Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 3


Sirra Bunei Speranțe

Sirra Bunei Speranțe, speranța ce cuprinde
In inima Braziliei o mîna de pămînt
În inima celui care se duce, în inima celui care vine
Sirra Bunei Speranțe dragostea mea ultimă
Plec luînd mult dor, dor lăsînd
Ofelițe căzute pe sirra acolo aproape de Dumnezeu
O sirra mea iată timpul despărțirii[,] plec
Lăs lumina privirii tale la lumina lunii
Rămas bun
[Îmi port] în cintarea mea imaginea sirrei
Știu că Isus nu-l pedepsește pe poetul care greșește
Noi poeții greșim pentru că și noi rimăm
Ochii noștri în ochii cuiva care nu vine
Sirra Bunei Speranțe, să n-ai frica
Voi păstra imaginea voastră cu ajutorul lui Dumnezeu.
O sirra mea iată timpul despărțirii[,] plec
Lăs lumina privirii tale la lumina lunii
Rămas bun

Mountain of Good Hope

Mountain of Good Hope, hope that settles
In the Heart of Brazil a handful of land
In the heart of who goes, in the heat of who goes
Mountain of Good Hope my last love
I depart leaving longings, longings leaving
Withered fallen on the mountain there close to God
Oh my mountain now's the time of farewell I'm going away
I'm leaving the light of the glance in your moonshine
In my song I carry the memory of the mountain
I know Jesus doesn't punish[,] the poet he was
We poets once were, because we rhyme well
Our eyes in the eyes of someone who's not coming
Mountain of Good Hope, do not be afraid
I will keep your image by the grace of God
Oh my mountain now's the time of farewell I'm going away
I'm leaving the light of the glance in your moonshine


The poor Brazilian people
Has no, has no, has no money
Gold came from abroad
But none one has seen the money
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this
Who knew there of the aviary
Forgets here about the hen house
Only thinks of a companion
In order to be his heir
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this
Doctor! Doctor!
Don't be angry, don't give a hoot
Doctor! Doctor!
It's lousy living like this