Traduceri de versuri romanesti si engleze

Rezultatele căutării

Număr de rezultate: 48


Mai bine madison

Cu batista uscată
Dacă ma părăsești te salut
La revedere, draga mea, la revedere draga mea
Nu plâng, mă consolez
La revedere draga mea

Still Mine

You are, you are here.
You are
as I thought
still, still, still,
still mine.
You are mine.
I waited for you, you know.
It does not matter to me to know
how many stories you want to stifle.
You might have better than me.
You are too essential to me.
Like water, like air,
I cannot give up on you.
If then, it's you,
you will go away
as I fear
still, still, still,
still away.
You will go away.
I will wait for you.
I give you the time to understand
where a flight can end,
and one night you will return
still mine.
To search for me as now,
to breathe the fire on me now,
as only you can do it.
We still together,
too alike to hate ourselves,
too alone to leave.
I want you to be
still mine.

What Will I Say

What will I say to anyone who will want
to know how big the sea is?
What will I say if you will ask me
for a single proof of my love?
All of my life perhaps
will not be enough for me (will not be enough for me)
to tell you how much I love you
as I would like to.
I know not what I would do to invent, you know,
a new way to love you.
Tell me why you never believe me
if I speak to you with my heart in my hand (my heart in my hand).
All of my life perhaps
will not be enough for me (will not be enough for me)
to tell you how much I love you
as I would like to.
The snow falls down.
What grand silence is already here!
My mouth on yours
that speaks without words
softly, oh softly.
What will I say to anyone who will want
to know how big the sea is?
What will I say if you will ask me
for a single proof of my love?
My life will not be enough for me
to tell you how much, how much I love you.
My life will not be enough
to tell you how much I love you...

Dacă vrei să ieși într-o duminică singură cu mine

Dacă vrei să ieși într-o duminică singură cu mine
Voi conduce mașina Fiat 500 a tatălui meu
Te voi aștepta palpitând și știi de ce
Te voi duce (cu prietenii)
Nu, nu, nu (să dansăm )
Nu, nu, nu (pe plajă)
Dar doar pentru a te săruta pe malul mării
Mare, mare, mare
Spune-le alor tăi că vine Elvira
Împreună cu noi, cu siguranță că au încredere în ea
Dar nu în mine
Apoi după un timp o abandonăm și știi de ce
Te voi duce (cu prietenii)
Nu, nu, nu (să dansăm )
Nu, nu, nu (pe plajă)
Dar doar pentru a te săruta pe malul mării
Mare, mare, mare
Dacă vrei să ieși într-o duminică singură cu mine
Voi conduce mașina Fiat 500 a tatălui meu
Te voi aștepta palpitând și știi de ce
Te voi duce (cu prietenii)
Nu, nu, nu (să dansăm )
Nu, nu, nu (pe plajă)
Dar doar pentru a te săruta pe malul mării
Mare, mare, mare
Spune-le alor tăi că vine Elvira împreună cu noi, cu siguranță că au încredere în ea
Dar nu în mine
Apoi după un timp o abandonăm și știi de ce
Te voi duce (cu prietenii)
Nu, nu, nu (să dansăm )
Nu, nu, nu ( pe plajă)
Dar doar pentru a te săruta pe malul mării
Mare, mare, mare
Mare, mare
Dacă vrei să ieși într-o duminică singură, singură cu mine
Da, voi conduce mașina Fiat 500
Aceea roșie a tatălui meu, da

Nu mai vreau să mă îndrăgostesc

Nu mai vreau să mă îndrăgostesc,
vreau să trăiesc
și de dragoste ce va fi va fi
Dacă cea pe care o credeam un înger
mi-a distrus toate visele
în cine să mă mai încred în dragoste din această noapte încolo.
Și nu te vei astepta să rămân
încă lângă tine
de tine eu voi uita
și o voi lua de la capăt
nu voi plânge deloc
deloc tristețe
chiar dacă o voi întâlni
nu vreau
să mă îndrăgostesc
nu vreau să mă mai îndrăgostesc
nu vreau să mă mai îndrăgostesc
Iartă-mă dacă poți
dacă vei vedea o alta lângă mine
ei nu-i voi mai da
o firimitură din mine în plus
Nu plânge pentru mine
eu mă voi distra
ce va fi va fi
Nu vreau să mă îndrăgostesc
nu vreau să mă mai îndrăgostesc

Cum te mai pot iubi

Cum te mai pot iubi
chiar dacă te-am iertat
ochii vor rămâne deschiși
acolo blocați în trecut
Eu aș vrea, aș vrea, aș vrea
dar cum să fac dacă nu ești
apa este frumoasă și transparentă
dacă nu iese din torent
E dificil de acceptat
dar e imposibil de uitat
eu fără tine sau eu fără mine
Eu poate nu pot să te iubesc
chiar fiind îndrăgostit
nici nu pot să te judec
chiar dacă m-ai judecat
Eu aș vrea, aș vrea, aș vrea
dar cum să fac dacă nu ești
când digul s-a rupt
rămâne un fluviu fără pat
Dacă te privesc mi-e rău
dacă te părăsesc e mereu la fel
eu fără tine sau eu fără mine
Cum te mai pot iubi
în fața ochilor am un văl
orașul e ras de la sol
ce rost are acel zgîrie-nori
Am o mare dorință să te îmbrățișez
când vreau să te îndepărtez
eu fără tine sau eu fără mine
Cum te mai pot iubi
chiar dacă te-am iertat
ochii vor rămâne deschiși
acolo blocați în trecut
Cum să fac să te mai iubesc
poate e doar o minciună
este dorința de a muri
pentru a fi din nou a mea.

Prietena mea stie

Iubesc doar o femeie
și nu caut alta
dulce așa cum e ea cunosc una singură
dintre multe din lume
doar ea
gândește ca mine
dragostea e frumoasă doar când este
Și dacă nu este mai bine e să se spună adio pentru totdeauna decât să suferi în tăcere
stând alături de cine nu te mai iubește
Prietena mea știe,
că dacă ar trebui să se termine
un alt bărbat va găsi.
Prietena mea știe,
că dacă ar trebui să se termine
un alt bărbat va găsi,
prietena mea știe că dacă ar trebui să se termine
o altă femeie va fi,
mă iubește din ce în ce mai mult pentru că așa e sigură că nu mă va pierde
de aceea stau cu ea
stau cu ea
Cine, pentru a nu se pierde în lume
se ține de mână
și cine s-a pierdut se întoarce pentru a-și cere iertare,
Locul lui și-l va regăsi dar adevărata iubire nu,
dragostea e frumoasă doar când este
și dacă nu este mai bine e să se spună adio pentru totdeauna decât să suferi în tăcere
stând alături de cine nu te mai iubește
Prietena mea știe că dacă ar trebui să se termine un alt bărbat va găsi,
prietena mea știe că dacă ar trebui să se termine o altă femeie va fi,
mă iubește din ce în ce mai mult pentru că așa e sigură că nu mă va pierde
de aceea stau cu ea,
Eu stau cu ea (×5)


Când lumea doarme
cobor afară,
Pulover pe umeri în noaptea albastră.
În inimă o chitară,
în minte lucruri ciudate,
și pe al meu chip un pic de naivitate.
vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate.
De unii singuri nu se poate trăi, fără iubire nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.
Picioarele merg singure ... ah ah ah
Strada pare un fluviu
cine știe unde va merge.
Nici măcar tu copilă nu poți opri fuga mea,
în ochii tăi nu e sinceritate.
vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate.
De unii singuri nu se poate trăi, fără iubire nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez
vreun sfânt mă va călăuzi.
Mi-am vândut pantofii pentru o milă de libertate.
De unii singuri nu se poate trăi,
fără iubire nu voi muri.
Vagabond, visez, delirez.

Frumoasă doamnă

Bate mereu noaptea la orice oră
Apoi intră în casă sigură
Se așează la marginea patului
Nu mai vrea să plece
Apoi se dezbracă la pielea goală
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
Vorbește-mi despre tine că nu mi-e teamă
Vorbește-mi despre tine, despre numeroșii tăi amanți
Despre numeroșii tăi amanți
Am văzut-o în spatele oglinzii și în această dimineață
Da, stătea acolo șezând
Eu mă bărbieream și ea imi ținea companie
Apoi n-am mai văzut-o
Am plecat doar pentru un minut
Mă voi întoarce, pentru că am băut
Vei veni să mă cauți
nu se caută durerea
Dar inima îmi bate
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
De marea ta neagră în noaptea întunecoasă
Eu te găsesc frumoasă, nu mă sperii
Doamna singurătate, doamna singurătate.
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
Vorbește-mi despre tine că nu mi-e teamă
Du-mă cu tine în tăcerile tale
Du-mă cu tine în apartamentele tale
Am plecat să te caut
În întunericul discotecilor
Sau la prânz la malul mării
In soarele plajelor aglomerate
Am plecat doar pentru un minut
Mă voi întoarce, pentru că am băut
Vei veni să mă cauți, nu se caută durerea
Dar inima îmi bate
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
De marea ta neagră în noaptea întunecoasă
Eu te găsesc frumoasă, nu mă sperii
Doamna singurătate, doamna singurătate
Vorbește-mi despre tine, frumoasă doamnă
Vorbește-mi despre tine că nu mi-e teamă
Vorbește-mi despre tine, de tăcerile tale
Vorbește-mi despre tine...

Crazy Heart

A crazy heart that still follows you
and day and night thinks only of you.
And I can never make him understand
that you love someone else and not me.
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on,
that still believes you think of me.
He is not convinced that you left—
that you left me and will not return.
Tell him the truth—(tell him the truth)—the truth.
And perhaps he will understand—(perhaps understand)—will understand
because you never before told the truth.
A crazy heart that loves you
and forgives you for everything you do.
But sooner or later you know that he will heal,
and you will lose him—thus you will lose him.
Tell him the truth—(tell him the truth)—the truth.
And perhaps he will understand—(perhaps understand)—will understand
because you never before told the truth.
A crazy heart that loves you
and forgives you for everything you do.
But sooner or later you know that he will heal,
and you will lose him—thus you will lose him.
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on.
(latch on)
A crazy heart that loves you.
(loves you)
A crazy heart, crazy to latch on.
(latch on)
A crazy heart that loves you.
(loves you)

Go To Work

I remember I was still a kid,
but I was already working like a man.
This was my song:
Certainly the earth takes effort,
ever more, always more
Certainly the earth is like a woman,
every season, the skirt changes.
Yellow in summer—
ripe wheat.
Red in autumn—
fermented wine.
It is olive green
when winter comes.
In spring, it dresses itself.
I go to work,
but tonight what do you do?
A woman who has it?
La la la la la la la
I go to work,
but where does my heart go?
Look for a flower that does not have it—
and if it is a rose, let it pick me.
Summer came and I caught the rose.
Long live the bridegroom! Long live the bride!
The more the nights pass, the more I am in love—
but when it is day, I work twice as much—
work in the sun,
work in the wind,
we leave at dawn,
we return at sunset—
but under the moon and the clear sky,
I lay on the hay—with you darling.
I go to work,
but, if I were born a king,
I would party with you
la la la la la la la la
I go to work—
I am worn out but so what?
At night, she doesn't know it.
la la la la la la la
I go to work,
but, if I were born a king,
I would party with you.
la la la la la la la la
I go to work,
outside it's cold, but so what?
There is someone who will keep me warm.

Ave Maria

Ave Maria! Virgin of heaven—
Queen of gratitude and pious mother—
who always answers the fervent prayer.
Do not refuse this, my broken heart.
Give respite to its sorrow!
My lost soul appeals to you—
and, full of hope, prostrates itself at your feet.
It invokes you and waits for you to give it
the peace that only you can give.
Ave Maria!

Tenderly, Anne Marie

Anne Marie, tonight you are with me
and the past already no longer exists—
images that now
no longer remain for us.
Tenderly, tonight I will dream
about my new life together with you—
but now, love, no,
tell me nothing more.
It is enough for me to imagine the words you will say.
And how,
like the first time, you know,
I do not ask you what we are about anymore.
It is enough to just have you here.
But kiss me on the eyes
and tell me good night
so that I can dream.
Anne Marie, tonight I will dream
about my new life together with you—
but now love, no,
tell me nothing more.
It is enough for me to imagine the words you will say.
It is enough for me just to have you here.
If I close my eyes, touched by your kisses,
I no longer want to think—
I want to fall asleep.
Tenderly, love.
Anne Marie, love.

On My Knees for You

Versions: #2
I want for myself your caresses—
yes, I love you more than my life!
I will come back to you on my knees.
Your other lover is
no one and nothing to me.
Now I know that
I have made a mistake with you.
I will come back to you on my knees—
and I will kiss your hands, love.
In your eyes
that have cried for me,
I will search
for forgiveness from you—
and I will kiss your hand, love.
I want for myself your caresses.
Yes, I love you more than my life.
I want for myself your caresses.

A Girl Named Mary Rose

I was speeding on a motorcycle on a Monday.
The cold wind ripped into me.
In every street, she was there.
She flagged me down and I stopped.
My lights reflected in her eyes
and her hair was the color of yellow wheat.
(Her hair was the color of yellow wheat.)
She was dressed in colorful clothes.
In the meadows together, we picked flowers.
(In the meadows together, we picked flowers.)
A girl named Mary Rose—
grass and wheat—
hair blowing loose in the wind.
With my eyes closed, I think of her
and I no longer forget—I don't know.
Now I know that we die alone.
How love hurts!
Mary Rose, how it hurts!
The setting sun, the sky fades,
the cold ride back to return.
Distant lights of the city.
Mary Rose, where will she be?
The motorcycle still warm in the garage.
Without eating, I throw myself in bed.
(Immediately I throw myself in bed.)
In the dark I see her colorful clothes.
In the meadows together, we picked flowers.
(In the meadows together, we picked flowers.)
A girl named Mary Rose—
grass and wheat—
hair blowing loose in the wind.
With my eyes closed, I think of her
and I no longer forget—I don't know.
Now I know that we die alone.
How love hurts!
Mary Rose, how it hurts!
With my eyes closed, I think of you,
Mary Rose!
To forget— I don't know.
Now I know that we die alone.
How love hurts!
How it hurts, Mary Rose!

You Who Took My Heart

You who took my heart—
you will be my only love.
No, I will not forget you—
I will live for you—
I will dream of you.
You or no one ever again.
Now, for me,
you are like the sun.
Being far from you
is to die of love
because you are the one who stole my heart.
I see you among the roses.
I tell you so many things.
If a gentle wind caresses you,
a scent of youth
makes me shiver.
At night, I tremble in my dreams for you.
What enchantment in my heart—
in your heart—
as your eyes open on your golden pupils.
You who took my heart—
you will be my only love.
No, I won't forget you—
I will live for you—
I will dream.
You or no one ever again.
Now, for me,
you are like the sun.
Being far from you
is to die of love
because you are the one who stole my heart.

Take You to the Sea

Get out and jump into traffic—
look at the people who compete
to be the first to pull away from the traffic lights—
and then stand in line at an ATM because—
that's life.
Then a miracle at lunch break—
an angel is at one of the tables—
you eat your toast in the corner,
then you raise your eyes and smile at me—
yes, right at me.
Look at me—
I am here for you.
I pick you up and then take you to the sea.
We lie in the sun all day long there
without needing to think about anything—
a little levity at times makes life better.
We need to live—
to love but without thinking
like the children who play
and pay no attention to the time—me and you.
Yes, I mean you!
I rush home and
run away with you.
I pick you up and then take you to the sea.
We lie in the sun all day long there
without needing to think about anything—
searching for beauty sometimes makes life better.
There are long days when I feel gloomy
If I look to the future, I cannot smile.
Then when the sun returns and the fog lifts,
I want to get out of the city.
I pick you up and then take you to the sea.
We lie in the sun all day long there
without needing to think about anything—
a little levity at times makes life better.
I pick you up and then take you to the sea.
We lie in the sun all day long there
without needing to think about anything—
at times a caress—
it's just a day with you—
with you—
with you—
with you.

It Is Evening

But when it is evening,
we are still here—
the two of us—we alone and the sea.
It is just the two of us
a stone's throw from the sea
when it has ended—
a long day—
and we meet
happier than ever—
than ever—
than ever.
Why do not we see each other
even for an instant all day long?
But when it is evening,
you are here with me—
embracing with me—
on the warm sand—
clasped to me, to me.
It is just the two of us
a stone's throw from the sea
while the moon
rises for us
and we love each other,
happier than ever—
than ever—
than ever.
And we feel that it is worth it
to stay far away.
If when it is evening,
we are still here—
the two of us—we alone and the sea—
the two of us alone with the sea.

One in a Thousand

If you are on the ground, never crawl.
If they tell you: 'you're finished'—do not believe it.
You can only count on yourself.
One in a thousand makes it—
but how hard the climb is—
life is at stake.
The past can
never return the same—
perhaps better, why not, what do you know?
You never believed in me
but you might change your mind.
Life is like the tide
that takes you into shore or out on the high seas
as the moon rises.
I never cheated nor bluffed
and this evening I laid my soul bare.
I lost everything but I found myself again.
One in a thousand makes it—
but how hard the climb is—
life is at stake.
You have no idea how heavy it is—
this pop music.
You fall in love and live but you can die by the time the evening comes.
I might have a voice—
but not to shout for help.
You never even heard me.
I kept my secret.
You are deaf and I was dumb.
If you are on the ground, never crawl.
If they tell you: 'you're finished'—do not believe it.
Until the closing bell rings, keep going.
One in a thousand makes it—
but how hard the climb is—
life is at stake.
One in a thousand makes it—
but you will have to change your mind.
Life is like the tide.
One in a thousand makes it.

Let Me Buy You a Drink

Come, let me buy you a drink—
come, this is the last time
that we are together and talking about ourselves—
after that, it will be what it will be.
I drink and it seems to me poison.
I speak, but I don't know what I am saying.
I see that you have emptied your glass—
Now you will get up and go away.
I wish now that I said it was a joke
but I feel that you are no longer here.
Come, let me buy you a drink—
come, this is the last time
that we are together and talking about ourselves—
after that, it will end as you wish.
Come, let me buy you a drink—
come, this is the last time
that we are together and talking about ourselves—
after that, it will end as you wish—
after that, it will end as you wish—
after that, it will end as you wish.


Princess, princess—
there is woe in your face.
You are sick with sadness.
Everyone wonders why.
In your emerald eyes,
the smile is almost extinguished.
The dawn of each new day
makes your face grow more pale.
Princess, princess—
I know what your malady is.
Only with love
can you drive it away.
All you need do is run in the grass
and see that there
is a boy in love
who will give his heart to you.
Princess, do not recall
how your heart was beating
when I taught you the game of love.
Caresses, words—
they made you go mad—
you have come back many times at nightfall.
Princess. princess—
there is joy in your face.
You healed so quickly.
You healed more than me.
But why lower your eyes
to respond to my bow
when you come into the fields
with your neighbor, the prince.