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Rezultatele căutării pagină 2

Număr de rezultate: 102


O alee în Luxemburg

Trecu copila-ncântătoare
Şi sprintenă ca pasărea:
În mână-i strălucea o floare
Şi nou referen pe buze-avea.
Doar ea putea să mai răspundă,
Ah, sufletului meu uitat

El călătorește singur

El călătorește singur
Și nimeni nu-l obligă să tacă.
El cântă pământul,
El cântă pământul.
Și e o viață fără mister,
Care vorbește pentru sine.
Aproape în fiecare zi
El cântă pământul.
Dar el e singur.
Într-o zi
L-a lăsat, a plecat
Să dea o tură de cealaltă parte
A unui oraș care n-are locuri
De parcare.
El călătorește singur
Și nimeni nu-l obligă să tacă.
El știe ce-are de făcut:
El cântă pământul.
El rămâne singurul voluntar
Și, neavânt altceva de făcut,
Mai puternic decât o întreagă armată,
El cântă pământul.
Dar el e singur.
Într-o zi
L-a lăsat, a plecat
Să dea o tură de cealaltă parte
A unui oraș care n-are locuri
De parcare.
Și iată miracolul, pe scurt:
Atunci când cântecul lui e bun,
Pentru că e pentru bucuria ce el i-o dăruiește,
Să-l lăsăm să cânte pământul.

Rulers of the World

High up above
The rulers of the world!
They live lives
Only rulers enjoy
Up on their hill, they can see far and wide
But, apparently,
They can't see us!
The rulers of the world are never alone
But they live lonely lives bathed in golden light!
Up in their castles, there's not a laugh to be heard
Not like down here, where we dance the night away!
[ ALLE ]
To make love
To do as you please
Day and night
To the fullest
What can life bring us
If the rulers control us?
To recognize their authority
Is nothing but a waste of time
If there's one thing everyone here knows
The true heroes
Are us!
The rulers of the world are always looking over their shoulders
Because their power is borrowed!
Sooner or later they fall into their own trap
Even love itself balks at entering their walls!
The rulers of the world love to squabble with each other
But only one can sit on the throne
The battles they fight mean nothing to us
The games that they play aren't our responsibility!
[ ALLE ]
To make love
To do as you please
Day and night
To the fullest
What can life bring us
If the rulers control us?
To recognize their authority
Is nothing but a waste of time
If there's one thing everyone here knows
The true heroes
Are us!
The time is near!
We're ready!
[ ALLE ] (3x)
To make love
To do as you please
Day and night
To the fullest
What can life bring us
If the rulers control us?
To recognize their authority
Is nothing but a waste of time
If there's one thing everyone here knows
The true heroes
Are us!
[ ROMEO (together with the Ensemble) ]
The time is near!
We're ready!
[ BENVOLIO (together with the Ensemble) ]
The time is near!
We're ready!
[ ROMEO & BENVOLIO (together with the Ensemble) ]
To the fullest, day and night!
[ ROMEO (together with the Ensemble) ]
Day and night!
[ BENVOLIO (together with the Ensemble) ]
We bow to no one
[ BENVOLIO & MERCUTIO (together with the Ensemble) ]
We'll never recognize their authority

One Day

In 20 years of life
I've often been an object of desire
I've learned quite a lot
About meaningful things
But though I've been sought after
I've never truly loved
Yes, I've stayed untouched
In this game of desire
In this game of lust
It's only about seduction
But I want true love!
What can one know of the world
Who's not even 16 years old?
I hope love will make the future bright!
I've yet to experience life
And I know so little of many things
The vision before me
Is a grand dream of falling in love
A dream of being together
Only my wish can guide me
I want to feel love!
One day I'll find her
Discover true happiness!
One day desire will fade
If we find each other!
One day...
[ BOTH ]
One day our loneliness will end
Together for eternity
One day we'll love each other deeply
Invincible for eternity!
One day love will guide us beyond time
Every day we will swear our love anew
Love gives us wings, love lets us conquer
One day
One day love will guide us beyond time
Every day we will swear our love anew
Love gives us wings, love lets us conquer
One day
One day
One day


God help us all
Tyranny divides us
God, ice runs in our veins
Hate's poison drives us soon
To violence
The hate, the hate
Slithers in like a snake
The hate, the hate
Has long festered within our hearts
The hate, the hate
Is the poison in our veins
The hate, the hate
It burns within like an eternal flame
Oh, how I hate this hatred!
I agree with you
We are compelled to hate!
No olive branch can save us
But only cause more death!
The hate, the hate
It robs us all of reason
The hate, the hate
Tears every peace offering
The hate, the hate
Why does it hold us in its spell?
The hate, the hate
It is the mightiest power!
The hate, the hate
For every night I've lain awake
You've felt my wrath
From far and wide
Those who you curse
Seek only hatred
You're just as lost
As everyone here!
Look at yourselves!
What madness is this?
This game of death will take more and more
The wheel of horror
Spins mercilessly
And you'll be caught in its tread
It makes no sense!
[ BOTH ]
What drives you, what oath
To commit these atrocities, to commit violence?
Finally open your ears to us women
Trust in our feelings!
[ ALLE ]
The hate!


Perhaps you think you've seen it all
And count all knowledge your own
Are you tired from traveling far and wide?
Welcome to our city!
Perhaps you seek adventure
And love wicked scenes
Maybe you're not quite satisfied with life?
Welcome to our city!
Here it's just like anywhere else
Nothing stays secret, no one incognito
Perhaps mere coincidence brought you here?
Enjoy the night with us!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
Where everyone hates with passion
And love never quite fits in
Here only two make the laws
The Montagues and Capulets!
No one needs to take a side
That was done for us long ago!
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
Long live Verona!
Do you sleep soundly in your bed?
Trusting that you are loved?
This sort of peace doesn't exist here
Welcome to our city!
But God also has power over us
We do die, but we die old
Here everyone wears the prince's crown
Welcome to our city!
Here it's just like anywhere else
Nothing stays secret, no one incognito
Perhaps mere coincidence brought you here?
Enjoy the night with us!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
[ MEN (staggered) ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
[ ALL ]
Where everyone hates with passion
And love never quite fits in
Here only two make the laws
The Montagues and Capulets!
No one needs to take a side
That was done for us long ago!
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
[ Refrain and dialogue together ]
Benvolio and Mercutio, two friends who love their weapons.
Even the prince's words can't keep us from a fight!
And this is Tybalt, their sworn enemy, the leader of this slaughter!
Laws mean nothing to me! I live and die by the sword.
City of insanity! Everyone fights everyone else. War dominates everyday life!
[ ALL ]
Long live Verona! Beautiful Verona!
The poison of hate flows through these streets
Through our lives, through our veins!
Our gardens bloom every spring
And we're not short of pretty faces
We live in a paradise on earth
But our souls are chained below!
Verona! Verona!
Long live Verona!

White Sheets

Havana, my old Havana
Lady of history, of conquerors and people
With its religions, beautiful lady
Havana, if my eyes left you
If life banished me to a corner of the earth
I swear to you I'll die of love and of longing
To walk your streets, your neighborhoods and your places
Cuatro Caminos1, Virgin of Regla2, town by the sea
Places, destinations
The long wall of the coastline
The capitol and Prado with its lions3
Its visions
White sheets hanging on the balconies4
White sheets hanging on the balconies
Havana, my great Havana
Customary to go around the ceiba at night5
And parties in houses of neighborhoods modern and poor
Of noble people
Havana, if my eyes left you
If life banished me to a corner of the earth
I swear to you I'll die of love and of longing
To walk your streets, your neighborhoods and your places
Virgin of the Path6, new residential herald
Places, neighbors, Lighthouse of Morro7 and the Cathedral8
Small neighborhoods, full of traditions and emotions
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Sheets, sheets, sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(I'm going to die of love, I'm going to die of love, Havana)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Sheets, sheets, sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(I'm going to die of love, I'm going to die of love, Havana)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
(Oh sheets, oh sheets)
White sheets hanging on the balconies
  • 1. The name of a district (meaning 'Four Paths') in the municipality of Cotorro in Havana:
  • 2. Regla is a borough in Havana named after a title for the Virgin Mary in the Catholic church. In English, she is known as 'Our Lady of the Rule' (traditionally, the monastic rule of Saint Augustine) or as Black Madonna:
  • 3. A reference to Paseo del Prado, a promenade in Havana, and its famous bronze sculptures of lions:
  • 4. This was the theme song of the television program 'Andar La Habana' (Walking in Havana), hosted by the beloved historian Eusebio Leal. The white sheets became a symbol of the Havana's spirit and loyalty. When Leal passed away in 2020, the citizens of Havana hung white sheets on their balconies in tribute:
  • 5. The ceiba is a type of tree, and going around it each November 15 is a tradition in Havana:
  • 6. A statue venerated in Havana:
  • 7.
  • 8. The Havana Cathedral:

Vals java*

Era un vals, un java,
Nu mai țin minte,
Nu îmi aduc aminte,
Dar știu că eram în brațele tale.
Îmi spuneai că mă iubești,
Îmi spuneai nimicuri,
Nu mai țin minte,
Dar știu că eram în brațele tale.
Era în seara aceea
Un nu-știu-ce în aer,
Și care îmi face uneori,
Care îmi face,
Care îmi face,
Care îmi face rău.
(Strofa 2):
Era femeia pe care-am părăsit-o,
Și toți neghiobii care râdeau,
Și se învârteau,
Care dansau,
Și apoi tu,
Și apoi tu,
Și apoi tu
(Strofa 3):
Ne-am jurat tot ce știam,
Că nu ne vom despărți vreodată.
Și desigur, am crezut asta.
Nu era,
Nu era,
Nu era adevărat.
(Strofa 4):
Ai spus ”da” la ce-am poftit,
Și-am făcut bine ce ți-a plăcut.
Totuși ea a uitat
Acea noapte,
Acea noapte,
Acea noapte acolo.
(Strofa 5):
Când îmi privesc copiii,
Care sunt făcuți cu alta,
Asta nu mă uimește chiar așa.
Nu era,
Nu era,
Nu era pentru tine.
(Strofa 6):
Tu, tu iubeai aventura,
Și cerul adesea schimbător,
Dar copiii nu prea mult.
Asta-i viața,
Asta-i viața,
Asta-i viața, ah oh oh oh.

A-ți aminti

A-ți aminti, a-ți aminti
e ca și cum un pic ai muri,
tu știi acum asta,
pentru că totul se-ntoarce, chiar dacă nu vrei.
Și a uita, și a uita
e mai greu,
acum știi că e mai greu
dacă vrei s-o iei de la capăt.
A-ți aminti, a-ți aminti,
e ca un salt în adâncul mării.
A-ți aminti, a-ți aminti
ceea ce e de șters.
Și a uita, și a uita
înseamnă a pierde lucruri dragi.
Și a uita, și a uita,
bucurii rare se vor termina.
Și a uita, și a uita
înseamnă a pierde lucruri dragi...
A-ți aminti, a-ți aminti...


I'm in search of Shangri-la
In a night of neon and the smell of thin beer
There's a folding screen of rice paper standing there
The world is what someone actually wants to see
In a jungle of concrete you almost can't feel love
Who can live without love?
I'm in search of Shangri-la
Who can live without love?
I'm in search of Shangri-la
Yes, just live by feel
Your days are aimless
Until tomorrow's over again
Along every block of flats
I see a bamboo rope
Life without love
I'm in search of Shangri-la
Yes, just live by feel
Your dreams are aimless
Until tomorrow's over again
I'm in search of Shangri-la
I'm in search of Shangri-la
I'm in search of Shangri-la

The paradise bird

From Malaysia
From Malaysia
Whatever you may say
It came to me
The paradise bird
Whatever you may think
He came to dance
In the dim light at dusk
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
Smokes in the trees
And then monkey shrieks
As if Nature
Was spreading a sheet
During twilight hours
I put down my bag
That was on a lakeshore
The lake was as big as a piece of Scotland
Then I took a bath
I drank rainwater
I ate tree bark
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
Just like the cherry tree
Bears cherries
The paradise bird
Danced on the grey earth
An exquisite courtship
With blue and golden
Mesmerizing feathers
Winter aloha
Or else to alaho (up there)
Children pushing
Dugouts on the water
Whatever you may say
It came to me
The paradise bird
In my hand I had
The picture of a village
With ferns as foliage
The ash of the night
That was in a forest of Asia
In Borneo, Malaysia
(spoken) Then I decided to go and watch this kind of passerine birds, with highly shining feathers, head often adorned with lateral tufts, sides with the great plume made of interrupted feathers, tail bearing two more or less extended strands, with white or yellow wraps sharply contrasting with the upper part. I shall mention but a few of them: the lesser bird of Paradise, also called 'Petite émeraude', the red paradise bird, the manucode, the diphyllode or the king of flycatchers, or the epimac...

Human race

I walked along the river Seine
And reached the Pont des Arts
That's where I used to go
Taking Beaux-Arts street
To have a hot chocolate
And a round loaf
Settling down at the very back
With the human race
And through Le Havre street
Where I went back
When I fell out
With the human race
For a blue stop-over
With strange flying sparks
Full of destitutes
Not far from Saint-Lazare street
When I sat down
I saw someone coming
He was lonely too
It was just a kid
He wanted to follow me
He gave me his hand
But he didn't know
I had fallen out
That very morning
What's you name
Shivering all the same
In an low quality wool
Watching The Louvre
Amidst the moths
What's your name
Who has hurt you?
And I cursed myself
Because I knew myself so well
My friends the stars
Tell me the reason why
Above the shelters
How can it be so cold
How can it be so dark
Then we drank
A whole bottle of wine
Have you got one too
A little slut
He had one indeed
A brunette lover
Like a clean spot
In the moon dust
That came down
To ride him
We walked
Until the early hours
Through Vincennes Gate
Then towards Les Lilas
I have known many
Such flowers
That danced under the wind
Now I wonder
What happened to him
Women had come around
They took him away
To get rid of his lice
Under a burning shower
But he bit them
His first name is mine
When I fell out
With the human race
His first name is mine

Don't change

Near the old stone houses
With sheltered pediments
Don't mention your name
No, no, no
We have been praying
Many nights on end
One day
You will come to him from new horizons
The four wheels of his horses
Streams flowing from his hands
As long as he'll hold you in his arms
Above all, don't say anything
But when his face will fall down
Suddenly the silence (?) will tell you
Dig deep into your soul
Dig, but don't change
Don't change
Don't change
Don't change
And when silence will come back
On your mount you'll ride him away
Near the old stone houses
With sheltered pediments
And you'll forget his face
Then you understand
Maybe he'll look like me
And when we fall together
Just you and me, we'll think
Dig deep into your soul
Dig, but don't change
Don't change
Don't change
Don't change
But when our faces will slip
From us, we shall go away
Dig an underground shelter
Near the old stone houses
With sheltered pediments
We shall make love
Entwined under the frozen
Earth, our nails will grow
Ivy will be our home
Furry animals and bloody rivers
Will open their arms for us
And you
Dig deep into your soul
Dig, but don't change
Don't change
Don't change
Don't change

Song for Jeanne

Since the roses are so pretty
And because Jeanne is, too,
Everything blooms in this world,
And it is the worst kind of insanity
To care about anything else,
Since the roses are pretty
And Jeanne is, too.
Since you are chirping, tits,
And since Jeanne is chirping likewise,
Everything sings in this world,
And I will never worry
About the sacred harps of the angels,
Since you are chirping, tits,
And Jeanne is, too.
Since the beautiful flower has faded,
The little bird is dead and so is Jeanne,
Nothing seems alive in this world,
And my only yearning is to depart
Into the grave with my last breath,
Since the beautiful flower is dead,
And the bird, and Jeanne is, too...

Albastrul regretelor

Am amintiri care zboară
Ca niște avioane de luptă
Câteva muzici fără cuvinte
Fața ta în oglindă
Îmi place jocul sentimentelor
Cu sau fără lacrimi
M-ai lăsat pentru mult timp
Culoarea telegramei
Albastrul regretelor
Albastrul regretelor

Am amintiri care decolează
De pe un portavion pe mare
O idilă care se lipește
De inima mea singuratică
Când cerul devine prea greu
Simt durerea care alunecă
Mi-ai lăsat pentru totdeauna
Culoarea oceanului
Iubirea mea, albastrul regretelor
Am puterea și ochii unui lup
Spre cerul Pacificului
Dar eu sunt fragil și gelos
În jungla asta electrică
Și eu dispar
Atunci când reapare
Albastrul regretelor
Albastrul regretelor

Am amintiri care zboară
Ca niște avioane de luptă
Câteva muzici fără cuvinte
Fața ta în oglindă
Îmi place jocul sentimentelor
Cu sau fără lacrimi
M-ai lăsat pentru mult timp
Culoarea telegramei
Iubirea mea, albastrul regretelor
Iubirea mea, albastrul regretelor
Iubirea mea, albastrul regretelor
Iubirea mea, iubirea mea
Albastrul regretelor


Soldiers don't open fire !

His highness has ordered
The deserter's hunt
And the soldiers alredy
surrunds the hill
It's a beautiful spring evening
But I'm cold and afraid
Standing behind my door
In range of the guns
Soldiers, don't open fire, I don't have weapon
Soldiers, don't open fire, I'll explain everything
In the room of the groundfloor my wife is asleep
Soldiers let me with her to tomorrw noon
Like you I made myself
Boots in Englishman skin
I were even be wounded
I almost have the medail
But one day I deserted
I burned my draft papers
I prowled like a wolf
To come back at home
Soldiers, don't open fire, my wife is in the bed
Soldiers, don't open fire, she give birth to my cub
She have the arms crossed, she breath hard
Soldiers, don't open fire, let us still living.
Please make my way easy
Put some water heating
It's our first born
I doesn't konw how to do
Our blanket is thin
We'd need a coat
Soldiers I'll follow you
When I'd have my children
Soldiers, don't open fire, you just didn't see me
Soldiers, don't open fire, I'm 'Missing in Action'
Soldiers, don't open fire, come on in the house !
Soldiers, hug me ! Soldiers, it's a boy !!!
It's a boy !!!

naughty (girl/lady?)

from which earth will it be
where is your sea? they say:
which is your sun, your air, your river?
my origin was made as soon as something darkened
and when to him i return i cannot find again
every time i take a walk
i lose myself on the path
i deviate, the air is lacking
river, sea, earth, sun of mine
with what i am not
i always go there
the old fragile mirror shattered
and of me there are no more witnesses
that if another stranger, it is also me


You heard me right, Jesus
Knowledge and love
You heard me right, Jesus
Knowledge and love
I did see your followers
Some of them are still around
With the same hair as Jesus
The same corduroy coat, thick, thick, thick
You heard me right upside down, upside down
With your friends
Empty your glass
Empty your glass
All these men and women who failed to get
Knowledge and love
You'll hear them cry, Jesus
Unless you became deaf, deaf, deaf
You heard me right, Jesus
Knowledge and love
You had agreed on that, Jesus
You didn't do much to reach that goal, goal, goal
You heard me right upside down, upside down
With your friends
Empty your glass
Empty your glass
You heard me right, Jesus
It won't last forever
Get down from your cloud
Empty your pockets and run, run, run
I did see your followers
Some of them are crying for help
With outstretched hands, Jesus
There is no more time for speeches
You heard me right upside down, upside down
With your friends
Empty your glass
Empty your glass
You make everything wrong, wrong
You make everything wrong, wrong
Jesus (x4)

Latitudinal loneliness

Latitudinal loneliness
Sneaks between your sheets
Tonight will leave you
The night seems gentle and magic
Quite like the Americas
In the books you read when you are a child
Smoke Bellew, and White-Fang
The night seems gentle and magic
But what happens to you, you quiver
Loneliness, the fire is dying
Gun shots in the distance
Latitudinal loneliness
Sneaks between your sheets
Tonight will leave you
Longitudinal loneliness
The night seems gentle and magic
Quite like the cities
You dream of when you are a child
Carthage and its elephants
The night seems gentle and yet
You wake up from time to time
Loneliness and dying fire
Gun shots in the distance
Slips through your fingers
Loneliness will leave you tonight
Loneliness slips through your fingers

What's going on with you?

Thousands of souls hiding in metal-sheet shacks
You wear the world on your shoulders like an ant
You bend like a willow tree, but you don't break
You wear the world on your shoulders like an ant
Houses, castles
Walls of sand, walls of wind
A breath from the future that blows us away
Like the rotting leaf of a tree
Yellow and golden in the setting sun
Like a dog that fell silent
So, what's going on with you?
I'm asking
What's going on with you?
I'm asking
So, what's going on with you?
Houses, castles
Walls of sand, walls of wind
A flawless crystal, purer than diamond
That turns into sand in our hands
Just sand
Like sand under our eyelids
When we fall asleep
Like a movie suddenly stops
So, what's going on with you?
I'm asking
So, what's going on with you?
I'm asking
So, what's going on with you?
Houses, castles
Walls of sand, walls of wind
A wind from the future that blows us away
Like the rotting leaf of a tree
Yellow and golden in the setting sun
Like a dog that fell silent
So, what's going on with you?
I'm asking
So, what's going on with you?
I'm asking
So, what's going on with you?


Friends who look away
'Cause you don't know
Or perhaps
You can't believe it
Friends, perhaps there won't be
For us together
Anymore Sundays or holidays
Will die out
Friends who look away
Tell me
Where could she have gone?
Time for me has come to a halt
Like a headless bird
Like a headless bird
Friends who spotted her
On her seat
If you took her with you
Friends, perhaps tomorrow
You'll be left with a headless bird
In your hand
Friends, what's the point of loving
If I need to say it
And repeat it
If I need to write it down?
Friends, what's the point of loving
If I need to say it
And repeat it
If I need to write it down?

Inini territory

Warm as nest
Inini territory
Everything ends there
Sinks in the immensity
Squared-off trunk
Glides over the river Maroni
Seasoned canoeists
The shaman will heal them
Relentless rains
Over rio Camopi
Breasts as round as fruits
Bathing naked in the river Inini
Dances and sorcery
All night long
Ashes over felled timber
And the plane took off
Over the sleeping village
One night in a hut
By candlelight
Women exchanged without a word
For beads and guns
Rain on the felled timber
Over the sleeping village
Fevers and diseases
Over the sleeping village
Ashes over felled timber
Fevers and diseases
And the plane took off
Cry and pray
Arawaks, Guaranis
Guayaras, Galibis
For the Amazonian Indians
Deep down their sinister night (bis)
It's like a piece
Of paradise
Like a piece...
Cry and pray
Arawaks, Guaranis
Round as fruits
Guayaras, Galibis
Cry and pray
Arawaks, Guaranis
Guayaras, Galibis
For the Amazonian Indians
Round as fruits....

Wait till time gobbles you

Till time gobbles you
Like an egg
Crawl out of your shell
Like a dog
In a china shop
Forget where you come from
Iron and railings
The new building
A sort of weapon shines
In your hand
On the dampish wall
Your own way
But keep in mind
That time will transform you
Yes, keep in mind
That time
Till life grabs you
In its hand
Till your fist breaks
Against its own
You've got into the habit
They know where you come from
But iron and railings
It's a door that finally opens
The shadow of a girl
Running along a train
In that game of skittles
They point at you
You are done for
But keep in mind
That time wil transform you
Yes, keep in mind
That time
In that game of skittles
They point at you
Iron and railings
The new building
At dawn they dress you
You stand up
And walk towards
The shining post, it's all over
But keep in mind
That time wil transform you
Yes, keep in mind
That time


Elsewhere, elsewhere
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is better
And there's nothing to scare
Nothing to scare
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is... better, better
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is much better
There are no motorbikes
They wake up early
They are in a good mood
They live, they die
And nobody ever cries
They make flower garlands
And children sing in unisson
Elsewhere, elsewhere
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is better
And there's nothing to scare
Nothing to scare
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is... better, better
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is much better
There are no critics
No valuables
No burglars
They live, they die
And nobody ever cries
They make flower garlands
And children sing in unisson
Elsewhere, elsewhere
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is better
And there's nothing to scare
Nothing to scare
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is... better, better
Elsewhere, you imagine the world is much better
They talk to fishermen
About sea-shells and flowers
About colored fishes
Children play for hours on end
But no one ever cries
There are neither winners nor losers
And everybody sings...

Nothing to declare

I have nothing to declare
I live an everlasting summer
Not grey, not blue, not deserved
That has been lasting for so many years
I have nothing to declare
I am the biter bit
The cobbler going barefoot
The dog given a new collar
Nothing either to declare
To authorities, I can't take any more
I am an exhausted horse
That is led to the visitors' lobby
I have nothing to declare, too bad
I didn't understand anything to mankind
I am an exhausted animal
Limping along, let me go
I have nothing to declare
Local events, news items
The Times, The Guardian
Ask somebody else
I have nothing to declare
I did not want anything, asked for nothing
I am not, I've never been
Neither maker, nor made-up

Blue silts

Because you care so much about people
You grit your teeth, you keep head up
Maps, marbles and pencils are the centre of your world
You use them with clenched fist like a bomb
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts
You fall asleep with your hair as a helmet
On your body a shirt, in your heart a wound
Prisoner with his feet caught in the flow
Packed or empty suitcase at low tide
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts
Men, animals and women are at war
And the sea recedes
Lifes lost in iron waves
And the sea recedes
You forget to empty your glass
And the sea recedes
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
You walk sideways like a crab
And the sea recedes
Farewell blue silts, dragging feet
Shifting sands, happy sands
Wind sands of blue silts

The black magpie

Gather the fruits of your orchard
Let the black magpie fly away
Bring water, place them
On a chair and eat them
Gather flowers from your garden
Leave the corridors, the smokes
What's wrong with the whole world
This morning?
A man with a long face
In a city, has given up
Motionless, he speaks about mankind
Lets the black suit fall at his feet
Summer is there, the sun is hot
Under the shady arbor
What's wrong with the whole world
This morning?
Keep away from the city, forgotten
Gather the fruits of your orchard
And when the snow will have snowed
Let the black magpie fly away
What's wrong with the whole world
This morning?

A strange man

He is a strange man
Nothing disturbs him
When he sleeps he dreams
He lives within a bottle
He is a strange man
He never eats
Behaves like a celery branch
But beware if you laugh
The man in his grey suit
Hates any kind of joke
And those making fun of him
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
But how could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
He is a straw man
You put him on a rail
And you push him along
The railroad
That leads to the battlefield
A strange man
Was swept away on Sunday
By an avalanche
Of white paper sheets
Covered with invoices
He takes his car
Drives to the countryside
Where everything is green
At dazzling speed
He flies away towards the blue trees
In the sky above him
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
How could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
A straw man
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
How could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
He is an embittered man
Was born under grape-shots
How could you think
His shirt may fit him
He often had to switch sizes
And fought so many so many
So many so many battles
A straw man
A straw man

Winter trysts

Where did the autumn trysts go
And the daylight.. Rain, and shivering children
Where did the autumn trysts go
Secrets, morning frosts, and deserted gardens
People are reaching out
Tree trunks are cracking
And you, you break bricks
You don't care about the garden
Your hands are bloody
You dream of America
Some days you would like
To exchange secrets
To tell each other stories
To send makeshift boats
Float away on lakes
In evening gardens
Where did the winter trysts go
And the cold... The child blowing in his hands?
Where did the autumn trysts go
The frozen fences, the lakes, the snowy moons?
Some days you can't take any more
But the nightmare goes on
Your heart keeps pounding
The smokes, the fogs
And old men's hands
Caressing children
You remember the pathways
The horse chestnut-trees
The bandstands
High up in the sky
You watch birds
Flying to America
Where did the autumn trysts go
And the wind...
Where did the autumn trysts go
And the wind?
People are reaching out
Tree trunks are cracking
And you, you break bricks
You don't care about the garden
Your hands are bloody
You dream of America
Some days you can't take any more
But the nightmare goes on
Your heart beats too fast
High up in the sky
You watch birds
Flying to America
People are reaching out
Tree trunks are cracking
And you, you break bricks
You don't care about the garden
Your hands are bloody
You dream of America
Flying to America
Some days you can't take any more
But the nightmare goes on
Your heart beats too fast
High up in the sky
You watch birds
Flying to America

A bird has landed

A bird has landed
It was holding in its beak
A kind of folded paper
A messenger that knew nothing
Of the place you have left
Or of the fever and the cold
It had never known anything worse
It had never known anything as strange
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget
A bird has landed
It was holding in its beak
In the sudden cold in which men are born
It was a wren I believe
It was shivering in the storm
It had travelled from the limbo of bygone days
It told me perhaps you would come back
To look at me through its eyes
It had never known anything as strange
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget
Lke a paper will fold or unfold
A bird has landed
With a shiver just as you used to have
In the sudden chill that bites you
In the sudden chill
It had never known anything as strange
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget
Like a paper will fold
Of women they love and forget
Like a paper will fold
As the fate of men
Of women they love and forget

Dragostea, îţi poate schimba viaţa ...

rămân necunoscute
În inima secretă,
nu cunoaşte uşile.
e tot ce primesc
În inima ranită,
nu se vede sufletul.
Nu voi întelege niciodată
Dragostea, îţi poate schimba viaţa,
Ţi-o poate schimba, dragostea.
TU, mă îmbrăţişezi cu ambele mâini
După ce le-ai înfăşurat în mănuşi
În fiecare noapte descopăr,
Această dragoste, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Hoinari acum,
Suntem hoinari, acum
Ca și oceanul,
precum niște bucăți de lemn.
Necunoscuţi, aşa
Împinşi de fluxurile apei
spre fiecare ţărm,
cu valurile care se rostogolesc
Străini pe fiecare mal
De fiecare dată când plec
Păstrezi o parte din mine alături de tine.
Dragostea, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Ţi-o poate schimba, dragostea.
TU, mă îmbrăţişezi cu ambele mâini
După ce le-ai înfăşurat în mănuşi
În fiecare noapte descopăr,
Această dragoste, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Toate zilele mele de mâine,
Nesfârşitele mele nopţi,
Într-un nesfârşit, zboară
De la ceea ce simt în suflet.
Nu pot fugi
Nu pot să mă ascund
Nu contează cât încerc,
Nu contează cât încerc.
Dragostea, îți poate schimba viața
Ţi-o poate schimba, dragostea.
TU, mă îmbrăţişezi cu ambele mâini
După ce le-ai înfăşurat în mănuşi
În fiecare noapte descopăr,
Această dragoste, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Dragostea, îți poate schimba viața,
Viaţa poate să ţi-o schimbe dragostea.
Dana Kósa

The valley of peace

Facing the wide plains
He walked a long time
Perhaps did he see
Your radiant mask
Sun and firmament
Impose their law
As a specter back from
The valley of peace
The valley of irresolution
He walked with bare head
He kept walking
Facing the wide plains
Where the worst is yet to come
The best is behind
In the coming dawn
On the valley of thirst
Teepees as totems
Radiant masks
In the valley of sorrow
Where darkness extends its finger
He walked in spite of all
He walked a long time
When twilights come back
He knows what to expect
In the Valley of peace
The riders come forward
Cloud into which he disappeared
Hopeless powder (?) what you know
Let them come, let them go
Those who lost their love
Valley of tears, valley of milk
Where valet (?) only may stay
Any kind of slum
Where the plant was able to grow
Where the fruit has ripened
The roots spread
Volcano craters
He paid his debt
Sand in his eyes
Climbing down peaks
Facing the wide plains
Of human misery
Each muscle tensed up
And bleeding eardrum
In spite of his own pain
He was able to obtain
From the stars guiding us
That the valley remains desert
In the valley of peace
The riders come forward
Let them come, let them go
Those who lost their love
Valley of tears, valley of milk
Where valet (?) only may stay
Any kind of slum
Where the plant was able to grow
Where the fruit has ripened
The roots spread
In the valley of peace
Horses kiss each other
Where grass never dies out
When the riders go by
In the valley of peace
Where horses kiss each other
Where grass never dies out
When the riders go by
Where horses
Where horses
Where horses kiss each other
Where horses kiss each other
Where horses
Where horses ...