Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 11
Oh my heart feels suffocatedNever-ending evenings
The springs of my life
I've grown old without seing
Are you forbidden to me?
Are you the loss to me?
Do your roses fade
One moreday,if you loved me
While the rains are dripping from the roofs
Look,the yellowing leaves became inevitable again
While the rains are dripping from my eyes
Evenings without you became inevitable again
I ran and escaped
My eyes covered with blood
Don't be fooled that I laugh
Your death is hard
Don't keep reminding me
I haven't forgotten my promise
To me again in my fortune
Time to get going
It Doesn't
It doesnt fit into a heart, you know, this love is for a lifetimeIt bids farewell to my heart, you find me
My lies and my mistakes caused me trouble
I got lost in the dark night
My sins and my weaknesses everywhere, and you're absent
There's no remedy for this trouble of mine, maybe to a moon
I'll sing my song so that you might hear
I'm angry, and blowzy, and a little bit sad
Again, the same, I got up without you
Your smell used to be stucked in my skin, it doesn't matter anymore
But no
It doesn't matter
But no
It doesn't matter
What is this if not love?
Dacă mi-aș închide ochii
Parcă dragostea ar fi o boalăEu te-am întemnițat pe tine, inima mea sa blocat
Eu in camera mea cu miros acum
Am vorbit cu pereți tăcuți
Numele respirației mele.
Aceștia acuma ard pe loc
Absența ta în flacără focului
Spune care era motivul să pleci
Dacă închid ochii îți văd chipul
Dacă m-aș depărta ziua nopțile aș fi un orb
Dacă as închide ușile mi-ar fi frig singur
Dacă aș zbura ca o pasăre aș putea să ma duc mai sus
Ege Kökenli
Sin is Mine
The sin is mine, guilt is mineI dreamed, let me go, the dream is mine
The bribe I've given myself
Don't touch, I just have my dreams
I write my sorrows on my own
What does destiny have to do with me?
Poors can't be a lover for richs
Even the drums say so
Look at the war inside my heart
I'm alone myself again
You are the cure for my sorrows
I gave my life to you
I'm alone myself in the night again
I'm lonely in the Christmas
I realized that I'm on the start again
Sometimes I hugged my wrongs though
I write my sorrows on my own
What does destiny have to do with me?
Poors can't be a lover for richs
Even the drums say so
Look at the war inside my heart
I'm alone myself again
You are the cure for my sorrows
I gave my life to you
Is it always pain? Knives on your arms
Tell me darling, is it butcher or always bills?
The things you've done, isn't it insane?
Club or pub? Is that a compliment?
My heart is deserter with you, is it discipline?
I'm far away now, the thing we've lost was communication
Tell me, is it dirt or rust in your heart?
Is the thing what makes me write those, kick or bass?
Is gambling passion? Go on or pass?
Is that a strange mourning? Afghan or Moracco?
Wrong or coincidence? Is it always killing?
Is love the terrace in the house with sea view?
I'm alone myself in the night again
I'm lonely in the Christmas
I realized that I'm on the start again
Sometimes I hugged my wrongs though
I write my sorrows on my own
What does destiny have to do with me?
Poors can't be a lover for richs
Even the drums say so
Look at the war inside my heart
I'm alone myself again
You are the cure for my sorrows
I gave my life to you
The sin is mine, guilt is mine
I dreamed, let me go, the dream is mine
The bribe I've given myself
Don't touch, I just have my dreams
Hidden Love
Versions: #2It can be yours take my lifetime but,
We should hide now
You're right,the love is not crime but,
Maybe we should be cleared
I love but I don't bow to this
I avoid my love but don't hide
While my every cells call you
I cannot live love the forbidden and secluded.
Don't cry
It became longing, it became a separationThe hours split into sadness
I saw two drops of tears fall*
Along with love and separation
Like a song, like a poem
The pain my soul has lived
are the memories from you now
I saved the loved sorrows
I hide you like a secret
Like a promise, like a secret dream
I can bear this heavy burden, go
go, don't get hurt**
Don't cry, I can't bear it
Don't cry my dear***, I can't stand seeing you sad****
Take my heart, it's all yours
If my heart stays with me I won't be able to live
Dragoste Ascunsa
Dacă-mi vrei viața ia-o, darTrebuie să ne ascundem acum.
Ai dreptate, dragostea nu este o crimă, dar
Poate ar trebui să fim achitați.
Te iubesc, dar la asta nu mă pot supune.
Îmi păstrez dragostea, dar o ascund.
Fiecare celulă din mine te strigă
Dragostea e un refugiu, nu pot trăi departe de ochii tăi...
Dacă-mi vrei viața ia-o, dar
Trebuie să ne ascundem acum.
Ai dreptate, dragostea nu este o crimă, dar
Poate ar trebui să fim achitați.
Te iubesc, dar la asta nu mă pot supune.
Îmi păstrez dragostea, dar o ascund.
Fiecare celulă din mine te strigă
Dragostea e un refugiu, nu pot trăi departe de ochii tăi...
At that moment the ears are ringingI am here inside you
Do not you cry
Hide us in tears
Unforgettable unforgettable
What happened to us
How is it forgotten
At that moment your lips are sore
When someone else kisses
oh don't you scream
Keep your pain on your lips
Unforgettable unforgettable
What happened to us
How is it forgotten
what shall we do?
Once it escaped this love vapor
How about these coasts, can we forget them?
Unforgettable, Unforgettable
People who have been to us
How is it forgotten
Despărțirea este grea
Despărțirea este grea, știu...Poate încă te iubesc.
Sunt rănit mult mai mult cu fiecare zi ce trece,
Chiar nu există un final fericit pentru noi?
Sufletul meu arde, ce fel de suferință e asta?
Este necunoscută pentru mine, oricum.
De parcă ochii ei s-ar fi prăbușit peste mine, în inima mea.
Nu mă lăsa să mor, chiar nu există nici o soluție pentru noi?
Despărțirea este grea (2x)
Sunt rănit mult mai mult cu fiecare zi ce trece,
Chiar nu există un final fericit pentru noi?