Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 4
I inquired about you
I inquired about you all these years but I did not find any sign of you!I asked about you from everywhere and everything we remembered, but but everyone said they were unaware
How did you go?
Look, there is nothing after your love,
The hours have stopped
The world has over
Come back to me to start life again
I have looked for you all these years, but I have not found any sign of you
I looked for you from everywhere and everything we remembered, but everyone said they were unaware
It is as if there is hope in me that one day you will come back again
Even if you do not
Even if you do not love me anymore
Anyway, even if we just fantasize about this dream together, it is beautiful
Dacă nu se întoarce la mine
Aș vrea să se întoarcă la mine într-o zi, epuizat și plin de regrete,Aș îngenunchea și aș plînge în fața rugilor mele de mulțumire.
Păcatul îndrăgostitului este cea mai ușoară iertare,
Blestemul fiecăruia nu stă în oricare,
Măcar de mi-ar fi spus „vin”, măcar de mi-ar fi redat viața,
Dar nu-mi poate reda zilele care trec.
Totul s-a schimbat, am fost rănită și am ajuns la capăt,
Nu mai sunt cum am fost, chiar dacă a văzut, nu poate ști.
He/She doesn't come back to me
İ wish he/she came back to me one day,exhausted and the regretfulİ kneel down and cry,to my gratitute prayers
The sin of the lover which is the easiest forgiveness
The curse of the anyone don't stay in anyone
İf only he/she said 'i came' to me,if only he/she give life to me
He/she can't give me the days that pass
My everythings has changed,i have been hurt and come to an end
İ'm not how i used to be,even though he/she saw,he/she can't know