Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Where are all my lovers?

Where are all my lovers?
All those who loved me a lot,
One time, when I was beautiful?
Goodbye, unfaithful ones.
I don't know where they are,
to other dates.
As for me, my heart hasn't grown older though,
Where are all my lovers?
In the sadness and the night that comes back,
I'm staying alone, isolated, without support,
Without any obstacle, but without love.
Like a wreckage, my heart's heavy.
It was me that used to know happiness once,
Nights of parties and worshippers,
I'm a slave of memories,
And this makes me suffer
The night's ending and when the morning comes,
The dew cries along with all my sorrows.
All those whom I love, who loved me,
Are canceled in the pale day.
I see haze passing by my eyes,
All these marionettes I'm seeing it's them.
I'm fighting, however, extreme effort,
I believe to hug them again.
Where are all my lovers?
All those who loved me a lot,
As for me, my heart hasn't grown older though,
Where are all my lovers?
Winter is coming