Rezultatele căutării pagină 8
Număr de rezultate: 379
Rosehips and Heather
My door is never closed
My door is always gladly ajar
For her
My door is never closed
The window is always slightly ajar
So that I can hear her: oooohh….
She caught up and passed by
She caught up and passed by
It's fine
She caught up and passed by
With a staff and a hat, like magic
And it's fine
She came with rosehips and heather
An old feeling that feels young
New and young
She came with rosehips and heather
An old feeling that feels young
Intact and young: oooohh….
The Trophy
The trophy,the trophy
who will kiss my lips?
who will bring me an apple?
who will play with my braided hair
tell me, the trophy
who will bring - and when?
The trophy, your lips will not depart from mine
until you will say to me, the trophy, who will bring and when?
From the path on a summer day
came an old sailor and sang
his bottle empty of wine
he offered it as a gift to me
his bottle empty of wine
it is still there thrown in the valley...
The trophy, your lips...
From foreign lands of Arabs
came a knight on a white horse
i ran down to the path
with garden flowers in my hand
he took a flower from the bouquet
and he gave me a coin
The trophy, your lips...
My windows is opened by the wind
and an infant laughed at me
in his hand he held an apple
and called me to the valley
with hands he raised me
he kissed my lips....
The trophy, your lips...
Angels In Our Lands
Angels in our lands
stroke up the heavenly hymn
and the echo of our mountains
repeats this melodious song:
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Shepherds, come out of your retreats
and join their chorus.
Let your tender bagpipes
ring out the tunes.
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Gloria in excelcis Deo
They announce the birth
of the Holy Saviour of Israel
and, full of gratefulness
sing in a joyous carol:
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Gloria in excelcis Deo
Anticipation of Love
Neither the intimacy of your look,
your brow fair as a feast day,
nor the favor of your body,
still mysterious, reserved, and childlike,
nor what comes to me of your life,
settling in words or silence,
will be so mysterious a gift
as the sight of your sleep, enfolded
in the vigil of my arms.
Virgin again, miraculously,
by the absolving power of sleep,
quiet and luminous
like some happy thing recovered by memory,
you will give me that shore of your life
that you yourself do not own.
Cast up into silence
I shall discern that ultimate beach of your being
and see you for the first time, perhaps,
as God must see you --
the fiction of Time destroyed,
free from love, from me.
Inainte ca visul (sau teama) să ţeasă
mitologii şi cosmogonii,
înainte ca timpul să se transforme-n zile,
marea, marea veşnică, exista deja, era.
Cine este marea? Cine este acea violentă
şi străveche fiinţă care roade pilonii
pământului şi este una singură
şi mai multe mări în acelaşi timp?
Cine-o priveşte o vede pentru prima dată,
mereu. Cu uimirea pe care-o trezesc
lucrurile elementare, frumoasele
seri, luna, focul aprins într-un cămin.
Cine este marea, cine sunt eu? Ziua care va urma
agoniei mi-o va dezvălui.
La notte è una pantera
Ho chiuso la porta e le persiane
Aspettato la caduta del quarto muro
Maturo sotto le coperte della tela
Le galassie e le Bermude
Ricaricare la pagina dove ci siamo ritrovati
La sera della carneficina
I paramedici erano sudati
Ho preparato le piogge dorate del temporale
Una pantera in camera
Davanti alla camera, tu balli
Cosa non farei io per avere l'occasione
Di guadagnarmi un passaporto tra le tue gambe
Una pantera in camera
Davanti alla camera, tu balli
Cosa non farei io per avere l'occasione
Di guadagnarmi un passaporto tra le tue gambe
Hai ricevuto i miei fiori, l'ho notato
Si vedono in quel quadro quali sono i tuoi preferiti
È vero che sono belle le giunchiglie nel mese di maggio
'E si alza il sipario, lo spettacolo sta per iniziare'
Una pantera in camera
Davanti alla camera, tu balli
Cosa non farei io per avere l'occasione
Di guadagnarmi un passaporto tra le tue gambe
Una pantera in camera
Davanti alla camera, tu balli
Cosa non farei io per avere l'occasione
Di guadagnarmi un passaporto tra le tue gambe
Una pantera in camera
Davanti alla camera, tu balli
Cosa non farei io per avere l'occasione
Di guadagnarmi un passaporto tra le tue gambe
Cu această față de străin
sunt doar un om adevărat,
chiar dacă vouă n-o să vă par.
Am ochii limpezi precum marea,
capabili numai de visare,
în timp ce deja nu mai visez.
Jumătate pirat, jumătate artist,
un vagabond, un muzician
care fură aproape cât dăruie.
Cu această gură ce va bea
la fiecare fântână ce-o va vedea,
și poate nicicând nu se va opri.
Cu această față de străin
am străbătut viața mea,
fără să știu unde mă duc.
A fost soarele verii
și mii de femei îndrăgostite
să-mi maturizeze vârsta.
M-am purtat rău în fața lor
și uneori chiar eu am suferit,
dar fără a plânge vreodată.
Și al meu suflet, știi,
în purgatoriu va sfârși,
cu excepția unui miracol de-acum.
Cu această față de străin,
pe o navă abandonată
până la tine am venit.
Acum tu ești prizionera
acestei splendide himere,
acestei iubiri fără vârstă.
Vei fi regină și vei domni.
Lucrurile la care vei visa
au să devină realitate.
Iubirea noastră va dura
o scurtă eternitate,
atâta timp cât moartea nu va veni.
Iubirea noastră va dura
o scurtă eternitate,
atâta timp cât moartea nu va veni.
Waking Up
Daylight leaks in, and sluggishly I surface
from my own dreams into the common dream
and things assume again their proper places
and their accustomed shapes. Into this present
the Past intrudes, in all its dizzying range–
the centuries-old habits of migration
in birds and men, the armies in their legions
all fallen to the sword, and Rome and Carthage.
The trappings of my day also come back:
my voice, my face, my nervousness, my luck.
If only Death, that other waking-up,
would grant me a time free of all memory
of my own name and all that I have been!
If only morning meant oblivion!
Nu vei putea să uiți acest loc
Și iată-mă, față-n față cu ochii tăi, fără să știu
de ce, nici motivul ce ne unește ca în trecut.
Am crezut că iubirea dintre noi doi a murit,
dar azi viața ne demonstrează că am greșit.
Știu numai că acum un an plecarea ta m-a rănit,
că în pieptul meu o altă iubire nu va mai fi,
Și că azi această întâlnire e în plus.
Însă tu nu vei putea să uiți acest loc
niciodată, nici în zilele ce vor urma,
cu durere mă vei vedea de multe ori.
Și eu, în nopțile mele te voi pomeni în rugăciuni,
și când voi săruta altă femeie, o voi minți.
Nu vom putea uita ziua de ieri,
nici tu, nici eu...
Și iată-ne aici pe fiecare dintre noi,
cu povara tăcerii, iubindu-ne fără a vorbi.
Iată-ne, fără să știm ce să facem cu mâinile noastre,
fără să știm ce să facem cu aceste buze
care nu pot să tacă.
Iată-ne aici, și totuși visele noastre
ne așteaptă, fără să știe că la întoarcere, cu rușine,
cu rușine ne vom plânge despărțirea, pentru simpla
lașitate de a ne ascunde adevărul.
Însă tu nu vei putea să uiți acest loc
niciodată, nici în zilele ce vor urma,
cu durere mă vei vedea de multe ori.
Și eu, în nopțile mele te voi pomeni în rugăciuni,
și când voi săruta altă femeie, o voi minți.
Nu vom putea uita ziua de ieri,
nici tu, nici eu.
Nici tu, nici eu...
Nu înțeleg, apelurile tale întârziate cu câteva minute
Nu înțeleg, expresiile pe care mi le trimiți ocazional
Nu înțeleg, pe tine, care eşti mereu într-o dispoziție bună
Nu înțeleg
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Şi vreau să te văd
Chiar dacă trebuie să-mi amân munca
Timpul petrecut cu tine este întotdeauna valoros
Deci, nu crede că sunt ocupat
Nu trebuie să ascund nimic
Dar de ce te comporţi diferit cu mine în fiecare zi?
Prefer să închid ochii în faţa realităţii și să trăiesc într-un vis
De ce ești așa cu iubirea mea nevinovată?
Nu mai pot, din cauza ta, mă comport ca un copil
Te rog, trebuie să te îndepărtezi de mine
Nu cunoști acest sentiment
Da, mă comport ca un copil
Nu înțeleg, apelurile tale întârziate cu câteva minute
Nu înțeleg, expresiile pe care mi le trimiți ocazional
Nu înțeleg, pe tine, care eşti mereu într-o dispoziție bună
Nu înțeleg
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Am întâlnit mulți tipi în afară de tine
Băiete, vreau doar să vorbesc, dar nu-mi place felul în care mă forțezi
Inima mea nu este închisă
Dar tot ești delirant, înțelegând greşit din nou
Ezit din nou încercând să-ţi potrivesc sentimentele
Când inima mea nu este închisă
Chiar și atunci când lucrurile se schimbă, suntem încă în acel loc
Sunt din nou în acel loc
Chiar dacă te privesc
Chiar nu înțeleg
Chiar și atunci când lucrurile se schimbă, suntem încă în acel loc
Sunt din nou în acel loc
Chiar dacă te privesc
Chiar nu înțeleg
Nu înțeleg, apelurile tale întârziate cu câteva minute
Nu înțeleg, expresiile pe care mi le trimiți ocazional
Nu înțeleg, pe tine, care eşti mereu într-o dispoziție bună
Nu înțeleg
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Chiar și felul enervant în care vorbești
Îmi place din nou
Nici unul din noi nu vrem să ne pierdem
În fiecare zi, te iubesc la fel
Nu înțeleg, apelurile tale întârziate cu câteva minute
Nu înțeleg, expresiile pe care mi le trimiți ocazional
Nu înțeleg, pe tine, care eşti mereu într-o dispoziție bună
Nu înțeleg
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Vreau să-ţi cuceresc inima
Dar conversațiile ies din temă
Cicatricele se vindecă
Mă voi grăbi să te prind
Vande Mataram
Versions: #1
Mother, I praise thee!
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
bright with orchard gleams,
Cool with thy winds of delight,
Dark fields waving Mother of might,
Mother free.
Glory of moonlight dreams,
Over thy branches and lordly streams,
Clad in thy blossoming trees,
Mother, giver of ease
Laughing low and sweet!
Mother I kiss thy feet,
Speaker sweet and low!
Mother, to thee I praise thee.
Who hath said thou art weak in thy lands
When the swords flash out in seventy million hands
And seventy million voices roar
Thy dreadful name from shore to shore?
With many strengths who art mighty and stored,
To thee I call Mother and Lord!
Thou who savest, arise and save!
To her I cry who ever her foeman drove
Back from plain and Sea
And shook herself free.
Thou art wisdom, thou art law,
Thou art heart, our soul, our breath
Thou art love divine, the awe
In our hearts that conquers death.
Thine the strength that nerves the arm,
Thine the beauty, thine the charm.
Every image made divine
In our temples is but thine.
Thou art Durga, Lady and Queen,
With her hands that strike and her swords of sheen,
Thou art Lakshmi lotus-throned
And the Muse a hundred-toned,
Pure and perfect without peer,
Mother lend thine ear,
Rich with thy hurrying streams,
Bright with thy orchard gleems,
Dark of hue O candid-fair
In thy soul, with bejeweled hair
And thy glorious smile divine,
Loveliest of all earthly lands,
Showering wealth from well-stored hands!
Mother, mother mine!
Mother sweet, I praise thee,
Mother great and free
Killer Ball
I'll say it again and again
That black thing dancing inside of you
Ah, I hate the face that you make calmly
As if you're trying to hide it
This fictional world where we're manipulated everyday
By all the pointless news
Ah, let's spin around together with the killer ball
On this shitty night
Ran ran ra ran Just as you said
Ran ran ra ran The same as always
Ran ran ra ran Won't you dance with me?
Ran ran ra ran ran ran ra ran
You're just going to lie and cry pointlessly again
And you'll do it again tomorrow just like you did today in this tired world
I realized it just now
While the killer ball is spinning around
If we don't stop dancing
Then no one will get hurt
Ah, I'm so disgusted that it's making me laugh
I went all the way to that girls house at 5 in the morning, tired from dancing
And then you started crying and came right up to me
I hugged you closely and said:
'Are you always like this?'
While you love love love love love me
The more and more and more and more I hate it
While you love love love love love me
The more and more and more and more I hate you
You're just going to lie and cry pointlessly again
And you'll do it again tomorrow just like you did today in this tired world
I realized it just now
While the killer ball is spinning around
If we don't stop dancing
Then no one will get hurt
It will repeat over and over again
With the killer ball sounding its siren
Dance while worrying about how those indifferent fools see you
We'll ran ran ran again tonight
I'll say it again and again
That black thing dancing inside of you
Ah, I hate the face that you make calmly
As if you're trying to hide it
This fictional world where we're manipulated everyday
By all the pointless news
Ah, let's spin around together with the killer ball
On this shitty night
I realized it just now
While the killer ball is spinning around
If we don't stop dancing
Then no one will get hurt
It will repeat over and over again
With the killer ball sounding its siren
Dance while worrying about how those indifferent fools see you
We'll ran ran ran again tonight
When we dig for gold in the USA
Versions: #1
Even though we have run a thousand miles
We will run a thousand more
We hear a voice that's calling
And when we have come all the way home
We start over once again
We hear a voice that's calling
It says, ''We are finally on our way''
It says, ''It's time to leave''
Through air and over seas
To all the girls that we have forsaken
To all of you who believed
In everything we did
Do you want to follow us to the west?
To all of those who crossed the Atlantic
Showed us that you can, the world is watching
All the way from New Delhi to Moscow
When we dig for gold in the USA
So many tried and disappeared
But we have proven that we can
And we have everything to win
Because in each house and apartment
Sits people who knows
That we have everything to win
The girls have flowers in their hair
There all the boys stand lined up
Together we're unstoppable
To all the girls that we have forsaken
To all of you who believed
In everything we did
Do you want to follow us to the west?
To all of those who crossed the Atlantic
Showed us that you can, the world is watching
All the way from New Delhi to Moscow
When we dig for gold in the USA
To all the girls that we have forsaken
To all of you who believed
In everything we did
Do you want to follow us to the west?
To all of those who crossed the Atlantic
Showed us that you can, the world is watching
All the way from New Delhi to Moscow
When we dig for gold in the USA
Shush, sweet baby
Shush, sweet baby
Little calf, in the pit
Dad and mom so far from the house
I can't yell to them
Reputație proastă
La mine-n sat, e lucru știut,
Nu-s deloc bine văzut,
Fie că fac, ori că nu fac
Nu sînt la nimenea pe plac
Și totuși nu fac nimănui vreun rău
Dacă îmi văd de drumul meu
Dar oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Da, oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Toată lumea mă birfeste
'N afar' de surdo-muți, firește
De sărbătoarea națională
Rămîn în pat sub plăpumioară
Fanfara ce mărșăluiește
Pe mine nici că mă privește
Și totuși nu fac nimănui vreun rău
Dacă trompetă nu e pe gustul meu
Dar oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Da, oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Cu degetul de toți sînt arătat
'N afar' de ciungi, e-adevărat
Cînd dau peste vre-un hoț pirlit
De vreun țărănoi urmărit
Întind piciorul, și de ce să mint
Pe țărănoi pe jos mi ți-l întind
Și totuși nu fac nimănui vreun rău cînd
Las să scape un un biet hoț flămînd
Dar oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Dar oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Cu toții sar, toți dau năvală
'N afar' de-ologi, fără-ndoială
Nu tre' să fii vreun Irimie
Că să ghicești ce mi-e scris mie
O funie bună cumva dac'or găși
Mi-or pune-o de gît cît ai clipi
Și totuși nu fac nimănui vreun rău
Dacă Roma nu-i pe drumul meu
Dar oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Da, oamenii serioși cu toții vor
Să calc și eu pe drumul lor
Toți vor să mă vadă spînzurat
'N afar' de orbi, e-adevărat.
French pinns
One morning i got out of House and went to sell Some french pinns.
One morning i got out of House and went to sell Some french pinns.
A girl called me in (and asked me) 'How much pinns do You give for one Turnese'
A girl called me in (and asked me) 'How much pinns do You give for one Turnese
And I, who am a bit vicious immidiatley enterd in the house
' Who wants lovley french pinns, Who wants them?
Who wants lovley french pinns,
Who wants them? '
So i said:' If You give me 3 or 4 kisses I'll give You All of them french pinns.'
So i said: If You give me 3 or 4 kisses I'll give You All of them french pinns.'
Tweaks and kisses don't compromise
And you can fill the country with the pins.
Tweaks and kisses don't compromise
And you can fill the country with the pins.
Listen to me, even in Paradiese a kiss costs 5 Turnese.
'Ah, who desires the excellent safety pins?
Ah, who desires the safety pins, who desires?'
She said: 'My dear, this is a land
Where, if you compromise me, you'll be killed!'
She said: 'My dear, this is a land
Where, if you compromise me, you'll be killed!'
And I answered: 'Have patience, excuse me!
I have a bride and she's in this land'.
And I answered: 'Have patience, excuse me!
I have a bride and she's in this land'.
And her face is like the leaves of rose,
And her lips are like the cherries.
'Ah, who desires the excellent safety pins?
Ah, who desires the safety pins, who desires?'
And let's go back to love
Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
You can see it on your lips,
The birth of a smile,
That is a prelude to forgiveness.
I already did my penance,
Have a little indulgence,
Even though you're right.
Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
There are no more storm clouds,
The sun that warms us,
And melted the ice in our hearts.
And again hand in hand,
Let's go to the far country,
Of dreams of illusion.
Let's forget our anger,
Let's forget our anger,
And let's go back to love.
Because if it's not by your side,
Because if it's not by your side,
Where will i be better?
There are no more storm clouds,
The sun that warms us,
And melted the ice in our hearts.
And again hand in hand,
Let's go to the far country,
Of dreams of illusion.
Laralá Lalaralalalá
Laralalalá Laralalá
Laralá Lalaralalalá
Laralalalá Laralalá
Getting separated from me
Getting separated from me
You have to go far away
Getting separated from me
You have to go far away
It's just a moment of separation
Then you have to come back
My love, your love is always with me
My love, this wait will be for the better
Getting separated from you
I have to go far away
Getting separated from you
I have to go far away
It's just a moment of separation
Then I have to come back
My love, your love is always with me
My love, this wait will be for the better
I'm your beloved
You're my lover
You've come wearing
The headdress of my love
To keep staring at your face
My eyes are unable to stop that
Taking your name
My girlfriends tease me
When it comes to my girlfriends
I want to run away from them
When it comes to my girlfriends
I want to run away from them
It's just a moment of separation
Then I have to come back
My love, your love is always with me
My love, this wait will be for the better
In my dreams
You come everyday
Secretly when you come
You decorate my house
Oh my love
Your guise is very lovely
From the fragrance of your flowers
My house is smelling good
Now from your eyes
I want to steal the kohl
Now from your eyes
I want to steal the kohl
It's just a moment of separation
Then you have to come back
Crazy Train
Blue night, rock and ground
The friends are in a hotel beyond the stars
(There is) nothing to fear
(There is) nothing to conquer
After this train leaves, leaving
The dead rats on the ground
At the market
I want to be,
Where the dreams are at this hotel beyond the stars
(There is) nothing to fear
Now there is nothing to plan when I have found my place on the train
And I am not afraid of the wild rats on the square
My home
It is in vain to continue on this road
The rats does not know how to die on the sidewalk
It is time for you to find the train
And to not be afraid of
The wild rats at home
Your home
I want to be,
Where the dreams are at this hotel beyond the stars
(There is) nothing to fear
Now there is nothing to plan when I have found my place on the train
And I am not afraid of the wild rats in the square
My home
It is in vain to continue on this road
The rats does not know how to die on the sidewalk
It is time for you to find the train
And to not be afraid of
The wild rats at home
Your home
Critical Beauty (예뻐죽겠네)
I was walking and found it on a street
Was is it called? A rose?
There's no choice if you like it
You can have it if you want
You've always liked pink?
I didn't know that
Seeing you holding the rose
You do look good
Don't look at me that way
Stop asking me questions
Where did you learn to smile like that?
It's suddenly hot
I'm burning up
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
What's the point of asking what's obvious?
That's how I feel
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
It's written on your face
Why are you getting uspet?
You're so beautiful
My eyes give shining signs to others
Don't try to feel the difference with others
I don't want you
To join others who seem obvious
Let's just reduce the gap
Between you and me
I feel high
Dive into the sky
As always
I have the pitiful vibe
Every day I live for you
I'll give you everything
When I'm alone with you
Everywhere we go it's Hollywood
Something cumbersome, something shiny
Something strange is inside my pocket
Why don't you
Put it on your finger?
Oh, it fits so perfectly on you
I happen to have
The same thing on my finger
Don't look at me like that
What are you curious about?
How do you make a voice like that?
It's suddenly hot
You drive me crazy
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
What's the point of asking what's obvious?
That's how I feel
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
It's written on your face
Why are you getting uspet?
You're so beautiful
It's Yuto
Burn everything, fire
I lost everything for you
The virus has spread deeply
Like I'm addicted to you
Someone please help me I can't hide this feeling
That's right you suffocate me
Don't look at me that way
Stop asking me questions
Where did you learn to smile like that?
It's suddenly hot
I'm burning up
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
What's the point of asking what's obvious?
That's how I feel
What's the point of saying what's obvious?
It's written on your face
Why are you getting uspet?
You're so beautiful
Marșul lui Sacco și Vanzetti*
De-acum, Nicolas și Bart,
Voi dormiți în adâncul inimilor noastre.
Ați fost singuri în fața morții,
Dar prin ea veți învinge! (x6)
Show your face
[Verse 1]
Don't hide youself just because you think different
Show your face to the whole world, that only knows the standard
You are unique, you don't let prohibit anything
Too often forgotten like benevolence
We can be thrusting together
Avow for respect and diversity
Pack your bags!
Let's create peace!
Cruise the world to make together something, to do music
Belive in yourself and
You are a warrior, you'll stand up, if you fall
The hard work will surely pay off
Cause if your body can't do anymore, your will raises it
If they leave, because you are different
They don't deserve you
Let them stand
Cause there are enough people who love you
And it goes: Hey!
You just have to have the courage
We declutter all drawers
We can give our hand to everyone
Don't let attac us from anything nor anyone
So please be who you are! Stay who you are!
You may be here, who you are
Show your face in the spotlight
Also if it doesn't fit the norm of all doubters
[Verse 2]
We've created so many
Use the time we have for positive thoughts
Clear the head from all negative
Not to bristle oneself of tolerance and openness
We are free, free, do everything you want
With a wide breast out, show them who you are
And let them say you were different
You are proud exactly about that
Let the people think what they want
Cause as long as your heart is in the right place
You and me are like everyone and so is each human equal
Away from pigeonholing
Let us send a postcard to the people that hate us
If they leave, because you are different
They don't deserve you
Let them stand
Cause there are enough people who love you
And it goes: Hey!
You just have to have the courage
We declutter all drawers
We can give our hand to everyone
Don't let attac us from anything nor anyone
So please be who you are! Stay who you are!
You may be here, who you are
Show your face in the spotlight
Also if it doesn't fit the norm of all doubters
If they leave, because you are different
They don't deserve you
Let them stand
Cause there are enough people who love you
And it goes: Hey!
You just have to have the courage
We declutter all drawers
We can give our hand to everyone
Don't let attac us from anything nor anyone
So please be who you are! Stay who you are!
You may be here, who you are
Show your face in the spotlight
Also if it doesn't fit the norm of all doubters
Show your face
Be who you are, stay who you are
In the spotlight, spotlight, spot- spotlight
Also if it doesn't fit the norm of all doubters
Cintec pentru oamenii din Auvergne
Cintecul asta e al tau
Om bun ce fara un cuvint
Mi-ai dat un lemn fara sa-ti cer
Cind in viata-mi era numai ger.
Tu care mi-ai dat de-un foc cind
Toti cei din jur mai cu noroc
Oameni cinstiti si de cuvint
S-au bucurat sa ma vada plecind
Nu era mult, era un lemn
Dar care trupul mi-a incins
Si inca-n suflet sta aprins
La fel cu-n foc pe veci nestins
Om bun atunci cind vei muri,
Si-atunci cind cioclii vor veni
Te-oi insoti cu gindlul meu
La bunul dumnezeu
Cintecul asta e al tau
Taranca, tu, care mi-ai dat
Fara sa-ti cer un biet coltuc
Cind n-aveam nimic sa imbuc
Usa colibei mi-ai deschis cind
Toti cei din jur oameni din sat
Oameni cinstiti si de cuvint
Rideau cind ma vedeau flamind
Nu era mult, o piine doar
Dar care trupul mi-a incins
Si inca-n suflet sta aprins
Ca un ospat de demnitar
Taranca, tu cind vei muri
Si-atunci cind cioclii vor veni
Te-oi insoti cu gindlul meu
La bunul dumnezeu
Cintecul asta e al tau
Strain ce fara un cuvint
Cu jale-n suflet mi-ai zimbit
Cind potera m-a dibuit
Si care n-ai aplaudat cind
Toti cei din jur, oameni din sat
Oameni cinstiti si de cuvint
Rideau cind m-au incatusat
N-a fost prea mult, un zimbet doar
Dar care trupul mi-a incins
Si inca- n suflet sta aprins
Precum un soare-adevarat
Straine, tu cind vei muri
Si-atunci cind cioclii vor veni
Te-oi insoti cu gindlul meu
La bunul dumnezeu
Ashi-Mashi, little Sparrow
Hey Ashi-Mashi little sparrow
Don’t land on our roof
Because rain will come and you will get wet
Because snow will come and you will turn to a snow ball
And fall into a pond of colours
Then who will catch you? Mr Butler
Then who will kill you? Mr Butcher
Then who will cook you? Mr Chef
Then who will eat you? Mr Commander
Cântec de adio
Îți spun adio, și poate
Te iubesc încă.
Nu știu dacă trebuie să te uit,
Dar îți spun adio.
Nu știu dacă m-ai iubit,
Nu știu dacă te-am iubit
Sau poate că ne-am dorit
Prea mult noi doi.
Această dragoste a mea,
Pasională și nebună,
Am plantat-o în sufletul meu,
Ca să te iubesc.
Nu știu dacă te-am iubit mult,
Nu știu dacă te-am iubit puțin,
Dar știu că niciodată
N-am să mai iubesc așa.
Mi-a rămas zâmbetul tău
Gravat în amintirea mea,
Și inima,
Inima îmi spune
Că nu te voi uita.
Dar când am rămas singur,
Când am rămas singur,
Știind că te pierd,
Poate încep să te iubesc
Cum nicicând,
Cum nicicând nu te-am iubit.
Îți spun adio, și poate,
Cu această despărțire,
Cel mai frumos vis al meu
Moare înlăuntrul meu.
Dar îți spun adio
Pentru tot restul vieții,
Chiar dacă toată viața
Mă voi gândi la tine.
Dar îți spun adio
Pentru tot restul vieții,
Pentru tot restul vieții,
Chiar dacă toată viața
Mă voi gândi la tine.
Pruned Oak
Oh oak tree, how they have pruned you.
Now you stand odd and strangely shaped!
You were hacked a hundred times
until you had nothing left but spite and will!
I am like you, so many insults and humiliations
could not shatter my link with life.
And every day I raise my head
beyond countless insults towards new light.
What in me was once gentle, sweet and tender
this world has ridiculed to death.
But my true self cannot be murdered.
I am at peace and reconciled.
I grow new leaves with patience
from branches hacked a hundred times.
In spite of all the pain and sorrow
I'm still in love with this mad, mad world.
The Bison
Mountainous, worn down, indecipherable,
flaming red as an ember that goes out,
it walks burly and slowly in the vague
solitude of its untiring wilderness.
It awakes with its equipped nape.
In this old bull with sleep rage,
I see the Indian men from the West
and the lost men from Altamira.
Then I think that human time, whose
spectral mirror is memory, ignores it.
Time cannot reach it, nor can the history
of its passage, so changeable and futile.
Timeless, numberless and nil
is the first and final bison.
The One in Love
Moons, ivory, instruments, roses,
lamps and the works of Dürer,
the nine numbers and the changing zero,
are things I must pretend to see.
I must pretend that Persépolis and Roma
were long gone, and that a fine arena
measured the luck of the battlement
that the centuries of Iron disrupted.
I must pretend that the weapons and pyre
of the epopee and the heavy seas
eat away the Pillars of the Earth,
and that others exist, yet it's all a lie.
Only you exist. You, my misfortune
and my fortune, who is tireless and pure.
Ballad of the youngest son
On the plain, in the distance, a farm seems
In it's little garden a widow sitting, her face is wet from tears
Her husband, and two of her sons can be seen only in the heaven
She is begging to the youngest, but he wishes the fight
I know son, you want to go, but do not go, please
I lost so many things, please at least you, stay with me
Your father, two of your brothers are resting in the deep,
You are the dearest for me, my most beautiful child
I have to go, my dear mother, this is my only hope,
I have to save my poor, orphan homeland
We will beat the romanians, through shrubberies, forests and fields
We will take back that has been ours for thousand year
I know son, you want to go, but do not go, please
If you go now, you will not come back to me,
You have a nice lover, she has been waiting for you for a long time,
You will see her, dressed in black, on a new funeral
I have to go, my dear mother, this is my only hope,
I have to save my poor, orphan homeland
We will beat the romanians, through shrubberies, forests and fields
We will take back that has been ours for thousand year
You see son, you did not, you did not listen to me,
I have lost everything, only sadness remains,
You died for your beautiful fatherland, you are in the skies now
I am in the graveyard, last time as a mother
The Moon
There is such solitude in that gold.
At night, the moon is not the one
that witnessed the first Adam. The many centuries
of human vigil have embellished it
with ancient sadness. Behold. It's your reflection.
Baruch Spinoza
In golden haze, the West lights up
the window. The frequent manuscript
awaits, already filled with infinity.
Thus God is created in dim light.
A man begets God. He is a jew
with sad eyes and an olive skin.
Time carries him like the river carries
a leaf through the declining water.
He shows no care. The magician perseveres
and carves his God with fine geometry,
and starts from His disease, from nothing.
He still proclaims God's name with His word.
The most prodical love was bestowed to him,
His love, which does not wait to be loved.
Who or who ?!
Who or who .. Tell me who should I take ?!
Do I take the smart guy or the beaut or the rich ?!
Who or who .. Tell me who should I take ?!
Do I take the smart guy or the beaut or the rich ?!
My love is worth them all
My love isn't anyone of them
But he's smart , He's beaut and his love worth millions
Who's worth him .. Tell me who's worth him ?!
There's isn't anyone like him
Who's worth him .. Tell me who's worth him ?!
There's isn't anyone like him