwise check the source.

To Fly

Versions: #2
I have millions of views but I live in a studio apartment
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
everyone makes stories but only on cell phone
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
This great certainty that I like it can help
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
when I am singing and Gianni looks to escape
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
but these youth today do not
I swear to you I will never understand them
Let's do it quickly, it make me fly
it is not a joke, it makes me fly
they have forced me, it makes me fly
but all this, it makes me fly
I am flying, do not bother me
the real problem is how to land
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
Ladies and gentlemen, now turn off your cellphones
to the captain deliver a vomit bag
buckle your seat belts we are about to land
we don't have another option, we are landing on the freeway
But Dad I don't know what to tell you I don't find a job that I like...
You rent a Ferrari that's only able to accompany
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
my dog takes a vacation and wants to abandon me
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
but these youth today do not
I swear to you I will never understand them
Let's do it quickly, it make me fly
it is not a joke, it makes me fly
they have forced me, it makes me fly
but all this, it makes me fly
I am flying, do not bother me
the real problem is how to land
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
it makes me fly, it makes me fly
I understand it after being a song
that Rovazzi is only a great... surname
the featuring I did for a single purpose
they return to me Anna whoever takes the photos
They have forced me, it makes me fly
but to be honest, it makes me fly
I confess to you, it makes me fly
that all this it makes me fly
I am flying, do not bother me
the real problem is how to land
it makes me fly, it makes me fly