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Număr de rezultate: 8


Frumoasă tare...

Frumoasă tare...
cântă: Farid Al Attrache
versuri: Mamoun Al Shannawi
muzica: Farid Al Attrache
E tare frumoasă și n-are pereche,
Nici măcar în visele mele cele mai ascunse!
E frumoasă ca o gazelă...
De ce îmi pare lumea așa minunată,
Când tu ești cu mine?
De ce inima mea se simte vrăjită
Și uit de toate relele?
Mă întrebi de ce? Chiar că nu știu
Care o fi secretul, nu înțeleg...
Poate-o fi dragostea și candoarea vârstei,
Sau pentru că ești atât de frumoasă?
De ce îmi cântă inima de fiecare dată când te văd
Și zilele-mi cântă și mă liniștesc?
Vederea ochilor tăi mă fascinează,
Iar dorul pentru tine mă îmbată...
Poate-o fi dragostea și candoarea vârstei,
Sau pentru că ești atât de frumoasă?
De ce, oare, te iubesc florile, păsările și cei din jur?
E pentru bunătatea inimii tale,
Pentru felul cum te porți sau cum arăți,
Sau poate pentru hazul și zâmbetul tău?

May you live

May you live! I have certainly died after you.
And prolong, for as long as you wish, your disinclination.
There were remnants of passion lingering within my heart
but after you I have ceased.
Purer than the cheerful dawn,
and you have lent the dawn your rosy cheek.
Gentler than the breeze's nature,
so would you not cast over it your garment?
Sweeter than the cup of the night-companion
and you have offered the cup your honey.
Would it have done you harm to be be just with me -
have your eyes not seen your own figure?
And to take from my eyelids an abode,
and from my eyes for you a cradle?
If it were not my good manners,
then your morals were more rightful to have stopped you.
Is it a fault, O meadows, if I long for him,
that I may go and smell his roses?
And is it a vice, O dewdrops, if it appealed to me
so I sought after your drinking place (to drink)?
I swear by your eyes, and they are to me
as faith is to you -
your mother's heart, when you departed from her
and you had not yet come of age
and so she fell upon you with her bosom
on the day of separation that she may take you back,
(that heart) certainly did not flutter more than my heart,
on the day it was said (to me): you have broken your promise.

My Absent Loved Ones

O my absent loved ones
My absent loved ones
I miss you, my dears
If only I could blink
And see you arriving, arriving
Arriving, my loved ones
My loved ones, from the day that we grew distant
Nothing in this world makes us happy
And no flower decorates our home
And no candle illuminates our feast day
My loved ones, I'd give my days for you
Happiness might forget me but I wouldn't forget you
Also, and I swear by God that I,
day and night,
that I wait for you day and night
My life is sorrowful because of you
The days more difficult than their nights
I've suffered all the wounds of separation
And all the pain of longing
O life of my heart, all my lovers
How did all of this happen to my heart?
And I find all the people around me
Except for the dearest loved ones
O loved ones, I miss you, come back
Your place is still the same
I'm waiting, sweet ones
My absent loved ones
If only I could blink
And see you arriving, arriving
Arriving, my loved ones

Beware of my love

Beware of my love, beware
and stay away from my heart
your picture in my imagination, oh, I'm doomed
you're on my mind, day and night
and nights get longer with longing and your coldness
I shall turn you away from the beginning
I'm confused with you
I'm afraid that your heart might change
afraid of your love for it confuses me
I'm happy with you by my side, and I long for you to abandon me
I know my heart cannot bear your love
Beware of my love, beware
and stay away from my heart
don't you promise me one day that you're going to be mine
no matter how happy you might make me, it is not going to be enough for me
your love is not for me, your coldness is mine
beware of my love, beware
and stay away from my heart
If you wish to use any of my works, kindly consult with me first.
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