Rezultatele căutării
Număr de rezultate: 8
I'm in search of Shangri-la
In a night of neon and the smell of thin beer
There's a folding screen of rice paper standing there
The world is what someone actually wants to see
In a jungle of concrete you almost can't feel love
Who can live without love?
I'm in search of Shangri-la
Who can live without love?
I'm in search of Shangri-la
Yes, just live by feel
Your days are aimless
Until tomorrow's over again
Along every block of flats
I see a bamboo rope
Life without love
I'm in search of Shangri-la
Yes, just live by feel
Your dreams are aimless
Until tomorrow's over again
I'm in search of Shangri-la
I'm in search of Shangri-la
I'm in search of Shangri-la
Dragostea, îţi poate schimba viaţa ...
rămân necunoscute
În inima secretă,
nu cunoaşte uşile.
e tot ce primesc
În inima ranită,
nu se vede sufletul.
Nu voi întelege niciodată
Dragostea, îţi poate schimba viaţa,
Ţi-o poate schimba, dragostea.
TU, mă îmbrăţişezi cu ambele mâini
După ce le-ai înfăşurat în mănuşi
În fiecare noapte descopăr,
Această dragoste, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Hoinari acum,
Suntem hoinari, acum
Ca și oceanul,
precum niște bucăți de lemn.
Necunoscuţi, aşa
Împinşi de fluxurile apei
spre fiecare ţărm,
cu valurile care se rostogolesc
Străini pe fiecare mal
De fiecare dată când plec
Păstrezi o parte din mine alături de tine.
Dragostea, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Ţi-o poate schimba, dragostea.
TU, mă îmbrăţişezi cu ambele mâini
După ce le-ai înfăşurat în mănuşi
În fiecare noapte descopăr,
Această dragoste, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Toate zilele mele de mâine,
Nesfârşitele mele nopţi,
Într-un nesfârşit, zboară
De la ceea ce simt în suflet.
Nu pot fugi
Nu pot să mă ascund
Nu contează cât încerc,
Nu contează cât încerc.
Dragostea, îți poate schimba viața
Ţi-o poate schimba, dragostea.
TU, mă îmbrăţişezi cu ambele mâini
După ce le-ai înfăşurat în mănuşi
În fiecare noapte descopăr,
Această dragoste, îţi poate schimba viaţa.
Dragostea, îți poate schimba viața,
Viaţa poate să ţi-o schimbe dragostea.
Dana Kósa
24 hours in love
I don't even know it myself, but, oh, it feels so good
When you laugh, my heart skips a beat
My thoughts are full of you, to the brim
I don't sleep anymore because I keep myself up
When I sleep all I dream of is you
Oh, it's a fairy tale and that's isn't wrong
Even though it seems my heart has been hypnotized
Oh, I'm in love with you 24 hours a day
Oh, in love with you 24 hours a day
I'm drawn to you, like a magnet
I don't know what I should do
Is this it, tell me please...
If you feel this, are you truly in love?
Stay With Me
Suddenly a square, suddenly a bar
Suddenly some wine, suddenly (I'm) confused
Suddenly you, sitting next to me
Ah, suddenly you, who I worship so
For me, these are the most beautiful hours.
This can't last long enough for me
Saying nothing, (we're) just looking at each other
Yeah, this is truly what I want to succumb to
I'd give all time for this
You don't know me, yet you belong in my life
Maybe it's a lot I want
Only for you, I'm willing to waste my time
Stay with me
It'd be too good if you asked me this now
Don't leave
No, I will never get tired of you
Stay with me
It'd be too good if you asked me this now
Don't leave
No, I will never get tired of you
I don't even know your name, yet you're with me
I'm now rhyming a poem for you
And everyday I spent waiting for you
You cause me sleepless nights
Don't know anything to sya
or to explain
I close my eyes
and meet you
Stay with me
It'd be too good if you asked me this now
Don't leave
No, I will never get tired of you
Stay with me
It'd be too good if you asked me this now
Don't leave
No, I will never get tired of you
For me, these are the most beautiful hours.
This can't last long enough for me
Saying nothing, (we're) just looking at each other
Yeah, this is truly what I want to succumb to
I'd give all time for this
You don't know me, yet you belong in my life
Maybe it's a lot I want
Only for you, I'm willing to waste my time
Stay with me
It'd be too good if you asked me this now
Don't leave
No, I will never get tired of you
Stay with me
It'd be too good if you asked me this now
Don't leave
No, I will never get tired of you
For me, these are the most beautiful hours.
This can't last long enough for me
Saying nothing, (we're) just looking at each other
Yeah, this is truly what I want to succumb to
I'd give all time for this
You don't know me, yet you belong in my life
Maybe it's a lot I want
Only for you, I'm willing to waste my time
Stay with me
Stay with me
Don't leave
Don't leave
Stay with me
Stay with me
Don't leave
Don't leave
It's not over yet
If you think it's over
I don't like him anymore
I don't want to believe him
But I hear it from my voice
So it can not be anything
And he's going to get along with it
There is suddenly a doubt
As he said when saying goodbye
It's not over yet
Remain with me
There can be only one
And you are the one
It's not over yet
Remain with me
There can be only one
And you are the one
Who can forecast you
What you can lose
But you hear yourself now saying
I don't love you anymore
One last kiss, what tears
You have to go now
And he is already at the front door
But you hope that he stays
You are the one
I Toast to You
He asked if we could still be friends
I don't really know, but it doesn't feel like a loss
'Cause I can't describe my wealth
I'm on my way back home
On my way to you, my friend and to my home
Every day somebody's nagging
I'll answer with a smile, 'cause who says I may not
'Cause the evening refreshes the day
After every setback
When I know you wait for me again
Even if everything comes to me
I know I can't lose this
'Cause I toast, toast to you
And even when the world's going down
Fills our glass violence and thunder
Toast, I toast with you
Toast with you
Sentimental is never too much here among friends
I look around me
But oddly to me no one's here
At the bar I see a company old friends
And nearby on a stool, I conquer tears of luck
Even if everything comes to me
I know I can't lose this
'Cause I toast, toast to you
And even when the world's going down
Fills our glass violence and thunder
Toast, I toast with you
And if we see each other sometimes rarely, time will repaid everything
With a toast, when I toast (toast to you)
We can share everything (share)
We declared that to each other with a gesture
Here in the midden of so many (so many)
I say I'm proud, since I know our friendship
Even if everything comes to me
I know I can't lose this
'Cause I toast, toast to you
And even when the world's going down
Fills our glass violence and thunder
Toast, I toast with you
And if we see each other sometimes rarely, time will repaid everything
With a toast, when I toast (toast to you)
TU eşti tot de ce am nevoie în seara asta...
Aud din nou acel cantec
Pe care îl dansam atât de apropiati
Dar acum mă întristează
Un om mai trist decât mine
Nu există
TU nu esti aici să mă îmbrătisezi,
Sunt singur din nou.
TU eşti tot de ce am nevoie în seara asta...
Să te tin în brate până la răsărit
TU esti motivul pentru care trăiesc,
Dar TU nu mă mai iubești.
O melodie perfectă
Aduce înapoi toate amintirile noastre
Trăim în zilele de ieri
Dragostea pe care am împărtășit-o
A plecat
TU nu esti aici să mă îmbrătisezi,
Sunt singur din nou.
TU eşti tot de ce am nevoie în seara asta...
Să te tin în brate până la răsărit
TU esti motivul pentru care trăiesc,
Dar TU nu mă mai iubești.
Traiesc și nu cu atât mai puțin pentru tine, iubito...
TU eşti tot de ce am nevoie în seara asta...
Să te tin în brate până la răsărit
TU esti motivul pentru care trăiesc,
Dar TU nu mă mai iubești.
Dragostea este doar pentru fraieri
Dragostea este doar pentru fraieri,
Un joc al inimii
Când te îndrăgostești
Adopți tactica prostului,
Chiar de la început.
Dragostea este doar pentru fraieri,
Nimic altceva decât un vis
Nu voi mai fi același
Fără tine, dragoste –
Pur și simplu nu pot trăi.
Devenind emotiv din cauza unor lucruri
Pe care noi candva le-am împărtășit,
Care e lucrul cheie în viată
Când pur și simplu nu ne pasă.
EU nu sunt decât un fraier,
Dragostea e, doar o iluzie
Nu voi mai trăi niciodată - niciodată nu voi mai...
Iubi fără tine.
Dragostea este doar pentru fraieri,
Un joc al inimii
Când te îndrăgostești
Adopți tactica prostului, chiar de la început.
Când te îndrăgostești...
Vei afla dragostea.