Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 2


Exciting Magic

I want to always see you
smiling and having fun.
Let’s try counting one, two, three
and if we get tired we can always rest.
It’s okay to cry when you break something while fooling around.
We can always try again and build a new one.
Pain, pain fly away~
(I’ll tickle you!)
If we hold hands
(everything will be okay!)
If you fail, don’t give up, give it another try.
Baby don’t sit down.
Let’s look for something fun together!
Seeing your happy face when you say “let’s play”
always makes me smile.
It’s fun spending time with you.
Hey, listen to this sparkling charm
(I’ll tell you about it.)
I’ll tell you about an exciting magic!
(School paradise, baby dance, everyone let’s dance!)
(School paradise, baby dance, everyone let’s dance!)
The hero is fighting an unseen monster!
But before he does, it’s time for snacks!
It’s fine if you cry from being pranked.
Let’s shake hands and say sorry because we’re friends, okay?
You don’t like scary things
(oh, how scary~)
If we hold hands
(everything will be okay!)
If you fail, don’t give up, give it another try.
Baby don’t sit down.
Let’s look for something fun together!
Your voice when you say “this is fun!”
makes me happy while I listen to you.
It’s fun spending time with you.
Hey, listen to this sparkling charm
(I’ll tell you about it.)
I’ll tell you about an exciting magic!
If you fail, don’t give up, give it another try.
Baby don’t sit down.
Let’s look for something fun together!
Seeing your happy face when you say “let’s play”
always makes me smile.
It’s fun spending time with you.
Hey, listen to this sparkling charm
(I’ll tell you about it.)
I’ll tell you about an exciting magic!
(School paradise, baby dance, everyone let’s dance!)
(School paradise, baby dance to your own rhythm!)
(School paradise, baby dance, everyone let’s dance!)
(School paradise, baby dance, come one, I’ll tell you something today, too!)
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to

Endless Happy World

When you laugh, I become happy!
Oh yeah!
If this nonchalant day is really important to you,
You'll finally realize the things that lie beyond the sad.
I won't let you leave in the moment I can't oversee things,
all in order to tell you about my feelings for you.
I want you to call me at any time.
Morning, midday, evening? Even in my dreams it's okay!
Our hearts surely hold the power to connect to eachother.
I believe we can touch the gentleness of this world.
When you laugh, I'll be happy forever!
Suddenly you need to stop, as it is a busy time after all.
Let's reach out for the sky and take a new breath!
The me of tomorrow also wants to see you.I'll speak of a wish seeing that it will come true.
Let's smile more together, when we play with these lifes.
The past, now and future? I'll share everything.
From our hearts, great power overflows, known as feelings of love.
These embarrassing, warm feelings won't stop
within that world...
Seeing you laugh,
makes me feel happy.
It's okay to call for me, if you feel lonely.
Let's play more together with our smiles and our lives.
The past, now and future? I'll share everything.
From our hearts, great power overflows, known as feelings of love.
These embarrassing, warm feelings won't stop
I want to laugh together with you, in the Endless happy world!
The Translation is ©Achampnator so before using it ask for permission

In case of a source field link belongs the Translation to the Copyright Owner where the link goes to